Life /
HIV/AIDS growing in Poland - more fear of pregnancy than STDs [82]
pop culture...mass consumerism
Here I agree with you 139%. I have coined the term commerpop to describe the cheap and tacky mostly US-originated commercial pop culture which promotes fly-by-night crazes and passing fads in place of time-honoured traditions, idols and celebs instead of genuine authorities, and mountains of fake food and throw-away gadgets to contaminate the human spirit and destroy our planet to boot. So on that score I think we are in total agreement. What can be done about the problem? Effective, convincing education based on the collective, mutual message of mutliple pillars: government, school, family, Church and entertainmentment industry. In today's thoroughly mucked-.up world synchronising those pillars would be a daunting task because we are in society's disintegration stage. But I recall the tail end of when those institutions worked hand in hand to raise good, decent, well-rounded kids. Then the anarchy began seeping in: rock'n'roll, anti-war protests, hippies, LGBT lobby, greedy entertrainment-industry types glorifying the weird, deviant, violent and outrageous as well as self-styled "philanthropists" such as Soros generously bankrolling the radical and disruptive and atomising the individual and society to manipulate and exploit them all the easier.
Re Amierca...there are two Americas: that of the barn-raisers (neighbours pitching in to help one of their number build a barn) and that of the travelling Snake Oil pedlar (good for what ails you). One guess which I prefer: