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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
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11 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish war veteran (98) charged with attempted murder in Scotland [11]

What black people? The article doesn't say anything about the police officers being black and their names (and location) don't suggest it.

The guy ought to be put in a retirement home.

There would certainly be an assessment by a Doctor and a Social Worker before any decision was made.
11 Apr 2011
Life / Strange laws in Poland [39]

Btw. you'll find "strange laws" allover the world.

Check out the link - some amazing ones.
11 Apr 2011
Life / Strange laws in Poland [39]

Number 19. So be careful not to get caught if you ever come to Poland.
11 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles top the UK's EU crime figures [78]

That kind of news is irrelevant without percentage numbers.

Exactly - it distorts the figures, especially since it doesn't distinguish between the number of Poles and Lithuanians. One problem is that there aren't any reliable numbers to base a percentage on. These figures are purely based on court convictions.
11 Apr 2011
Life / Food and transporatation benefits in Poland. Are there any? [2]

For e.g. in Ukraine students have 50% reduction on Railway transport and reductions on public transport. Also the pensioners and people with special needs can use public transport free of charge.
How does it work in PL?

Pretty similar.

What is more in Ukraine food stamps are available for people from low - income families. Besides, there are social stores.

Not great in PL, but help exists. Sometimes you see people selling food stamps in the rynek in Poznań.

How does goverment and NGO cooperate in this sphare?

For disability issues, like 90% subsidised computers they co-operate with EU agencies.
11 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles top the UK's EU crime figures [78]

Which doesn't negate your point, Jonny, but it does perhaps slightly dilute it

I didn't really post it with a 'point' as such - just out of interest. It's true thought tha the figures don't distinguish between murder and driving without an MOT.

a lot of the most serious crime (the gang-related stuff going on all over London, for example) vanishes from the statistics due to being either unreported

Probably even more due to people getting away with stuff, serious or otherwise - sometimes there's just nothing to report and nobody interested in reporting it.
11 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles top the UK's EU crime figures [78]

From today's Daily Telegraph.

More than 54,000 European Union citizens have been convicted of crimes - including murder - in the past two years The Daily Telegraph can disclose.

Poles and Romanians are the worst offenders according to the figures, adding to concerns over the impact of the two most recent EU expansions.

And because of EU rules on freedom of movement, only those sentenced to at least two years in prison face deportation after they complete their punishment.

Rest of story plus stats table:


My take on this is that a high proportion of the Poles who've come to the UK are working class young men - the group in society who are most likely to commit crimes. This distorts the figures. Three or four years ago some police ststions in Poland reported a decrease in crime due to migration to the UK. The high figure for Lithuanians surprised me, since there are far fewr than Poles.
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

Of course nobody has ever said “I am now in poverty because of the taxes I paid”.

So why did you say that?

But if you don’t think higher taxes on those who pay taxes puts a strain on them, you are delusional. Anyone who has a shred of knowledge of economics knows this.

As a maximum rate tax payer I don't feel especially under a "strain". Tax rates are calculated at a rate that people can pay.

Yes so lets make sure there is enough money for them

For once some sense. That money of course must come from the society in which those poor kids are part. Rendering your 'argument' useless since you're now contradicting yourself.

basic economics and that the key for starting a business is NOT handouts from anyone,

Something I've done twice with rather a lot of sucess. It's called living in the real world rather than sitting in a teenage bedroom pretending you know it all and spouting crazy theories about tax that you've never paid.

What a dumb comment for somebody who claims to run businesses.

So having a desire and a strong work ethic has nothing to do with the opportunity to make money? You are so full of crap about your alleged "businesses".

So now you're getting even further from reality and suggesting I do what I do for the love of it!

LMAO!!!!!!!!! That's perhaps one of the funniest things you've said you freeloader.

You barely pay any taxes. For what? Your job of staying on the Polish forums 14 hours a day? LOL

50% of my income actually to the government of Poland, a country you've never been to. From my job teaching BHP courses to oil engineers every alternate month. This month off, before that Istanbul, Mexico from Saturday. Though as of July I'm non-resident, so I get to keep it all.

This guy Jonny or whatever he calls himself, for some reason can't comprehend that, despite ironically claiming that he is a "business man".

Was. I sold them both to the highest bidder.

You're just part of the Enemy Within freeloading off of Poland.

Tin Foil Helmets again. BTW, how can someone 'freeload' off Poland?
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

So all laws are infallible?

Just the law. If real, grown-up people who work and vote thought that way they'd vote for some whacky libertarian party. But we don't.

many of these taxpayers could most likely go into poverty themselves with these policies?

Have you met many people who've "gone into poverty" because of paying tax? It hasn't happened in your lifetime. Tax rates are a percentage of income calculated on the basis of a combination of public need and the amount the taxpayer can afford.

Is that really fair to other taxpayers?

The children? Aren't they entitled to the best start in life that society can provide? Regardless of their parents' shortcomings.

Since you care about feckless and indolent parents a lot, why don't you lend them your house or something? That's what they really need. Its not enough just helping them with some modest contributions here and there.

Well, I pay tax at the highest rate! More than just "modest contributions", isn't it...

Do you mean a smart guy like yourself who has supposedly been successful in business can't figure that out?

Not supposedly! And as usual, you've failed to understand a simple point:

You make future policies that give these people incentives to work and provide for themselves

Not "you" but the government makes "future policies". Every government for many years has made "future policies". I've never seen a government of any party or in any of the countries I've lived in who have said otherwise. And none of those "future policies" has been especially successful. Except perhaps in your fantasy world...

no longer feckless and indolent when they know a check won't be coming to them

Go to the third world and say that. Or parts of north and east Poland for that matter. But you've never been to Poland, have you?

When you give free money to someone, it saps them of their desire to work hard or think outside of the box to produce something.

Maybe some sort of source for that. No, I didn't think so. :-)

Wasn't your success running your businesses prompted by tapping your inner work ethic and desire?

No. It was all about money and the opportunity to make it.

Not very bright, are you?
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

how does my asking sarcastically that conservatives "like living in deplorable conditions and don't want progress for their country" prove to you that I feel there are no poor conservatives?

Easily and logically.

Well that's fine. Its a nice gesture for someone like you who is "rich" to give some of your tax money to feckless and indolent parents who can't take care of their own kids.

Not a gesture; it's the law. In Poland and wherever you live.

But why should other taxpayers who are not as rich as you be mandated to give their tax money to these feckless and indolent parents who can't raise their kids without help?

A civilised society, where every child has as good a chance as possible, regardless of the quality of their parents.

Why perpetuate a culture of feckless and indolent people having kids who will only burden most non-rich taxpayers?

How do you propose to change that? Abandoning them to their own devices which the widespread existence of slums and poverty shows is ineffective. Or some darker and less humane method?
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

only peeps who can afford to should have kids

What do you propose the others do, then? Become celibate (not easy) or practise contraception against the tenets of their faith. Or have abortions, likewise.
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

What are you talking about?

Where and when did I say there are "no poor conservatives" or even imply that?

see below

Conservatives like living in deplorable conditions and don't want progress for their country??

That's new to me. lol

Most "conservative" or "rich" people are just people taking chances starting small businesses and don't like seeing other people getting money for nothing. How horrible they are LOL

Some people would describe me as 'rich' and I've started, managed and sold two businesses, one of them most definitely not small, yet somehow I don't begrudge even one penny of my taxes going to alleviate child poverty and improving the chances of the weakest within our society. However feckless and indolent their parents are.

You mean you didn't see me point out clearly to you before in other conversations that you for some reason failed to speak out against Delphiamdomine's anti-Polish comments

I should comment on every post in the forum that you disagree with? Have you perchance noticed a logical flaw in that? Here it is:

YOU FAIL to condemn him for that.

When Jarnowa, JoePilsudski, Albainich etc post the viciously racist stuff on this very forum, we can just as easily say that you fail to condemn them for it.

the people who are most offended at Radio Maryja

Are educated Poles in Poland. Would you call them the 'enemy within'?
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

He was only elected

Elected being the operative word. With a huge majority.

Yep, UK peeps have had enough of that misguided and harmful Liberal crap and given it the boot. Except over there even the Right is pretty Lib.

By electing the Liberal Party into a coalition government for the first time in 90 years? Now, now Trener, you should stay off the waccy baccy.

I didn;t say that.

Actually you did. And if only those who could "afford it" had kids, what do you think that would do to the economy? (clues: inflation, underproduction).

Nice to see you back, TZ/Randal!
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

You sound childish.

More so than someone who says ther are no poor conservatives? Come off it, and admit you're wrong as usual.

If a guy like you, who doesn't criticize people who say Polish people are subhuman

I've no idea what you're talking about, and looking back at this thread don't see any such thing. Perhaps you should get a better fitting tin foil helmet..

that make you offended at Radio Maria.

Again making assumptions - that radio station (by the way, Maria isn't Polish - Maryja is. Maybe you should learn some Polish or even visit) doesn't particularly offend me. The rent-a-mob Family of Radio Maryja offends many, including JPII who refused to meet them in Kraków during his last visit and the Polish Episcopate who have strongly criticised them for political extremism.

11 Apr 2011
Travel / Indian or Mexican food in Warsaw. [60]

Can any body help it is easy to find indian vegetarian in Poznan?

Not Indian, but a few Indian dishes on the menu and all vegetarian:
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

Everyone knows that the modern Liberal is the enemy within

No they don't. I seem to remember a very liberal president being elected in your country with a landslide majority, and a liberal government in Poland too. And in the UK, 13 years of a very liberal government has just ended with an unclear election result causing a coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberals.

Why don't they leave him and his money alone and not have kids they can't afford without burdening others with the costs?

Poland is a Catholic country. Contraception is considered unacceptable by the Church. And to further disprove your silly argument, can you see a teensy weensy demographic flaw in your suggestion that people who aren't rich shouldn't have kids because they oughtn't to be entitled to a one-off payment of a few hundred pln?
11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

Conservatives like living in deplorable conditions and don't want progress for their country??

That's new to me. lol

Go to Poland B. Speak to people from The Family of Radio Maryja. Or since you've never lived in Poland or spent much time there (or speak Polish) just ask an American redneck instead.

It's not going to harm him and he'll always be rich, so why doesn't he leave those poor couples alone?

11 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

When the beczkowy money was introduced (a small payment to help young families when they have a new baby) I was pleased and said so to a friend in PL. His reaction was "but who's going to pay for it". He's a multimillionaire who advises people how to avoid tax. :-(
10 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

a tragedy in which mothers, fathers, friends, sons etc lost their lives?

This sadly happens often and everywhere. A few months before the plane crash several families in a homeless hostel burnt to death - I don't remember demonstrations on Krakowskie Przedmiescie or televised funerals for them. All the fuss about Smoleńsk isn't because of those other passengers, is it? It's all about one of them. Who was very much the "enemy within".
10 Apr 2011
News / Who is "the enemy within" in Poland? [88]

My tribute to 10th of april :))

I remember the neighbourhood parties that weekend. Were the nurses across the hallway and the old lady in the kiosk 'enemies within'?
9 Apr 2011
Life / Strange laws in Poland [39]

.I couldn't find any Polish laws

You didn't look properly.