Life /
What are your experiences of care for your loved ones in hospitals here? [75]
What are your experiences of care for your loved ones in hospitals here?
Black bags abound, albeit amateurishly covered in a white sheet, where the corpse is wheeled out in blatant view of the life partner and I feel desperately sorry for my MIL as she was not given the respect that a EU country demands.
I know it is a vast improvement on communist Poland where people were dressed at home after death but in a post communist Poland it is a ******* disgrace,
Death. Respected in posh Warsaw/private hospitals - or a (legally actionable) problem because of the infamous (criminally low) 9 per cent of GDP spent on Polish healthcare? Discuss.
Angry as fook for my very decent and hard-working father-in-law to be treated in this dog fashion.
I can compare my wife's experience with mine - in the UK in 1995:
UK: Closest kin can literally sleep with terminally ill relative in last few days ( of course this depends on individual need etc)
Poland : Varies in different hospitals and on different conditons/illnesses
UK: Marked sympathy/ separate rooms on the NHS
Poland: Separate rooms selectively available - notably in cancer wards
UK: Full access to doctors and consultants
Poland: Post communist genefluction and "gifts" to the overworked who live in huge houses( as a teacher I visit them) but work 18 hours a day because the Polish NHS still pays illegal salaries per EU rates so we have all these "private" clinics and hospitals American style, although this is not America.
UK: Clean and modern infrastructure
Poland: The same - in TV serials
UK: Ambulances sometime before the patient dies
Poland: Amazing interrogation before the ambulance service is even called - 40 minutes outside of city centres.
UK: Rooms for the grieving family to be treated with respect
Poland: Corridors for my wife to weep and hold her head in shame.
******* disgraceful. So glad I don't pay ZUS to the criminal Polish government.