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Joined: 12 Apr 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 May 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 330 / In This Archive: 282
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: a jak myslicie?

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15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Just an interesting little sidenote. During the second world war, Smolensk was a Luftwaffe airfield. In 1943, Hitler was visiting the airbase and Col. Tresckow had a bomb smuggled onto Hitler's aircraft, set to detonate while it was in the air. Unfortunately the bomb failed to detonate due to the cold temperature in the cargo hold.

Yeah, Smolensk--Russian death trap.
Any INTELLIGENT comments on this video?

How many times are you going to post the same video?


Ignorant commenters, save yourselves the effort--save effort for hoisting vodka shots.

Side note: Russians are known for the obsession with symbolic messages that spell vengeance. Like Litvinenko, for example, and polonium--message likely was: "Experience what Katyn was like, you basta*d." What more cruelly ironic message for Poland than this?
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Oh, back to this lame-brained argument, are we?
Of course, because no proof is needed. After all, dead men can't talk. How convenient.

gave up on fuel dumping eh?

I did more digging, and you're right--no fuel dump system. Fair enough. At least I admit it, unlike others here who will still spew forth that Kaczynksi was the master of his own demise, when CLEARLY he was not, and now revert back to the pilot being at fault. Like hamsters on a treadmill.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You sound like child.

You sound like you're for the investigation to be at the whim of Russia. Typical, coming from you.

Interfax news agency quoted what it said was a source close to the investigation commission saying the pilots did not seem to have been under pressure from Kaczynski.

"So far there is no evidence that any of the high-ranking passengers demanded that the pilots land at Smolensk. The voice recorder, whose decoding has been completed, did not register any pressure on the crew from their conversation," it said.


The story of Kaczynski ordering the plane to land is ********. But I already knew that because I'm not blinded by state-sponsored propaganda.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

"That probe is moving fairly quickly, aviation experts said, but some Poles have complained about a lack of public information, including the transcript of conversation in the cockpit before the accident.

Jerzy Artymiak, spokesman for Polish military prosecutors, said one of three black boxes found will be brought to Poland later Thursday for analysis, while the other two continue to be examined in Russia.

Investigators had hoped to disclose contents of the flight recordings on Thursday, but Artymiak said they now plan to wait until after the weekend memorial ceremonies. There will be a state funeral for all the victims Saturday in Warsaw, and a separate funeral and burial of the presidential couple on Sunday in Krakow."

That probe is moving fairly quickly, aviation experts said, but some Poles have complained about a lack of public information, including the transcript of conversation in the cockpit before the accident.

Jerzy Artymiak, spokesman for Polish military prosecutors, said one of three black boxes found will be brought to Poland later Thursday for analysis, while the other two continue to be examined in Russia.

Investigators had hoped to disclose contents of the flight recordings on Thursday, but Artymiak said they now plan to wait until after the weekend memorial ceremonies. There will be a state funeral for all the victims Saturday in Warsaw, and a separate funeral and burial of the presidential couple on Sunday in Krakow.

1. Investigation moving rapidly according to experts. So why barely a word in the news from the Polish side? Notice who's doing all the talking. Media manipulation.

2. Complaints on Polish side of lack of information. Who would have thought? *sarcasm*
3. Russians handing over black boxes to Polish officials at their leisure and convenience. Russia first, Poland gets leftovers. Who cares if it was a Polish-owned plane. Russia is boss.

4. All black boxes have been in the possession of the Russians. How "open" and "transparent" of them!
5. Contents of flight recordings now will not be disclosed until after the weekend, not Thursday as had been announced earlier. Apparently, Russia needs an extension to complete doctoring to their satisfaction, maneuvering behind Polish grief as an excuse.

These facts speak for themselves--is anybody listening?
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I heard that the cameras of Polish journalists were taken away.

I also heard Polish officials were initially barred and even physically restrained from getting access to the crash site. There should be an international investigation at this point. The Polish government is being stalled and manipulated, giving the Russians plenty of time to doctor the data as they wish, with ex-KGB master at the helm. Poland is in the EU--they should call on the EU to start an inquiry. ASAP.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You know what I find so repugnant among many on this forum? Their blind zeal to so willingly throw the victims under the proverbial bus. First, by blaming Kaczynski for forced landing (with no proof whatsoever and witness accounts that refute that i.e. fuel dumping), then, when that got old and worn out, by blaming an experienced pilot like he's some two-cent amateur off the street, meanwhile blindly gulping down the convenient version of an old foe. Doesn't say much about your guys' intellect or common sense but, rather, lack thereof.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Yes I did look on the data sheet. The PDF file I posted shows a variety of Tups, the second photo isn't a 154, I don't think. Why would witnesses testify that they saw it dumping fuel if it didn't? Isn't witness testimony more valid than what propaganda would have you believe? After all, what the he'll do witnesses have to gain? WAKE UP. You want to prove how smart you all are--go to an aviation museum--I have one in my city--or research avionics at a library.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

It is well known that Tupolevs are gas guzzlers, therefore aviation specifications REQUIRE that they be equipped with a fuel dumping system; precisely because they have a high fuel capacity. Their gas guzzling is one of the main reasons they were being phased out. Come on, people, this isn't rocket science. I have been on 2 commercial flights myself in which a fuel dump took place and outlet ports on the wings is where the fuel is ejected. What more proof do you need? This isn't rocket science. Well, actually, it appears that for some here it is...

15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Exactly. Here are links for what fuel dump looks like:

And here is another link of simulated Tu-154 training flight showing these "nozzles", one on each side of wing. Tupolevs vary with how many nozzles they actually have, according to their fuel capacity. The greater the fuel capacity the more nozzles, for quicker dumping.

15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Message #718 from Tender Cat.
Reads (translated): there is no emergency dumping of fuel on Tu-154 of all modifications.

Amateurs on forums are no experts, and the photo in the link I posted clearly shows the system at rear of wings. Go back to sleep. You don't have a clue.

Where at? There are quite a few photos there. I don't see any with a nozzle for dumping fuel.

Very first photo on the first page. Left wing. See the objects on the wing that resemble "nozzles", for lack of a better word? It's the white slanted down part with the 3 parts extending out. Those are the discharge ports.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You can ask Yandex the request "emergency fuel dump", and you'll get tens of links to the aviation discussions which confirm the fact the Tu-134 and Tu-154 are not equipped with on-air fuel dump system.

If that was true, you would give the direct link--and not to some half-baked website, either. The link I gave you CLEARLY shows fuel dumping jets at rear of wings. But obviously you are blind old man.

Jed, what are you...Russian National propaganda artist? Nevermind...the answer is obvious. You must s**t a lot from eating all that crap, and excess goes to your brain.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You are so full of s**t! If you fly them you would know they have fuel dumping system!!
All you do is negate and negate, and when confronted with irrefutable evidence your only recourse is more squealing. Typical ignoramuses. Putin's perfect pupil's...

What a waste of empty space...
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

The 737 doesn't have a problem landing with full fuel, neither does the Tu.

737 was designed for shorter flights with decreased fuel capacity. Fuel dumping capacity not required.


can you find on the Tu where the fuel is supposed to come out?

It is jettisoned out from rear of wings. You can see it in this photo: plane-spotter.com/JanKertzscher/Tu154.pdf

Majority of aircraft with increased fuel capacity have fuel dumping capability, for safety reasons--trust me.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You should just think of the fact that the video must have been taken after the fog is gone.

LOOK closely at the boy's video--he shot it when Tu-154 was flying overhead. Do you not know what Tu-154 even looks like? Well, I do--I've seen a few of them close up. That is EXACTLY Tu-154.

Next argument...?
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

From several sources I know that Tu-154 is not able to dump fuel

Give me your sources, please.

(captain) kpt. pil. Arkadiusz PROTASIUK - total time: 3528h (on Tu-154M - 2937h)

Do you have any idea how much time that actually is? 147 days of non-stop flight! More than 6 months of 24 hour flying, with 83% comprising Tu-154 exclusively. Imagine being on a one-way non-stop flight for 6 months straight--get the picture? You are defeating your own arguments. This guy knew damn well what he was doing and was damn good at it. Next silly argument, please...

Please read this:

"Scent of Shale Gas Hangs Over Katyn"

"Poles wary of Nord Stream pact"

"Nord Stream Ensures Unrestricted Access to Polish Ports"
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Reality 101: the Tu-154 doesn't have the ability to dump fuel

Yes it does!! Boeing 737 & 757 do not. You are confusing the two. Find me one article that states Tupolev 154 cannot dump fuel. Please! And I will shut up forever. Just make sure it's a from a credible source, not from some alternate-universe dubious "Matrix" source.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You can consider anything under the sun and mostly hit a dead end, but it always comes back full circle to 2. That's what's so damn peculiar.

it kills the very purpose of the conspiracy theory (emotional venting). The best we can do is probably ignore their posts and don't try to argue with every nonsense they write.

In case you got lost, check the title of this thread...
15 Apr 2010
News / Who will be the next President of Poland? [51]

The Russians and Germans are joining forcing to against Poland, and Tusk is the guy they support and that's why they murdered the president of Poland and other officials so that Tusk can control the whole goverment and allow the Russians and Germans to share Poland again, probably the Jews are involved too.

Am I right, Ola?? :-)

Now THAT's a lame-brain conspiracy theory...Germans and Jews have nothing to gain so much as others. Look to where the balance of power tilts--ALWAYS with the violent demise of many politicians, you have to consider means, motive, opportunity. Look at who has the most to gain, and the rest is eliminated--only 2 gain greatly.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

On the other hand, a majority of Polish people also realize that in the absence of credible evidence (which has certainly not yet surfaced) there's no reason to assume any particular grand conspiracy

Yes, but notice how what Russia earlier claimed as facts are slowly being refuted? Examples:
1) Great fog--the fog of all fogs! Greatly exaggerated. See this video:...
2) Rapid dismissal of technical failure (according to witness accounts, plane was circling and dumping fuel--not repeatedly attempting to land. Only one attempt to land that ended in catastrophe. Aviation 101: dump fuel as last resort when you have no other choice to prevent explosion on impact). Testimony of aviation experts is that those claims were made much too prematurely. Reconstructing the events leading up to this and thorough examination of plane components take MONTHS).

If you knew me, you'd know I'm the last who buys into conspiracy theories. I live by the laws of logic and common sense. If it looks bad, smells bad, and many people stand to benefit greatly, you would be stupid not to consider all sides, especially considering the highly suspect information that was so prematurely put forth.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Olga certainly doesn't speak for all of us reasonable Poles, Anton

I've been called many things in my lifetime, but never naive and gullible. You're blind to anything other than what Russian reports are feeding you, and refusing to consider anything else than this version is a betrayal to your fallen countrymen. Any time a tragedy of this magnitude occurs, I would hope people are capable of thinking critically and not like sheep. Especially when the motives for something like this were MANY and the consequences so great. Because of this, the political landscape is turned on its head and many people benefit as a result.
15 Apr 2010
News / Kaczynski to be buried at Wawel ?! [289]

Don't mean to intrude on your intimate conversations, Filios and convex, but Kaczynski did die a martyr to the cause of bringing Katyn to light. There are more important things for Poles to be fighting over right now other than where he gets buried. This is a petty distraction from the real issues at hand, namely investigation and getting to the bottom of this--no stone unturned.