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Posts by gumishu  

Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 14 Jan 2025
Threads: Total: 15 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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30 Dec 2017
Language / Idiomatic Polish [65]

I'd say 'coś zrobił? ' but not 'ło co chodzi?' ;)

ło co chodzi? ło te łoziecki ;) - I bet you don't know what łoziecki mean kaprys
30 Dec 2017
Travel / Help with a travel plan to Poland [72]

are you sure you want to visit Poland in the middle of the winter? it can be pretty cold you know (like below -15 degrees sometimes even less)

Kraków and Warsaw - but especially Kraków are worth more than 1-2 day visit - while I doubt Białystok and Lublin can match them - Wrocław is definitely worth a 2 day visit
29 Dec 2017
Language / Idiomatic Polish [65]

Kurwa kurwie łba nie urwie

the nicer way to say the same thing is: "Kruk krukowi oka nie wykole" wich literally means : A raven won't poke out another's raven eye
21 Dec 2017
Genealogy / Opszentkowski means what in Polish. [28]

I agree, but there are other Polish surnames that end with -ów,

yes there are such surnames - the -ów suffix denotes progeny or possesion - exmamples of surnames like this: Kubów (literally Kuba's/Jakub's), Pawłów (Paul's), Grzegorzów (Gregory's)
21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

you must be able to do that seeing as you claim that nothing justifies using the term countless for the crimes committed by Poles in the UK.

the numbers are not readily available sorry - you can do the research on your own if you are this interested - after all you are a native English speaker unlike myself
21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

How nice of you to selective edit my words.

next time please simply be responsible with the use of words - nothing justifies using the term countless for the crimes committed by Poles in the UK - and no i was hardly selective

I have never said Polish people are a nation of angels - in fact Poland exported most of its scum and lowlife to Britain after joining the EU - the crime rates in Poland fell sharply in the years following 2004 - and I never said Poles are a marvellous nation - you see/hear your own assumptions in what I say - still anti-polonism in Britain is almost instutitionallised by some newspapers (Daily Mail comes to mind)
21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

countless murders

are you sure you are justified to use the term countless here? as of 2014 there were 1000 Polish inmates in British prisons - that hardly makes them countless - let's assume (very generously) 10 per cent of them were murderers - that makes it 100 Polish murderers - do you still claim they are countless - with this very generous assumption you got less then 1 in 10000 Poles in Britain commited murder

this is a recent case from what I can gather - dailyrecord.co.uk/news/local-news/bullied-teen-terrified-school-peers-11681195

Also, you did say 'students' eg plural, now you say it was just one...OK..

please read without carefully and without assumptions - I clearly stated that :

students in British schools being bullied (including with grave physical violance) - to the point that one of such bullied students

21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

do you really think that?

yes I really do think businesses should be able to deny services to anyone they deem undesirable - it doesn't lead to such logic against law paradoxes as in this case - and I really do believe people should reconsider supporting parties who are keen to establish the so called 'anti-discrimination' laws - it is just simple reality that often the discrimination is well based on real actions and attitudes and 'anti-discrimination' laws generate real losses for businesses
21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

well I live in the UK Gumishu and I am not seeing any 'bit grimmer reality' tbh.

have you really never heard of Polish students in British schools being bullied (including with grave physical violance) - to the point that one of such bullied students committed suicide on the school premises? -
21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

It's not racist at all. You buy fishery or lease it from the local authoritie. Fill it will expensive fish and have rules ',

while I do understand the reason the owner of the fishery put up this sing (and I sympathise with them) I can't help but to remind you that such signs (and business attitudes) are against the British anti-discrimation laws (which if you ask me don't make sense at all - I believe a private business should be able to deny service to anyone they want to) - you have in a sense only yourself to blame for allowing such laws to be passed by electing the parties who promote them
21 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

doesn't represent any even slightly widespread feeling in the UK;

i don't live in the UK so I can't judge - but there are incidents reported than paint a bit grimmer reality than you would like me to believe in
20 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

just look at all those suicide bombers and other terrorists - such peaceful people

also just look at those who killed a Polish man in Harlow for speaking Polish - and at those bullied Polish students in English schools (of which one eventually committed suicide) - this is how implemented laws prevent hate in Britain
20 Dec 2017
News / No Jews allowed! Latest anti-semitic outrage out of Poland [21]

Anyone who put this sign up is a little prejudiced man.

he is prejudiced but not without a reason kaprys - Polish anglers very often catch fish to take them home - my brother who lived in the UK longer than me told me about it (he took part in it) - which is against British rules for the most part
20 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

don't play dumbass whoever you are - Dirk clearly means the United States and the case was world famous (though I haven't heard of the finale in the Supreme Court - apparently the mainstream media didn't care to inform us about it)
20 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / No Poles Allowed! - Latest Polonophobic Outrage Out of Britain [660]

Ktosiu, why don't you post from Poland if you say you love 'our country'?

that's actually a very cheap shot, Ziemowit - according to this logic those who scammed billion out of the budget in VAT frauds love Poland because they stayed here

also according to this logic colonel Kukliński and John Paul the Second didn't love Poland cause they lived abroad for a very long time - not to mention Adam Mickiewicz :P
20 Dec 2017
Work / What is the average accounting/auditing salary in Poland? [42]

Can anyone help me how can i get a job in the field of accounting/finance there

I know very little about the subject - just recently read about Capgemini company and that they are broadening their business in Poland and are/will be recruiting - they are an outsourcing company working with partners in the West and are in need of employees with English and various other European languages (I think accountancy is one of their major fields of business) - I am not sure though whether they have a branch in Warsaw - from what I remember they have several ones in Poland (including Kraków, Katowice and Wrocław)