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Posts by polonius  

Joined: 24 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 41
Posts: Total: 420 / In This Archive: 267
From: USA Shelby Township, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: everyhting pertianing to Poland, Polonia, Poles and things Polish

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28 Oct 2012
News / Kaczorowski should be reburied at Wawel [15]

The Alliance of Polish Veterans and Independence Organisations is calling
for the reburial of Poland’s last émigré President Ryszard Kaczorowski
at Krakow’s Wawel Castle-Cathedral complex, Wprost.pl has reported. The
recent exhumation of his grave showed his remains had been mixed up with
that of another Smolensk air-crash victim. Poland’s First Couple Lech and
Maris Kaczyński, who died in the crash, were buried at Wawel despite
protests by anti-PiS circles.
28 Oct 2012
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

But they would have greater access with the digital multiplex slot. Slots have been accorded to unknown, unprepared, fly-by-night outfits, and, when they couldn't afford the fee the Broadcast Authority bent oiver backwards and even agreed to break it down into instalments. The bottom line is that the ruling clique is using every legal ruse they can find to defend the monopollstic status of the mainstream leftist-liberal media. Is this not a rehash of the old Stalinist tactic -- Jest człowiek? Znajdzie się przepis (Got a man? A regulation can be found to deal with him).
28 Oct 2012
Life / Catholic "Telewizja Trwam" from Poland - your thoughts? [98]

Merged: World-wide Polonia backs TV Trwam

Concerned patriotic people of Polish backgrund around the globe have held marches and rallies in surpport of media pluralism and a rightful digital paltform slot for TV Trwam. Such demonstrations have been held not onyl across Poland but also in Paris, Australia, Chicago, Manchester, New York and many points in between. They know that only the voice of free Catholic Poland can challenge the stranglehold on information flow in Poland now held by the monopolistic, politically uncouth leftist-liberal media.

Polonia around the world not only closely watching the action in the homeland compatriots who are afraid of the situation in the country , facing the street , but the gesture of solidarity at the same time overlooking the street.

Association for the Protection of the Cross in Paris , Association Our Polonia and Polish Association of Political Prisoners in Australia , as well as Poles living in Manchester in solidarity with the march in defense of free media and TV Trwam , which will be held today in Warsaw. That day Polonia organizing pickets , among others, in front of the Polish Embassy in Paris, the Polish Consulate in Sydney . Solidarity marches will also take place in Canada.

28 Oct 2012
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Merged: Truth about Radio Maryja

Review of Alleluja I pod prad (Swiadectwa o Radio Maryja), by Jerzy Robert Nowak. 2009. MaRoN, Warszawa.
Reviewer: Mr. Jan Peczkis
Information About, and Correct Understanding of, RADIO MARYJA
ALLELUJA AND LET’S PROCEED UPSTREAM: WITNESSES TO RADIO MARYJA, is the title of this eye-opening book. It contains numerous statements of support of RADIO MARYJA from priests, bishops, and other prominent officials. One would never guess this from reading the so-called mainstream media.

RADIO MARYJA serves as inspiration to its listeners, contains much devotional and theological content, and deepens their faith. It is a welcome delight to long-isolated Poles in places like Lithuania (p. 86), Kazakhstan (p. 26), and Irkutsk. (p. 43).

Not surprisingly, RADIO MARYJA is the common target of vitriolic attacks by the liberal left because it is a bastion of faith and Polish patriotism, and a source of truth. It does not kowtow to political correctness or to other forms of thought-control practiced by liberals. (Bishop Stanislaw Napierala, pp. 43-44; Professor Zbigniew Żmigrodzki, p. 88).

Apart from its religious programming, RADIO MARYJA defends the rights of the unborn, defends the presence of the Cross in public places, defends Christian morality, defends the dignity of the family, defends the sacredness of children and youth, defends the Gdansk shipyard, and defends various institutions against licentiousness and destruction. (Bishop Edward Frankowski, p. 36; Bishop Stanisław Napierała, p. 45).
26 Oct 2012
Food / Polish roast pigeon anyone? [17]

Aren't the ones people go shooting for called mourning doves, a wild species?
26 Oct 2012
Food / Polish roast pigeon anyone? [17]

In an ealrier thread about rabbits, someone said the term 'rabbit fancier' cannot be used for someone fond of eating them.
So what does one use, if pigeon fancier is a no-no?
Anyway, anyone enjoy eating pigeons. If so, how prepared?
It is a lean dark meat loosely reminsicent of beef and should be larded before baking to make it tender.
Are the city pigeons so abundant in many places edible? That is, is cathcing, killing, cooking and eating them legally allowed? Secondly, can they be carriers of disease?
26 Oct 2012
Language / Name in Polish (woman's name Jean) [10]

I had an aunt in America whose name was Genowefa but in English everybody knew her as Jean.

Speaking of misleading adverts, this one attached itself to the PF:

Beautiful Polish Brides
AnastasiaDate.comFind True Love with a Russian Woman Dynamic Response. Fast & Secure.
23 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

President Komorowski will lead the official state parade, whilst patriotic forces have registered their Independence Day March. Last year the authorities made the mistake of also allowing the anarcho-lefties to march. This year if the reds try to disrupt things, they'll end up behind bars where they belong.
23 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Rzeczpospolita reports that anrcho-leftist thuggery are already planning to cause trouble by blocking a legal Independence Day March on 11th Nov. this year. They have even set up a special Facebook link appealing to like-minded troublemakers to come and bring alongr friends to break up the Independence March. Anyone know if they again plan to bring in their Red Nazi buddies from west of the border?
22 Oct 2012
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Have had venison, quite nice if it's young and pre-marinated. Rabbit is very lean and quite dry so it needs to be larded. I presume the French must stew it in wine. If you saw a skinned squirrel it wouild look like a rat, but it is very tasty. Hare can be too gamey with a bitter edge - require several days of marination. Pheasant, patrtidge, quail and grouse are superb if well prepared.
22 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]


Actually hte German leftist thugs essentially came to Warsaw for the same reason the Polish kibole did -- to kick a*se, bonk skulls and bash faces. There were actually three or even four separate events: the historical military parade (some of whose paricipants were attacked by the German leftist thugs), the Indpendence March coming in from Plac Unii Lubelskiej (mostly famlies and other peaceful citizens). It turned out that for a week prior to the event a motley collection of leftists, arnarchists, pro-abortionists, anti-fascists, radical feminists, anti-globalists, homosexual rights agitators and other suchlike self-styled 'progressives' had used the Internet to rally support and brought the Gemran thugs in for the event. There were even instructions on how to deal with the police.

Komorowski was right in calling for no head coverings, fireworks and other potentially dangerous objects at mass assemblies.
Kaczyński was wrong to side with the kibole to spite Tusk. Those two are something else! If Kaczyński said water was wet, Tusk would try to prove it was dry. Same holds for Kaczyński.

22 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Arrested militants of German Antifa

Nearly half of the rioters arrested yesterday by police during clashes in the Independence Day in Warsaw is the leftists militants from Germany. About their riots call plans in Warsaw warned "Rzeczpospolita" previously.

210 people were detained by the police, including 92 citizens of Germany, one from Hungary, Denmark and Spain during street brawl in Warsaw during the Independence Day.

Lest the passage of time blur the realities of last Nov. 11th, it should be remembered that it was started when leftist-anarchists imported from Germany attacked historical re-enactors and police early in the day at Świętokrzyska street. When such broad-daylight attacks occur, that invariably unleashes a spiral of aggression that easily gets out of hand with people of varying views getting into the fray. Of the some 200 people detained by police, nearly half were German anarchists brought in by radical Polish lefties (Antifa and suchlike) to cause disturbances. Lewaki i anarchole started it and afterwards all hell broke loose. Teuton trouble-makers should be turned back at the border.
22 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Lefties itching for punch-up

Radical lefties, who went on the rampage last Nov. 11th, again plan to disrupt Warsaw's Independence Day march. It is attended by entire families, young marrieds pushing prams or piggy-backing their youngsters, the middle aged, OAPs and many others wishing to celebrate their country's 23-year-old independence. The young wild-eyed thugs of the rabid left not only do not want to celebrate but plan to spoil it for everyone else. They should have cages for such leftist scum...and throw the key away!
21 Oct 2012
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Sometimes you can get fresh dressed rabbit (tuszka królika) at Leclerc and other supermarkets. Since the meat can be quite dry, it is best larded wtih słonina (pork fatback lardoons).
21 Oct 2012
Food / Any królik (rabbit) fanciers on PF? [76]

Merged: Any rabbit fanciers on PF?

Anybody fancy rabbit? If so, how do you like it prepared? Rabbit meat is nutritious, mild-flavoured, tasty, very lean (no cholesterol!) and highly digestible. But one sees fewer rabbit hutches in Poland than one once did.
21 Oct 2012
News / Przemysław Gintrowski died.... [8]

Thanks for the link. Kaczmarski sang much better than I could, but I regard my translation of the refrain as superior to the unsingable subtitles which completely ingore the rhythm of the melody.
21 Oct 2012
News / Przemysław Gintrowski died.... [8]

Has an English translation of 'Mury' ever been recorded?
'Rip the bars right off the wall, break the whip, throw your shackles down, and the walls will all start crumbling, tumbling right down to the ground.'
20 Oct 2012
Life / All Saints' Day in Poland - Commemoration or Carnival? [44]

Poland can't hold a candle (no pun intended!) to Mexico's Dias de Muertos (Days of the Dead). There they sell cakes in the shape of skulls and various plastic toys, souvenirs and gadgets in the shape of coffins and skeletons. The religious celebrations take place amid a fiesta atmosphere, since life and death coexist side by side. Co kraj to obyczaj!

18 Oct 2012
News / Papal Day in Poland JP2 [26]

Profuse apols! The typo-creating software kicked in again...
I think it was supposed to be fealty or maybe fidelity, when the phone rand, and afterwards I didn't go over the text. Minor typos are usually deciphrable but this one admittedy was a doozy!

BTW is there a spell-check mechnaism somewhered on PF? Copy-pasting into Word and then re-pasting into PF is quite time consuming.
17 Oct 2012
News / Papal Day in Poland JP2 [26]

Yesterday away celebrated as Papal Day in Poland, and the TV channels showed lots of footage about JP2 plus interviews with people who knew and loved him. One survey was cited showing that since his death a steady 94% of Poles said they recognise him as the surpeme authority. However during that period regular (at least once a week) chruch attendance has fallen form 58% to 40%. That might suggest a rift between declarations and practice. People delcare their attachment to the teachings of JP2 becasue 'tak wypada', but.... Anyway, what's your take on this?
15 Oct 2012
Food / The Mystery of Polish Sausage - Interesting kiełbasa link [17]

Here is an itenresting link about Polish kiełbasa:

Without a doubt the word "Kielbasa" has worldwide recognition yet it is just one of many wonderful meat products that have been produced for centuries in Poland. It is also often misunderstood. Kielbasa is the Polish general name for "a sausage". You can not walk into a Polish store and say: "please give me a pound of kielbasa". The sales lady surrounded by 50 different kinds of kielbasa will inevitably reply: "yes, but which one"? It is like going into a deli and asking for some cheese. Sure, but which one: American, Provolone, Swiss, Gorgonzola, Gouda, Muenster - you have to provide some details.

As the most popular Polish sausage is without a doubt Polish Smoked Sausage, (Polska Kielbasa Wędzona) we are willing to speculate that this is what people have in mind. This is probably what the first immigrants brought with them to America. The little problem we face here is that you can find Polish Sausage in almost every supermarket in the USA and no two are made the same way. The Polish Smoked Sausage has been well defined for centuries and almost everybody in Poland knows what goes inside.

15 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

But you don't like priests in the first place and despise Chrsitianity so to you anything should be better than that.
Isn't ironic, ludicrous and downright absurd when an inveterate Church-basher dons the mantle of a Defensor Ecclesiae!
15 Oct 2012
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

What about kippers for breakfast, or is that a Scots thing only?
Which English writer was it (Bacon maybe?) who wrote in his lexicon as a defintion for oats that it was something fed horses in England but eaten by people in Scotland.
14 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Rydzyk is an astute entrepreneur, and that should warm the heart of all you economic liberals aka captialists. He set up a media empire, academic institutions and is developing a hydrotherrmal project.

I also am suspicion of anyone (cleric or layman) who feels he has to impress epopel by surrounding himself with all the fancy and pricey sheet metal of a Mercedes, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Infiniti, Volvo, etc. But not all of you believe in 'less is better' and 'good enough' lifestyles, so why pick on someone who fancies a Maybach or Bentley?
14 Oct 2012
Life / E-books in Poland? [10]

Are e-books being published in Poland? Are they called e-książki in Polish? Do Poles know what Kindle is?
14 Oct 2012
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

All politics is about winning elections and staying at the trough as long as possible. People rarely have an ideal candidate to vote for adn only a fraction of campaign promises ever come true. Romney is hardly ideal but there is no other choice for those who fear an anti-Christian crypto-socialist. Same in Poland. PiS is not ideal until one thinks of the Amber Gold alternative -- PO. Of course, things could be even worse if the alternative were SLD or Palikot! Then one might actually have to vote for PO, if PiS were not in the running.
13 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Harry, you should move to China. Chinamen need your enlightened advice more than Poles do.

Archbishop Tadeusz Gocłowski said in a homily marking Papal Day at Warsaw's Holy Cross Church: 'European civilisation and its identity is threatened by the questioning of the family -- the essence of a durable bond between man and woman. That topic is increasingly being raised in great, seemigly wholly secularised France... Marriage and the family should receive legal and material protection so as to avoid tragic conseuquences. Such a conseuqence would be a sick family requiring treatment.'