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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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1 May 2011
Life / Realistic grocery budget for a family of three in Warsaw? [20]

300 zloty per week

OK if you're happy with scrimping and saving and are good at shopping very carefully, buying in bulk (try and get a card for Makro or Selgros) etc. 500 a week is more realistic.

One tip that can help if you're on a budget is to eat like the Poles do, rather than looking for things you're used to. The Polish diet can be healthy, wholesome and cheap. Buy the things they do.
30 Apr 2011
History / Civilian life in Poland (Krakow) during the WW2. [30]

Poland had TV before the war - it was one of the first countries to get it, albeit on a very basic system. As far as I know, it was initially only in Warsaw. TV operated during the war in Germany, and for part of the war in Paris (but in German). I'm not sure about Poland.
30 Apr 2011

JonnyM and SeanBM, i don't see any counter arguments to the many arguments i gave against African immigration. Try a bit harder as i don't see the point reacting to your insults and your questions i already answered.

You don't have an argument. Just moaning that certain people have an advantage when attracting members of the opposite sex. So what?

Why do you think that the many differences between European and African immigrants can be neglected?

People are people. What differences?

Please have a good look to the multicultural countries of Europe. Maybe this will enlighten you about the "success" and the many "joys" of African immigrants in Europe so far.

I come from one of the most multicultural places in the world. A great city.

I've never been picked up. I do get approached but very rarely and only by girls that i'm not interested in

So time for a rethink. If you look like a toad, you won't catch a princess.

So you must be better looking than me. Good for you, you seem to be an OK guy (at least), but please realise that there are many guys out there who only can dream about being picked up by girls

Have you only just realised this? Nothing to do with colour or race.
30 Apr 2011

Welcoming anyone to Poland (unless they are white and have good arguments against African immigration of course).

Better to greet people (whatever their skin colour or country of origin) in a civil way than to seize upon any post by a black person and start whinging on in the tawdriest possible about them 'stealing' 'your' women.

And after all - what have you done for Poland? Except get washed up there when your gf saw sense and chucked you for a black guy. And then drone on monotonously ever after about your inadequacies.
30 Apr 2011

And wow, are you sharing a single brain with Jarnowa,

More likely a single brain cell.

I can't figure out who is the smartest/intelligent one

I don't think either of them are exactly Einstein.

pity that a rather positive thread can be miss comprehend like this, and brought down to a level even a Neanderthal would be a shame to be affiliated.

Imagine what it must be like living with so much hate sloshing around their neuropeptides. Both of those guys have taken advantage of relaxed immigration laws; living in another country as immigrants, use modern air travel and media; both shrinking our world and breaking down boundaries, and take advantage of imported manufactured goods; increasing wthe worldwide skills base and mobility. Yet still they complain when someone moves from one country to another, marries etc.

Maybe they'll crawl back under a stone one day, or better still take advantage of further technology and move to the moon and let the rest of the human race get on with it.

Thanks mate, it's good to hear that they aren't a threat for you. But probably that's because you and our Greek friend Southern just look better? I never said that attractive white guys should fear for competiton from negroes etc. But do you think that white guys who are just average looking (like me on good days) or who are just ugly have nothing to fear from muscular negro boys?

Sorry fellah, but that's the survival of the fittest, if you're inadequate (if?) make some money and pay for it.
28 Apr 2011
News / Polish Post delays restructuring plans [8]

I feel so much smarter now ;)

Thanks. It's a pleasure.

Smarter still would be to post something about the restructuring plans for Poczta Polska and the delay thereof.

They certainly are a monolitrhic organisation. When I was doing some work there a few years ago, every document to be copied had to be accompanied by a detailed request in duplicate then taken away to a locked room, PRL style.
28 Apr 2011
Feedback / Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland [150]

Yes. I've noticed pages about things entirely unconnected to Poland that suddenly have a badly written paragraph half way through tenuously linking the topic to Poland and usually using very loaded and inaccurate language about various historical injustices or triumphs. Whenever thery're edited out, they mysteriously reappear.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Has it ever crossed your thick scull that some of these people might have not had a criminal record before entering the country?

Yes, and even so - a felony in one place is a misdemeanour in another.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

free to mention the nationality and names of Polish alleged criminals, but they are not free to mention the nationality and names of other foreign alleged criminals

Maybe a source for that?
28 Apr 2011
Feedback / Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland [150]

Why are there so many on here, who do not like Poland

I'm not sure about that at all. They may have a different vision of Poland to yours, but that isn't the same as disliking it.

many, many of those have never even been to Poland.

Exactly. Trolls.

Though equally there are people who get very touchy when those of us who do live there air our views on life in Poland; its positives and negatives. The forum isn't a tourist ad or a PR site.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Out of interest, I'd probably support a law to conceal the names of people who haven't yet been found guilty. Not for any reasons of ethnicity but to stop it showing up on search engines if people are acquitted or to avoid problems for relatives if the surname is unusual. I'm not sure I'd go as far as Poland though where even the names of people found guilty are suppressed and where the newspapers a few years ago were saying "Slawomir M, brother of former premier Leszek Miller", which was a bit of a give away.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Sure it is just like Fox news in the US. They're free alright.

Every country has its rednecks - would you deny them the Daily Mail, Fox News, Polsat etc?
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Your stupid online magazine is portraying those people as guilty. What if they're innocent?

No it isn't. Show me where it says that.

BTW, it isn;t 'my' or even 'our' online magazine. The press in the UK is free.

so what is this thread about 3 innocent Polish guys?

Precisely that. A thread about a crime for which three people have been charged, may be tried, and subsequently either found guilty or acquitted.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

What do you mean by: "check out the thread," etc.?

Now what do you think I mean?

Do you mean it's ME who have got to look for evidence confirming the validity of your claims?

You're the one who's claiming something pretty extreme.

Wouldn't you think it's your task? Well, it seems you don't provide the evidence in question because it doesn't exist, and therefore I repeat: you're a liar and slanderer. Get lost, idiot

Buzz off, troll.

And Mail Online turn it in to public town square lynching.

Ah, right. A forum. Check out some of the comments on Onet.pl, if you're looking for xenophobia.

The principles of basic human rights were drawn up by human beings as a way of ensuring that the dignity of everyone is properly and equally respected.

Meaningless. How can principles be 'drawn up'. You're mixing your opinions with laws. Show me any document that says English or Scottish law conceals the names of arrested persons from the media.

they haven't been proven guilty so it's wrong to portray them as criminals. As of now they are still insistent. This is the basics.

They aren't portrayed as criminals. In the UK, people are innocent until proven guilty. The press is free to report a court case, including names off all parties except minors and people whose names would identify minors, rape victims and protected witnesses.. Unless you know otherwise.

you can call yourself dalai lama for all i care.

I might well. But you are still wrong.
28 Apr 2011
Study / Moving to Warsaw for graduate school- need advice on relocation [10]

Also, would wearing a beard make me look more or less foreign?

one stuck on with glue

If anything, the opposite. Especially if you're wearing a false beard. You could try dressing as a nun.

I don't want to be instantly recognized as a foreigner walking in the street.

Warsaw is a cosmopolitan city, especially in the areas near the metro. It has a low crime rate, so you shouldn't worry.

How should I dress for this purpose?

You don't say what country you're from, but the clothes here come from the same sort of chain stores that are all over the western world.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

So you can't prove that I allegedly have told some malicious xenophobic lies?

See above.

British media hate propaganda


Check out the thread about the Guardian series last month about Poland and its people. If the words aren't too long for you.

British hostility towards the Poles.

A funny kind of hostility that has welcomed a million people.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

--- Nope, I don't remember. So can you quote em, those lies, or not?

I already have. So use the search function and stop trolling.

Anyway, it's dinner time so I have nicer things to do than win arguments with fools.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Why not? Are they guilty of a crime?

It doesn't matter - arrests are reported in the media; trials are public.

Your comprehension of the basic laws seems backwards.

It seems your comprehension of the "basic laws" (whatever that's supposed to mean) are non-existant if you think that the names of people charged with crimes are kept secret in the UK.

good news, you fit the description as well.

Hardly. Dyed in the wool educated Liberal, if anything. But of course you're entitled to your views, however bizarre.

--- What are those alleged malicious xenophobic lies of mine? Give them

I gave them two days ago. Remember. Check back. Use the search function, Puzzler.
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

It's still the same. The three guys have been charged with murder. Surely you aren't suggesting their names should be kept secret?

"They are the kind of people who love to be outraged,"

Fits a lot of people in Poland too...
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

---What specifically have I been allegedly caught out on?

Malicious, xenophobic lies, of course. Not allegedly.

So come on then, how many Poles have been murdered as a result of incitement by the UK media? You've said so twice. LOL
28 Apr 2011
UK, Ireland / Immgration to UK. A success? [114]

Isn't is the case that in England courts frequently forbid mentioning in the press the names of the nationalities and first and last names of presumed foreign criminals, especially those from the Third World

Sources please.

the land where as a result of the hate propaganda by the media psychopaths scores of Poles have been beaten up and murdered by local racists?

Again some sources. About Poles murdered due to media incitement.

You were caught out on that one a couple of days ago. So stop repeating rubbish.
26 Apr 2011

Jarinowa seems to think that he has more right to be in Poland than others because he is white. This does not make it an issue of immigration but racisim

Spot on.
26 Apr 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

Typing out that whole 'Zionist entity in Palestine' spiel every time must be giving him terrible tendonitis.

Not even the Saudis bother with that any more. They just say Israel.

Those "assets" were bombed down to their foundations

In villages?

we rebuilt them with our money, our effort and our sweat as such Jews lost all claim to them,

You mean expropriated the land.

unless they're willing to repay the costs of rebuilding the property?

Call it 50 years' back rent.
25 Apr 2011
News / Polish people humiliated in the latest episode of Family Guy [51]

The only joke is Poles humiliating themselves by loudly objecting whenever they're portrayed in a way other than how they want others to see them. Behaviour closer to that of a Banana Republic than a major European state, and it just perpetuates it all. Like Kazakhs objecting to Borat.
24 Apr 2011
Language / Need Advice On Polish-English language barrier (my Polish boyfriend and his family) [59]

Esperanto is useless.

Yes. Useless. Though there is some evidence that it can benefit children who learn it.

The book you mention, Hurrah po polsku is good. I know quite a few French and Spanish people who speak Polish. All have problems with pronunciation (especially the French) but perseverance eventually pays off. The OP shouldn't give up.
24 Apr 2011
History / The smallest Poland ever? [115]

Well...I don't remember any Poles here admitting freely from the start the big part that the Germans played in these now polish lands...as if admitting would make it less polish again

And that's the key to the whole issue. Change the town names, dig up the gravestones, and hope the past will go away.