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International Political Parties (Poland and EU) [14]
I'm not sure what you mean!
I'll explain.
But why should the polish green party for example be active in Germany or the german green party in Poland???
Let me give you an example; A German party in Berlin wants Polish workers to fill the vacancies. A Polish party in Kraków wants German workers. Today, these two parties do not know what the other party is doing locally, simply because they don't communicate on that level. (Do you know about the twin town concept?) Each town should have a twin town they can deal with. The government doesn't have to intervene with these dealings, but they can still oversee the whole picture.
If the Polish and German parties would team up, if they would become one party, and perhaps even exhange some personnel, they may know that Berlin needs 3000 Polish workers, and that Kraków needs 3000 German workers. (There are jobless people in Germany aswell, no?) That way, they can inform themselves properly, and even exchange personnel without flooding eachother's markets, and request the kind of personnel they really need, instead of what's happening now, with all these free-lancing agencies, because nobody honestly knows who's working where anymore! Just look at all these articles about immigration, and you'll see that even the newspapers have to guess and estimate how many immigrant workers they have in their countries, because no one really knows the exact figures.
So that's what I mean with regulated immigration and communication/co-operation on a local scale. Healthier for everyone. Local political parties have access to files, know who's jobless and who isn't. The governments only check up annually..
Local parties should get involved with people frequently. It might seem like a lot of work, but it only takes a few persons extra in the office, and if they do what they're supposed to do, then we will see a dramatic change in the unemployment rates everywhere. Better for everyone, right or left.
The European parliament is like the parliaments in the the member states...hence similiar alliances are being made...lefties against righties etc.
Yes, and what exactly are they doing to become effective on a local scale? Nothing. Nada. Just because you're bickering in Brussels doesn't mean you're actually helping anyone. Alright, you might change a few rules, and change a few rights, but I'm afraid that's all they're doing in Brussels. We need local job offices with registered people instead of all these free-lancing agencies working behind eachother's backs, and proper communication between local parties.
You don't need to invent the wheel again! ;)
I'm not talking about a wheel. I'm talking about a racing car. We need to do something to make our system run faster, and the only way how we could achieve this, is to co-operate locally.
When you harbor socialist ideals then you have a party for that already too:
I harbour all kinds of ideals. I'm all for practical solutions. Some of my vieuws would be left, and some of my vieuws would be right, and a few ideas I have may seem a bit radical at first, but I can assure you that no one will come to harm. What we need to do is make people co-operate, instead of working individually. This means the agencies I was talking about earlier don't necessarily have to be shut down, but that they should melt into one big job office, and simply change their activities. So we don't have to re-invent the wheel at all, we only have to sing a different tune. I could probably explain it better, but I'm sure you get the idea?
I'll attempt to explain it in my 'ideal' scenario.
I would like to see job offices with registered people (Qualification, marital status, age, gender, along with the motivation to work abroad yes or no.) I would like these job offices to communicate with other job offices. (Phone, internet, etc!) I would like to see complexes with affordable appartments for temporary foreign workers everywhere, so that they won't flood the housing market all at once. (We already have a few 'Polish villages' in Holland so I'm sure this whole concept isn't too new, or too strange for certain people.) These people could later decide if they want to stay in the new country yes or no, and move into a house of their choice once they obtained a contract. (Perhaps a small school in these complexes will help to teach them the language of the country they're in, only for those people who consider staying.) This way, you can regulate everything from A to Z, and exchange people and work in a fair and honest way, without exploiting anyone, without flooding eachother's markets through rogue agencies and anomymous immigrants.
If we would interact locally, we could make such changes happen, and probably fix the whole unemployment issue, probably halt crime rates, and ofcourse this will generate quite a lot office jobs aswell! (Good for teachers aswell!) Bad plan? Good plan? Any suggestions? Ideas? I myself wouldn't mind working abroad for a while and experience something new, if only the chances of actually getting somewhere were fair enough. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the whole plan in Brussels to create one Europe for Europeans? So why not communicate and interact more intensively I wonder?
Interesting side note: To build these kind of complexes, you'll need construction workers and architects. (Which also means more jobs for the local population.)