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Is the Administrator of the P.F. a Native Pole ? [80]
I offered you to talk to me in Polish; let other native Poles decide if my Polish is native or not ;)
So you know Polish, so do a lot of people that are not Polish, not saying you are not, saying your point is pointless again.
So, anyone who knows the Polish alphabet would have known.
I can't pound on my chest that I do.
It may be in your clique or culture to use euphemism, but I'm not used to it and I'm not easily befriended, sorry
Meaning: I can't pound on my chest (brag, be a big shot) because I don't know the Polish alphabet.
Chill out as I won't be intimidated. You ought to know that by now and I am not befriending you, I just want to show you
politely where you are wrong.
The WHOIS info has never been anonymized
Only if you pay the extra to have it made anonymous Tom, go read it for yourself.
The WHOIS info has never been anonymized; it hasn't been changed for several years.
Then how could I have contacted Pam with such information ?????
And now when you go to WHOIS the Polishform info. has been privatized where it wasn't the previous time Ilooked. Hmmm
Besides, even if it was changed (but it hasn't) - what would it mean?
That would mean whoever is paying the bill for the Polishforum domain has requested (for an extra charge) to have that information made private, which it now is, as everyone can see, so YES IT HAS.
It would prove your imaginary and false point?
No, it proves that my point is not false and that you are in denial for some strange reason.
Bottom line is, WHO really gives a flying fukc besides someone that wants to argue to intimidate and that sure the hell isn't me if you read the thread.
I just didn't care to have been called a liar which I am not. Got it !
quote by PamI didn't do that either.
You make things up as you go along.
Really ! Read your own words Pam and let your readers decide WHO is making things up.
quote by the RebSeveral months ago I contacted Pam and ask her why a Polish Forum was being run out of Chicago Illinois just north of O'Hara International.
quote by PamYou then went on to say that you went looking for the source of the PF and you had pinpointed it to a few miles north of Chicago O' Hare airport.
To which I replied," You know more than I do then ".
So YES MAdear, You did in fact say that.......there it is, written in stone not to be denied.
Now since you are not the dog in this fight I suggest you go to porch before you embarrass yourself anymore.