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Joined: 12 Apr 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 May 2010
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From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: a jak myslicie?

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16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

the globalist Masons

satanic and globalist enslavement

Both highly unlikely.

This is basically what I've been trying to say all along. But I guess some will still say "Maybe it was wood cracking" or "maybe it was flares going off" or "maybe it was Kaczynski's bodyguards' ammunition exploding in the fire", meanwhile in the background of the video someone is heard saying "dawaj gnata."

Seventy years later, on April 10, 2010, the heirs of the NKVD, who still run Russia, probably finished the job.


Thus they neatly eliminated one more obstacle to Satanic world government which is descending on the planet like a dreaded darkness.
This is how Satanists say, "We're sorry!" By repeating the outrage, again and again, until they are finally stopped.

*ahem* Don't you mean "Stalinist?"

As with the 9-11 passengers, it is possible the occupants were taken off the plane somewhere else, held or murdered. On Saturday, Russian authorities said all bodies had been found. On Monday the story had changed.

It was conspired, but you veered off the path with 9-11 and kidnapping nonsense
You still bellieve what Russian authorities spoon-feed you, even after hearing "dawaj gnata?" and this?:

The plane was Russian and had recently been "refurbished" in Russia.

and this?:

The Russians claimed the pilot didn't speak Russian which turned out to be a lie.

Cults are always on the lookout for such devotees.

Another said the fog appeared just before the landing and quickly dispersed afterward.

Fog was not the issue it was made out to be as shown in prior video on previous post, but here it is again in case memories need refreshing:


A Polish observer wrote: "Given the unlikelihood of Poland's top political and military leaders flying on the same plan, the execution or kidnapping of some of them in Poland cannot be ruled out.

Obviously. I couldn't have said it better myself...
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I’ve long supported normalization of relations between Poland and Russia. Mainly because I see Poland being set up for a replay of 1939, with similar bad consequences for it. The stationing of so-called defensive missiles in Poland being the first chapter.

Yes, it looks like Poland got stuck between a rock and a hard place with the idiot Bush's idea of a missile defense shield. I really wish Kaczynski had never agreed to it to begin with, the only result was stirring Russia's wrath and Poland should really refrain from provoking the Russian bear. When I first heard of it, I knew immediately it would spell nothing but bad news for Poland...did it? As for the normalization of relations, how? A lot of that depends on an even temperament of the Russian government, something Putin is not renowned for i.e. Chechens--I veel CRUSH them and anyone who so much as give them toilet paper to vipe their asses. And it's just heating the pot to boiling in the Caucasus.

And the crime was blamed on the Germans, when the Allies knew full well their “ally” had done it. I have no doubts the crime was approved at the highest levels in London and Washington

I agree the Allies knew full well, but only after the fact. I honestly think they were goaded into the "Uncle" Joe image Stalin could put on and naively underestimated his ruthlessness. Stalin was never known for asking anyone's approval.

Poland was abandoned to communism and years of killing of Polish POWs and privation and occupation by the USSR it’s “reward”.

Abandoned? More like thrown...

And now this. What are we to make of it?

Make of it what you will, but my advice to Poland is to be very wary and vigilant. There's a saying in Polish: give them your little finger, they will take your whole hand.

And, as the Jewish religious press has graciously asked: Why were so many Polish officials (dangerously) together on the same plane?

Naive, and completely ignorant of the risk. In a way, I think Kaczynski's obstinacy with the Katyn issue may be one reason for what happened. Russian attitude still is that Poland should be grateful and not insolent to the heroic Russians who "saved" Poland's ass from the Germans. Depends what your defintion of "save" is.

It’s not that hard to arrange a plane accident, as at least three former members of the Kennedy family

Hmmm... but they all didn't croak on Russian soil, did they? Had that been the case, it would have been a whole different story.

the Polish presidential plane had a complete overhaul in 2009

Ask yourself "where?"

Now we have to wait for the analysis of the black boxes and the alleged accident under Mr. Putin’s direct supervision

Yes, notice that it's not the Jews doing the controlled "supervising," among other things. Otherwise I would be inclined to look for the answer elsewhere. My take on it is that the the Rabbis may have gotten wind of the falling-out Tusk & Kaczynksi had just prior and it gave them pause due to the tension in the atmosphere.

Any hint of murder on the part of the Russians will turn the suspicious Poles permanently against them.

Suspicion among Poles is split...

it doesn’t make sense for Putin and Medvedev to have done it as they had apparently devoted considerable effort to wooing Poland and appeared to be having some success.

Correction--wooing Tusk, and yes they most definetly were having success as long as Kaczynski was kept at a distance.

Very thoughtful analysis, richasis. :)
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Olga, aren't you afraid that some Russian spies read what you post here and you'll get in trouble soon?

So, now I have everyone's attention, eh? Well, then they would have to eliminate a lot of Poles, because many have already put 2 and 2 together, aside from the ones on here.
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Seeing that people is firmly refusing your PoV due of lack (absence) of real proofs

I'm the only one on here that's provided a cohesive argument. Everybody else just spews off with nothing to back their idiocy up.

Finally, a Pole more concerned about the suspicious circumstances than about where Kaczynski is to be buried.
*targeting an hostile citizen whom don't want the best of it's country*

On the contrary, best for my country isn't letting assassins get away with this if they are guilty. You have sick logic.
16 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

In order for a hypothesis to stand the test of scrutiny, one must consider who had the means, motive, and opportunity, and the following questions must be satisfied:

1) Who?
--Putin & Tusk
2) What?
--Assassination by plane crash
3) When?
4) Where?
--Smolensk airport
5) Why? (The "why" also answers the "who." Strong motive usually points to perpetrator.)
Power & revenge--usually the strongest motivators in political assassinations. Here is who would benefit most and why:

"Tusk-A friend to Russia?"

"Polish Plane Crash Boost PM Tusk" (Motive: power)

"Polish premier's ill-fated trip shrouded in acrimony" (Acrimony over how to deal with Russia. Tusk=pro-Russia, Kaczynski not. Motive: power & revenge. Also, very convenient that Tusk had been "invited" several days earlier alone.)

"Poland PM Tusk Considers Running for President" (Motive: power)

"Poland's air crash also killed a swathe of the country's elite" (Consider their accomplishments and ask, "Did they help or hinder Russia?" Motive: revenge)

"Scent of shale gas hangs over Katyn" (Motive: Money & power)

"Poles wary of Nord Stream pact" (Note pipeline originally planned directly from Russia to Germany)

"Nord Stream Ensures Unrestricted Access to Polish Ports" (March 5, 2010-route change press release. Now possible from Russia to Poland. Motive: power...keeping Poland "in line" with gas supply or else cut off like in Ukraine. Remember Kaczynski was pro-West and Tusk much more pro-Russia).

"Analysis: Polish euro dream still elusive after crash" (It's better for Russia if Poland does not go Euro-keeps Poland more isolated from West. Easier to manipulate and strong-arm Poland.)

" The death of Poland's president carries a terrible echo of his country's past" (Illustrates how much of a thorn in the side of Putin Kaczynski really was.)

"Redzikowo Missile Defense Shield" (More pain-in-the-ass for Russia, part of revenge motive)

"Polish President Kaczynski was nationalist, pro-U.S" (Motive: more revenge)

"Diplomats mull practical impact of Polish air disaster" (Reasons for elimination of Kaczynski and key party players who were pain-in-the asses for both Putin & Tusk)

And, last but not least-
"Throughout history, Russian leaders have sought to suppress dissent by driving critics into exile - or worse"

6) How?
Plane was overhauled just several months earlier in Russia. Opportunity for sabotage. (This is both the "means" and opportunity")

Ex-lieutenant colonel of KGB is expert in plotting and carrying out assassinations. That is part of their training, as is suppression of information (propaganda expert) and "damage control." (This is the "means" portion.)

And let us not forget, exaggerated reports of fog (if it was really so bad, why wasn't the airport closed due to weather, as is standard procedure) as well as gunshots at Smolensk crash site. Most logical explanation for gunshots is that Russian soldiers were either dispatched or lying in waiting to prevent intrusion by witnesses and to ensure control of evidence. Those are indeed gunshots from a hand-gun. I played this video for a couple of guys who served in the army-they confirmed. Ammunition blasting off spontaneously from heat and fire sound different, more erratic and hollow. Note especially first shot in video. Unmistakable gun-shot, with echo. Remember, Russian guy in video is close enough to distinguish which is reason for his panicked cursing.


Also remember reports of Polish officials initially being barred/physically restrained from access to crash site (shown below), and reports of Polish complaints concerning lack of information.

"That probe is moving fairly quickly, aviation experts said, but some Poles have complained about a lack of public information, including the transcript of conversation in the cockpit before the accident.

Jerzy Artymiak, spokesman for Polish military prosecutors, said one of three black boxes found will be brought to Poland...while the other two continue to be examined in Russia."

You would have to be completely lacking basic critical thinking capacity not to seriously consider this as justifiable means, motive, and opportunity.

  • Photo of Russian officials restraining Polish investigators
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You see an interview conducted a few hours after the accident

I am referring to the boy's video!!!! Are you crazy or stupid? You don't even know what you're talkng about... Overdue for psychiatrist consult. Why don't you enlarge and pause closeup of boy's video on his camera.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

The accident was at 10:56 Moscow Time. At 10:56 the Sun is very high over the horizon, just over one hour away from its highest point

Video shows plane. Light IS high, consistent with time of flight. Some fog is visible, but nothing to the degree described in reports. Pause video. Do full screen view. Look closely. Rewind and pause again. Repeat as required until brain processes input.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

The accident was at 10:56 Moscow Time. At 10:56 the Sun is very high over the horizon, just over one hour away from its highest point during the day. The Sun seen in the clip is low because it's going sleepy. The scene is late afternoon.

The video has the plane in it, in case you forget, and plane did not fly in the afternoon. Video shows high light, consistent with the time of flight. Some traces of fog are visible but nothing llto the extent characterized in reports. Pause and do full screen view. Rewind and pause again if necessary for brain to process. Repeat if required.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Also, as you pointed out yourself, the video was made a few hours after the crash

No, I did not say that. Learn how to read . Video is clearly from morning as you can see by the light and Russia today is state-run tv which is why there is no further mention in the reports of that video. By now the boy's camera has been in all likelihood confiscated.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

In which point?
Address the points I made.
The only clear thing for now is that you lost your mind.

Explain lack of heavy fog--and Russia's jumping up-and-down loudly yelling "fog!", when video clearly shows little. I am referring to boy's video as the plane was overhead. Not some smoke-filled low light footage reporters shot hours later after the wreckage was burning fuel and PAH's (polyacrylic hydrocarbons) all day. Also, explain how Russia could not be behind it if they had the plane in their possession several months prior for overhaul.

Neither did you answer my question whether you wouldn't agree that the Polish investigators, who work alongside the Russian investigators, wouldn't protest heavily (probably would even go to the press with it if relations between PL and RU are that tense) if they felt they were kept out of the loop.

Answer: Tusk. AKA pro-Russia puppet and likely allied with Putin in this. How convenient he was "invited" several days prior after having a big falling-out with Kaczynski.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

If majority of the world believed that it was an accident then that's it is, case closed.

That's the "magic" of media-manipulating propaganda. Russia must be gloating. All that money in propaganda budget did not go to waste. It's not up to the ignorant masses to decide what the truth is, unbiased transparent investigations are for that--contrary to what is occurring here. Poland should get EU inquiry going into this--Russia is playing them for a fool and they are in over their head.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

So you have a problem with Russian media reports and then you use them to continue your unproven allegations?

To illustrate my argument on who's doing all the one-sided talking. Which clearly you are so short-sighted as not to see.

According to Russian sorces (those Russians again) there was no presidential presure on the pilot

Interesting that Russia was so quick to jump on Kaczynski and now looks like idiots, no? Again, your myopia is epic.

Read the damned links I posted or shut up!
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

who spat in your breakfast this morning?

People who parade their drooling lobotomies like they are a virtue to be proud of.

Anyway, back to the topic: Comments on video please--well thought out with supporting evidence.

Also, same as above on this please:

Come on people--shut the hell up until you actually READ this.