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Posts by scrappleton  

Joined: 28 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
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Posts: Total: 829 / In This Archive: 270
From: US, California
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: naps.. boobs.. moms who don't play hockey.

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25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Puss1e ass mutha ******.

lol.. well now...that wasn't very nice. Tym, look at your pal here. Care to rap his knuckles like you did mine?
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Scrappy, you can't take this stuff personally. adjust yourself and come back.

Haha.. who says I am, Tym? Look, you know they hate us.. why do you bow to them like that. If it was the other way around they would have invaded us already. Look what they do to each other. C'mon.. it's you that maybe needs a cooling period. I told you , these are just hypotheticals. The European loves them.. why can't we theorize?

You tell me it's beyond the realm of reality that they could one day make war on us? In the next 20 years or so? You really think it's that far fetched?
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Have you ever heard of Google. I have. Yankee invented it!

It's free, have fun.

Weapons of WWII? Hmmm.. how about fear that the German manufactured and apparently the European consumed?
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

you have no place in Obamas new world so step off will yah

What do you know about Obama, boy? The Jews own him and the Jews don't like Europe general. Wonder why. All we have to do is drum up hate through our population in the South and Midwest.. and it's lights out EU. Russkie can have the center and east Europe even. As Tym says they will probably welcome Putin home.

What fun we will have!!!

Scrappy, why can't you discuss the thread items properly? Weapons of WWII, any thoughts? Lord Only Knows, America supplied many of them through their arms firms. Care to discuss that!?

Admonish your boy, WB. As he was "having a poke" at the Yanks. As he so eloquently put it I think. I don't know, I don't speak cockney.
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

you dont go to someone home and slap them with your cock expecting them to treat you well.

Have you done this before? : - (

You didnt give Poland anything, not a single penny, not even once in your history so no you didnt give us "things".

We tried to give you Marshall Plan.. you took somebody else's hand. :- (

even though most of Americans are horribly terribly dumb by European standards,

.. opinion... and so , so rude. :- (

Its not, you're a power for 50 years and already collapsing,


Its not, you're a power for 50 years and already collapsing, Poland was a power for 250 years, Germany was a power for over 100 years, England for nearly 400.

Those other guys were not the sole superpower.. they shared it with others.

We don't. :- ))))

.. I thought you didn't want to talk to me because I'm "retarded, moron, fat, stupid, sub-human......" ???? Carry on. Do you have any nice tv's , washing machines? I will be collecting them some day.
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Europe per se, is not a fan of the US.

Well said, Tym. Why don't we return the favor and I mean really return it. How much longer should we suffer this treatment from these bums? They can't even take care of themselves half the time. The needed us and the Russians and then turn around and villify us at any and every turn.

Here's my take: You know how they're always barely catching Islamic cells from getting over here. Well, one is going to get through out of Europe and cause another 911 at that juncture we'll have no choice but to go in and occupy the continent. Probably for good.

At any rate, our lower classes should understand who they are. Once they are turned against Europe they'll glad go in and do what needs done. Hollywood is already doing this as all the villians are usually European. Hey.. in the end they will have brought it on themselves.
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Mod how is this not flaming?

Yes, I think we'd have all major infrastructure, communications in about a year or so. We could invite the Russians to share in the booty.
25 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

wonder people treat you like sh*t.

Well, Europeans do. Like I said, I think it's funny. I just don't understand why we give you things, protection etc. Pathetic clowns you are. However the EU needs to pay us for keeping the Russians out of W. Europe and keeping idiot Europeans from killing themselves. After all , we did it and had to pay for it. How about we just come over and take it? How about that Professor. Your pants would smell even worse than usual.

please, stop flaming.

this mod does not give final warnings

24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Still love 'em though.

Have you been there? They look at you as if you've sh.t your pants. Hey, I'm serious make them pay for all the security we provided since they hate us so much. Guess who had to foot the bill for all of that? We did. What would they do if we demanded if from them? They wouldn't fight us , you know that.
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Do you think the number of factories that a country has is a solid measure of it having superpower status?

?? Ahhh.. never asserted that. Your British pal asked me about German/US relations. Do try and keep up, old man. :- (

Factories, Scrappy?

BMW is in South Carolina. Volkswagen is in planning one in Tennesee. (shrugs, I thought you knew everything, Seanus) Yes manufacturing is important. I took quite a bit of economics, I think I know. I didn't spend the 90's doing ecstacy in some smelly british discotecque.
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

That was deliberate

That was an aberration and yes it was unique. My father fought in the war, I know. You are a Euro clown reading force fed antiamerican propaganda. Then again, it appears none of it was forced maybe. Vietnam was wrong.. Few if any Americans will dispute that. However, for modern Europeans to wag their fingers in an american's face.. that's just laughable.

How are you going to deal with Germany? Why would you deal with them?

Converse with them? Why would we want to have relations with them? They are fast becoming a superpower, they are currently building factories as are the Japanese.

You know your people have such big mouths and egos, I wonder how long it will be until you hurt relations with Germany. Do you honestly think they've forgotten Dresden? Your empire is long gone.. who will save you then? Maybe you can go beat up some Falkland islanders again. Wheeeee!
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

They don't

Bratwurst Boy:
What triumph? What was achieved with that?

Wroclaw Boy:

It killed German civilians and levelled a city, put Hitlers Reich in terror distance of the Allies reep what you sow and all that. A demorolising inpact on the German nationals morale, a major victory for the allies. A little bit of pay back basically.

:-( .. Look on page 5 of this thread.
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

I daresay

You daresay? LOL!! Well look who graces with me with his countenance, the esteemed Professor! Sorry, I think I will honor (oh excuse me, honour, as you are an anglophile) our agreement. Besides as I've asserted to you already, your nation had surrendered and was catching butterflies in England during most of WWII.

Leave talk of warriors and war to countries who can call themselves such.

BTW: One can not justify Dresden and call other countries cruel in the same breath w/o looking stupid.

Congrats to you professor.
24 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Britian went to war against Argentina in 1981 imagine us killing women and children

You are under the impression you didn't kill innocents in the Falklands? It's well documented your frequent bombing killed thousands of French civilians. See the problem here is you're an arrogant Pommie. Who proves weekly on here you don't have much grasp of reality.

We were fighting the greatest army ever formed in the Wermcht - alone!! No Russia no USA, you only came in after Hitler had been defeated at Stalingrad. In war terms kind of like stomping on a guys head after hes already on the ground

Uhhh.. for the 400th time.. WE DON'T LIVE IN OR NEAR EUROPE. You let Hitler come to power.. and then declared war on himwhen he wasn't really threatening you. Maybe you should have thought before you lept. And I think "fighting" would be a subjective term as you lost almost every ground battle you fought against the Germans.

the American killing's of innocent women and children was less than 40 years ago,

Dresden wasn't centuries ago.. and GB led that expedition. BTW: You're welcome you're not wearing lederhosen. Yeah I'm pretty sure it was your drunk PM he came a calling for money on Penn Ave. What a proud aristocrat he was. Roosevelt probably had to hide the key to the liquor cabinent.

We do indeed you puss!es went running to the French, Spanish, Dutch and god knows who else for help.

Spanish? French gave us ships, History Boy. Dutch didn't really loan money until we'd won a few decisive battles. Your inept generals did the rest for us. You had the numbers and tech but were decidedly beaten by farm boys and blacksmiths. Kind of like your as.s wipe arguments, no?

Today you're still paying money to your "crown" being a country of lackeys being over run by 3rd world lackeys. What's more, I guess it's fitting that queen is of German stock as they are the new lords of your manor it would seem. Go on and keep criticizing the US.. Whatever gets you through the night. Just keep the f.ucking alms cup from our door please.
22 Oct 2009
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

In my day, the correct behaviour was reinforced with a wooden spoon to the back side. Not anymore.

I read psychologists are actually going back to that line of thinking.. after all these decades of postive reinforcement junk.. it's back to the old discipline. Wow.. what a surprise.
18 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

White Supremacists should be held responsible for their comments and deeds in violation of the basic rights of human beings.

You don't think there are Black Supremacists? You don't think they commit hate crimes? Strange you don't mention that.

Being proud in general what your ethnic background is good. Whites have accomplished a hell of a lot. There's nothing wrong with being proud of it. Not everybody wants multiculturalism shoved down their thoats all the time. Where's the freedom there?
11 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

If you want to talk about war attorocities i think America wins the gold medal with stripes in Vietnam. Innocent civilians, mothers, fathers and children massacred by trigger happy GI's wanting some pay back. The Vietnamese played you guys like a tune, we all know the outcome of that war.

Yes and we know the outcome of a certain war in the 1770's too. Somebody was played a tune there as well. Now that somebody is more or less a colony themselves. How you love to chirp about Vietnam.. if the American military wanted your shi.t heap island you wouldn't last a year or so. You can barely secure provinces in Afghanistan half the time. Look how many ground battles you lost during WWII. How the Wehrmacht smacked you around . Until you had to beg us to help. Now you sit back and criticize , fat boy.

Germans / Russians killed 13 million civilians on the Eastern Front. Vietnam and Hiroshima, Nagasaki and Iraq don't even come close to touching those numbers. You dont think the British bombing of Europe in WWII didn't kill any French and German civilians?

Anyway, I wouldn't open my hole about atrocities[i][/i] so much you . How many spear chucking Zulus did your slaughter? American Indians? Boers? Any darkie to you was a savage and destined for destruction. How amusing the British love off wagging their fingers in others' faces.

BTW: Dresden was needless carnage and yes it was stupid. So was Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
11 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Okay well a lot of Americans weren't shot on site, and given a choice I'd rather be in a German prison than a Japanese. You kind of grasped that, didn't you? However, thanks for the glib a.sshole point you've made. Typical British.
11 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

The Yanks had the perfect excuse with the Japs.

Nuking the Japanese was a bad decision (in retrospect), so was Dresden.. at the same time the Japanese treated American / British POWs horribly, starved them etc. Stuff that would have made the Nazis shudder. At least Hitler kind of respected the warrior.
10 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

How do they feel about becoming muslim nations in a few decades? Are they okay with losing some freedom?

You can't be an ostrich and let this stuff fester. The Muslims are a completely different culture than ours and ultimately will limit personal freedoms. If worse comes to worse, I say North Americans will have to free Europe of the Muslims.. or help in doing so. You don't want the Muslims ruling Europe; it's just a bad scenario for everyone.
3 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

Actually Barbarossa was perfectly planned and executed

The hell it was.. Hitler fired key generals in the midst of it. The Germans took too much land too quickly and let supply lines stretch.. it's the only real reason they lost. That was actually poor planning. They tried the same blitzkrieg with that huge expanse of land and didn't really account for the cold.

Russian capacities was so absurdly above German ones the Reich didnt have a prayer by then.

Uhhh.. The Russians barely escaped the Finns. They were better in the trenches than the Germans, hand to hand, defending their own lands, cities. The best army in the war was the Wehrmacht. The Red Army pulled off an amazing comeback and they deserve respect for the rest of time but based on pure efficiency it was the Wehrmacht.
3 Oct 2009
History / Weapons of WWII (Poland and other countries) [239]

You're as always a sad little retard attempting discussion on topics that outgrow you.

LOL.. Please fool .. You calling someone a retard and I do mean ANYONE.. Is like Hilter chastising someone for having a temper.

Why don't you give a lowdown of Polish weapons at the time?

Typical Sokrates criticize someone else's house when he sleeps under a bridge.