Language /
The Polish language - it's bloody hard! [210]
As far as the relative transparency of Polish, to reiterate, it most definitely is far "easier" from the point of view of pronunciation than English or French, even German with its "voiceless" dipthongs (e.g. "wie" =how. pronounced as a single phoneme vs. Polish "wie" = she/she knows, pronounced as TWO separate letters, only the "w" as English "v"-sound, taking some getting used to!).
Its constant irregularities (typical of pan-Slavic nothwithstanding) however, can pose serious problems for the average English-speaking learner (as opposed to Spanish or italian, phonetically speaking, of course), who have to contend with a seemingly capricious case system (as with all inflected languages:)) and occasional discrepancies in verb classes, not mention aspectual issues as well as word order.
Having grown up with German as a second first language and having many years of Latin under my belt, Polish was not a problem to learn.
I am, though, a notable exception among my colleagues who have also studied Polish.