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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 2475 / In This Archive: 1607
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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12 Dec 2009
Law / Coffee Heaven (Poland's biggest coffee chain) for sale [33]

I found this in a newspaper today - seems cheap in relation to the size of the company.

"Costa-owner Whitbread is in talks to buy Coffeeheaven, Poland's biggest coffee chain, for £32m.

There are around 1,000 Costa coffee shops in the UK and 400 abroad. The companies are in advanced talks over a cash offer of 24p a share.

Coffeeheaven is the market leader in Poland and also has cafes and sandwich bars in the Czech Republic, Latvia, Bulgaria and Hungary. The company is listed on London's AIM market.

Coffeeheaven reported a first-half loss of £554,000 this year, down from a £684,000 loss the previous year

5 Dec 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

I decided that if I was to live in Poland then it would be extremely hypocritical not to make any attempt to communicate in Polish - after all, how many times do you hear English people say about foreigners in the UK "if people can't speak English then they shouldn't be in England"?

I felt the same. I worked in Bradford and was both disgusted by the way some people live in Uk for 30 years and barely speak English, and humbled by the way some immigrants speak English so well.

So I was determined to become fluent.

Of course it isn't so simple as all that. Some people have absolutely no ear for languages, and some people pick them up quickly, almost without trying. But hard work generally pays off.
5 Dec 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

irst three months of my stay, I just felt like being surrounded by a glass surface around me which allowed air and light through it, but stopped understandable sounds.

I felt exactly the same here in Poland. I found it took a little perseverance before suddenly fluency came.

A little work, a lot of listening to others, and total immersion, pays off.
28 Nov 2009
Life / Lack of Spacial Acuity in Poland [69]

I have noticed something about some Poles - they seem to lack spacial acuity when it comes to negotiating crowds.

So right. Public transport is the worst. When the tram doors open, people surge for the door, regardless of whether or not people are trying to get off. Or a great crowd of people getting off the metro and making for the exit, almost trampling people walking in the other direction.

Also people walk out of shop doors, head held high, not looking right or left and not caring if people are walking along the pavement.

I don't think that it's specific to Poland, just very noticeable here. The writer Leon Uris once wrote that if Oxford Street were anywhere except in Britain, there would be people bumping into each other, shoving, arguing.
28 Nov 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

I do not feel like I can get around at all without it. Hell, I didn't even know I was suppose to "HAIL" a bus

I agree. Living in a country where you don't speak the language is a bit like having one hand tied behind your back, or deliberately making yourself partially sighte.

Cut off from so many things.
27 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

I need an Indian curry

There's a few shops here. My friend has an office in Katowice. That's near you isn't it? I could send a jar down, and you could collect it next time you're in K.
26 Nov 2009
News / New Polish gambling law - outlawing gambling except in casinos [34]

Sleazy indeed, and those places are always empty. The money they actually take surely doesn't cover the rent for the premises.

A real scam, and good that the governments finally going to do something.

A logical next step would be unannounced tax inspections of the owners.
26 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

The topic is: Indian Stores In Warsaw

The topic was Indian stores, for the last week it seems to be about Indian Restaurants.

And the nice Indian restaurant on the corner of Nowogrodzka and Krucza is as much a store as a restaurant. Perhaps more of a store. Only three tables, so hard to get a seat.

A few of the ethnic restaurants here also have shop sections. Samara is a great example.


But still a good shop - I buy quite a few products there, and know many others who do. The restaurant meals are great too.

You mentioned reviews of Namaste. I googled it 'Namaste Warsaw' and found the following:


I notice that the most recent is from 'Martha Jones' (who presumably travelled there in a police box). She spells the name of her home town incorrectly :-)) and has the same eccentric capitalisation as in your posts.

Which moniker do you prefer, Carl or Martha?

carl marx

But plenty of people like it, it has a very loyal clientele, and they also sell a big range of retail products, spices, teas, etc, which your restaurant probably does not, Martha.
26 Nov 2009
Life / Indian Stores In Warsaw [139]

indiacurry..indiaexpress.pl and aarti

I went to IndiaCurry and was very disappointed with the quality, friends speak badly of IndiaExpress, feeling ill afterwards, etc, and Arti is unpredictable. Not to mention the supermarket poppadoms they serve, and getting the orders wrong.

Namaste is still probably the best.

The topic is: Indian Stores In Warsaw
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

fail to understand is that Muslims

I didn't mention muslims. The thread is about whether schools should be secular or diosplay symbols of a specific religion.

Remember there have been Polish muslims for hundreds of years, there are mosques in Gdańsk, Warsaw and Krakow, not to mention the historic mosques in Podlasie. They haven't turned Poland into a second Saudi (or even a second Turkey) yet and don't seem about to.

Not that the rest of the world is Islamicising either.

Catholicism is one of the foundations of Polish culture

Another is a long secular tradition.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

gotcha a demon do ya?

No. Read the post carefully before jerking your knee.

I said some people believe in aliens, just as you believe in an invisible deity.

Funny thing is.. those sincere seekers of God.. they all end up preaching Jesus.

All? Where d'ya get that from then?

I support a SECULAR academic environment ... A SECULAR STATE.

I agree as well.

Quite. Faith (or lack thereof) is a personal thing. Not for state offices, celebrations, schools, etc.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Millions have seen aliens have they?

Not in my opinion, but millions believe they have.

Maybe a few thousand make that claim, but millions? I'd like to see you prove that.

Dr Susan Blackmore
Abduction by Aliens or Sleep Paralysis?
Skeptical Inquirer Volume 22.3, May / June 1998

And what issue do you have with muslims who revere Mohammad as their prophet? He is their prophet,

Absolutely none. And no issue either with Buddhists, or for that matter with Hindus who often believe in many gods.

Do you?
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

but lack of proof

Says it all.

Because millions of others do say, He has revealed Himself to them.

Millions of others say they have seen aliens. They have revealed Themselves to them.
Millions of others believe that Mohammed is the prophet of Allah, millions believe in a pantheon of deities, millions of others believe Kim-Il-Jong is the leader of the free world.

It doesn't make any of them right. (Or if something doesn't need proving, as you say, it doesn't make them wrong either.)

maybe it's just something you need to work on.

Perhaps you could work on a less religious and more rational worldview? You try atheism for a while, and I'll maybe have a look at Christianity.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

so where is your problem?

Seems to be more your problem than mine :-))

What other forms of indoctrination are you against in schools? Patriotism?

Do you really think patriotism is indoctrination? Gosh!

Of course if encouraging patriotism crossed a particular line (as in some totalitarian states) it probably would be. But here in Europe at least it generally stays positive.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

I don't know what does the fact that these satanists you know have children have to do with anything


Do you know a lot of satanists who deal with schoolchildren?

was your original question. You seem to be having difficulties following the thread.

but working with other people's kids doesn't bother you.

It bothers me enormously. Schools and other places where people work with children have to ensure the highest professional standards.

I think you didn't understand me though. In Poland, religion is optional in school. About 15% of kids do not attend those lessons. There is no chance of "indoctrination."

For the 85% whose parents do not withdraw heir kids, religious apologetics lessons often take the form of a catechism. The children are taught that the catechism responses are the truth, and other answers are not. This is a form of indoctrination.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

but you have no problem with satanists in schools?

I didn't say that or anything like it.

I said I disapprove of apologetics lessons in state schools, conducted by clergy of any type.

I said I know a few satanists.

I said that all (at least the few I know) are married and either have kids or work with them. Nothing, nothing at all, about satanists teaching their religion in school :-)))

Please actually read a post before commenting on it. It would help you potentially avoid being accused of stupidity.

For information, I would have the same problem with a minister of religion indoctrinating children in state schools, whether christian, occult, hindu, whatever. The private beliefs of someone who works with kids, whether in a school or elsewhere is a matter for them.
25 Nov 2009
News / New Polish gambling law - outlawing gambling except in casinos [34]

It makes parts of Krakow look very sleezy. I will be happy to see them go.

The same here in Warsaw. Five in a two hundred yard stretch of the main road near my home. Most permanently empty - something to do with money laundering.

They are an eyesore and it will be great if they're closed down.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Great cities all of them.

Madrid, Stockholm, Berlin, Rome, Vienna, Dublin, New York, Sydney, Tokyo would do just as well.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

It is not possible to believe in a religion and not want to impose it on every other

Where do you get that from then? Did the founder of your religion try to impose it?
25 Nov 2009
Love / I`m Polish bloke lookin`for an English girl. Is it gonna work out? [51]

if you are an example of an English man from Yorkshire

Trust me, he's not a good example of a Yorkshireman. I however am. :-)

Sounds indeed like the women there don't want to date him. Wonder why he thinks Polish women will be any different? Maybe he hopes their knowledge of the English language will ensure they don't understand the crap he talks.
25 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Poland is a Catholic nation.

Not all Poles are catholic. Not all catholics go to church (much less than 50% in some parts of Warsaw). Not all catholics are extremists. Some like Radio Maryja, some hate it. Some shout their religion from the rooftops, some practise it in their hearts.

It will remain that way.

The number of people attending mass suggests that that could be far from true.

Get out of Poland if you don't like it that way.

Many Poles have done just that, and are enjoying the freedoms of London, Paris, Amsterdam not setting foot in a church from one month to the next. And they have the freedom to do that.

Interesting how the posts here supporting a so-called religion of peace are often filled with bile and hatred. If that's what christianity's like, then thank you, but no thanks!
24 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

stick to Christian concept of morality at home, only to switch to something else at work.

One can be professional at work. If that compromises christian (or any other) beliefs, then it's time for a career change.

Secular, it means that only atheists or Christians by the name only are allowed to hold important posts in this clearly anti-Christian institution.

Can you point out the relevant clause in the Treaty of Nice that spells that out?

they are not authority for themselves

So you prefer an invisible, unprovable authority?

somehow I managed to live without knowing even a single one

How would you know? Not everyone shouts about their personal beliefs.
24 Nov 2009
Work / Teaching English/CELTA at the IH, Krakow [13]


Wrocław, Katowice, B. Biało are considered among the better ones.

Here in Warsaw it went down the pan about 5 years ago due to serious money problems.
24 Nov 2009
Work / Teaching English/CELTA at the IH, Krakow [13]

visible organisation throughout the world

Hmm, Topas is writing quite sensibly.

IH schools are only as good as the franchisee, half of who haven't paid for the inspections/support etc. IH is falling to bits a bit in Europe - its main markets are now further afield. The Śląsk franchise has kept the name - they've marketed it and it is known there, in other places, some IH schools are cancelling the franchise and rebranding.
24 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

know a lot of satanists

I know a few satanists (I move in very eclectic social circles), and all of them (at least the ones I know) are married and either have kids or work with them. Here in Europe there seems to be a fair few working in healthcare and the media, over in the US, a surprising proportion of adherents in law enforcement.
24 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Stopping them from buggering small boys would be a slightly more logical first step.

I wish I could find the statistic, from a more or less recent study of reported child abuse cases in English-speaking countries, that even taking into account the disparity in numbers of adherents betwen christianity and the other groups studied, children are 90% more likely to be sexually abused by a christian priest or minister than by any sort of occultist, pagan, wiccan, thelemite, satanist or new ager.

It would evidently be much safer for childrens' rectal wellbeing if we banned from schools, the ministers of J. Christ, and brought in the ministers of A. Crowley.
24 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

Hmm, plently of posts from people believing in invisible entities... :-(

About the crucifixes, 1Jola's post makes a bit of sense, leave them, there isn't a huge strong feeling against them, but don't have compulsory religion lessons.

Eventually, belief in supernatural religion will wither away here, but for the moment, taking down crucifixes would just provoke a difficult response.

Keeping priests out of the (state school) classroom and stopping them indoctrinating kids would be the logical first step.
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Educate yourself about "The new world order":

You mean conspiracy theories dreamed up by nutters?

It's not as clear cut as you would want it to be...

He was born in Hawaii. He was born in Kapiolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital in Honolulu on Aug. 4, 1961. His birth was registered. It was announced in the local newspapers. The 'birther' fruitcakes have never produces one scrap of evidence to the contrary. Because there ain't any.