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Joined: 3 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 467 / In This Archive: 387
From: polonia, usa
Speaks Polish?: nada
Interests: everything

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4 Dec 2012
News / Are Poles good enough for USA (to go there without a visa)? [288]

I live in the US and what you are saying is nonsense. Nobody cares about Poles or Poland here, and you know that.

exactly! Americans are ambivalent towards Poles and Poland. Visa problems are emulating from Warsaw or Brussels not Washington DC.

Brussels wants cheap labor.
4 Dec 2012
Life / How a Pole can contribute to the homeland? [27]

i don't know

I don't believe that, you've always appeared (from your posts) to be rather curious. Curious people have interests.

and cheat and lie? ;)

Polish women of two types, either super scrupulous or amoral and anything goes. From your post you must be of the former.

Okay the question is, how can a Pole contribute to the homeland.

Here's an opportunity and something I would pursue if I lived in Poland and was looking to make a enough money to support myself. Notice this article about Poland signing an agreement with Germany about a gas supply.


Well, I was thinking wouldn't Poland be better off with it's own gas? Where can Poland get it's own gas? How about bio digesters? Are they feasible?

3 Dec 2012
Life / How a Pole can contribute to the homeland? [27]

That is reality. To succeed in anything you have to lose your fear of failure. So just chose something to do, and do it enough until you get good at it in spite of your setbacks.

Example, I knew a fellow who wanted to be a bartender. Unfortunately he didn't have any experience, so everytime he answered an ad for a bartender he never had the experience to get hired. Finally, he went to a job interview where he told them he had the experience. After one day they found out he didn't have the experience and fired him from the job. He went on another job interview and told them he had the experience, after two days of work they found out he didn't have the experience and fired him from the job. This went on for the first five jobs and after the sixth job he finally had the experience to stay on the job. Moral of the story is to find out what you want to do and pursue it.

Not everyone is given the chance to do what they like. Let alone not everyone is blessed with the knoweldge what they would like to do in their life...

What are three things that you like doing?
30 Nov 2012
Life / How a Pole can contribute to the homeland? [27]

Find a need and fill it. What does Poland need, what would sell? And when you fail...try again and fail again. Success doesn't come from success, success comes from failure. My advice is for you to do what you would do even if you weren't getting paid to do it. In other words do what you enjoy doing...and keep doing it.
27 Nov 2012
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

but are anti-Europeans and they should be out


Bonne journée quand même mais avec la haine que tu sembles avoir, ça ne semble pas très facile

I love the French language.
25 Nov 2012
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

Sorry, but your comments about people living beyond their needs is complete hogwash. The problem with America and Europe is this nonsense of using cheap third world labor to maximize profits. When third world labor is used at the expense of a domestic workforce, (surprise!) no one has the money to purchase anything. In short they are cannibalizing their own markets, it's a zero sum game.
24 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Homeless Poles in NYC [25]

Only if you will fix me a visa.

You need to apply

I'm not sure what did you mean by the above comment but mind that my English is flawed. I'm sorry if what I have written sounded uncompassionate, that certainly wasn't my intention.

No need to apologize. Your English is much better than my Polish. No, you didn't sound uncompassionate, you're only guilty of taking someone's word for it.
23 Nov 2012
History / Memos show US hushed up Soviet crime against Poland [97]

WWII occurred because you European folk basically don't get along. WWII was an extension of WWI and we didn't want anything to do with another bloodbath. You know sending soldiers "over the top" in the teeth of machine guns and losing a whole generation of young men. The same bs is happening all over Europe today with the financial crisis (austerity measures). And what are you doing about that? If England's leadership had a brain they would quit the Eurozone and concentrate on their "lost empire".
23 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Homeless Poles in NYC [25]

For example I've read in Glowacki's book

You should go there and see it for yourself.
23 Nov 2012
Love / Polish couples living out of wedlock? [108]

As long as they're good parents, it really shouldn't matter to others.

My sis showed me some old Polish census records. Many babies were born to single mothers. The concept of unmarried couples having babies isn't something new.

Exactly. First off, marriage is a relatively modern concept. It didn't come into fashion until the 15th or 16th century. Before than people just moved in together and the church was uninvolved except for the huge political weddings that united powerful political families.

Secondly, with war and invasions and different health standards it was not unusual for blended families and one parent homes.
6 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Unfortunately, you people are confusing geography with CULTURE. Poland is where Western Europe begins culturally. Dominika99 the book you listed is about Russia searching for some cultural identity by approaching Poland. It's not about Poland approaching Russia (culturally speaking there was nothing there for the Poles). Apparently you guys didn't read the links that I posted, more specifically the, "History of Philosophy in Poland": en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_philosophy_in_Poland. If you bother to read this, Polish Philosophers were studying with Thomas Aquinas in Italy in the 13th Century and throughout the Middle Ages there was interaction (an exchange of ideas) with France and Germany and Scotland. There was no mention of Russia. I was wrong, Poles don't look West they are West. Poland is to

Russia what England is to France.
4 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I would be glad to know if you are Polish or American/Westerner.

According to the links I posted Poles are Westerners. Read the links.
4 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

i believe I answered your questions about your mother and your aunt and their attitude towards your friend and other Ukrainians. And it looks like my posts are substantiated by wiki.

Poles are a strange people. They love being Polish but hate Poland. Poles born in the States hate the thought of being American but love living in America. I had to embrace the fact that I was American and I left Poland or Polishness behind. Best decision I ever made and this is not a criticism of Poland or Polishness.
4 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Oh ok, so it's fine to treat others badly if you don't like where they come from. Brilliant point.

You asked, at the start of this thread what Poles thought of Ukrainians. From what I read not much. But, this doesn't speak for the individual, i.e., there are individuals out there who will overlook the cultural differences.
4 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

From footnotes in the slavophile article:

^ "From its beginning, Poland drew its primary inspiration from Western Europe and developed a closer affinity with the French and Italians, for example, than with nearer Slavic neighbors of Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine heritage. Gladas Hanger This westward orientation, which in some ways has made Poland the easternmost outpost of Latinate and Catholic tradition

You're American (your posts sure are. are you not?). The above quote is from the Library of Congress. Remember we're talking cultural differences here, not individual differences. My guess is your friend will not be accepted in poland until she assimilates into Polish culture and society. In short Poles don't like Ukrainians, the cultural divide is too deep.
4 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Poland is actually central Europe, which doesn't include France but includes Slovakia and Slovenia.

When I mentioned that Poland was West I didn't mean physical geography, I meant culturally. Poland is culturally "West". Throughout history Poland exchanged ideas with France, Italy and Germany (as an example, Copernicus influenced Galileo).

From your posts and Vlad's it appears you guys are Slovophiles: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavophile

Poles are not slavophiles, from the same article:

There's a huge cultural divide between Poland and Russia (actually all of Eastern Europe). So when Vlad gets on here and says we're all slavs let's be friends he catches lots of heat from the Poles. Because Poles are Western in thought and they find Russians "foreign" in spite of the genetic, food & drink similarities. Same for your Ukrainian friend, she catches heat from Poles at work for the same reason. You mentioned in an earlier thread that Poles were suffering from an inferiority complex, Poles are probably Slavophobes: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavophobia.
3 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

The point I was trying to make is that you are equating Hitler, Franco and Stalin. They are very different dictators representing different political and social systems. Just because Stalin (USSR) was able to control the Eastern Bloc w/communism doesn't mean that Hitler would have been able to control Western Europe w/Nazism.

Americans are taught about WWII through Armies marching through Europe, we're rarely told the story of the civilians during those times. France and England lost a generation during WWI, the last thing that they wanted was WWII. The populations supported peace w/Germany, they supported Chamberlain. France and England were over run at Dunkirk because they weren't prepared, because they didn't want a war. When Germany over took France they brutalized the French civilians, like they brutalized everywhere they went. Once the French got the equipment and material to fight back, they fought back. Germany would never have been able to keep Western Europe together for any length of time. Too much opposition.
3 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

So? Tchaikovsky (whose father had Polish and Ukrainian blood) lived in Lake Geneva, Rachmaninov lived in New York.

Vlad and you, premise that there is some sort of cultural relationship between Russia and Poland. Some people on this thread are saying no that isn't the case with the languages. Culturally speaking I disagree also. Poland was heavily involved with Germany, Italy and France in the intellectual movement in the middle ages. Here's a bit from Wikipedia and they're saying what I'm saying:


Culturally, West Slavs developed along the lines of other Western European nations due to affiliation with the Roman Empire and Western Christianity.[2] Thus, they experienced a cultural split with the other Slavic groups: while the East Slavs and most South Slavs converted to Orthodox Christianity, thus being culturally influenced by the Byzantine Empire, the West Slavs along with the westernmost South Slavs (Slovenes and Croats) converted to Roman Catholicism, thus coming under the cultural influence of the Latin Church. (Rarely, the term "West Slavs" includes these Catholic South Slavs.)

Poland hasn't had a relationship with Russia because until Catherine the Great, Russia was a cultural backwater. So Poland has more in common with (I'll say France) than with Russia. Poland is a Western Country, it's the West.

Here's more: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish_philosophy
2 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Vlad all the church records in Poland are in Latin. Why? Because Poland looks West, It's an historical fact.

I have a question for you and I'm asking (this is not a trick question). You believe that Polish and Russian is related, though some others on this forum don't think so but for the sake of argument we'll agree with your premise. Okay, historically speaking what exchange of ideas have existed between Russia and Poland?
2 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Historically Poland has always looked West, that's why they're Roman Catholic and not Eastern Orthodox.

Being introspective doesn't mean that you suffer an inferiority complex.

The border between Eastern and Western Europe is Poland's Eastern Border. Poland has more in common with Brussels. Chopin lived in Vienna and Paris not Moscow.

you're full of it, man. You already proved, you don't have any idea about economy and you're proving, you don't know history too.

Ooh, you're blowing my cover. Now everyone will think I don't know what I'm talking about. My bad, Stalin died in '53, not '48. But Russia ruled over the Eastern Bloc w/communism which was considered a viable alternative to capitalism. The Marshall Plan was designed to combat the spread of communism. Europe was on it's back after WWII and they all had very large communist political parties.

Also below is a link to an article from a Romney supporter (economist). At the end of the article his concern is the trade imbalance not the deficit.

2 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I disagree. Stalin was able to do just that for a very long time.

Stalin didn't control anyone other than the Russians, he died in 1948. What controlled Eastern Europe was the political philosophy of Communism which was not discredited as it is today. In was considered the wave of the future.

The Germans were brutal everywhere. In Vichy France for instance they dislocated 1.5 million Frenchmen to Germany to work as slaves in their manufacturing plants. For instance when about a dozen French labor leaders protested the workers treatment, they were filed out and shot. The German army confiscated all the food from the countryside, the French didn't have access to basic necessities. Everything in France was rationed.

Without sufficient supplies they would have been forced to give up or sign a truce sooner or later.

You don't know the English. London endured the 1940 blitz and afterwards the buzz bombs until 1945. If they were as you say, prone to surrender or signing a truce they could have or would have done that in 1940 right after Dunkirk. Besides Dunkirk and

the blitz they endured their shipping being sunk by German U-Boats. England and the English were literally starving. As for wave after wave of German troops. Uh, hello, there's a sea channel between France and England. They'd have to launch an amphibious assault. Not easy, it would have been a bloodbath. You're making the mistake of looking at the past through the prism of the present. The English in the 1940's were a formidable army.

Crying in Washington for a bail out out counts as proof for Churchill's quality of leadership? Granted: Britain was the only country in Europe standing up to Hitler (forget about France), but I don't believe for a second that their motive was noble. Fighting for democracy and the freedom of Poland? Yeah, right. Being afraid to lose their influence in Europe and abroad is more like it.

Bailout? You mean loan? Being a business owner myself, one needs operating capital (loan, bailout to you) in order to function. The problem with Europe is because of the previous bloodbath (aka WWI) no one was prepared for WWII. In other words the citizenry of England and France didn't want war. When Germany overran France the remaining French didn't have any weaponry to defend themselves. England organized the Resistance movements of Europe with supplies and training, that's what I meant by leadership. They were the only country in Europe to stand up to the Germans. England's leadership is sorely missed in today's European financial crisis. Germany's gone wild, once again.

The people in the 1940's knew that they were fighting for their very survival. It was the American working man, the American GI and political leadership from England that won the war.
1 Nov 2012
USA, Canada / Emigrate from the USA - the sequence of events [207]

in trillions of dollars? LOL don't answer please, it's a freaking nonsense what you're saying anyway.

40 billion/month in imports = Half a trillion/year...after year...after year. And you want a strong currency? Beyond gravity. And quit this nonsense about Obama. It's not about Obama, it's about economic policy. I could care less who you vote for. The problem is half a trillion in imports every year, not the deficit. The deficit is just a straw man. It doesn't mean diddly. Dick Cheney, GW's Vice President "Deficits don't matter", have you forgotten?
1 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

Funky Samoan is correct. You need to study WWII. No not the "Band of Brother" stuff but what the population was doing, the resistance movements. The Nazi's were particularly brutal (almost beyond description) and antagonized the local population everywhere they went. There were very virile resistant movements in every country (France, Denmark, Norway, Poland, etc.) No way that Germany could control all of Europe. England would never have capitulated to the Germans. America's Industrial capacity, along with England's leadership won both theaters, even if Germany would have been able to subjugate the Russians.

Spain survived because they stayed neutral. You can't construct a proper analogy between Spain and Germany. Hitler and Franco were totally different.

Another part of me knows that I don't have to read anything.

No, you need to read about WWII. Good books on the subject concern the SOE, Christine Granville would be a particularly good read, and the OSS, "The Wolves at the Door" the French Resistance movement. The Nazi's and Russians were really brutal in WWII. The Russians really did a number on German women during their occupation "the Woman from Berlin", book and DVD.
1 Nov 2012
History / Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians? [281]

I mean what the hell did the West to do help Poland in WWII?

Why? The West offered the Marshall Plan but the Russians cabashed the whole idea.
