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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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28 Apr 2011
Life / Expats, are you happy with your life in Poland? [43]

The expats I have met from around the world, the West, the East, the South and the North ... all have mostly been cheerful with praises for Poland.

Poland is a country where the general masses welcome people with open arms of friendship! It is a land where if one works hard enough, and is intelligent enough, can find many interesting opportunities.

Poland is a country where there is a rich history, warm traditions and great intellectual talent which can give shape to a beautiful tomorrow... thus, inevitably, the expats who are sane and knowledgeable, find themselves in a position where they can do nothing but be proud on their good fortune to be in Poland!

Yes, it is true that we have our challenges, we have our problems, we have our trouble makers! But these are the elements which test our resolve, our intelligence, and our approach towards solutions! These are the fire which test gold, and Poland always came out as the PUREST GOLD!

Poland is a country with the most beautiful heard in Europe. Its heart is warm and big, it is accepting, but at the same time it learns from its ever advancing civilization :).

I welcome people of all color, creed, language, race, nation or religion ... those who want to own Poland as their country ... to contribute in its prosperity so that they along with their children can prosper with it!

I find business investors and students to be the most attractive group of expats in my country. They are bright, easily integrate, and have great potential for a better future merging which a great land - Poland!

:) ...
17 Apr 2011
Life / $3,000-$4,000 a month - would we have enough money to live in Poland? [273]

Seems like Poland is treating you good. I hope you enjoy your time and have only good memories. You seem like a smart man with a good head on his shoulders.

Being a foreigner is not so tough in Poland, specially with a Polish partner and a good heart, along with a good brain.

Good luck :) ...
16 Apr 2011
Study / Is Poland a good place to study for Black Africans? [90]

If you want to study its ok ... but if you want to just fool around, eventually you will not be in a good position.

So think about it... give it some thought.

Jobs are scarce ... and you need to afford more than you can spend. Being a student, you are going to be expected to study.

I don't want to discourage you ... but you definitely cannot expect it to be USA.
15 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

You want to have

What? You keep on making personal comments about women of Poland, among those women are my family ... and I am expected not to retaliate? Not to show you truth? ... Well, no matter what, I will say. If you don't want to hear such things, CUT DOWN YOUR CRAP!
14 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]


No ... :) ... because my second comment was probably for someone else, maybe for the parents :) ... but the way, I respect the English women, but this girl coming on and hurling these comments on him and his family is not at all respectable. Its "her only" version. I cannot accept that his parents wanted bad for him :).

I guess ... I guess this boy was not sincere, as it seems he did use her. But this girl is not new to such stuff. As she proudly presents her DEEP EXPERIENCE in the field of her expertise (sex), I think the boy being reckless is still having a mind which knows that having a wife is a long term thing, and such experience might be too much for him or his parents to handle.

... about the bras ... well I guess ... go ahead buy more ... many more will hand on them in future I suppose :).

Lodz the Boat

MIDAS ... ... How does this feel my dear man? Good?

Oh no ... NOO!!! ... the post says that this girl is NOT POLISH!!!! ... Not a girl of my country! ... Still ... so many bras she needs to buy man! .. Midas you must help!... You are the man who makes money ... do something, open a bra shop in which you donate bra to English and Scottish women who got their broken by reckless Polish boys ... that is before they left...

You are a good and concerned man... you help people. This will earn you great blessings :) ... go ahead Midas ... you can do it!
14 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]


I am not dissing her ... but he is fortunate that he will be into something he can sustain perhaps. His family sounds like a good one.

By the way I would like to tell you that families with values do not just say "NO" as an impulse. There must've been a valid reason, and they care for their child. Plus, probably he couldn't show them logic, and hence he also decided to go with them. SIMPLE.

longer relationship

I dunno ... maybe that wouldn't have happened anyways. You know ... Polish men :) ... in your dictionary anything Pole is a... no no!

would have been a waste of Your time.

Thanks to her for saving her time. Thanks alot!

However, please do not make far reaching assumptions about all Polish people based on this

:-o .... unbelievable ... Midas are you OK?

yeah, sure, diss her some more because the guy's family are a bunch of *******.

You dont know them ... neither do you know her. You only got her version, and that too sounded like that of a person too experienced to take as a wife. Thank you. If I said something that didn't sound just "right", consider it an honest opinion which is not meant to please all :)
12 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

I think he already DUMPED her ... lol ... :D ...

But then as she boasts that she is so good and experienced in bed that any man would want her! ... I guess then it should not be a trouble for her ... so many man waiting! ...

I guess that poor Pole will end up getting married to a nice, family oriented Polish girl who will be stupid enough to please his parents and be a support on a reliable base for him :S ... who wants those kinda girls anyways? ... so unfortunate for him :) ... let him rot in that life! ... YOU GO GIRL ... rest of Europe is waiting :) ... don't you spoil you "taste" for this "kid".
11 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

You cannot argue with blind and reckless people who have no background. They dwell with the unpleasant, they imagine the unpleasant, and they meet the unkind.

Southern and Midas, as well as their likes are used to women who are too ambitious and would stray loose. I agree that such women exist from Polish backgrounds, and I have nothing to do with them. However, I have a decent upbringing and a respectable set of friends who I can definitely look at being ideal citizens and human beings.

No use really, it is just that Midas is an unfortunate person. I wish the person he is in relationship with would have better luck.


As for my "choice" in finding a life partner, I think this is insane of someone to relate that to an absence in decent and reliable Polish women. Instead it is just about love. Love doesn't occur through plan or logic ... it is an abstract feeling which just "happens". It was the same in my case, and I am a content man.

All of Midas's arguments revolve around the "loose" and the "cheap". He brings a "Simon Mol" into the equation of Polish women going for a different race. Why? Because simply he wants to look at the whole scenario from one angle and demean a particular group of people. Something specific to a particular kind of people ... sadists.

I respect the Indian and Pakistan people. Specially I had interactions and still maintain interactions with them. I respect the Bangladesh people and have been into that country for my job with ex-employer! I have also been in UK and I have met Irish and Americans. I know that the Indian, Pakistan and Bangladesh women have good reputation in your country Midas ... I will not go in to blame or speculate it into an oppressive culture of theirs (because I personally do not believe it, I think they are reasonably free and their behavior is often their own choice), but I would say that it is a mark of their "way of life" that they are more conservative. Whereas, Poles are not always so conservative specially in a foreign land because our family fabric is not as it used to be. We are turning more westwards, and specially while being in west, some of our people stray in their obligations. They lack a "guiding force" which those communities often are surrounded with (in forms of supportive family structures, which keep an opinion attached to them). However, saying that, still there will be women and men of such backgrounds who will stray. You cannot discount that.

You brought in Simon Mol? A reckless individual who went to bed with women who would also go to bed with you and southern. However, I know some Americans, Irish, Indians and Bangladesh or Kashmir, or Persian men too who married into some of the best, bright and reliable Polish women, live with them in Poland with beautiful babies and a flourishing life. How is it possible that our experiences are so different? - Perhaps because internally we are different kinds of people, and thus our interactions externally are induced and managed differently by our behavior through our attitudes.

You met a racist, I met a human. You met sluts, I men women with purity and simple dreams (among which two of my friends with whom I grew up through young age ... and now they even have babies :D, and are having a best lives :) in which they are content).

Mr. Midas you have no seen or lived in the world where I come from. Yes, we live in the same planet, but our worlds are different. You unfortunately will not know where I come from, and I just cannot relate to the opinions which come from you.

... Last but not the least ... stop blabbering about British women not being in relationships with Eastern men (so called third worlders, which I never symbolize anyone with. Its about my respect...). There are considerably many. It is foolish to think otherwise, because I have myself witnessed it. Perhaps more than Poles. Yes, they have successes and failures, but it depends on which kind of choices they make. I hope they have more success than failures, because this is what should be. Love should not be measured by the differences created by greed, pride, ego and distrust.

Go and be happy with your woman, but try not offend others with your words. I know it will not work for you, because perhaps you have already shaped your personality in that way. Quite simply unfortunate.
10 Apr 2011
Love / Polish traditions and parents (I was dating this Polish guy..) [72]

don't even consider beer an alcoholic beverage to begin with and can consume copious quantities of it without getting drunk.

I consider it as an alcoholic beverage.

His family are a bunch of hardcore traditionalists, who happen to be hypocrites to boot. They won't tell You anything to Your face, but once You're out the door they really start talking. That's regardless of how many times You stayed over for tea and how much You thought his mom adores You.

Its not because they are hypocrites, but because they are polite enough and feel that no matter how inconvenient they thing the matter is, they have no right to insult or hurt someone. They have the right to make a strong opinion in traditional Polish homes, and son's (like I had) welcome and work on their opinion in their favor with logic. If our logic ends, they should either win or we rebel. However, sometimes we prefer not to rebel against those who raised us and know more about and whom I can rely most at any given point in life.

since a visible number of Polish girls aren't exactly marriage material to begin with.

You low down sick moron ... it is YOU who is a hypocrite! What do you think of your women? The loosest of the loose! You have no right to generalize like this you humanoid. Had you been here infront of me I would tell you how Polish men with dignity react when their women (of whom they have mom, sisters, friends as the platonic and respectable way which you must be unaware of) are verbally demeaned by scums like you.

Hey you moron! ... listen up! ... Heard enough of your sick disgusting trash ... its you who have the value to meet up the sluts whether they be Polish or of your own community. There are wonderful Polish women but they will never come across creeps like you who think they know all about the world ... but the only thing they know is their own confined little planet in which they dwell with all the unpleasantness they are created off.

Go die somewhere under some rock you ****.
10 Apr 2011
Feedback / A Personal Request to all PF members [119]

TymoteuszThreads: 6
Posts: 649
Joined: Jul 25, 09

When you put your arguments against someone, why don't you use logic? Otherwise you just prove him right.

my door is open wide.

This one I doubt. Sincerely ... as I know from a friend in USA that this is usually not the case among Americans who have a very busy and individualistic life. However, you have have different arguments, but cannot deny social calculations renowned world wide. You should know this.

Not the government

Then why should USA boast that theirs are the most effective democracy, and that "for the people, by the people, of the people" works at its best in USA? The Government, whenever it does something good (like a charity, aide) becomes yours, but when it did something bad then it was someone separate?

not ridiculous consumerism

Consumerism itself is not someone to be called ridiculous. It is a practice by the people which makes it a potent force, and in the case of USA, Americanism became synonymous with consumerism (you may check sources for that).

chest-beating lookie-loos

I don't know about them.

Everyones country is F-cked-up, mine included.

So you don't want to take anyone responsibility. Is that being responsible as a citizen with right to determine the country's destiny?

Please do not take this as anything personal. I was just curious by your statement, and I have nothing in favor of fuzzywickets or against you. USA is a country with great potential and a great economy. They are the ones who were, are and probably will remain for a considerably period of time the world's most important country due to their diversity and technological strength, which supports their economy and their global influence.

However, I just pointed out what seemed to me as "inconsistencies".

9 Apr 2011
Life / Which cities in Poland have the most expats, and why? [34]

Good explanations Monia.

We really need to stand up for ourselves, as Poles, sometimes.

Yes, it is good to know everyone's views, but Poles have their own stance on a few things. I think our Universities are good enough. It is not so bad that people will just discount is, calling it "silly" or other derogatory names.
9 Apr 2011
Australia / Secret gems (Good places to have a beer) in Melbourne Australia [20]

Ashley, can you tell me something? Is Australia in "Asia" or is it a separate continent?

Is there any logic of Australia (a country) to be named a Continent? New Zealand is not Australia.

As far as I know there are 7 continents:

1. Asia
2. Europe
3. Africa
4. North America
5. South America
6. Antarctica
7. Australia - this one always confuses me.

Australia seem so much naturally a part of Asia. East Timor used to be known as an integral part of the Asian continent till its liberation, and now is a part of the Australian Continent.

You think this is more political/ethnic/religion than actual geographic?
9 Apr 2011
Life / Which cities in Poland have the most expats, and why? [34]

If we look at certain sectors in PL

Yes ofcourse, you very well have your own opinion and I respect this for you! I just included mine to this thread, nothing else :). It is after all about my country (your's too?) and expats I know well from a few nations.

You are correct about those sectors, but then there are students who are potential citizens too. I know some move away to Western Europe, but I know a few who decided to settle in Europe and are doing good here. This land is not as "out of opportunity" as some people would like to make it look like.

Ofcourse, I think you have a valid point that such big sectors must be having expats from the Western World who are surely looking at the benefits of investing in Poland. I think if our government becomes a little more sensible, we can actually have many more such investments, and thus a bigger number of Expats too.

fully qualified doctor

Polish doctors might not be excellent, but they are not unqualified.
9 Apr 2011
Life / Which cities in Poland have the most expats, and why? [34]

( British, Irish, French, Spanish and American)

All these are names of countries with wonderful friends and expats in Poland. However, by "American" do you mean USA? I once had a good experiences of someone reminding me that "America" stands for two continents and many other nations rather than just USA.

Also, there are other nationalities in Poland aswell, you can call them expats too. They range from the Vietnam to the North Europeans, North Africans, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent and Chinese. I had been fortunate to meet a person from Samoa yesterday. He was from the Pacific Samoa (there are two Samoas). A nice man who is interesting in increasing trade with Poland.

Well, as your title suggested "expats in Poland", so I think the range can be much more wider. Poland is definitely gaining wider world's interest :). It is true we are not near as diverse as other European nations, maybe because of our economy? ... but still there are more reasons why people can and do fall in love with Poland :).
9 Apr 2011
Love / Asian living in Poland asks: Valentine's coming, what to send? how to send? help [16]

If you love someone, so many calculations do not actually matter.

I am a Pole married to an Asian (Korean) and I was delighted to make it simple. She and I, both of us wished each other in our own specific ways ... and both were happy. It adds to the flavor of such relationships. In my personal opinion, there is always something new and special to discover, and if you have genuine love and respect for each other, none of your action will really bring any negative consequences.

Just enjoy each others company ... it brings lots of valuable bonuses to a plane and simple life.
8 Apr 2011
Genealogy / Polish person's average height? [210]

Statistically that would lead to "shortening" of the society.

No... not really. I've seen tall parents give short (average) kids, and short parents give taller kids. Its about nutrition and some gene effect from past generations aswell. You cannot really decide these things beforehand.

And no need for the woman to kneel....;)

Umm ... actually it makes the woman look somehow more cuddly :)

I am not saying anything against any height ... just posted a view ... so lets not take it that far.
8 Apr 2011
Genealogy / Polish person's average height? [210]

Well ... in my view...

The taller the man the better :)
The shorter the woman the better :) ...

Easy equation ... lol ...

Average good height = 175 cm for the man; 165 cm for the woman

For man, the more the bonus ... for woman the less the better (not lower than 150 though :D ) ...

Well ... but all these are stereotype crap ... heart doesn't work like that :)
8 Apr 2011
News / Poland gets a little bigger:) [82]

I like the Czech people alot. Have some really nice friends there, they are really a good bunch of people. We Poles have much to learn too from some of their ways ...
4 Apr 2011
USA, Canada / Polish Americans and religion [28]


It depends how you see being "religious". I don't believe that Poles are really religious, infact its just a fashion ... nothing else. The deeply moral attributes of a religious life is missing, it is just about tradition and community activity, nothing else.
3 Apr 2011
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

black people in Wroclaw steal them right from under your nose.

And you know what? Its rare ... I don't know what and how he forms his perspective. If Polish girls really go for foreigners then they are usually arabs or indians of bangladesh or even brazialian, mexican, latin ... something like that. Blacks are there too, but not at the extent to which Jarnowa emphasizes. Infact he seems to be suffering from an overall obsession.
3 Apr 2011
Life / Polish patriotism, what does it mean to you? [46]

it's means not taking criticism well.

Maybe it instead means to clarify on false criticism? To be able to reply on allegations? To tell you the truth ... the real picture. To bring forward another perspective ... in a warm and friendly manner ofcourse.