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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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22 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Presented as a fait accomplis, planned without the people's knowledge, on the pretext of a medical report by a (Polish) doctor whose reputation is now in tatters and brokered by a government who were removed from office straight after.
21 Apr 2011
Work / Advice on Teaching English in Poland [709]

Can I have some advice as to which schools I should contact? I am currently in South Africa and obviously cannot attend face-to-face interviews. Are there schools that are willing to conduct Skype and telephone interviews?

Your best bet is Dave's.
16 Apr 2011
Genealogy / Genetic difference between Poles and selected others. [83]

I read a theory, a serious one, that in about 1,000 years or so, we'll split into two species. Not that we'd have much to say to either of them. At least they'll probably have finished the second line of the Warsaw Metro by then. ;-)
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

The oil flows regardless of who's in power.

Thi issue is who it flows to, how much for, and who gets the contracts for keeping it flowing.
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

What would have happened if there wasn't a no-fly zone and NATO bombing ground targets? The uprising would have ended a long time ago.

My feeling is that it would have got a lot worse.

This is AU territory. NATO shouldn't have gotten involved. ZA and Morocco have enough resources to enforce a no-fly zone.

That's the dilemma, isn't it. Gaddafi's gold reserves mean he called the shots at the AU. But when to intervene or not. I don't think it can have been an easy decision to get involved, but the oil in LIbya is too strategically important to leave anything to chance.
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

Everything could potentially cause bigger problems later.

Exactly. And we don't want huge loss of life and even bigger military spending if it all gets worse.

NATO is a defense treaty, not a police force.

Same difference really. A stitch in time saves nine.
15 Apr 2011
Food / Possible to find Indian vegetarian food in Poland? [17]

Tomekmoj is right - there isn't that much, but there are possibilities. Try Green Way. They have a couple of places round Poznan, are vegetarian and have some Indian dishes: greenway.pl/pl/dystrybutorzy/wielkopolskie

In Warsaw there's a place called Vega, run by the Hari Krishna, that is vegetarian.
15 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

NATO is a defense treaty! So right!!!

In a way, yes. The Libya crisis is huge instability on Europe's borders. Action now is necessary in order to forestall much bigger problems later. NATO have to take the strategic long view rather than just firefighting.
15 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Like I said, what’s the point

Still meaningless bluster. Whatever you say doesn't alter the facts. That there isn't any significant movement within PL to annexe Kaliningrad, there isn't a legal vasis for any claim, and no Polish government have ever asserted one.
15 Apr 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

I don't think it is a way to go - but I may be wrong - my gut feeling tells me everyone should be allowed to accept only the customers he wishes for

There's a lot to be said for that. In the UK they can in a restaurant, club or wine bar.

The rules about Public Houses are a little different. About ten years ago a young man with no money staggered into one gasping "water, water". The barman asked him to leave, he died (he had some sort of disabilty) and the manager was jailed. One of the conditions of a drinks licence is that they have to let people drink something. An extreme example, but shows that a place with a licence to sell the full range of drinks is considered to be a public facility.
14 Apr 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Or anyone else, maybe? ;)

Yet the bars in Kraków, Magaluf, Munich etc still market themselves heavily to that sort of person, so they can't be too upset, can they.

I am of an opinion that an owner of a private place has right not to allow some people in - pub isn't exactly public institution to my mind

Legally it depends on a few factors, including whether or not there's a membership scheme. One thing business owners can't do is treat one group differently to another.

on the side note:I have heard that quite recently that there is some special law in Poland that allows for child benefit for Roma families several times higher than the one a Polish ethnic can receive - haven't explored the issue though

That's interesting - I wonder why?
14 Apr 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Brits who defecate on the floor of Kraków pubs

Never seen that

Gypsies who don't know how to behave in public

Or that

But here's the crux

But the self-styles 'human-rights defenders' of Gazeta Wybiórcza's ilk scream bloody murder and hurl accusations of racism right and left.

If they're treated differently because of who they are then yes it is discrimination.

For someone who professes to be a Christian, you don't seem to show much tolerance, compassion or understanding. Why not break your lenten fast and get your blood sugar levels back up and your blood pressure levels down.

kept out of pubs or restaurants in Poznań because the owners claimed that they 'enter in large groups, raise hell and make a mess.'
What if this this wasn't just an empty claim? What if they really do raise hell and make a bloody mess?

That would be a problem in a museum, funeral service or bank. Not in a pub. Perhaps they just don't spend enough for the proprietor to forget the bigotry.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Wow. Squirming on an epic level!

Nothing alters that fact that Kaliningrad isn't Polish, Poland doesn't have a claim on it, no Polish government has ever asserted any claim and there is no movement within Poland to annexe Kaliningrad.

However you try to justify losing an argument, these facts remain unchanged.
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

Have I visited Poland? no and never wanted too. They obviously do not like their country so there must be something wrong with it.

Yes. It's clear you don't know much about the world. Certainly nothing about the hundreds of thousands of Brits living round Europe.

Stop trolling.

There is a bnp mayor

There isn't actually. There's a Deputy Mayor. But not in a city that has an elected Mayor - in a small town. I'm sure you know that Mayors in the UK aren't allowed to vote at council meetings - that's why the other parties' councillors appointed him - so he can't vote on anything. A clever move.
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

BNP have been voted as a mp in a town.

No they haven't. Don't lie. At the last general election they were wiped out. Stop trolling.

I do find it sad and very frustrating, I just do not get how you have no loyalty to your own country. Make your own country better.

Have you ever visited Poland?

The country are getting fed up with you guys and it will get worse for you in years to come. There are too many of you.

Speak for yourself.


JonnyM I am guessing you are married to a pole? If so why do you not move to Poland and raise your children there? why over populate UK more than it already is.

Polish partner, no kids, I live in Poland. So **** off.
14 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Are you Poles proud of your country? Then why do you keep coming to Britain? [100]

invading countries

Glass houses, stones!

I believe the men/women who marry/have children with polish are as bad as the poles who come here

Why on earth shouldn't a British person marry a Pole? People can marry whoever they like. Many happy marriages exist between people from Britain and Poland.

And Poles in the UK have contributed more economically than they have taken.

I will properly register

Plenty of fora to do it on. Try Stormfront or Stirpes.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

On the same basis you have so conveniently dismissed the previous poster.

Now you've simply stopped making sense. Not unusual when someone picks a fight then loses.

Always? Are you sure?

Perhaps you know otherwise - some long forgotten pre-industrial era with no relevance to the present. Very long forgotten since it didn't even fall into Polish hands after the battle of Grunwald. Though as you no doubt know, perhaps from Discovery Channel or the cap of a Tarczyń bottle, Poland tried unsuccessfully to invade it shortly after 1500. And of course the Duchy of Prussia issue. Still Prussian though.

Then I must be an exception then, but since I’m here and claim otherwise it does make your statement wrong then.

Interesting to see you squirm. It makes no difference. No Polish government has made a claim on Kaliningrad and there is no significant movement for Poland to annexe it. Perhaps you should start one and march round town with placards.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

There’s no fallacy, historically speaking Poland has a claim to that land period.

Historically Poland has no claim. On what basis do you pretend it does?

Wrong on both counts, there was a time when it was under Polish control so you can’t say Poland never did asserted its claim,

As no doubt you know, it wasn't under any sort of Polish control - not since the Treaty of Oliwa anyway. Kaliningrad was always German. No Polish government has ever asserted a claim of sovereignty regardless of whatever you pretend.

as for the latter you speak for every person in Poland now. LOL

An odd thing to say. Those of us who live in Poland and actually have a connection to the issue have never heard of anything like that.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Perhaps not, all I’m saying that if you make a here and now the core of your debate than stick to it.

Which I did. A poster was claiming that it was Polish in the Thirteenth Century thereby giving Poland a claim now. I disagree with that, and pointed out the obvious logical fallacy. It really is a good idea if you actually read the all preceeding posts before jumping to conclusions.

Revised so many times in the past, who knows what the future will hold, that’s what we are discussing here after all, a possible future.

In which Germany has irrevocably renounced their claim, Russia has asserted theirs and Poland has none.

stock in the time warp

What time warp? I repeat, Poland has never asserted a claim on that territory and the people of Poland neither want Kaliningrad nor can afford it.

Again - you should read the thread before jumping to conclusions. And BTW, Kaliningrad has no strategic relevance to PL who already have a large enough stretch of the southern Baltic Coast, and any "Russian threat" wouldn't go away if they for whatever reason gave it away. Then again, didn't you just advocate "one good war" in Europe?
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Centuries my a**,

So if it wasn't German for centuries, what was that big Prussian flag doing flying over the town hall and all those people speaking German. And when was it part of a sovereign Poland?


Kaliningrad, in English.

your debate about the status of Królewiec and its future which you started in the first place

Not my debate, and if you read the thread, others started the discussion. It's always a good idea to read before posting.

is based on here and now than the same should apply for the so called former German lands

A meaningless sentence, but for the record I don't support a change in Poland's borders.


International law.

Read the thread before commenting. And by the way, you still haven't come up with any Polish government within living memory who have asserted a claim on Kaliningrad.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Shows how much you know about the history of that region

Yes. German from centuries ago until 1945. The situation in the Thirteenth Century is irrelevant today. Otherwise half the world would be at war.

someone like myself.

Normal people in Poland. Not fanatics, irredentists, fantasists.

You have your opinion I have mine.

Unfortunately yours is bizarre and eccentric. Show me one Polish President, Premier or Foreign Minister within living memory who has asserted a formal claim for sovereignty over Kaliningrad.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Conveniently overlooking Yugoslavia or Kosovo ?:)

Yes. Very conveniently. I'm also overlooking the international outcry, the invasion by NATO and the subsequent trials of those involved. Is Kaliningrad worth any of that?

if one region can be returned to its rightful owners so can others, all it really takes is one good war.

If anything, its rightful owner is Germany, but in any case - do you really want "one good war" in Europe? Poles don't.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

Then you don’t know much about Europe. How do you think the inhabitants of that area got there in the first place, you miss the point all together and yes they did get away with it, just to make it clear the inhabitants of Królewiec that is.

Evidently rather more than you, since I can see exactly how Russia would respond to mass deportations of their inhabitants. Interesting how your theory that people who "got to an area" can be moved out again by force relates to the situation of those Poles living in former German territories.

Do they ? I wonder, maybe theoretically they can, or maybe in your fairy story, in my fairy story mostly they are shuffled about without chance to exercise their rights .

I don't remember that happening within the EU in my lifetime. Do you often propose ethnic cleansing?

So, what time would you set to be relevant today?

None. Historical borders (like the Nineeenth Century borders between Russia, Germany and Austria) are not a basis for borders todayl, whatever you may think.

No, my argument is that Kalinigrand should belong to Poland because it is part of Prusy, country which have had many ties with Poland, and larger part of which belongs to Poland already.

Prussia no longer exists, its citizens are dispersed and its territory is divided. What was or wasn't in a country that doesn't exist and is spread across several nation states with no real movement to revive it is not the basis for Poland or anyone else to annex another country's sovereign territory.
14 Apr 2011
News / What are Poland's optimal both real and virtual neighbors? [81]

They could also be forcibly relocated, it have been done before you know,

They could if the president wants to end up in jail in The Hague. Britain and France were very lucky to get away with that sort of thing a couple of times on a very very small scale and outside Europe in the 1950s - no politician would dare since the formation of the ICC. The likely response from the Russian government is something best avoided too.

there is no question of Kaliningrad region in Polish politics just a couple of delusional fellows badly wish to have it (but they won't be doing politics here any time soon)
