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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Jul 2010
History / Warsaw Uprising - The Forgotten Soldiers [117]

i might even be called justified if i went and beat a german,

no you wouldnt,you'd be called a fookin lunatic! 65 years ago mate,you'd be called a nutter.

it was not enough for hitler to put down the uprising in the ghetto, he had to flatten the whole area.

er,no "he" didnt....if the ghetto area was flattened what are all those buildings doing standing by the time of the 44 uprising?Ya know,the supposedly flattened buildings that the AK fought over and through to release the inmates .....

but on a good note, we flattened dresden and kicked ars in berlin.

on a good note?? So the death of men women and children in horriffic ways is bad if they were Polish,good if they were "german"?? Really,btw i put german in "" because thousands were slave workers from the east including Poles.
21 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Con Air UK: Flights take Polish criminals home - the cost to you is £25million [30]

I yelled at the crowd "I'm an Electrician, let me go, let me go",

You got away lightly then, electricians dont tend to be shown so much mercy in that there London......
To be fair,what Ive read on the extradition thing is that most are Polish crooks on the run from Polish justice,ie,commited offencesa in Poland,run away and been caught here in the UK.
16 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Not all is bad for Poles in Scotland! [167]

If you want to get a university education in the UK, go to Scotland: no tuition fees if you are English (or Anglo-Poles) permanently living in Poland.

Wow,not a single thing right,never mind eh....The only people who get "free" tution in Scotland are Scottish,born and lived in england,pay up,though admittedly about half the price of south of the border.
16 Jul 2010
History / The Grunwald Battle: Today is 600th anniversary of the greatest medieval battle. [66]

Poland never had a "Papal crusade launched against it".

Yes,it did matey,the teutons were the Roman churches crusaders in the East,thats fact,Ok,not specifically set up to invade Poland per se but afater their initial "triumphs" this is indead what they attempted. So,again,why the love of Rome from a country that was fooked over by Rome?
16 Jul 2010
History / The Grunwald Battle: Today is 600th anniversary of the greatest medieval battle. [66]

Considering the Teutonic Order was set up to crush the heathen and heretic Poles by the Pope and Roman Catholic Church,can I ask why Poland is so very proud to be Catholic?

This isnt a loaded question,just,well,England also had a Papal crusade launched against it which basicaly led to Rome being told where to shove its incense.
14 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

Sorry,but the active campaigning began post 69 ,later really here in the uk ,early to mid 1970s. It only really became large scale campaigning once the threat of prison had been removed , equel rights etc.

If you look at any of the "human rights" advances in this(UK) country they hve come through political expediency not moral outrage. Women only recieved the vote because the government of the day rightly saw that the women who were immancipated first,middle/upper class houswives were very likely to vote their way and secure tory majorities.

I know it doesnt sit well with the idea of good old liberal blighty but ,look at the facts and its plain to see.
14 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Do you really care for the innocent civilians of Dresden and Hiroshima that much? Or aren't you still grateful to the murderers of hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children?

Should RAF pilots have objected?

Bad choice of examples as it is pretty clear that neither event played any difference in the eventuall outcome of the war. Japan was on the point of surrender,negotiations had started some weeks prior to the bomb being dropped(a "look what we've got Uncle Joe" from the US) and dresden was also targeted for the same Soviet pleasing/baiting attitude.

Should Piolts have objected? Many did,ended up LMF ,thing is though, Goering was (sentenced to be) hung, Adolf Galland wasnt,so I stand by my point Arthur Harris should have been in the dock at Nurenburg along side the NKVD from Katyn etc.
14 Jul 2010
Life / As EuroPride visits Warsaw - is it the start of overdue social change in Poland? (homosexuality promotion) [144]

homosexuality was still a crime in the UK only 40 odd years ago...

Unfortunatly,the only reason it was decriminalised in the UK was far too many top government ministers,spies,buisness men etc were being blackmailed by various ***cough KGB cough*** groups. ie, "Give us the documents meester Bond or ve vill send pictures of you and young Dieago to the press and Police".
12 Jul 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Well, a single Pole fought in China, which is fairly far east. Witold Urbanowicz

Exactly,maybe the odd "single pole" did fight within a British unit,but,er,China,really,part of the Empire,I think the chinese may have had somthing to say about that being as the only part of China in the empire was Hong Kong leased to britain and duly given back when said lease ran out in the 1990s.

without England there would not be a empire

without scots and irish you mean.....ah well,yet again,facts not getting in the way of a good pity party....
12 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

Shooting men dangling in parachutes who would land in almost instant captivity,really bloody brave and honourable(shame its so true.)

killing German pilots who were targeting civilian population and who started practice of shooting defenceless pilots during Polish campaign, bloody shame!
Does Dresden rings any bells?hypocrite...

er? How can you call me a hypocrite when you are the one bringing up the said hypocritical nessness.... Have I ever said dresden was a good thing? Nope,in fact even on this board I have stated that IMHO Dresden was a war crime and Harris should have been jailed.

But,btw,dresden 1945...Battle of Britain 1940,so your point please?(actually,dont bother.)
Shooting dangling germans(maybe,who could tell at 300+ mph,could have been other allied pilots for all the bloodthursty barstewerds knew) who would have landed in England was just murder full stop. Shooting Poles over Poland who could have got back in a plane later that day,well,if it happened(show me real proof) would have been sound military practice.
7 Jul 2010
History / The Untold Battle of Britain [205]

it's funny, during the game the Polish pilots ask their commander can they shoot German airmen who have bailed out.

So realistic then! Shooting men dangling in parachutes who would land in almost instant captivity,really bloody brave and honourable(shame its so true.)

One thing for sure Polish pilots came to defend England in crucial point of bob

Nope,even the Polish pilots in the programe admitted they were only there to fight germans,nothing to do with defending Britain,britain was considered(quite rightly) by most european free forces to be little more than a huge aircraft carrier,the last free nation still in the fight etc.

that is not an untold story though.. it's rather well known but i guess maybe not in england?

It is far from untold in the UK either.....every friggin school boy who's seen " The Battle of Britain" knows about the Polish pilots...every Memorial day (11.11) across the UK Poles and Polish flags have been prominent for decades.

(basically,every programe in the "untold" thread was about a rather "Told" story; blacks and malays in Nelsons fleet,Dodgy dutchmen maybe starting the 1666 fire of London etc

You mean the Polish should have started a new war with the Soviet Union immediately after WW2?

No,but apparently Britain should....

british could not deal with Poles so they send Poles in Soviet hands to be kill

Talking out your bum hole buddy,bloody thousands of Poles in my neck of the woods,and have been for 70-80 even 100 years now.
25 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Where are your salutations towards the Soviets? Those same Soviets that destroyed the creme of the Wehrmacht?

Get them from me all the time bay, Soviets won ww2,the rest was just a sideshow .

British and United States got Polish gold for everything Polish soldiers use to defend their empire

Bull shoit,not a single Pole fought in the Far east...where our Empire was....
25 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

Does taking part in the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1938 count?

Its often puzzled me this,still not heard a comen sense answer,even from "real" historians, why was Polands attempts to grab land they saw as theirs but stolen at versailles so noble and righteous but Germanys far more sensable and well,justified claim over danzig and a road to East prussia as somthing treacherous and line in the sand time?? Just dont get that,either both claims were justified or neither was.
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I lived in Amsterdam, a place infested with blacks :)

I never felt unsafe, sweetie, never :)

What,not even the dodgy "you buy crack,coke,smack,peeels"Somali fekkers of Dam square,come on,those are scary bleeders.....

Times have changed and it would be naive to think you're walking on safe soil.

Oh,dont get me wrong, I dont like "muslim" influence,but let me tell you,I live in the North(ish) of england,a small,mostly white market town but most of the large cities near abouts do have muslim populations,trouble is I dont see them influencing anyone. Theres certainly not a rush to convert to islam,most of the corner shops now are not "paki" shops but Polski skleps,frankly a nice curry,rice and mango chuttny are far closer to " British" food than pierogi,lumps of fat and dodgy mielonka in a tin! (no offence ;) )

I suppose what you are angling at is that these muslims are like some sort of 5th column,just waiting to pounce when us "native" european christians(and by the way,dont pull that all christians together crap as England was the target for the last Papal Crusade!!) have our backs turned or have somehow given up our way of life to "them"...I havent given up a single thing since 9/11 or earlier,lets say the mid 70s when I was born which coincided with the rise of fundamentalist islam, so what do you think I will give up in the future,and Im a "liberal".

I also know a little first hand about being painted with the same brush as people with similar names , I grew up with a very obviously Irish name and all that came with it when we had micks blowing people up left right and centre in shops, hotels, pubs and clubs,when I signed up for the forces I had to under go an indepth security check purely for having a father born in Dublin, even years later,on your countries border during a passport check mine(the only "irish" name) and a lad called mohhamed were the only ones double checked,kinda brought home bigotry again for me.
25 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Hah, not even if immigration were fully stopped would your country be saved from a major cultural/racial change.

Not exactly something which anyone with a hint of education regarding this countries history is unduly worried about old chap.
Lets seeTurn of the ADs Start of Roman Imperial rule,run along side for a time old British customs of Celtic,european origin.
Post Roman rule,which saw a massive influx of people and cultures from across the Empire anyway, we had "invasions" and assimalations of people from all over Northern Europe upto and including the Norman (nee Viking) invasion and semi conquest of 1066.

For the next few hundred years we saw changes in our sociaty on massive fluctuating scale and rule by kings and queens from all parts of what is now called France not to mention once the reformation began(getting rid of papist influence in our state affairs) we became a safe haven for various protestant groups untill they decided to bugger off to the new world,since then weve had Germans and Dutch on the throne and mixtures of all of them,our ports have always been multicultural our cities too in many ways,especially in the last 2 to 3 hundred years,everything changes,nothing stays the same,if it does it dies,period. "Eastern " influence on this country started a long time before any mass wave of immigration,Victoria was obbssessed with two countries,Scotland and India and both became highly fashionable.

So,in short,get over yerself fella,you lot might quack in your boots at the sight of a couple of curry houses opening on ul bigotski but we in Britain,in general, are rather more relaxed about change.
23 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

What exactly did POLAND do in 1938/39 to stop the rise of Nazi Germany????
Simple question really,any answers?
You guys say" Britain only fought the germans when Britian was attacked(apart from this being obviously untrue)", when exactly did Poland attack the germans...The Bzura granted, they also fought back at Wessterplatte and in Danzig,but,er,note Fought back unless you guys believe it was actually Polish forces who attacked the radio relay station at Gliwice....
19 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

And a more perfect example of yanks inability to understand subtle humour you couldnt ask for.

You got enough of us killed in WWI.

clearly we didnt....

followed by the,didnt get the implication that clearly we didnt get enough yanks killed to wipe out petes family line before it degraded into him...

The hell you didn't , clown. As a European??

ho hum,bless,stick to adam sandlar and fart jokes.....
19 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Brits did nothing.

Im sorry Yank,when exactly did the US join the fight against the nazis,Oh yes,AFTER hitler declared war on you AFTER the japs had attacked you.

they lost damn near every ground battle against the Wehrmacht

hhmm,lets see,
Arras( brits1,germany nil)
Dunkirk campaign(score draw,forced rematch next season)
USA not competing
Tobruk(brits 1,germany nil)
Tobruk ,re match (germany 1,brits nil)
USA not competing.
Alamain(brits 1,germany nil)
Kasserine pass (Germany 1,USA nil)
Salerno(Brits 1,germany nil)
Anzio(Germany 1,USA nil)
Brits v Hitlers finest SS ,panzer truupen etc
US v hitlers second line infantry...
Walcheren (Brits 1,germanynil)
Bulge (Germany 1,USA nil( cept the battered basta rds"Rendevous with destany!")
Bit immature aint you pete ole buddy,guess you aint a Harvard man....
19 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

Dont forget the French. "We" wouldn't have declared war without the French doing so too,albeit a few hours after Britain,but hey,its 71 years ago now and we're all friends again.
19 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes [46]

I don't get it.

Dont worry about it fella,its late....

You criticize the Poles for being racist

I dont criticize "the Poles" for being rascist,I criticise the rascist Poles on this Forum,most Poles I have actually met,lived with,worked with,partied with and generally had a bloody good time with would laugh at the sort of country bumpkin/peasant ignorance displayed on here,or die of embarresment...

proclaim that Britain is great because it isn't ethnically homogenous

The only way I would proclaim Britain is "Great" is to say that Britain is only called "Great Britain" as a translation of the Norman French " Grande Britaigne" ,or Large Britain,as opposed to "small" britain,todays Brittany in western France....Being as in reality the ethnic mix in Poland is full of ,well,just about every bugger who passed through the area over the last couple of thousand years,much as here in the UK.... I dont know,maybe its because we in britain(and only speaking of "native" white britains here) admit that were a mix of celts,romans,danes,norwegians,norman french and countless other peoples who graced these shore over the years where as you guys seem to say its Slavs with a few gypsys and jews and thats it,thats Poland....

yet you also agree profusely with the most racist and generally ignorant person on the forum?

Nope,sorry,lost me there. I dont spend enough time on here to know who you mean.( Crow didnt post here did he?)
19 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

I didnt say Army,it was a company of bycle mounted Guardsmen( I sheeet you not :) ) but lets face it,a pish poor effort to help is better than erm,fekking invading the place and stealing land isnt it?
19 Jun 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]


hahaha,this is your argument..[

now,let me see my Polish chum.

Not one British or French soldier took part in the September campaign.

No,really? Is that because the British soldiers were in,well,Britain and even in 2010 you couldn't get a brigade to Poland in less than 2 weeks never mind an army still mobilising faced with steam trains and paddle steamers as transport.

Which route would you suggest then for the British in 1939? Through the straits of Denmark into the Baltic(where your own navy had buggered out of before the war started) or straight through Nazi Germany??

How about the French then,a nation devastated in a war with Germany 20 years earlier also mobilising its forces,do you think Hitler would maybe have let the French use the German railways for a small commission?...

As I said, if Britain and France had taken advantage of the fact that they outnumbered the ?Germans greatly in the West then Germany would have to halt its invasion of Poland to defend its borders

Doesn't matter how many times you say it,doesn't make it true on paper or in reality. No significant British forces were in continental Europe on sept 1st so you can only count the French forces who themselves,like Poland's forces ,were only just mobilising.Any pre German invasion mobilisations were discouraged so as not to provoke an invasion....

however Britain, France, and the U.S allowed Germany to grow to such a strength.

erm,Poland is and was a hell of a lot closer to Germany than Britain and the US,WTF did you lot do to prevent the rise of Hitlers pseudo military dictatorship? Oh yes,had a right wing Dictatorship of your own largely staffed by pro German anti communists. Go on,tell us again how Poland cracked the enigma code,please do........( Poland helped crack one specific type of basic code with the invention of the bombe de cyphering machine,the great leaps in actually breaking the more important codes came with joint Polish British French code breakers working together.By the time of ww2 however the originally cracked code was well out of date and no longer in use by the Germans....but why burden you with the truth,like "patriots" everywhere you dont do truth you do a mix of arrogant swagger and mawkish self pity,get a life(and a few good history books.)

I said they only FOUGHT when they were attacked. They didn't actually send troops until they were attacked you dumb****.

Oh deary me.....so lets see the RAF raids on heiligoland bight etc etc,the French incursions into the Saar etc,all pre may 1940, you know,1940 when France,Belgium and Holland were attacked(note,not Britain,but you know what,thousands of British troops fought the Germans then) ooh,or Norway,where French and British troops fought the Germans.....

So,in summery,I think its safe to say that if anyone here deserves the title

you dumb****.

it would be ,er,you.
19 Jun 2010
History / Poland in the eyes of London - before WWII. [60]

Britain entered war with Germany because wanted for her own reasons

What reasons are they then oh master historian? Considering Hitler had no intentions against Britain,or indead the British empire and veiwed "us" as possible trading partners for his hoped for new Europa,sort of in Europe but not quite(sounds familiar). The "best" course of action for a woefully unprepered Britain to take in 1939 would have been to wait,sit back,let germany regain german land,as seen at the time have a long protracted war against Poland,who reasured Britain it could hold out almost indefinatly against the germans, and then see what happened by staying neutral and building up "our " armed forces. So,basicaly declaring war against a country we knew to be vastly better equipped than us that we could have safely left to carve up countries we frankly had no cultural,economic or any other forms of ties with thus leading to an invasion of the west would hardly seem to be politic would it?

so shouldn't except gratitude.

No one expects gratitude,but its nice for a little recognition,maybe you buggers should take a leaf out of Frances book. For years they have been fed propaganda that somehow the BEF betrayed them by evacuating from Dunkirk when in fact many thousands of the troops rescued were french etc who on the main,when offered the chance to stay on in Britain with the Free French forces chose to go back to collaborationist or occupied france to sit on their thumbs for the next 4 years.Even the French now are realising its to many years since it all happpened to still live in a bullsh*t land of propaganda and blame every damm country apart from their own,and I say Vive le France !

Oh,one last thing,in 1938 Britain sent troops to Czechoslovakia to aid the czechs against the germans,where as,what did Poland do,oh yes,took the oppertunity to invade slovakia as the nazis marched on the sudetenland,not criket old boy.
19 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Brit Polonia fighting anti-Polish stereotypes [46]

The British Polonia is fed up wtih anti-Polish stereotypes circulating in the UK and branding Poles as anti-Semites, homophobes or people trying to steal British jobs, If you read Polish, check out:

And if you read English,just read this bloody forum for countless examples of Polish anti semites,homaphobes and job seekers and witness a complete lack of Polish people countering any of their fellow countrymens anti semitisim,rascism homophobia or whatever the fek vexs you lot these days.....

In the UK we're pretty open minded about gay men and women and have thriving Jewish communities, if people who come to this country dont respect this and act in a backwards manner than, quite frankly, they're not welcome.

here here(wells with pride,hears land of hope and glory in background,quotes Magna Carta,1215 AD,sorry,when did poland grant freedom to serfs?....)

He didn't look very polish to me....maybe a gypsy.

OMG,you guys dont do Irony do you...."were not rascist,looks like a gypsy not a Pole...." how about he's a fekkin Polish Gypsy....oi vay.

saying it in a regional accent. lol.

yes,atleast we have regional accents,were a free people,always have been not some hermogenous single ethnic mass of people....ya know,in- breading really aint good in the long run..
19 Jun 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people moving back home from the UK? [68]

they must go home it's safer for them.

I dont doubt it,if people like you are allowed access to cooking equipment..

Things are starting to boil over.

better switch it off then boyo...

UK banks should only lend money to people with British passports and not touch foreigners with a barge pole. The risk is too high.

And so you'll also know that this includes every other accesion state, its not just a Polish thing
19 Jun 2010
News / Hollywood's War with Poland. [150]

Mendele still alive!

Yes,hes in his 90s though,survived decades in robin island,has a mate called tutu ex wife was a bit of a ***** though....oh,sorry,do you mean MENGELE,Josef not Nelson....

Another 'historical' Hollywood film: Taras Bulba

its more anti zaparozhian Cossak than anti polish,I mean,god damn,Tony Curtiss as a Cossak!!!!

here goes another 'hysterical' Hollwood film Defiance

er,British film thank you very much(and its based on a bull sh*t story so what do you expect,its accurate to the lies the bielskis told....)

they integrate into American society and are virtually invisible.

Untill they pick their noses....:)

Poland is an excellent backdrop for all Holocaust movies

er,is that backdrop or location (both historic and film set)?Lets see,i'll give you Shindlers list,all that crap with "goodbye jews..." read the book however and discover how many polish christians are praised in that,lots BTW. The Pianist,hardly a hollywood film mate,filmed in Poland,with a Polish Director,mostly Polish film crew and providing work for Polish set builders and students in Praga...Oh,and stuffed full of British actors and on the whole far from "anti polish",one old slag shouting get the jew,he's a jew when,if you know your own history you will realise is a volksdeautshe woman as szpeilman was living in the ethnic german quater at that time,dumbass.

I think of sharia law,

sister of Pamela and Ruppert Law.....(no sharia law in this country,unlike the US we dont allow barbaric "justice" involving death.)

But I LOVED "Allo Allo"!

So did an elderly Polish lady I once knew,she loved Herr Flick :O

What about British movie "Enigma"? Why the villain was Polish? That was really idiotic idea.

Why? why idiotic? Seeing as it basicaly copied the True story of the Polish traitor in Colditz,tried and executed by fellow Poles despite his reasons being his family were held by the Gestapo.....