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Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
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23 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

Unfortunately no :(

Many thanks a.k., that was a great competition/puzzle.
23 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

a) lubię tob) podoba mi sięone of the above is wrong and would be never used by a native speaker, which one and why? ;)

I would say "Lubię to" to the bungee jumping and I would say "Podoba mi się twój krawat" if I liked your tie.

The why escapes me:

All guesses and speculation in bold by me:
At a guess Podoba mi się is used when something appeals to you, you admire it etc., it is an aesthetic thing.
Lubię is used when you like something or someone, Biernik and that it is biernik is part of the explanation why you use one and not the other.

19 Mar 2012
Language / I am struggling how to determine which case to use in Polish, can anybody help? [12]

As far as I know some verbs use certain cases:
Interesować się always takes instrumental.
Uczyć się always takes dopełniacz.

Certain prepositions also use certain cases but sometimes they can be a choice of 2 cases(there could be more choices but I haven't got this far) depending on what you want to say.

Czy tylko ja mam problem co kupić dziecku pod choinkę,macie jakies ciekawe pomysły na prezent dla 3latki? Here the bold part means for Christmas, use accusative.

JEDNA rzecz, którą chciałbyś/chciałabyś zobaczyć pod choinką? Here the bold part means literally under the Christmas tree, Pod in this case takes instrumental.

There are many things on the internet but you really need a book like Hurra Po Polsku 1 or some other book and a teacher.

Both examples copied from the internet :-)
19 Mar 2012
Language / Mam silnego kaca! Why is this genitive/dopełniacz? [34]

You can also add "iPhone" and "email" !

Super dzięki.

Przy okazji - wydaje nam się, czy ta dziewczyna ma zeza?

To be honest I still don't get it, I don't understand the gramatical reason.

Mam kota. Kot is a living thing and it is a masculine noun, even if the cat itself is feminine, I still use: Mam kota.

Pomysł, not a living thing.
Mam pomysł.

Zez is not a living thing.
Mam zeza. If I was to follow the pomysł example it should be Mam zez.

ona ma zeza?

I found Mila Kunis pic when searching for zez etc.
19 Mar 2012
Po polsku / Czy wiecie co powiedziała? [10]


Myślę że masz rację ale nie jestem pewny bo ona mowi bardzo szybko.

Bardzo dziękuję za pomoc.
19 Mar 2012
Po polsku / Czy wiecie co powiedziała? [10]

Katarzyna Kępka

Kasia: Dobrze zbudowany facet, Dobra ok. Charakter?
Gość: No, miły, musi być zabawny, dużo mówić, to wszystko sumie
Kasia: A ty jesteś ęgasteratliwy czy raczej nie?
Gość: Zależy, jaki mam humor.
Kasia: A dzisiaj?
Gość: No całkiem dobry
Kasia: Dobra, to proszę bardzo możesz jeszcze opowiadać. Co robisz w życiu? Czym się zajmujesz?

Co to może być?
18 Mar 2012
Language / Mam silnego kaca! Why is this genitive/dopełniacz? [34]

it's just that genetive and accusative are the same for some nouns - all virile masculine nouns and a whole group of other masculine nouns (but only in singular - among them are all masculine living things (the gender of noun matters not the actual gender))

Thanks Gumishu.
15 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

how are your studies going?

Slowly to be honest but I do read a bit on the internet and check what the words mean like AK, later I come across them again and sometimes they stick in my mind. Speaking is a big problem for me.

Recently I have begun to like this site, there is usually a short piece of news that interests me. Usually the trams have some problem.

When I was looking up what atak padaczki means I found this video, I only understand some words but I understand what it is about because of the context etc.

Best of luck with your learning and don't give up hope, you are a lot better than you realise.
15 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

Yes PF is addictive, this is a problem for me now because I spend more time on PF than actually learning Polish :-(

You are a smart person, quit PF and learn Polish :-)

Don't worry about the grammar, learn a little at a time and eventually you will know enough of it to have no serious problems.
15 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

feeling really disheartened.. i know wiedziec and umiec. znac? sto procent jestem glupia.! ide spac, bo jestem glupia.

I often feel the same when I don't know something, which is often but it is the wrong way to think.

Don't be so hard on yourself, learning Polish isn't going to be easy, you are able to speak which is a huge deal, everyday you are adding more to what you already know and are getting better.

Chin up.
14 Mar 2012
Language / Polish language grammar books [59]

This meant you could really focus on grammar and do grammar drills. It's really hard to understand and practice the grammar without the help of a tutor.

Did you learn any new ways to learn? Any new techniques/methods? Teachers have different methods or bad ones have no method. I am asking for the impossible I think, there is probably only a few ways to learn stuff and everyone knows them already, hard word, repititon, practice etc. and in the case of languages speaking.
14 Mar 2012
Language / "żółwik" - the same word?? [55]

Polish verbs would be the best example, there are many Polish verbs but sometimes only one corresponding English verb:


I know him.
Znam go.

It know how to do it.
Umiem to robić.

I know about...........
Wiem o............

Sorry for any mistakes. :-)
14 Mar 2012
Language / Polish language grammar books [59]

treat yourself to a course in Polska

Hi Kieron,

Did you do a course in Poland? Where? What school? Did they teach you any great way to learn Polish easier?

14 Mar 2012
Language / Polish language grammar books [59]

POLISH AN ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR by dana bielec. has anyone read this? is it any good?

Hi Pam, I haven't read this book or bought it.

I think that Hurra Po Polsku 1 is the way to go for me.

The grammar is laid out in a way that should help you learn.
I think that the book is well laid out, for example the first case that you learn to use is accusative, I am not sure if this is because it is easier than the others or because it is needed before learning other things etc. but one this does lead to another, thought has gone into the layout of the book, what comes first etc.

It isn't a grammar book, it has a bit of everything that is needed to learn the language.
It is in Polish but you may know enough to manage or you could get a teacher to do lessons with you using this book.
9 Mar 2012
Travel / Tell me all about Krakow! [42]

And to answer your question... that all depends how long you want to spend in Kraków :)

I definitely can't say there is nothing to do now.

For eating:

Thanks so much ladykangaroo, I will definitely check out some of these when I go back again. I can't check them all out because I would simply triple in size :-( otherwise I would.

The link to the T shirts was nice, I would buy one of the T shirts with a print of kosciół mariacki, the other prints were very nice also.

That was such a great post that I would like to give you a thumbs up for it but I can't because this feature isn't availeable.

Thanks again.