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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Jan 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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16 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Democracy has never been about solely the will of the majority.

if it's not the will of majority then it's the will of minority simple as that - ergo minorities rule in your democracy - how is it democracy actually then?

there is equality in the majority rule - everyone has equally one vote
13 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

The 'closed' nature of the legal profession is unfortunately something that goes with the territory and is a necessary evil.

yes - you put it well - it's evil - I don't agree it is necessary - codex laws can be done away with instead jugdes can pass just verdicts and many many people are able to see which verdicts are just and which are not
13 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

This kind of overnight sacking of judges is unheard of in a democracy.

the true democracy is the rule of the people - and people should be able to elect their judges - or dismiss them at their will - the previous system was not doing that at all - especially when it comes to appointing or firing of judges - the current case is not a case of pure democracy but a representative one - much better in my view than the previous system
13 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

That is not the case at all.

I looked up how judges are appointed and promoted in Germany the other day (I am talking about judges in regular courts that are administered by the Bundeslands) - and their system is much less democratical than ours - to put it shortly the justice ministers of Bundeslands appoint and promote judges - and nobody screams bloody murder in the EU - so how is not comparable to the current proposals in Poland?

Well anybody who fails to be 'loyal'

one can live abroad for various reasons and still be loyal to Poland - are you unloyal to Ireland because you live in Poland Atch - comm'on - you can do better than that
13 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

"some elements of the reform have a striking resemblance to the institutions

some elements of the reform bear a striking resemblance to the German judiciary system - I think these can be the same as the Venice Commission has in mind - by the way they are a bit vague just like yourself often, Atch - btw fvck the Venice Commission
12 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Unlike you I have been paying income tax for 27 years. Plenty of it too, sorry to say.

you are still not a citizen and are not allowed to vote in the national elections contrary to Dirk, you can shout all you want - especially in your poor Polish
11 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

I find it really astonishing that people don't seem to see where this is heading.

I know where this is heading actually - we are going to conquer Europe, Russia and then the whole world - it's pretty obvious isn't it ?

Then Ziobro's persecution of Dariusz Dudek is PiS on a micro scale?

I don't know the case of Mr Dudek, but if it is as onerous as you claim it to be where are other instances of such behaviour of PiS, to give you a backdrop there have been numerous corruption and similar scandals with PO or allies in main roles, so comm'on please do match it with the wrongdoings of PiS
1 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Bahrain is the highest at 21 apparently, while the lowest is Saudi Arabia,

isn't strange that Bahrain and Saudi Arabia are in the same cultural group and are almost neighbours
1 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Oh, I agree Dom! Anyone who send texts, aka SMS on such topics, by my very defintion, becomes a pervert, since this is publically acting upon a private fantasy!

I have heard nothing about you stalking anybody Lyzko especially from the first hand - even if I did I would much prefer to offer you advice than to judge you
1 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Sorry, Lyzko, but there is something deeply troubling about that.

It's easy to judge, much more difficult to direct the person to a way out of their perceived disorder Dominic - it's true that sometimes the ways are beyond belief and acceptance of the person in question as it is true that sometimes people choose to ignore your advice because they believe they are perfectly all right even when your advice is not outlandish at all
1 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

don't worry Lyzko - when I was younger I had really perverted dreams and imagination - it's a complicated story but I sort of grew past it (or more elloquently transcended it)
30 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

never happened.

hahahah - written history doesn't matter - those idiot historians simply confabulated - and no Indoeuropean languages spread has nothing to do with movement of people - people just started using Indo-european languages because they somehow stopped liking their previous languages appart from those stubborn Basques - and the Anglo-Saxon inavasion of Britain? no never happened - the Celts have just acquired a taste for Germanic language an culture and imported it - probably they watched a lot of Viking films on the TV :)
30 Nov 2017
News / Eggs in Poland paying for the 550+ [8]

you are a voice of reason in this widespread histeria around

I read somewhere that demand for butter rose in the US more than 5 per cent recently and was prognosed to rise by 8 per cent in 2017 - add to it the growth in demand for butter in China and you have the reasons of worldwide butter prices' hikes

Purely a UK situation,

it's definitely not purely a UK situation
30 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

But as far as I know there's no solid evidence the people were either proto- Germanic or proto-Slavic.

they were probably neither proto-Germanic nor proto-Slavic - the term used by Germans for Slavs ( a misnomer btw) was Wended (Vends) which is very similar to Veneti known from Roman and Greek sources - it most probably retains the name of the people who inhabited the area of Poland before Germanic tribes - Slavs entered Poland after it was emptied of most Germanic inhabitants in the times of Great Migrations
30 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

On the other hand, genetic assesments seem to strongly suggest that contemporary Poles have been living on the territory of the present-day Poland for a period stretching far back beyond the 6th century AD.

it may mean actually that people of similar genetic make-up to current Poles (and the original Slavs) inhabited the land

appart from "pustka osadnicza" - there is also the issue of toponomastic - most river names in Poland don't mean a thing in Polish or Slavic - it's pretty obvious that Slavs were newcomers here at some point - and archeology makes it more precise

and no I was not taught that Biskupin was not a Slavic settlement in school - quite the contrary - I just can gather information that points to late coming of Slavs to Poland - it is your choice if you want to deny it Ironside
30 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Would you care to provide a source for your claim and briefly summarise the evidence on which the theory in question is based?

kaprys a lot of data (historical, linguistic even archeological) point to the late arrival (about 6th century C.E.) of Slavs to what is now Poland (and not only Poland) - plenty of Polish and other Slavic scientists (I would risk saying an overwhelming majority) support that view

that Biskupin was a Slavic settlement was sure a much welcome theory among educated Poles but it doesn't hold water in the light of later findings

by saying this I am not supporting Jan34 aka classic view that Slavs have no capability of ruling themselves - that's just plain racism
20 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

All those sources tell us much but not enough to talk about anything with much a certainty.

Ironside linguistic tells us a lot of things - like for example the names of the rivers in Poland - most of these names don't mean a thing in Slavic (not to mention Polish) - ergo they are an earlier linguistic substratum - there are also ancient historical sources even if not very precise - there is also the archealogy that supports late arrival of Slavs to what is now Poland - that Hitlers propaganda used the argument that archeology supports that these were lands inahbited by Germanics doesn't make the argument invalid - also of what DNA markers are you talking about - there are some markers that are shared by a big proportion of Slavic and north Indian populations for example - does it prove Hindus were Slavs?
18 Nov 2017
Australia / Leave Poland to utilize Australian Permanent Resident visa? [6]

its a permanent resident visa which allows me and my wife along with kids to work and live in Australia permanently :)

oh I see - can't give you an advice to be honest - I know nothing about the job market in Australia - but judging from your English you would cope there

maybe do what Dominic says - it definitely depends on how much savings you have - I think applying for a job in Australia already now wouldn't hurt even if you don't quit your current job right away

it definitely is a good move career-wise to move to Australia and also Australia offers better future (including better education) for your children
17 Nov 2017
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

If I were a Polish national and a supporter of EU membership I would be inclined to think.....

what is democracy Atch - the rule of lawyers or the rule of the people - it turns out people support PiS at the moment (over 40 per cent support in recent polls)

have you heard of the pathologies in the Polish judiciary Atch - I guess you haven't
17 Nov 2017
News / Poland's political crisis deepens [228]

he problem in my view is that all of this will take forever and in the meantime PIS are going on their merry way doing a great deal of damage.

yeah great deal of damage - econonomic growth over 4 per cent - over 20 billion more in VAT taxes - the budget deficit probably 30 billion lower than planned - yes, indeed that's a great deal of damage - and not to mention that millions of previously poor families eventually can properly feed and clothe their children and some can even send them for a short vacation at the seaside - great deal of damage, I say
16 Nov 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

It's against all of our interests as EU members - and that includes the nation of Poland - to have an EU filled with divisions, open conflict and in-fighting.

oh yeah - so we need to submit to Germany's diktat - no divisions you know - we should abandon coal because Germany says so - we can't subsidy shipyards because the EU says so while France and Germany can (if you never seen a double standard here you got it) - we should show solidarity to Germany with taking refugees while Germany shows no solidarity to Poland with the building of both NordStreams - and we should avoid divisions like pest - it's in our interests to be united under Germany's diktat

and I told you not te be vague about what Irish interests have been threatened with the Polish-EU/German conflict (and you still were vague)
16 Nov 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

Atch so if we don't obey Germany's diktat we destabilise the union, huh? I don't want this stability if it comes at this price. By the way I haven't seen businesses being cancelled because of your perceived 'destabilisation' of the union. So what interests of Ireland are undermined, please divulge - and don't be vague, please.
16 Nov 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

What PiS likes is the idea of foreigners pumping condition-free money into Poland, which is why they keep bringing up reparations.

yeah sure - Britain and France were beggars too cause they demanded reparations from Germany after the first World War - to the point that Germany only stopped paying those reparations to France a couple of years ago - also France is very keen to have a finance minister for the eurozone mostly to have it's budget deficit covered by German surpluses to which FDP leaders said recently 'no way' - and guess what PiS is at peace with the fact that the next EU budget will not have substantial subsidies for Poland because it was all expected long before (at the singing of the last budget already)

anyway as I said - this whole EU thing is rife with double standards
16 Nov 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]

and I was talking about the appointment of regular judges when I said the German system is similar to the Polish one (actually the appointment of new judges according to the proposition from July was supposed to be made by the National Judiciary Council (KRS) and not directly by any government official like in Germany and the KRS was meant to be staffed by a mix of representatives including those elected by the parliament with 2/3 majority - so the system of appointment of judges proposed by PiS is much more democratic then the one present in Germany