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Posts by Wulkan  

Joined: 28 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 24 Apr 2018
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Posts: Total: 3136 / In This Archive: 2062

Speaks Polish?: yes

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4 Jan 2012
Love / Finding a Polish girl for mariage (Sweden)? [23]

Any further advice for the man Wulkie?

No, I stick to my advise, the sites I mentioned are the most popular ones and there are men searching for Polish women from everywhere, including scandinavia

Wulkan come on... your mother is Polish.

yes...and my girlfriend is English and in about 4 months our child will be half English and half Polish.......obviously

btw. my mum is 60 years old and the Polish girls when she was 20 were nothing compared to the Polish girls in their 20 now a days.
3 Jan 2012
Love / Finding a Polish girl for mariage (Sweden)? [23]

I think you misunderstood my intention here, I am not looking for desperate girl to be with me coz she has no money.

It's not the first and I guess not the last time when Wedle didnt understand the question.

My advice is to check Polish dating sites. There is about plenty of them online. Good luck
2 Jan 2012
Law / I need to stay here in Poland to see my child. [18]

Firstly I am a man

I noticed that before

secondly no woman who is pregnant will want to get rid of the father of her future child, unless he is not father material in her eyes

and you think this guy helplessly crying on this forum with the broken English is a good material to be a father?

I would bet money he has been caught sleeping around.

In witch country crying and uneducated losers sleep around? Definitely not Poland
26 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]

havent't you noticed yet that no one believes in your story about prn industry?

Poverty = some women will be tempt to earn in such way.

That's the common thing about Polish women, no respect towards themselves makes them more effective gold diggers, poverty has nothing to do with that
25 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]

Southern, you are a useless poster. It gives me a headache reading what you and the other Balkan users post on here.

You and souther are pretty much worth eachother... very good imagination, only southern a bit more experienced at this craft, 10828 posts... pretty impressive (time wasting)

Bottom line here seems to be that few of the "defenders of virtue" who protect "their" women here have a hard time accepting that a visible number of women from Eastern Europe are materialistic slags.

these are usually Polish women who are unhappy about the name they have abroad about being easy and useless...
20 Dec 2011
Love / What are Polish Women like? Just started to date one. [256]

Without question, if you want to be happy for the rest of you life, get a Polish/Russian/Czech woman to be your wife.

Can you garantee this to me on paper that marrying a woman particularly from those three countries wont be a let down?

by the way, whats the difference between American ladette and Polish ladette?

First one gets drunk with beer while second one with vodka XDD

choose which one you prefer....
19 Dec 2011
Love / Polish girls' attitude towards different kinds of sex [88]

Your small package would definitely explain your obvious frustration over the fact that European women love African men.

and this is saying a man who sh1tted himself when mentioned a word 'fist-fight'
18 Dec 2011
Love / My reaction to a thread against foreigners marrying Polish girls [37]

hello friends.i just read a thread where u ppl saying bad things about foreigners that they marry polish girls for papers....this is just rubbish.

So you say that some of those people go to jail for that because it's just rubbish?
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Since when Polish is an official language in the UK?

I can see that sign is in English and the language I have never seen before.
1 Dec 2011
Love / Polish men calling polish girl for dating englishman [80]

Yes I am Polish in relationship with English woman. You are obviously not muslim so there is very little chance that parents will have anything against you marring their daughter.
1 Dec 2011
Life / Can many young Poles speak German? [72]

I have never said we were, but ppl from western countries think otherwise and they also assume we must speak Russian because of this.
Like this moron from Netherland was suprised why Polish people dont sound Russian, how pathetic is that.
1 Dec 2011
Life / Can many young Poles speak German? [72]

I personally feel the learning Russian would be SOO much more benefitionary for Poles, considering it's a slavic language spoken by about 250 mil. people worldwide.

So learn Russian yourself if you like :) and let me learn German. Lack of knowladge of Russian in Poland is one of those things that makes us different from other countries from Former Soviet Union and we like it that way :)
24 Nov 2011
News / Famous Pickup Artist in Poland now [75]

Maybe one day I will upload live video footage of picking up Polki in disco or street.

No you wont cause everybody would p1ss them self laughing looking at your retarded greek face in the picture not to even mention a video and you excacly know about it.
21 Nov 2011
Law / Processing for divorce from a Polish woman ... need a help [21]

I found this before, where does it say that interpol was involved in it and it also says about 102 of pedos so where are your 100s?

I'm more curious about Wulkan's projection.

Mods wont do anything, they are too busy deleting posts they don't like. Why don't you take action yourself? Wouldn't telling real vigilante stories in red rooms be an effective seduction strategy?
21 Nov 2011
Law / Processing for divorce from a Polish woman ... need a help [21]

Search keywords on

yea yea sure you didn't know, sorry but we don't buy this excuse

I don't need to visit websites to pull Polish women.

this is not pulling, it's called prostitution and if the girl is underaged witch must be in your case, the penalty is much higher.
20 Nov 2011
Law / Processing for divorce from a Polish woman ... need a help [21]

One good thing for Polish children when Poland joined the EU was Interpol came to their rescue and started rounding up your Peado's by the 100s.

What kind of newspapers do you read? sounds quite entertaining

When it comes to Peados you're way up there on the board. I never realised how 'sick' Poland is.

yea, sure, turn the things round, everybody is a pedophile in Poland :-) so now tell us what do you do on a website of a 'sick' country? trying to get in contact with other pedos?
20 Nov 2011
Law / Processing for divorce from a Polish woman ... need a help [21]

Is that the usual reason why fathers go to court there in Poland? For sex with their children?

No this is the reason why fathers do not go to court in Egypt, they worship Mahomet had sex with 9 years old girl so they feel free to follow him.
21 Oct 2011
Love / Is it wrong for Polish girls to kiss boys before marriage ? [31]

I can not belive how many ppl fell for this troll, this forum is really going down...

is it wrong to kiss boys before marry?

kissing before marry is not normal at all but with all your confidence you can tell her how many goats you have banged before marring her cause like in kurdistan it is normal in poland.