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Posts by Sokrates  

Joined: 19 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 Oct 2011
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Many and varied.

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23 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

I mind the sh1t ;) but I am also for equality partnership. That would be ideal.

Germans were never interested in equality or partnerships, they want to lead and strong Poland will never be acceptible to them.

Salesman? ;)

Very much so, people never ask the basic questions, for example what kind of a name is Donald and what kind of a surname is Tusk, the guy is a Pole very in touch with his german roots, perhaps too much in touch.

Maybe out of this strategic group can grow sth else, economical partnership, because obviously they big 3 in Europe do not care much what the 'small or new' countries have to say.

European Union is all about realisation of German, British and French interests over the heads of everyone else, it has its uses for Poland but the basis of any strategy needs to be that EU is not really a union neither is unification the main goal of this organisation.
23 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

...that's for sure if you keep antagonizing them.

Well i want Poland to be strong enough that Germany is not able to mess us up whether we love you or sh*t on your head.

Tusk is so much smarter...he "hugs Germany close"!

He's not smart at all, he's a puppet of many people and parties, Germans among them.

Much better strategy for Polands welfare, believe it or not.

There's no strategy for Polands welfare currently, at all.
23 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

You have a dislike of Ukrainians?...

No, i firmly believe in example by fear,the Cossack uprisings needed to be squashed by absolute terror, leniency only encouraged them to keep being a nuisance.

...Speaking of extermination might brand you as an extremist..

Maybe but an example by rear is always worth considering, take a look at Wolhynia, if for every destroyed polish village we would destroy 10 ukrainian villages they'd stop killing our civilians quick enough, or we'd run out of ukrainians.

.I have known quite a few Ukrainians and they were quite friendly, but definitely clannish in their behavior, especially when assembled in a group...I speak now of Ukies in USA.

I dont care whether they're nice or not, every ukrainian who rose against Poland needed to die, its not moral, its not right but it would show them what it means to f*ck with us, instead each time we broke the ukis and stood over them victorious we never exacted vengeance, russian people ukrainians included respect fear and brute force, period.
23 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

That didn't help their groundtroops in France in 1940...

We're talking 1939 when everything worth mentioning is in Poland busy in a two weeks long massive battle (Battle of Bzura).

The military and political chaos in 1939 was not different to 1940...

The idea is that inept as France was militarily and politically it could still roll over Germany due to Germany having nothing to fight the french with.

Not at all...You are a student of history, you are familiar with what happened there...It was a turning point, and full ramifications were not felt for 100-150 years.

Yes and i believe that the Cossacks should have been hunted down and exterminated, you basically have a bunch of mercenaries who just rebelled against Poland, smacked down some noble militias and even won a single battle against the regular army, if you're going to conceed to their demands they'll just want more.

Poland had the right idea during the campaign that culminated in Beresteczko, stop fighting Cossacks with small police forces and noble militias, raise a huge regular army and kill off everyone who's against Poland, the problem is after they massacred the cossack army they didnt follow up with extermnation of cossacks and their families.

I believe that the only solution in Ukraine, whether against Cossacks, ukrainian fascists from UPA or Banderas army is, was and will be overwhelming terror, thats the only thing these people respect,try and talk to them like a human being and they'll murder your family, kill off half of them and they'll make you king.
23 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

No, they weren't able to do that. It took Britain several more years rearming and the help of the US to gain the upper hand.

Oh please, RAF alone was outbuildng and outraining Luftwaffe in 1941 long before lend lease.

And France's army was superior in 1940 but was totally paralyzed by lack of political and military leadership.

In other words by cowardice.

The whole french campaign (inclusive throwing the british forces from the continent at Dunkirk) took only 6 weeks for a reason.

The difference is that in 1939 Germans have a bunch of reservists with nothing but their d*cks in the west, France could literally roll into Germay and it would be half a month before Germans could move enough troops to counter them, then there's Poland with its poorly armed army but suddenly Germany is not able to use its hardware to a great extent and there's still almost a milion Poles to fight.


A big blunder for Poland was refusal to do right by Ukrainians in

You're kidding right?
23 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

My bad and i'm sorry for insulting you, guess i had it coming after the times i baited you didnt i.

That alleged Piłsudski visit was never archived, Greg.

It never happened, he sent some officer to scout out the mood in France, after that he was positive France would f*ck us in the backside.
22 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

What are you talking about? Was Polish szlachta/gentry reliable? :):):)

No, they built one of the most powerfull states in Europe by being unreliable.

They turned down their own king and surrendered to Swedes in Ujście during the Deluge, didn`t they?

Of course they did, given that the king destroyed the polish army, did everything he could to destroy Lithuania and generally f*cked with people no one wanted him, John Casimir was a pathetic monarch who antagonised everyone around him.
22 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Keeping Ukraine under supression instead of inviting it into the Commonwealth as the Third Nation.

Who would you invite? The Cossacks or the serfs? The Cossacks were unreliable at best and the serfs were...serfs.
22 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

What do you mean by "earlier preparation", legend? Sok claims that Poland knew "all the time" so why was such a large army trampled on so quickly?

C'mon we went through this so many times, Poland was utterly destroyed and had to rebuild its economy from scratch, polish army while large and well motivated was very poorly equipped.

For example a polish infantry division had 27 anti-tank guns, a german armoured division had 300 tanks, can you imagine stopping a tank division when for each gun they have 11 tanks? That was the difference across the board, from airplanes to mortars and machineguns, Germans had a LOT more of everything and a very flat plain to use it on (Russians alone would not be able to make it on the other way).

You can't win a war if you only have enough heavy weapons and equipment to outfit 5 divisions but you have to spread it out to more than 30 divisions.
22 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Not having a good foreign minister to see what Hitler was doing.

Polish foreign minister knew exactly what Hitler was doing.

Britain knew full well but let it all happen as it was on the cards.

No it did not, polish secret service did know and was letting UK know but Britain refused to believe untill the annexation of Austria.

whilst Poland was thumped all too fast due to a lack of information gathering

More than half of all information fed to France and Britain untill 1939 came from polish secret service.

Can you shut up now, please?

Yes, there was a lack of mobilisation due to a lack of information

personal comment removed , mobilisation was delayed at the direct behest of UK and France, Poland wanted it to commence a week earlier than it did.

In which year were you aware of Hitler's plans?

All the time.
22 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

Well...alliances against them had been tried before, that hadn't quite worked...

Against who? Last i checked when Poland allied itself with a weak Lithuania it dominated the region for more than 200 years, it took 2 field trips to Moscow and when Holy Roman Empire attempted to influence Poland internally orto partition it it got ************ to a point where it sat quietly for more than a century.

Alliances work, especially for Poland.

It doesn't have to be necessary an alliance 'against' someone.

Yes it does, Germany and Russia want a weak Poland at best, currently they're business partners but the potential for opposition remains strong so being honest its most definitely an alliance meant to secure welfare of Poland and targetted at Russia and Germany.

Essentially Poland being f*cked up by Germany and/or Russia is not the matter of if but a question of when.
22 May 2011
History / Poland's biggest historical blunder? [341]

Not exterminating the Teutonic Knights, if they got killed off there wouldnt be Prussia and Poland would never be partitioned.
22 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

Jego żona na forum to też wymysł? Nie wydaje mi się.

Bo jesteś idiotką, taki np Harry ma 3 różne konta.
22 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

Wezcie sobie dajcie siana z tymi stereotypami.

Drogie dziewczę, jedż ty kurwa do hameryki, poznaj ludzi i wtedy przyjdż i pisz, do tego czasu milcz i nie pierdol to nie jest żaden stereotyp.

Nie kazdy Polak w Stanach myje gary, nie kazdy Polak w Polsce marzy o emigracji lub klepie biede. To jest polskie forum, a jednak nawet na nim Polak Polakowi wilkiem.

Raz to nie jest polskie forum to forum przez obcokrajowców dla obcokrajowców, dwa że wyobraż sobie że istnieje w stanach i nie tylko cała armia takich Havoków która czy ci się to podoba czy nie faktycznie myje gary a frustracje wylewa wszędzie tam gdzie rodacy nie wiedzą że taki Havok jest cieciem bez stanowiska, Havok udaje że jest Kimś bo jest nikim i to niestety jest dość powszechne.

a jednak nawet na nim Polak Polakowi wilkiem.

A kto powiedzial że Polak? Havok to zwykły chuj nie Polak.
21 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

If there is a full-blooded nazi on this forum, it has to be you. I bet you adore the blue police.

Of course.

I am not so sure about your doubts. In comparison to us f.e. Germany is rich.

Well Poland is p*ss poor so its not much of a comparison.

Correct. What else is necessary now? ;)

21 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

On ciebie nie osądzał

Ja go osądzam, jest kmiotem bez wykształcenia który klepał biedę tutaj i klepie biedę tam, to dość spora grupa szmaciarzy którzy uciekli od polskiego zmywaka a w stanach okazało się że też tylko zmywak, stąd te ich wypowiedzi i noszenie nosa wyżej nad dupę, gołodupcy w upokarzającej sytuacji życiowej kompensujący własną klęskę w sieci i krótkich wizytach w kraju gdzie wydają z trudem zaoszczędzoną kasę.

I nie wracają do Polski jak im sie skończy wiza. I nieastety jest bardzo duzo takich Polakow, co siedza tu sobie nielegalnie i oszukują stan przez falszywe malzenstwa do Amerykanow.

Gówno prawda, zjawisko jest marginalne, po prostu Amerykanie znależli sobie chłopców do bicia, latynosów nie mogą bo ich za dużo, czarnych nie mogą bo rasizm ale zawsze jest Polak którego amerykanskie elity zwyczajnie nie lubią.

Polacy nie są uczciwi robiąc takie numery.

Nie pierdol, Polak ma pilnować swojego interesu i pomagać swoim, Amerykanie to naród skurwysynów więc Polak może i powinien radzić sobie w Stanach jak może.

Spoko Eurola, ja tam nie mam nic do Havoka, nigdy sie mnie nie czepial ani na pw, ani na ogolnym.

Wpierdol mu się należy i tyle, zawsze uważałem że nie ma lepszego środka wychowawczego niż zatłuczenie skurwysyna na śmierć w ciemnym zaułku.

Wykrwawi się to się nauczy.
21 May 2011
Po polsku / Oda do Marysi [54]

Przykro mi taki juz jestem. Po prostu ciężko mi być życzliwym dla ludzi którzy łatwe życie mieli a teraz nabijaja się z Pol-Ams lub im zawistnie zazdroszczą.

Czy to jest jakaś prowokacja? Załóżmy że nie.

Pozwól że się nie przedstawię, jak sobie pokopiesz to znajdziesz, urodziłem się w Ameryce, jako kilkuletni smarkacz wróciłem z rodziną do Polski ale w mam obywatelstwo amerykańskie, w Stanach byłem łącznie 15 razy a spora część mojej rodziny to aktywni polonusi, między innymi wydawca "Alfy" Boguś Czarski i Kaśka Rosypal z "Narodu Polskiego" nie mieszkając w Stanach znam więcej znaczących Polonusów niż ty zobaczysz z okna swojego zakładu pracy.

Po co to mówię? Bo nie ma czegoś takiego jak "pol-ams" natomiast zdarza się zjawisko pod tytułem wieśniak z zadupia przyjeżdża do Hameryki, dostaje pracę na kasie w Wal-Mart i pierdoli aroganckie farmazony.

Jesteś wieśniak, fantasta i dureń, tacy jak ty sprzedają cole w kręgielni a potem logują się w sieci i fakt że w USA jesteś od podcierania zasranej dupy klasie średniej przelewasz na forum gdzie nagle robisz się "polish-american" i perorujesz jak to ci się udało.

Armia sfrustrowanych podawaczy popcornu wylewająca frustracje w sieci i tyle, trzeba się było kształcić w kraju to byś nie smażył frytek za oceanem.
21 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

What would you call what we actually have to go through?

A prelude.

Well...seriously...which self-respecting nationalist doesn't believe the sun shines out of his nation arse???

I'm not a nationalist, i'm a realist. Nationalism is a luxury of the rich countries that got a large error margin, Poland has little.

But now....even as Germany doesn't want to lead in this financial crisis, doesn't want to go to war...we can't do it right it seems :(

Speaking of Friedman he got another thing correct, Germany is a soft power excersizing its influence via money, thats a smart thing to do but requires patience and a LOT of money, while rich i'm not certain Germany is that rich.
21 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

Poland wants to become another Prussia?

Not really no, we pretty much know what every nation in Europe has within them (except maybe Ukraine and Belarus since they're still fledgling states) if you want to know how Poland is when powerfull just read a history book.

Maybe, but it should avoid the same downfalls as Prussia/Germany experienced. To much agressive power and Europe will show you to that you will lose in the end.

Germany believed and still believes itself to be superior which is why it f*cked its own chance at leading Europe.

I seriously think the time of Prussia's are over in Europe...no sense in mourning failed chances and possibilities. Poles in their majority won't go for that nor will most other Europeans. It's done and over!

Time for Prussia is never over, all it takes a solid pan-european crisis.
21 May 2011
News / Visegrad Battle Group under the command of Poland [261]

Sorry Boletus, Friedman is not to be taken seriously...

Because you dont like what he writes?:)

Lets make it clear, Friedman observes some very true points but dresses them up in some utter bull, Poland rises when Germany and/or Russia weakens is for example absolutely true, that Germans and Russians are monsters despite not wanting to be them is anoher real assumption.

He does write a lot of bull and his book is funny but he does make a lot of things right.

Take everything he writes with a heavy grain of salt...

Thats also true, Friedman has a typically american view of Europe but he does get some things right, Visegrad group is just one initiative but it outlines a certain truth that Friedman pointed out, uniting smaller states in cental/eastern Europe is the road to power for Poland, its a rocky and unlikey road but if told Germans in the XVI century they'll be kicking France's arse soon enough they'd laugh at you.

See how far Prussia went from the p*ss sized state to a regional power.
20 May 2011
Off-Topic / Humiliated by landlord. Why women are so cruel? [27]

Here's what you do, purchase:

Plastic bags:1 roll
Bowling ball:1
Nylon rope: 20m

When she comes by distract her by sledgehammering her in the face, cut the body into 6 separate pieces (limbs, head, torso) pack them in the bags, weight them down with the bowling ball and send to the nearest police station along with your adress and full confession.
20 May 2011
Off-Topic / Humiliated by landlord. Why women are so cruel? [27]

Accuse her of sexual harassment

And then kill her.

Well, if he does, you can share a cell with him for incitement.

I never incinerated no one mister!

Tell her I can pay you only in penis.

She has a bigger one.

if i were you i would tell her to go take a run and jump and that she'll get her money when you have it.

If I was him i'd post her picture, maybe she's a really hot milf and he's just too faggy to screw her.

NOBODY will do anything to you.

In Ireland NOBODY can hear you scream.
19 May 2011
Love / American marrying Polish woman in Poland - Church problems [79]

Impossible if his marriage is not annulled.

Assuming the thread author is just an unbelievable retard and not a troll here's a concrete answer.

1.Find out what kind of a priest/minister presided over the ceremony.
2.If it was purely civil provide documents to the polish catholic priest and you're good.
3. If you dont have documents pertaining the wedding it sucks to be you.
4. If it was a methodist wedding you have to obtain marriage annulment from the catholic court which in itself is difficult otherwise no amount of money will buy you a wedding, sorry but bribery wont work if you're married in the eyes of CC.

To me, also American, coppermouse's confusion about who married him (beyond the fact that whoever did had to fill out the appropriate government paperwork) seems pretty normal.

To be honest you guys are a nation of idiots but its still suprising sometimes.

Here's the news to you, Catholic faith has its own laws, decrees and customs, its not that we can't fathom your retarded way of life, its just that if you want to do the things Catholic way it means certain things will have to be done according to our customs and we're allergic to people with multiple wives unless they're muslims or some other kind of a hobo.
19 May 2011
Love / American marrying Polish woman in Poland - Church problems [79]

If done by a priest in a church its not a civil wedding, i'm pretty sure you have papers for the wedding? If its civil its a none issue and the priest wants a bribe, if it was done by an actuall priest you're in some deep sh*t.

Get your facts straight. How can you not remember where you were married?

Because he's probably a fake troll account like most here or a rare case of a genuine retard.

Essentially got papers? If not thats your problem.
19 May 2011
Love / American marrying Polish woman in Poland - Church problems [79]

But here in US we do not have divorce through church when church is not catholic, it is only through court. So what can I do?

Then you're still married according to Catholic law, you will not receive a wedding in Catholic order untill proof of divorce, ask your bishop for document.

Get a relative of your wife's to speak discreetly to the priest. He will know what to do, but it will cost.

Sorry thats not going to work here.

Is this like a shakedown for money? It is funny I told her the same thing, how much $

No its not, you actually hit a massive roadbump here and without proof of divorce you wont get married in church, money to the polish priest wont fix that, you have to obtain document from your local bishop or priest responsible, even methodist people have church divorces.

The priest in Poland is extrelemy unlikely to accept a bribe and if he consents to give you a wedding it can be annulled on the moments notice.