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Posts by THE HITMAN  

Joined: 15 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jan 2014
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30 Jul 2010
Travel / Poland-My 9-day experience [239]

This is my penultimate post here.


Can,t have it all your own way always. Learn to yield a little. Like Wroclaw says , see it through the eyes of an outsider.
25 Jul 2010
News / Poland - the least liked German neighbour. [210]

True, Poland should work with Germany and Russia, both, and with other neighbors. Put the past in the past and move forward!

Best post I,ve read tonight. Cheers!!
4 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

All my friends, who voted for Marek Jurek in the first round, stayed home today as well.

That makes me sick.

Your friends should not moan in the future now, should Komorowski turn out to be shite.

They have effectively put him in power..... why waste your vote ?

Wasters, the bloody lot of you.

If they voted, at least they could have said, " I did " or " I did not " influence the outcome.
30 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Right, what I had in mind was an hour or two if you were passing through.
But no worries.
Here,s what we will do, so to save you some money as you,re job seeking.
I,ll spend a few minutes tomorrow when I find some time to put some questions together and e-mail them to you.
Then we,ll carry on from there, via phone or email. I assure you I am genuine, having been here 7 years myself before finding a way forward.

Here,s an e-ml address I set up so as not to get bugged by idiots. ( otter-robe@wp.pl )
Send me your contact details. Look forward to hearing from you shortly.
30 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Are you likely to be near Wejherowo anytime this year ?

Except end of August time when I will be away for a wedding.

I could mail, but I hate typing too much. But if push comes to shuv, then........ well.
28 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Does anybody know what the roads are like south of Nowy Sol towards Krakow after the floods??

Floods didnt make much difference, the roads in Poland have always been crap.
Just be glad you,re driving 4x4 it should get you anywhere.
28 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

but i need some money first...!

Sounds to me like your revenue could be right in front of your nose.
Farm ?........ sounds interesting and it doesn,t have to be a farm the way people envisage it. Depending on its location, size, etc.
I have some ideas, and what else could be better than being your own boss in PL. where employment for foreigners is a myth. ( unless you teach boring English )
25 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Drawsko pomorskie

What exactly do you do in PL.
How did you find yourself here ?
Are you an old hippy or something ? lol
I,ve been round your district dealing with timber mills.
I could have called in for a cuppa. lol.
23 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

do you drive on the weekends or on week days? which is best do you think?

Week days always busy, so I tend to leave 5am saturdays.
Some people like to leave in the evening, to arrive in Dover, get a crossing and be in Calais in the morning. Big mistake as it keeps you awake when you would normally be sleeping, hence you arrive in France wanting a kip. If not, a few hours on the motorway and you feel shagged.

Arrived in PL one year on Sunday morning. It was like a ghost town, the best run through PL I ever had. Szczecin - Gdansk.

Not thinking of writing a book about this road trip are you ? lol
Thats my idea.
22 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Hitman how many times have you done it? did you have any problems or anything memerible happen to you?

Fog, torrential rain, road works, wheel falling off trailer on entering PL...... you name it.

Basically I just head for Berlin, yep, one long drag, but can,t go wrong really.

Done the journey 20-30 times now, and it always seems like an adventure, always a story to tell, and what seems like a trip to hell, is always laughable on recollection.

I might just write that book one day. lol
22 Jun 2010
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]


Done the trip so many times I could write a book, funny to read about your trivial probs though, found it quite amusing and true to life. Good to reminisce over a beer, eh ?
22 Jun 2010
Travel / Changing money in Poland [15]

I don't understand why people still use kantors.

If the Polish national bank gave a better rate than the kantors, then this would put an end to them and exchanging money would become normal like in the west, not to mention the Polish bank would reap the rewards.
21 Jun 2010
Travel / Changing money in Poland [15]

Those days are gone. " big differences " ? ...... I don,t think so.
17 Jun 2010
Law / Business Etiquette (Polish companies' dealings with clients in other counties) [14]

after chatting to someone today i got the impression that Polish companies don't do enough when it comes to dealing with clients in other countries.

Couldn,t agree more. People with attitude and no common sense.

the preference is always face to face meetings with externals.

Been down that road too, as I like the personal introduction, but in Poland it just does not work like it does in the west. The poles have a lot of catching up to do when it comes to business etiquette. At the moment they are trying to do things their way, because they always think they know best, unfortunately they haven,t got a clue............ yet.