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Posts by dnz  

Joined: 2 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 17 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 710 / In This Archive: 252
From: poznan/poland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: cars, socialising, skiing, surfing, travelling

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25 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

I never carry my ID in Poland, Only my driving licence which clearly has printed on it EU. Theres no way I would take my passport anywhere where there are likely to be dishonest Police who stop me simply for driving a UK registered car.

Doesn't matter, the point is that on the day, you were driving with an illegal tint and got pulled up for it.

How do you know if your tints are illegal? Many manufactueres ie BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar and lots of the Japanese manufacturers fit tinted glass as OE equipment.

I wouldn't go crying about needing a translator, because I understand the language not too badly, and I'd be able to find out what the punishment was and what I needed to do. Might not be in great Polish, but I'd get there.

When I get stopped I demand they speak to me in English, If they stop a UK registered car with the steering wheel on the right hand side what language do they expect the occupants to speak?

For an english person to learn a language such as polish which is spoken in one country with a tiny population it seems somewhat pointless. Poland seems to be trying to promote itself as a new business centre in Europe and as the international language of Business is in fact English the logical thing would be to learn it really.

I don't think there's will in Poland to pay for translators full stop.

I agree but the police should really speak English, They do in every other EU country and the Feds in the UK have even been forced to speak Polish.

The law in the UK isn't upheld by a bunch of incompetent money grabbing corrupt idiots who pull over drivers and ask where their table is? Also the Police in the UK seem to lead by example I've seen a Polish policeman swigging a bottle of Vodka whilst sat in his marked Police car. How can you possibly have respect for such utter morons?

Personally I think a car with tinted windows driven by someone from a civilised country is much safer than a car driven by the average Pole?

Also its not illegal to not speak the language of the country you are in and the police should have a system in place should the person being targeted not be able to speak the local language, Every civilized country has such a system but then again that approach would be far to logical for Poland.
22 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

Whats wrong with tints? As long as you don't take the **** they are fine and an excellent security feature and also prevent glass hitting the occupants in the event of an accident, I've always had them fitted to keep the car cooler in the summer and to preserve the interior from fading and the leather from cracking.
21 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

Which is how you get huge problems with the databases not being in sync - the police are automatically assuming that the database is right and the insurance documents are wrong.

The ANPR system in the UK is nearly 100% foolproof All MOTs are computerised from the exact second the test certificate is printed and handed to the customer, Insurance is updated on to the MID system instantly and the road tax is also, The UK system which allows drivers to not have to carry their documents is a much better system than any I have ever experienced, Having to carry your log book, insurance documents etc everywhere is simply barbaric and encourages car crime.

Often if a car pings an ANPR camera and shows as not insured they will telephone the insurer to find out what the problem is and thats done on the spot.

I don't agree with road tax though but then I guess its a necessary evil and I would much rather pay £100 a year and have good roads like the UK (albeit with roadworks every 200 yards) that roads like the ones here in Poland.

Anyway the ANPR system isn't foolproof but i've never heard of anyone pinging up on a camera who was 100% legal.
21 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

I take it you was driving a polish car? I've had tints on most of my cars and never had any trouble anywhere. The police in poland are corrupt uneducated morons I've been asked for a bribe several times and on a few occasions when they've flagged me over to stop for no reason I just floor it. The police in Poland are not to be trusted at all they are just Kurwa boys with a badge.

as for the you are in poland you must speak polish its always handy to remind them how many idiots from pl live in the UK with no understanding of English.

God i'm starting to hate this place more and more by the day, Roll on Australia :)
13 Jan 2010
Food / Burgers, why not in Poland? [54]

We make our own from minced beef, failing that if theres a branch of rodeo drive where you are they do amazing burgers, the one in poznan is truly excellent.
18 Dec 2009
Work / Why is Polish workmanship so bad? [52]

Why can't polish Workers make things that last or do a good job of things and why do they have such a half arsed attitude towards quality?

The other week a plumber came round to stop the shower leaking and just slapped silicone all over the place in a really untidy manner and didn't even fix the problem,

Our flat is around 12 months old and its literally falling to bits and subsiding.

I had my computer fixed, got ripped off in the process and its broken again, the same thing that was supposed to be fixed.

The amount of cars I see driving round with an utterly **** paint job is ridiculous, I'm not talking boy racers who have done it on the cheap i'm talking bmw's mercedes etc with badly matching panels and dirt in the clear coat.

Also when taking the car to a garage for a new starter motor they tried ripping me off telling me that it was a days work to take it out, They are either really **** mechanics or they are just rip off merchants as its a half an hour job.

They built a pavement outside the house and have never finished it,

The motorway near poznan is subsiding already and had to be resurfaced after 3 years,

The list goes on and on, Why the fu ck can't they do things properly and it really is worrying that people with this attitude are going to the UK to work.

Is there an underlying reason why this happens time and time again or do people here just simply not understand the meaning of a "good job"?
23 Nov 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

So it's a bargin IF YOU can reg it.

At that price its a bargain whatever way you look at it,

Could you not just MOT it again and keep it?

Also if it helps CIS cooperative insurance now do 12 months eu cover :)

Good luck with the sale,

Delphian, fancy helping me register the BMW here out of spite to the antiquated and ridiculous polish DVLA? :)
16 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Good on Poland for sticking up for its identity, If only the UK had such a patriotic leader we wouldn't be in the mess we are today.

I'm not religious in the slightest but understand a lot of people are and Christianity is part of european life which should be preserved.
13 Nov 2009
Life / Which Polish product you can easily do without? [51]

I can't think of one polish product i ever use.... Oh yeah the maluch and thats broken,
Our flat which is a year old and already starting to subside,

Actually come to think of it does "made in poland" translate to "made to a poor standard by an incompetent drunk idiot who has no idea about quality" ?

We know the entire workforce at British leyland were workshy incompentent idiots but at least they had the decency to stand around outside the factory until the company went bust thus not producing any more terrible contraptions. (polish manufacturers take note)
13 Nov 2009
Classifieds / Maluch restoration party in Poznan with beer [21]

Not yet, I wish, actually its a bit poorly at the moment and needs a new oil pump and exhuast :( I've neglected it and bought another bmw.
26 Oct 2009
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

In what way were they stuck up, dnz?

I get the impression from people i've met here in Poznan that they judge people on what qualifications they have, what car they drive, how big their house is etc and that annoys me somewhat It also seems to be the case with a lot of polish people that if they have a little bit of cash they have to flaunt it and then they are exempt from displaying any form of courtesy to other people.

Regarding manners i've noticed when waiting to pay for something in the supermarket even if you only have one thing its common for some fake tanned bint to push in front with a weeks worth of shopping and make you wait.

Also just the other week our neighbour parked his car behind ours blocking it in on the drive without asking (if they had asked there wouldn't have been a problem) when i tried to move to go to the shop they came out and started swearing at me. its our ******* space we pay to rent it and they have one of there own.

Driving, well don't get me started....

Getting off a tram people always push to get on before you have got off.

Also when going to a shop the girl working there always looks like someone has murdered her sainted mother well judging by her face you would assume this. This occurs in every shop and they always make customers feel like they are inconveniencing the people working there by actually buying things (when will they learn that the customers pay their ******* wages and if they don't like the job find another)

Obviously i've met some great people whilst i've been here but there does seem to be an awful lot of miserable, rude and generally stuck up people.
26 Oct 2009
Love / Insultive opinions about Polish girls... [139]

I personally just don't like the stuck up attitude of many that I have met, Also poles in general seem to have horrific manners not just the girls. I'm so happy my girlfriend is English.
22 Oct 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

Insurance companies have to pay out regardless, they may not pay out for repair to your vehicle but they still have to provide third party only cover provided that there are no major defects with the car.

Shouldn't be too difficult to fix if its just in limp home mode, Not sure how expensive parts are here but my a4 used to have major problems with earthing which caused the ignition amplifier located on the top of the airbox to keep getting fried which also made the coil packs keep blowing.

Might be worth a look, if you do want to sell though let me know as i would be very interested!
22 Oct 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

Shouldn't be a problem at all, you might need to change the headlights to lhd spec ie the beam points the right way when dipped for driving on the right. The law has changed now and Poland have to allow the registration of rhd vehicles. I shall be doing it myself next week so i can let you know how i get on.

Kudos to you for driving a smart car all the way to Poland though, its a bad enough drive in the 7 series :D
21 Oct 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

Its perfectly safe to drive a rhd in a lhd environment and vice versa provided that you make concessions when overtaking etc ie dropping back from the car you want to pass to get a clear view of the road, I've driven thousands of miles in a rhd car in europe and never had any problems whatsoever.

From a safety point of view using your right hand to control the direction of travel makes much more sense as does changing gear with your left hand, In normal daily life if you are right handed you don't use your left hand to do complex tasks so why should you do the same when driving? Also studies show if you are right handed you are also right eyed thus making your right eye more suitable for taking in more information ie oncoming traffic.
21 Oct 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]


Not at all. Apart from anything else, a British car which has just failed its MOT is likely to be safer than a lot of Polish cars!

Most definitely correct.

It seems that Poland is the only country in the EU who won't let people register RHD cars, In the UK we allow LHD cars to be registered so why should it be any different?
20 Oct 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

Of course, dnz, just like every country should have those "wonderful" separate taps :D

Whats wrong with that one for hot and one for cold, At least our plugs don't fall out of the wall when hoovering and spark everytime you plug something in :p

Yes it is: provided that you are left-handed and left-ended. If you're not, it's just wrong.

Exactly Harry! Case closed,
20 Oct 2009
News / RHD cars in Poland - my campaign to change the rules in Poland [128]

I've perfected the overtaking these days, I can do it on my own it just sometimes takes longer to find a stretch to pass,

what do you mean ridiculous wrong way round cars? We do it the correct way its all you other countries who let left handed nepolean change the side on which you travel :p
20 Oct 2009
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

I bought the pathetic attempt at fish and chips in a bag, they were truly disgusting, no where near the quality you get at the chip shop on padstow harbour.

will try the waffles although they aren't really english, The microwave roasts look quite good though.
6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

because we call the Enlglish Angole? That's anger.

Not so much towards other europeans although it does happen but i knew an indian guy studying in poland and he got loads of abuse,
6 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Sad life of a Polish migrant in the UK. Ch. 5 - Racism [259]

Poland is extremely racist, you shun people from different cultures etc, I wouldn't say the UK was racist in fact our laws and political correctness favour non Brits.

Maybe as a country the extreme political correctness is making us become more racist i'm not sure as its now starting to get ridiculous.

Maybe people are racist towards you because you are a white christian and in the UK this is no longer acceptable.
6 Oct 2009
Life / Car test..The Polish equivalent of the MOT [36]

Maybe they were too busy laughing to actually test it?

Thats probably the case actually, I've been too busy laughing at it to actually drive it so maybe they expect it not to cover too many miles in a year as not many drivers could get behind the wheel without laughing so much they are unable to drive.

Inspired thinking by fiat :D
5 Oct 2009
UK, Ireland / Fish and chips - do Polish people in the UK like this? [108]

The strong dose of english arrogance always make it's entertaining for us when you come here....:-)

English arrogance? Poles are the most arrogant people in the world,

do you think Polish people would prefer traditional cod, plaice and haddock or a more local fish?

They prefer to eat bottom feeding fish such as Carp. If that can be battered and served with chips you will do very well indeed.

Also how would you incorporate raw cabbage, pickled cucumbers and mayonnaise into a fish supper?