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Joined: 21 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 27 May 2024
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From: Cetinje, Crna Gora

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4 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

The "beauty" of multicultural Europe of open borders

I remember there was some news where Chinese tourists were shocked when they were visiting Paris because they could not see the real French... and in this video we have a Japanese woman who was surprised. When they are surprised and shocked - it speaks for itself what is the situation in Europe.
4 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

In my previous post is an excellent video for sobering up and awakening the duped and dumbed-down masses.

Western Europe has a terminally ill disease.

The consequences of political correctness, the affirmation of multiculturalism policy of open borders... and other libtard's b/s.
3 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

We as a nation were the first to clash with radical jihad during the 1990's. The first polygon for their actions were in Bosnia and Kosovo. Their recruitment centers still until today are to be found on our territory or in the vicinity of our territories. We were also the first nation to also clash with the other evil to have befallen Europe and that is NATO pact, this is the Atlanticist ideology which is also in the same way inappropriate to European civilisation, and equally to Atlantiscism are opposed the French, Serbs and Russians.


Because to us as an old European civilisation that American product is not inherent. Again we Serbs on two occassions went to war against NATO pact. In that I see our strength. We didn't go through a good period during the 1990's we had even worse problems during the 2000's however all the sacrifices that we went through can in this moment become the symbols of one new politics which is now in paralell being born in the East through the doctrine which is pushed by Vladimir Putin who is realistically in this moment the World's greatest statesman, about this there is no question, he is today popular in Serbia more then he is popular in Russia and he is popular also in Germany, he is popular in France, he is also popular in America. He is popular in the greater part of civilisation which is thinking where further? But from the other side you have also the Western European answer and that is the new European political wave which is led by Marine Le Pen who is in essence, if we would have from one side Angela Merkel as a paradigm of one old European politics then you have Marine Le Pen as a possible paradigm of one new European politics which precisely strives to return the sovereignity to nations who aims to return the independence to European countries, who strives to Russia as the only world military power that can Europe (in that real military sense of the word) free from these problems, incorporate and to make one story which will be now the story of a united and much wider Europe then it is today.
3 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Much of western europe seems to have lost the most basic of survival instincts happy to endure enless humiliations for the privilege of pretending there's no problem.

If we look at what is now becoming more and more the paradigm of European politics, that is the threat from jihad. This is now not the danger that someone in Paris or in Berlin looks at their Muslim neighbours and says oh well these are some civilised Muslims we were able to with our culture managed to in some way integrate them into society and there somewhere in the Balkans exist some Bosniaks to whom we changed their name giving them a new identity and from the other side there are those Serbs who are, who knows what they are doing and so and so. Now jihad is knocking at their doors.

Since in Paris happened two cases with over 200 victims then also the old Europe started to think in the direction wait a moment we have a problem respectively as that movie title says the enemy at the gates. We have one foreign body for Europe that is the ideology and civilisation of Islam which is also old and rooted therefore as the Christian one, a little younger but rooted and serious. We have in our own backyard that, however their civilisation has become totally decadent it has become a consumer society, their men are no longer the men from 100 years ago, their men are now metrosexuals, popularly speaking, their women are not the women who sometimes ago kept families, their women are now women who stay in shopping centers and they have received millions of those who have traditional communities that have a strong vertical, therefore they do not have only horizontal regulation, they have a strong biological potential, they have a strong ideological upbringing with which they advance ahead in that straight progressive sence. Europe now does not have an answer to this and Europe now similarly as to the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century is trying to find it's roots and I suggest that Europe as it did then is trying to find them there where they are preserved and that is this area.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Why are you so interested in the point of view of the attackers (ie killers)?


dailywire.com/news/4744/norwegian-politician-raped-somali-migrant-feels-robe rt-kraychik

This is something called the "Stockholm Syndrome" where the victim actually feels sorry for his or her attacker.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

It should be taken into consideration that this is a group of people, all foreign nationals. Imagine that 4 Poles go to Turkey to sell fast food and stab someone with a knife for throwing a firecracker. I agree, probably no one would say that these are Christians, but that's because there is not currently underway a Christian migration in Asia, moreover an Islamic one in Europe.

RR with his comments only raises tensions and defends the 4 bandits who killed a man because of a firecracker. So I would then everyday I should be killing someone because I do not like something. It's called life in the city where you have to adapt to people and they to you.

Tension slowly but surely is growing, encouraged by extremists who want to impose their story. The fact that there is ISIS, and that the extremists gathered there commit brutal murder and terrorist acts seeking to achieve their goals leads us to equate Islam and fanaticism transformed into terrorism.

The point is that there comes a time when more and more people will be taking justice into their own hands. When four enflamed idiots come out with knives and kill one 21 year old who thought that throwing firecrackers was an act of enjoyment and not provocation, the answer is three to four hundred revolted members of the Polish community embarking on revenge. Where this will lead I do not know but for sure there will not be peace there for long.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

so far- he was the scum who got killed.

Daniel is in a body bag, at least have some minimal decency to show respect for the dead. Usually I am against any form or type of censorship, however in your case I sincerely hope when Vincent returns your profile on polishforums will last no longer than a drop of water on the pavement would on a sunny day.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

RR I have an apple orchard outside my house. Every year they steal from me, moreover, every year several times I catch people while they are stealing. Still I did not kill anyone. Does that mean to you I do not have integrity because I thought that these people's lives are worth more than my apples?
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]


They should have called the police after the first incident and everything would be completed without major consequences. Thus, a Pole is dead, the one who murdered him is going away for long years to prison, and all the Arabs will be under constant pressure and it's difficult that they may have a life anymore in this small town ... they only had to call the police and not react to provocations with a knife to the neck.

I expect that, unlike Western Europe, Muslims may anticipate very real repercussions.
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

It looks like a thief got caught then returned with the intent of commiting arson , the worker tried to protect his business , sadly this ended with the death of daniel

There exists the police, you don't take a knife in your hands to deliver justice!
2 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

This event indicates that ISIS has achieved its objective: all of us are becoming poisoned with hatred as they are.

aggressive protestors who began throwing stones and broke the windows of the establishment.

They screwed up a little. Poles are not phlegmatic Germans to suffer the violence of immigrants. No one deserves to be killed for petty theft...
31 Dec 2016
Life / Would love to move to Poland [13]


Serb5672 I hope the experience of this author can be of some use to you. It is always useful to know as much as possible from the history to the cuisine of the place before making the decision to permanently settle there.


There is also an Orthodox Christian community in Poland, what is interesting the very first book printed in Cyrillic script was in 1491 by a printing press in Krakow.


The first printing press in Southeast Europe was in Cetinje, Crna Gora.
27 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]


Dr. Srdja Trifkovic - Political Correctness is the Communism of the 21st Century

Serbian intellectual says Western World Now MORE Tyranical Than Communist Eastern Europe

In essence he is saying that although the system's apparatus under Communism was a police state, the people themselves remained relatively unscathed by indoctrination to Political Correctness. - In the Western World indoctrination to Political Correctness is so insidious and subtle, that it appears everywhere and on all levels of consciousness from birth:

In the media, in academia, in politics, in advertising, ect, ect, ect and that therefore Western people are psychologically sensitized to respond to certain emotional stimuli in a way which the peoples of the East under Communism were not, thus giving rise to a police state of mass hysteria and collective political psychosis.
27 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]


Iraqi refugee who raped 10yo boy at Austrian swimming pool has conviction overturned

The High Court in Austria has overturned the sentence of the Iraqi migrant who raped a ten year old boy at the swimming pool in Austria last year under the reason the migrant did not understand that the boy said no because he did not understand the language...

I ask you in what disturbed West do we live in, every time I hear so-called European values ​​come to be mentioned I feel like only vomitting. Always they see Fascism, well have you wondered that maybe this is Marxist Liberal Fascism ?? My people what is this, that even they close their eyes over the rape of a child for the ideology.


I believe there is not a single man on these boards who will not agree with the statement of Vladimir Putin that a society which does not protect it's own children has no future.
27 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

Either she gives in to Bachmann, Petry and others from the far right, or, turns her back on those who desperately need the help of a rich, industrial nation.

It was only logical to expect that among the millions of Muslim migrants who are ilegally passing through EU broder crossings without any valid ID's or documents, that ISIS would send disguised among them thousands of it's terrorists who would be ready to carry out attacks on major European cities and targets at a moment's notice. These are not even real refugees who usually seek shelter from any war zone in the first neghbouring country instead the vast majority of them are composed of men aged between 18 to 35, they should be refered to as economic migrants who want to live off of social welfare and benefits in Scandinavian countries and Germany.
25 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]



Merkel now has Polish blood on her hands. It was her suicidal policies and ofcourse those that she obediently and blindly serves that are directly responsible for this mindless massacre that could have been prevented and avoided. The fact that the ISIS jihadi murderer was able to cross half of Europe without being apprehended and ended up in Milan just days after carrying out the terrorist attack in Berlin only exposes the complete fail & shambles of the so called "German security system". Also the mainstream media tried to cover up until the last moment the nationality and the motives of the savage attacker.

24 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

Poor Germans are squealing under the "effects" of the American occupation of their country. No German chancellor since WWII is allowed to make even one move let alone to become elected without US approval. The CIA spying scandal when Merkel was basically forced to apologise for being spied on proves this clearly.



So much for the multi-kulti paradise utopia. Will thousands more innocent Germans have to die before they get their act together or will even that not be enough?
24 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]



Excellent article regarding Poland's geopolitical situation.
24 Dec 2016
News / Berlin terrorist attack -- Poland's ethnic homogeneity a true blessing [436]

So you are now saying it is the United States military fault for this mess instead of Merkels ? lol

This is precisely what I am saying. Germany and Japan are nothing more than US colonies since 1945 until today, with US bases on their territory and are mistakenly considered as independent states. Angela Merkel is only a puppet on a string and represents the same "international elites" whose candidate Hillary Clinton lost the elections and who also suffered a major blow with Brexit.

America and Israel for their own selfish interests initiated the mass exodus of Arabs and Muslims from the Middle East in the first place and are directing them on purpose towards Europe. Their benefit for this is two-fold, one it paves the way for the creation of Greater Israel (Eretz Israel) or biblical Israel and two it destabilises Europe.


Russia today is the leader in the fight against radical Islamic terrorists and is the only country with the military might that can protect Europe from these evils. It is the only power that can guarantee the sovereignity of nations. We are seeing now a New Europe taking shape with the expected victory of Marine Le Pen in France this will be the end of those such as "Mutti" Merkel.

The Polish representative seems to be the only sane and rational participant in the studio compared to the tottally brainwashed libtard Germans.
30 Nov 2016
News / V4 (Poland) wants Serbia and 5 others in EU [60]

Harry you are pathetic. Your country the UK can wage wars in the Falkland Isles that are 14km away from Argentina and only 14,000km distant from Britain. You of all people have no moral rights to mention let alone criticize any other country. Serbia had every right to protect its borders against your muslim terrorist allies that are now in ISIS and Al Nusra Front murdering innocent Syrian people.


LEGIJA = Heroj a ne zločinac!
30 Nov 2016
News / V4 (Poland) wants Serbia and 5 others in EU [60]

I think that answer of Marko Skawiński (see above) covering parts of your provocative comment, because he explains that Kosovo was illegally and by force taken from Serbians who defended themselves

This is war footage that the Polish public was not allowed to see in 1999 by the controlled mainstream media.


Albanian islamic terrorists who were waging jihad in Kosovo attacked Yugoslav army positions. Yugoslav army returns fire in self defence and this is portrayed by western propaganda as "Serbian aggression" against "innocent Albanian victims".
23 Nov 2016
History / Foreigners who fought for Poland [14]

Seventy-three years after the Hollywood film "Chetniks - The Fighting Guerillas", another movie is recorded with the Serbian guerrillas in the title, now in Poland.

Judging by the trailer, the movie was done very professionally by the director Jerzy Oleszkiewicz. The role of major Sotirović interprets famous Polish actor Sebastian Cibulski. Reconstruction of events recorded are very dynamic, with authentic costumes and weapons. The feature of this film is cut with interviews with Poles who remember major Sotirović. And with this little understanding of the Polish language, we see that they talk about Sotirović with a lot of warmth and respect.

According to the information given by the film crew, a street in Rzeszow will soon carry the name of Dragan Sotirović.

The Poles will offer their film to (RTS) Radio-Television of Serbia.
23 Nov 2016
History / Foreigners who fought for Poland [14]

The cult of personality of Sotirović is very highly regarded especially among the younger generation of Poles as we see in this first shot, they are grateful to him for everything he has done for people in the Volyn (Ukraine), appreciate and respect it. The military cemetery in Warsaw (Povonzki) there is a plaque dedicated to Sotirović.

The man who for this young Pole was compared to Robin Hood, James Bond, the legend of Armia Krajowa "Home Army" the greatest Polish resistance movement during WWII.
23 Nov 2016
History / Foreigners who fought for Poland [14]

Merged: Dragan "Draża" Sotirović - Polish James Bond



Dragan Mihajlo Sotirović ("Draża", "X", "Michał";; 5 May 1913 - 5 or 6 June 1987) was a Serb Chetnik, Captain of the Yugoslav Army, and Major of the Home Army's 14th Regiment of Jazlowiec Uhlans. For his service and bravery, Sotirovic was awarded the Virtuti Militari .


Sotirovic entered the Yugoslav Army in 1934, and in 1940, he began studying at Yugoslav Military Academy. Promoted to Captain, he fought in the 1941 Invasion of Yugoslavia, after which he joined guerilla forces of General Draza Mihailovic, the Chetniks. Captured by the Wehrmacht, he was sent with other Yugoslav officers to POW Camp Nr. 325 in Rawa Ruska. After the transfer to a camp in Stryj, Sotirovic simulated appendicitis and was taken to a hospital. He fled on January 13, 1944, and soon made contact with local Home Army unit, which took him to a hideout in the village of Zubrza near Lwow.


Kpt. Dragan Sotirovic "Draża" (1912-1987), Serb, oficer armii jugosłowiańskiej i AK, aresztowany przez NKWD 31 lipca 1944 r. w czasie odprawy, zbiegł, ze zbiorów Światowego Związku Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej Obszar Lwów

22 Nov 2016
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

CNN is a factory of lies, I believe the time has come that even those employed there do not believe themselves anymore what they are broadcasting.

The same media that is demonizing and satanizing Donald Trump is exactly the same media that was demonizing and satanizing the Serbian nation during the 90's. It is the same media which is portraying Poles in a negative light in the West. Despite severe brainwashing I am glad the American people finally realized the truth and stood up to them by electing an anti-establishment candidate.


Defended Europe and Poland against whom?

Serbia was the first nation in Europe to on two occassions fight against radical Islamic terrorists that were funded, armed, trained and sent there by the Atlantic Alliance. Their first poligon or theatre of operations was in Bosnia and then in Kosovo where they attempted to create an Islamic state in the heart of Europe, which we are seeing now take shape in the Middle East. It is these two evils radical Islam and Atlantic Alliance that are now destroying Libya, Syria and Iraq and are responsible for murdering innocent people from Paris, Brussels, London to Munich.

Austrian Intel: "Tolerant" Bosnian Mufti Ceric Founded Terror Network in "Democratic" '90s Bosnia