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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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3 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

I know which church and which ornament there you are talking about but sorry, nope, they are quite different, indeed.

Phew,not making it entirely up then.....would it be the same one that has a bit of Golaith Track built into the wall? Or am I just mixing up loads of different buildings in Warsaw??? :)

:):):):):) Who says such things?

Jim davidson on an LP I owned before I knew any better.....72,72.......

BTW, do you remember the Madonna video for Like a Prayer?
With the Black Jesus? Was that frowned upon in Poland like in some *western * countries or accepted as quite normall? After all, Black mother Mary,Black baby jesus,no brainer grown up jesus is not going to be a Blonde :)
3 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

haha, Im not saying I *liked it* ,the attempted suicide scene,but that film really captured a world I knew well.
The way the attempted suicide was handled,or completly played down as a non event .
Sheffield really is a great city despite them showing the grittier,more run down areas in the movie.
When I was in sales I always loved getting Sheffield,even if customers didnt want anything they were always so friendly :)

No,no,you missed the lesson of the car in the canal.
Its not to keep your distance,its ,well, if they wanted help they'd just ask and you'd be presumed to go out of your way to give it.

I guess in the end its as hard to explain as the bits in the three colours films where my Polish friends just look at my blank face and say *Oh,thats just so Polish/Varsovian * . and I just nod politely :)
3 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Sorry,would love to go to a Church in Hel,just for the Lulz :)

Re the icon....thats a bit retro there Paw',saying you cant see black people if they dont smile...... ;)

PS, Im sticking with Warsaw,the image rings a bell from a guide book buried somewhere in my attic now.....
Im sure its somewhere very near the Old Town,royal palace,sigismund statue area.....
3 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / First proper "Polish" School in the UK - The Next Stage of Ghettoisation [283]

You mean Pansy?

Nope,different meaning Petal.
Dont worry love, outsiders are often surprised at the seemingly homo erotic chit chat between straight males in the North of England :)

If you have seen Full Monty then,that scene where they are stuck on the car in the middle of the canal and ,when a man walks past instead of asking for help they just nod and say hello's,no akward questions from the passer by,just an acceptance that strange things happen.....sums up part of the Yorkshire spirit better than any sociology essay ever could :)

No, *buddy* said in the UK is most often meant in a slightly insulting or provocative way,other wise it just sounds like someone trying to be American.....you know, old people dressed as cowboys.....
3 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Some re built church in Warsaw?

Not to sound disrespectful, but,wow, that 1970s Christian deco really,really sucks.

(like the ikon bit in the middle though.)
3 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Whwn you eliminate the impossible then what is left is the possible.
So, either a frog,lizard or newt but not an amphibian........
Lizard....crazy !
3 Aug 2012
History / Polish perspective of WW1: Germany, their Defeat & the Legend of the Stab in the Back [17]

Sinking of the Lusitania was typical War propaganda at the time but many (just look at this thread) still don't know it occurred 2 years prior.

Nothing anyone posted would back that up mate. I think I mentioned it first,along with saying it was a reason I never bought into.

The interesting aspect regarding WW1 Propaganda is just how much of it was either true then or complete BS but true in the next war....

But, back on track,any Polish people with the sort of family background Ive met seem to have had people on all sides during ww1. It certainly created Poland but is there a certain schizophrenia in remembering the actual war itself? Without the communists revolution chances are a post ww1 Russia would still have been in charge in Poland,and no doubt in charge of the german and austrian parts too.....
3 Aug 2012
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Jeez,is it some sort of lizard, or frog, a newt maybe? Its big whatever it is.
Its not a baby Dinosaur is it? Pawianosaurus Rex?
2 Aug 2012
History / Polish perspective of WW1: Germany, their Defeat & the Legend of the Stab in the Back [17]

If you can't explain Germany's defeat in rational terms

How about a complete naval blockade of germany and near starvation rations on the home front combined with anarchy on the streets and war weariness............stab in the FRONT fella :)

In the UK,school kids get told it was the Sinking of the Lusitania that brought the US into the war. Never really bought that.

Part no doubt was a growing America flexing its muscles on the world stage .
Some knock the US for its late entry in WW1.
Not me, the troops may have only actually fought for a few weeks but they suffered and died none the less and no doubt did add to germanys decision to seek a peace treaty.
1 Aug 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Its just *hair of the dog* over here :) I never knew what that meant but it makes more sense now,sorta :)

"Theres nowt as queer as folk."

ie,people are strange. there is nothing as strange as folk....not helium heeled ;)

" Where there is muck there is brass "
ie, Some of the grubbiest jobs can make good money(brass).
1 Aug 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

haha, you lubber,well, now you know so all is ship shape and Bristol fashion :)
(TBH, I had no idea till a few years ago when I got into the Aubrey and Matuarin novels (Master and Commander) and kind of had to learn phrases to follow what on earth was goin on )


Oh yeah, that one too,either way, kinda reminds me of the old casette tape drive home computers from the 1980s when loading Paper Boy took 15 minutes of screaching and wailing :)
1 Aug 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Dont get me started on Nautical terms P3 :)
Sheets are actually *ropes* securing sails ....but with three flapping ropes dancing around in the wind I see the analogy.

" Is it to early for a drink old chap?"
" Oh no,the sun is well over the Yardarm."
ie,the sun has risen above the line of a horizontal beam the mainsails hang from on a sailing ship .
an alternate reply though is,or rather was,as its now said tongue in cheek, " The sun is always over the yardarm somewhere in the Empire old bean " :)

To *copper bottom * something is harking back to the royal navys secret weapon of literally copper platting the underside of its ships to reduce drag and increase spead.

*Pipe Down* , from the Bosuns last whistled command of the working day, like Taps on a Bugle, ie,lights out and shut up.

Basically, you can spot England was a seafaring nation and the US started as a coast hugging nation from the amount of phrases its passed down via both our versions of English.

Saying that though,oddly.
" There isnt room to swing a cat in here ." is NOT a nautical phrase,it has nothing to do with swinging a Cat o Nine tails whip but has been traced back to medieval times as just a rather odd,probably literal phrase,that there really wouldnt be room to swing a feline cat around :)
1 Aug 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

hahaha, yes, the *mwee* bit was because it sort of slurs from the last letter of a word into the first letter of another......glad its not just me that notices this...seriously,my dog cowers when Polish women are about :)

You know that movie Windtalkers where the USMC uses Navajo speakers to baffle the japs? The Polish Army should always use female radio ops, any enemy listening in gets busted eardrums and has to throw off their headphones like some anti sonar ,sonic warefare device :)

Isthatu2,lol,agreed.Is the term "knocked up" used in reference to pregnancy over in England?

yes, but Grease was very popular,its hard to say when Knocked up came over here.
In the family way?
She has a bun in the oven?
Those are stateside too yes?
1 Aug 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

I added *deely* for the StarGate fans :)
Always makes me smile,reminds me of a lost friend, an American guy that was like a surrogate *dad* to me when I was a teen, taught me Baseball and the phrase Deely :)

I think another lesson of the day is;
If only one word is enough for something in every other language on Earth (apart from Innuit) then 12 is the absolute minimum of words for the same thing in English :)

This risks being insulting,but, in English we use *words* like, err, umm, hmmmm, to punctuate sentences and fill in the space when trying to think what to say next. But, in Polish all I notice is,especially in women because of the ear bleeding pitch,that a rising inflection *mweeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh* seems to do the same job, am I right in thinking this?
31 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Heres one;
When you can't think of the name of something (random mix of English English and US English)

I can't find the, err...deely/wottsit/ wottsitsname/wottsitsface/thingy/thingummybob/thingummyjig/watchamacal lit...........and dozens of regional variations :)

Some can also be used for proper names,ie
Thats that actor from XYZ, whats his name, thingy/whoshisface/whatchamacallhim.......
31 Jul 2012
News / Romney visits Poland: Gets support from Lech Walesa? [29]

Well said that man.
The way its been reported here is as though someone had told the Poles to kiss his arse.......very different slant actualy seeing it...gobby reporters.....
31 Jul 2012
Life / Individualism in Polish culture...Is it almost Nonexistant? [170]

Of course its not universal,there are some people doing tireless charity work in Poland and Poles around the world etc,but, in general it doesnt have the same Kudos or respect as it does in the UK or the USA.

Not entirely sure why,at first it just comes across as selfish but that would be too simplistic and unfair to say that is the only cause of Polish apathy to Charity.

But,if it involves giving loads of money to some Priest to build a hideous statue,well,thats different......
31 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Only yogurt ad i can think of is the one for " perle de lait ". it's got to be that one :)

Phew, not just me then, I know its not quite a Polish swear word,but it sounds close enough to raise a smile...like that Tickler chedder cheese Ad that sounds like the narrator is saying Hitler......

As a student who happened to live for six month in the shadow of the gorgeous Durham Cathedral in Britain

Haway bonny lad,when ye gannin back?
(seriously, how did you cope with the VERY strong regional accents in that part of the world? Some Northumbrian accents are clear and slow,but some of them speak so fast its hard for people even from Yorkshire to understand them :) )

teehee Jenny Agutter, she must be in the fond teenage memories of thousands of now middle aged British men.

and not quite middle aged men too :)

I think with immersion you can learn idioms before you learn *proper* language.
For example, Im sure I pass as native French because I tend to copy phrases straight from le haine or Engrenages,ie,contempory *street French* rather than anything from a phrase book.

But, granted,thats only in shop,bar,checkout type situations,a few half grunted words and standard replies....you'd catch me out trying to engage in a real conversation with me in French :)
31 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

the secret of appearing to be good at a language is a touch of BS, lots of agreeing, and using the 20 per cent of the conversation that u HAVE understood to best advantage...

As perfectly ilustrated by this *Polish * paratrooper in a classic Sunday afternoon warfilm :)

Oh, re *spear dali* whats that yoghurt advert that makes me do a double take ,actually sounds like the even ruder version of spear dali ? :O

edit. Pier d'ol aye...or however its spelt,always makes me chuckle when those supposedly classy birds say that :)
31 Jul 2012
Travel / Need a Guide to the Polish history and culture, I'm from Finland [27]

Would you be flying into Warsaw?
If so maybe work your way down Poland (north to south,avoiding the whole east west subject ;) ) and visit Częstochowa, if you are looking for Christianity in Poland that is ground zero.

Krakow is lovely but you are right,find a local guide to show you around.
Its very touristy but still charming, the salt Mines just outside Krakow, the carved chapel in there is stunning.

Have a great time :)
31 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Not forgetting Gropecountelane.

I do love that. So literal ;)
Or Whipmawhopmagate in York named as it was the street (gata in norse) that you whipped your whop (a breed of dog) all the way up it to the church on a Saints day........christians are fekking weird sometimes :)

in Brighton they call it a twitten

Thats got a *saxon* ring to it, I think Ginnel and Snikket are old Norse?
I love our crazy language ,give it 50 years and "curva" will be in the dictionary and being giggled at by school kids :)

Nor have I. It may either be British

No, *polak* is still not a name that has caught on in Britain...English people just tend to add F###ing to the front of Pole.......you lot are so creative in your *racist* terms,when I was a kid and played Riff in West Side Story I had to look up 80% of the terms to see who the hell I was meant to be insulting ,still not 100% :)

Funny fact, West Side Story was origionaly going to be called East Side Story about Poles vs Jews not *americans* vs PRs.......
hehehe, just realised, I got myself killed 6 nights a week because I got in a fight with someone who called my mate a Polak :)