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Joined: 27 Sep 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Feb 2012
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 14
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25 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

Since 1989,Poland has been generation buy buy buy, and rent just reminds them of communism. Saying that, renting is a much safer and cheaper option atm.

Milky, the above is not actually true,since 1989 Poland has been through two recessions. If you are here short term renting is the more simple option, many foreigners workers in 2007/8/9 fell in to the hype of Polish real estate. However getting back on thread, a.k is classic example of Poland's next generation, all they want to do is spend, travel and look down on the older generation in Poland, as if they are the smart ones
24 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

Same problem in Poland - large, city centre flats are often occupied by only one old person.

Many of these old people that occupy large flats, it is all they have left in the world, also it is the guarantee the children/grand children will look after them. You know how it is in PL they wants the rights to flat from Babcia. If the elderly downsized and switched with the family, they would not see them for dust once the deal was done. Just the elderly being smart...
24 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

Welcome where? I can ensure you that no young person is dumb enough to scrape together and live a dull life to wake up some light years in future that their youth passed and they have nothing to reminisce. It's a sure recipte for biterness.

Life is about day by day A.K, please remember the youth of today did not invent this ****, the same principles have applied for centuries. In the future 99% of your generation will work for the other 1%, these are the rules. Bitterness only arrives at the time of ' grass is greener on the other side'. Products change their renewal and update cycles so quickly these days, you have to well off to have 'whats hot and whats not'

The GIFT is bit by bit...
24 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

They predict Poland will slow down because they will slow it down. Quite a safe prediction, wouldn't you say? ;)

It is in slowdown process...
24 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

There are visible signs happening in Poland, firstly the Polish consumer has been straddled with debt over the last boom cycle, the debt I would consider is now at the acceptable level of the decision makers, taking into consideration the current weakness of the PLN, secondly developers are now downsizing their offers to meet market demand, which is 30-50 m2, the banks have been laying off workers in droves ( banks normally have forward forecasts). IMF, WTO and all main financial bodies predict Poland will slow down in 2012. Yet the Polish consumer still spends, with this in mind one could only consider that investment for the future is at the back of their minds.
24 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

Besides that most of my friends when they get married and settle down a bit with a job etc, they take loans for flat.

In the period when they had easy access to mortgages, property prices were rising quickly and salaries were in line to inflation. Now the worm has turned. It is no longer the one shoe fits all solution. Banks are now very cautious in their lending Policy and companies know they don't have to increase salaries in line with inflation. Welcome to austerity Poland.
24 Dec 2011
Life / The rise of ' Generation rent ' in Poland. [26]

As Poles take to both debt and consumerism like a duck to water will we start to see the rise of ‘generation rent’ in Poland as in other European countries?

The average age of a first time buyer is the UK is now 37, in a recent survey a third of the people surveyed who are now in their thirties spent more than half their net income on leisure and entertainment when they were in their twenties, compared to a fifth of those who are now in their fifties and sixties. Most of the younger generation now expect to holiday abroad an average of 2.5 times a year, whereas a quarter of baby boomers never travelled overseas in their twenties

As a result, about 80pc of the Britain's net personal wealth of £6.7trn or £6,700bn is owned by people aged over 50 while younger folk often have no savings, substantial debts and little hope of becoming homeowners any time soon.

Your thoughts?
24 Dec 2011
Food / Can I buy Christmas crackers in Gdansk? [15]

Apparently M&S Poland do stock the things from early December onwards but demand this year was a lot higher than they expected.

C & A also had them in stock last year.
23 Dec 2011
Life / Poles hard working or just born lazy. [58]

Democracy = choice "Take it or leave it" time to wise up, it is normal for Poles here in Poland to work two jobs, there is no social system circa 2011. The USA and UK need to put the long term unemployed to work or cut their support.
22 Dec 2011
Life / Poles hard working or just born lazy. [58]

It doesn't mean these people will work efficiently, because in their own minds they'll just be screwing back the employer who is screwing them.

Don't quite agree with this, I have taken low paying jobs in the past, looking for something else in the meantime, while doing the job I have worked very hard and diligently, because at the end I want a glowing reference.

You pay peanuts, you get monkeys, nothing new here.

Nah, once a monkey always a monkey " Monkey see, Monkey do "

Yeah... I'm lazy, all right. Born and bred to loaf around. I could hardly motivate myself to type this.

Blame it on your communist past.
22 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

i don't want my kid to see me as a lay about taking from the state

Tom, taking a course or re education is not sitting on the dole.

my father in law is a cop so i would trust his word

I don't know your FIL and would not question his integrity, although anyone who lives in Poland will have more than a handful of stories to tell you about bent cops here, it is considered quite the norm.
22 Dec 2011
Life / Poles hard working or just born lazy. [58]

send the kids to uni

Uni is free in Poland.

Seriously, if someone offered me 1.500 zloty per month for working a construction site I'd take every chance in the world to slack off.

If you were not happy with the package,why take the job in the first place.
22 Dec 2011
Life / Poles hard working or just born lazy. [58]

The Polish have built up a reputation for pulling their weight in the UK, but back home it is a different story.Ever since hundreds of thousands of Poles abandoned the motherland following EU accession in 2004, the Polish diaspora has forged a reputation in the UK for being hardworking and reliable. This was largely because your average Polish plumber or builder took the revolutionary approach of turning up when he said he would, and doing whatever the work agreed within the allotted timeframe – rather than knocking a hole in the lounge wall, then disappearing for weeks to take up a more enticing offer.

But at home, Poles do not consider themselves hardworking. Some even suggest that communism has created a nation of lazy bones.When the Soviets were in charge, there was (officially, at least) no unemployment, with everybody working for the state. With little possibility of being sacked or promoted – and with many of the goods manufactured heading east to the hated Russians – there was virtually no incentive to work hard. Some say that attitude prevails today.

What is your opinion?
21 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

Even people who put up posts on this forum lol, Mr D the gentleman has nothing now, so whether he lives in Ireland or Poland it makes no difference? He is doing what you did in moving to Poland, another case of the young gentlemen with no means seeking to make his fortunes abroad!!

The time for foreigners making a fortune off the back of Poland has long gone. If you bring something to Poland or have very deep pockets, then it is possible to make a good living. Poland is cheap today for those who earn in Euro or now Dollars, earning in PLN is like watching your disposable diminish week by week. I personally like Poland and have a good life, for people like Tom - you must remind them it is 2011 not 2000. You have guys on PF that know the English language business inside out, they survive only because they have established a solid database.
21 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

See - I don't mean to be nasty to him, but this is the kind of thing that can destroy relationships

There always has to be a balance of opinion, DD shoots from the hip, some may see it as condescending others see it as constructive. At least Tom will be better prepared now.

Whatever your decision Tom, all the best for you and your family.
20 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

My advice is to show your wife this thread and tell her that it's going to be much harder for you to survive in Poland than it is to survive (even on the dole) in Ireland.

Tom you would be better off on the dole as previously mentioned and learning Polish in Ireland for 4-6 months.
If you don't have to pay for accommodation and the Mrs has a guaranteed salary that will support you both, then maybe take the punt.

15 K PLN will not stretch far these days are prices are shooting up, especially as the PLN is getting crushed.
Once you speak Polish you could contact some of the Irish companies moving over here.
20 Dec 2011
Work / Moving and working in PL as a teacher (near Zory/Katowice) [53]

The economy in PL is already starting to slow down, 2012 will be difficult for all. Feedback:

1. Turn up with as much money as possible.
2. The move to Pl should be based on opportunity over emotion.
3. Expect a culture shock, being on vacation is very different to living in it.
4. When all else fails don't hit the bottle, booze is very cheap and it is no substitute.
20 Dec 2011
Love / Experience of Irish-Polish wedding in Warsaw? [8]

You want cheap or nice?

Here is the place we hosted our wedding reception in 1994.

PAN CLUB Krystyna Stoczkowska
Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie, kod 00-330 Ulica: Nowy Świat 72

Telefon: 228269944
Fax: 226572824


Great building fantastic location and wonderful terrace.
20 Dec 2011
Life / Reaction regarding Pakistanis respected in Poland [54]

i was quite amazed to see,so many polish mates were speaking on behalf of pakistanis with their mates.as encouraging them to come to come poland for business work or study.so accept my thanks as a pakistani for being understood and supported by most people out there.and speaking good for my country men.thank u all.

The Poles are smart, they want all you Pakistanis coming to Poland to take their jobs, so the Poles can go to the UK and take your jobs in the corner shops. Poles are very smart...
19 Dec 2011
News / What part of Poland's image do you think is the most exportable? [90]

But in general this has got me thinking about the things about Poland (past and present) that can be exported in an appealing way,

Part of being Polish in America is a nostalgia for the old land. The rich, dark dirt holds centuries of farming and fighting. For millions of immigrants and generations of descendants, it is the essence of their heritage: the subject of great poets. Many immigrant Poles over the years would take a bag soil with them to mix with the local soil. So why not sell certified bags of Polish soil and a few Polish seeds thrown in. The mark up would be massive.
14 Dec 2011
Life / Please recommend - shopping in Warsaw [30]

Sounds interesting - how do I score an invite?

Contact them here: klif.pl/newsletter,2.dhtml in English of course and inform them you wish to be on the next list.
13 Dec 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish is an official language in the UK? [68]

Of course with spelling errors. Looks like author even wasn't willing to cooperate with Polish translator ;) but I like the idea.
How to say in English krótka piłka?

Who ever translated it was having a laugh, did you notice the danish letters. I am 100% certain this sign is not an official sign from the City of Westminster.