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Posts by vetala  

Joined: 10 Jul 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Feb 2011
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20 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

I was mainly referring to Polish posters on PF, full blown Poles, who are after all the representatives of the Polish society.

Yeah? Which ones? Am I not one of them?
20 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Sorry, my confusion came from the statement by a PF member 'Socrates'.
But I'd rather you weren't. I hate it when some Poles give the rest of us an image of an intolerant nation. I always get a feeling like the only way of countering it would be becoming a philosemite but that would be just silly...
20 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

yes i'm Polish

Again? Weren't you Greek not so long ago? I wish I could change my nationality so easily;)
I would have become Jewish, just to spite you.
20 Dec 2009
Language / Why in the world there are three ways to write simple U ?!?! [54]

I meant the phonetic pronounciation. You don't pronounce 'k','g' or 'h' but you add 'a' for some reason. In Polish nearly every sound is transcribed and only sometimes one or two letters are pronounced a tad bit differently.
20 Dec 2009
Language / Why in the world there are three ways to write simple U ?!?! [54]

I remember learning about the difference in pronounciation in different regions in Poland on one of my linguistics lectures. So it all depends I guess.

I also learned that there are three ways of pronouncing 'e' in the English language and pretty much from anywhere you can expect a surprise attack from 'shwa'. Phonetically, English makes much less sense than Polish. How the hell does 'knicht' become 'nait'?
20 Dec 2009
Language / Why in the world there are three ways to write simple U ?!?! [54]

...WHAT? How is '£' similar to 'U'? It's a completely different sound!


These are not similar in the slightest!


You've been living here for 4 years and you can't hear the difference? Unbelievable!
19 Dec 2009
Life / Russian Language - is it offensive if I speak it to Polish people? [69]

If I traveled to Poland, would I offend anyone if I spoke Russian to them?

No. Our famous dislike for Russians is only skin-deep, nobody takes it seriously enough to feel offended only by the language (which sounds very pretty to a Polish ear anyway). On the other hand there's a general belief among Poles that foreigners think of Poland as a village in Russia with no distinct culture or language, so if you try speaking in Russian right away without asking if people understand, they might have the impression that you can't tell the difference between Poles and Russians and THAT might be insulting.

Am I better of with just speaking English?

Yes, with everyone under 30.
18 Dec 2009
News / The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign theft from Oswiecim, Poland [240]

So it's better to attack a whole nation? I shall remember that, my dear Moral Guardian.
Nice try, but I won't be provoked. I've read enough of your posts to conclude that reasoning with you is like trying to reason with joe pilsudski.
18 Dec 2009
News / The "Arbeit Macht Frei" sign theft from Oswiecim, Poland [240]

It's revolting but understandable - many would be willing to pay millions for this sign.

I can't believe there are anti-Jewish comments in this thread. Shouldn't we join together in outrage against the criminals instead? Shame on you.
16 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

M-G don't take it personally, it was just a general statement and it was mainly directed at aphrodisiac anyway. I'm just getting tired of discussions about Poles and Jews - nothing ever comes out of this and even when it seems like we have all reached a compromise suddenly someone new speaks out (wh'os usually neither Jewish nor has ever been to Poland) and without bothering to read the previous comments says something stupid and the whole argument starts again, everyone acting like they completely forgot what they said two pages earlier.


Your profile states that you speak SOME Polish, therefore you are hardly an expert when it comes to Poland or opinions of people who live in Poland EVEN if you might be Polish GENETICALLY. Also statements like...

Polish anti-Semitic way of thinking

...automatically make me lose respect for people who say them and makes me sure that they are not knowledgable about the way of thinking of Poles.
13 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

My friends believe Slavs in general are their own UNIQUE race. Not black or white. :)

That depends what definition they use. According to a dictionary:

1.a group of persons related by common descent or heredity.
2.a population so related.
4.a group of tribes or peoples forming an ethnic stock: the Slavic race.
5.any people united by common history, language, cultural traits, etc.: the Dutch race.

As for whether Poles are white or not - that also depends on a definition. I know there are people who don't consider Latinos or Arabs to be properly white and if they aren't then I guess I'm the only white member of my family, because it's significant part is darker than my half-Arab friend and her Arab father.
13 Dec 2009
Genealogy / last name I think its spelled mackinsky or mcakinasky [10]

It doesn't sound Polish at all, except the 'sky' ending. Are you sure it's not Scottish? I've heard Scots often have 'Mac' or 'Mc' at the beginning of their surnames.

If you're absolutely sure that it's Polish then the closest thing would be 'Makiński' or 'Machiński'.

edit -
Ah, I've looked your other thread and it seems that you're sure it's from Poland. In 1800 Poland was partitioned between Russia, Prussia and Austria and Poles were often opressed by the partitioners. It's possible that your ancestors escaped from being sent to Siberia or something like that.
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

I find USHMM's deception in calling a concentration camp for children an "orphanage" insulting, don't you?

I do. But the only way of fighting ignorance is through spreading awareness. Nobody will listen to arguments presented in an offensive, accusing and aggressive way. Which is why I don't listen to Harry, even if he sometimes makes sense.
3 Dec 2009
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

Sigh. The information about the camp is surely interesting but the way you people treat it kinda makes me wonder whether I should write a book on 'Polish Martyrology Industry' concentrated SOLELY on Poles and not just dismissing but also insulting other victims, particularly those who had it far worse than Poles.
27 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Then have any serious studies been done on this in Poland to support your claim?

I've seen Jews walking around in yarmulkas but I never noticed anyone spitting on them. There are Jewish movie directors, actors, politicians, writers and journalists in Poland. They don't hide it, they openly talk about it and they're still celebrities. There are Jewish studies, festivals of Jewish culture, Jewish kindergartens, Jewish newspapers and radio stations. There is no mob with pitchforks standing outside them.

Every person whose appearance, lifestyle and beliefs differ slightly from those of the majority fear persecution. It doesn't matter if you're a Jew, Black, Baptist, Jehova Witness or a boy with long hair - there will be people who will hold it against you. Hell, I'm an atheist and I've been 'persecuted' lots of times because of this. There are times when I pretend to be just a non-practicing catholic only because I'm too tired to get into arguments. But I won't cry and say that I am 'made to feel different and suffer abuse in Poland'.

As for using the word 'Jew' in a derogative sense - did you check the profiles of people who do this sort of thing? What makes you think that they're Polish?
26 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Maybe if you are a Polish Jew yourself you might have more positve experiences to share?

No, I'm not and yes, I can share positive stories. As for the woman - of course there are antisemites in Poland just as there are racists in America, and if her in-laws are like that then I'm not surprised that she would rather keep them in dark about her origins. It's no different from an African-American marrying a white American whose parents are racists. However, what pisses me off is the way the article is written, it implies that people with Jewish ancestry in Poland keep it secret out of fear of being persecuted by everybody. It's disturbing and untrue. I know lots of people with Jewish ancestry - they BRAG about it, they consider it to be interesting and cool and I have yet to personally meet a person who would think that it's something to be ashamed of.

As for positive stories - how about my one and only encounter with antisemitism? Someone wrote something nasty about Jews on the walls of my block's elevator. Or at least that's what I heard because it was immidiately erased and I only found out about this from the people who rode elevator with me later that day - they were OUTRAGED! They were speaking in high volume, cursing 'banditry' and 'hooliganism' and two days later the whole interior of the elevator was painted over. And please, try to understand - I live in a town in the most backward part of Eastern Poland and dirty phrases in elevators are nothing new. In fact, there were quite a few written there for YEARS (together with a highly inaccurate drawing of male genitalia) and nobody cared. The only thing that shocked and outraged people was antisemitism.

In conclusion - yes, there are antisemites in Poland since there was a person who wrote the antisemitic phrase on the inside of my elevator. But there were also at least four people who condemned it. They weren't even indifferent - they were anti-antisemites!

So - is Poland an antisemitic country, where 'Jews suffer abuse'? Or is it a normal country, where antisemitic incidents happen from time to time?
26 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

How sad for Poland :-((

Sad for Poland, indeed. Now everybody's gonna think that we're a country were every person with the slightest connection to Judaism is publicly stigmatized and probably chased with pitchforks.

And really, the story about hair-pulling ('I was made to feel different!') is so ridiculous.
26 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


"Today Jews in Poland continue to suffer abuse."
I really hate phrases like this one. When a Jew is beaten do death in France it's said that 'there are antisemitic incidents in France' when a Jew is insulted by someone in Poland: 'In Poland Jews suffer abuse'

I get the impression that Polish emigrants in the US are stuck with the attitude of their grandparents about Jews, while in Poland itself things have evolved.

Ah, I thought exactly the same thing!
24 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

anti-semitism by fellow soldiers in the Polish Armed Forces

Not surprising. The only thing which surprises me is the romantic image of the Polish army that most Poles seem to have. In reality the humiliation and brutality towards the soldiers of the Polish army was legendary even before the war. Two of my family members were abused so much that they commited suicide. Not a very good way to raise morale, eh?
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Poland has quite good relations with Muslim countries. One might think that after defeating the Ottomans in Vienna, Turks would be happy for Poland to be partitioned but instead they were the only people who didn't acknowledge the partitions and even accepted Polish refugees. So did Iran after the end of WWII. And, as L_T_B said, Tatars were a loyal force of the Commonwealth. So there's absolutely nothing that we could hold against Muslims.

However, if your hate for the people who showed our nation nothing but sympathy and compassion is indeed so strong, then I suppose you will be happy to know that there are hardly any Muslims living in Poland and you will most likely never get a chance of seeing any here.
21 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

And just how many Muslim countries did Israel nuke? That's the thing: Israel doesn't want any other country's annihilation, Israel wants peace. It's other countries that don't want peace with Israel.

Israel has the right to protect itself. To forbid a country whose existence is threatened by all of its neighbours from gaining weapons which are to be used ONLY in a defence is like forbidding Poland from getting a missile shield because Russia doesn't want it.
21 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


The moment Muslim countries recognize Israel and promise not to nuke it, Palestinians will get my full support. But as of now both sides are in danger so I'm rooting for the one which aims for peace, not for complete annihilation of the other side.
20 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]


Ok, I understand your point of view in this particular aspect (that we owe more to Iran, I mean) but I don't agree with the conclusion you reached. The conflict between Jews and Arabs and the threat of a nuklear war that could claim the lives of millions of people is far too important to pick a side by counting which country gave more cookies to Polish children.

I'm very thankful to Iran for the help given to Polish refugees but it DOES NOT mean that I have to agree with everything Iran does, especially if its plans include nuking Israel. The fact that Arabs don't recognize Israel's 'Right to Exist' clearly means that they don't want peace, they want to annihilate Israel. I could never cheer for something like that.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Oh, I lie about pointless and unimportant things all the time, especially when they have nothing to do with the point I'm trying to make with my arguments.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

1)Read Bzibzioh's article.
2)Read my first comment to see whom I adress last.
3)Read my second comment. Particularly the parts I quoted.
4)Turn your brain on.

Maybe then you will se that me response was meant for her...

the darn book wasn't even published until a few months ago

I admit it - I lied. I've read it a few months ago. In my defence, I couldn't remember the exact date and I only used the word 'year' because I didn't know if I should write 'about half a year ago' or 'about half-a-year ago' and I was too lazy to look it up. Next time, I will have a dictionary ready, I swear.

Edit - ok, I lied again. It was less than three months ago.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Did YOU read my comments carefully? It was an answer to Bzibzioh.
As for your book, I came upon it while searching the web on Polish-Jewish relations about a year ago. I've read it carefully and didn't find anything that would differ from the 'traditional' antisemitic attitudes of Polish peasantry.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Do you think that there has never been any prejudice on the Polish side? Both sides didn't like each other and both reacted to each other's hate with a hate of their own. You can't expect every single Jew to accept antisemitism with patience and no bad feelings.

I also think that today Poles seem more interested in having good relations with Jews. But reacting to every misconception with hostility will only reinforce their negative feelings. If we want them to see our good side, we need to show it first.

Also, the article you provided is dreadful. Lines like “Even 65 years after the war, they are afraid to talk about it” or "efforts to demonstrate to Poles that those who risked their lives to save Jews are worthy of honour" make it seem like Poland is such an unbelievably antisemitic country that not only Jews but also their sympathizers are murdered on the streets every day. Whoever wrote this article is surely biased. It's no wonder then that Jews have a bad opinion of Poles. If I were a Jewish person I would have been afraid to visit Poland after reading an article like this.

And it's bullsh*t too. Even the biggest antisemites praise Irena Sendler's courage.