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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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17 Jan 2011
Australia / Your new PM, A question for Aussies, and anyone living there. [20]

No it's not you heartless bastard...;P

fek off taking yourself so seriously....christ,I compared her to jodie foster not exactly a pig eh?
Where did I mention that I define her political qualities by her gender or looks? Again,get over yourself,it was a comment on the womans voice,no more.

Why has this come out of off topic anyway,it has nowt to do with Poland? And I put it precisely in off topic for that reason + plus it being a sensitive time for many people in Oz,so whys it been moved here?

And if anyone got a thing to say about floods,tell someone who hasnt been homeless for three years because of one and is still waiting to move back to my house.
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Your lost 2 points,forgive me if Im wrong actually run counter to your arguments and back up mine in a lot of ways.
So these intact,more or less armies,of France and germany(forgetting the US occupying force,what remained of the british army and a completly intact Royal navy) would have fallen to the soviet rabble would they? Maybe with a little help from all those machine guns.
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Its all,what ifs,this could go on forever,my point being though that at any time after 1920 western Europe could have turned Red despite anything Poland did,but it didnt,there was always enough nationalism to counter communism.
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

have to start learning russian in Paris, London and Berlin.

I cant give you that like I can concede some of your other points,maybe we are saying the same thing just from different POV.

I doubt that Russian would have spread as far at that time. Granted germany had a huge communist population but those uprisings had already been put down by 1920,they may have "lost" the first world war(that name really should have been a clue to people back then ;) ) but It can be said pretty certainlly that the germans would have united against the Reds and frankly the occupying powers (british,french US) wouldnt have stood about with their hands in their pockets either. As for getting as far as London,come on,be serious for a minute,communisim was never a serious possibility in the UK,not even during the general strike of '26.

What Poland did was save herself ,no worries there,but Poland saved its self for a 20 year breathing space,it did not save europe from communisim. Did nothing to stop its spread in germany,france,spain....ww2 and creating the iron curtain "saved" some of europe from communisim,thats all.
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Thats another western myth, apart from the "Blue Army" the West did nothing, Poland won its independence using only domestic resources.

How the feck is this a western myth,are you seriously trying to tell me only Poles fought against the Red Army? OMG,say it aint so.....just google russian civil war mate before you spout more selfpitying/gloryfying nonsense.

No, the correct sentence would be "some weapons" more than 80% of polish arms were those captured from Germans,

Thats "capturing" off already surrendered germans,the war was over for them,you know,the REAL war WW1,not one of europes little sideshow conflicts.

another western myth

quite honestly I dont believe it is a western myth at all,a defination of such would be one that is well known and widely diseminated,frankly,the only book Ive come across in English about the subject is White eagle Red Star ,like it or not,to "the west" the Polish campaigns after WW1 were nothing more than little sideshows in another conflict ,the russian civil war,that not many people know or care to know anything about. We had our own worries back then and some little local conflict somewhere the other side of germany wasnt an issue.
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Also South America has multiple examples of rebels overthrowing govts though i'm not sure if these monkeys count, their goverments last as long as a smell of a fart.

Well,there again are perfect examples of the need for outside support, apart from military coups(and even those re Chile etc) where the standing army takes over the rest were definatly all backed and supported by external sources.

Not to take anything from Poland in 1919/20 but as you say,this was a force organised into an army and not under occupation conditions,even so this heroic force could have done very little without the outside support it recieved from the "western" powers to fight in proxy the soviets on that front. Remember most of the weapons and even a lot of the uniforms came from Britain,France etc as these nations were fighting the "Reds" on different fronts at the time.
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Btw. Do you guys have Baptists in the UK?

Well,as a simplification,maybe,but those vocal types tend to be insulting to all organised religion,I doubt many of them have set foot in a Protestant church either.

The most vocal on the mainland tend to be Scots from certain areas,I dont get it myself but its there....
Yes,we have Baptists,of all shades, half a mile from me now is a 11th century Church,in its time its been Catholic then changed in the reformation to Protestant,a little further away is a Methodist chapel,one of the oldest as Methodism started 8 miles from here, in the main town of the area you have quite a few catholic churches,baptist,church of england,church of scotland,Sihk gudwaras(temples) muslim mosques,anabaptist places,seventh day adventists and a scattering of "african" evangelical churches as well as a Quaker meeting hall,a couple of Jeahovahs witness halls and a large Mormon church......so,yep,pretty well cover all basis in the UK re religion(oh,yes,theres some jewish temples about 30 miles away)
16 Jan 2011
Polonia / Polish people in New Delhi [86]

and still open question whether his parents will accept me...

Indian parents tend to want the best for their sons,you seem lovely,Im sure you will be fine;

Mind you,if you do run into problems,remember ,a bit of flattery can go a long way;

Oh,and theres our shared history in ww2 if you want to get serious for a minute;

All the best,and my love to mother gunga if you get there :)

oh,yeah,but whatever you do,watch this and take note :)
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

where do you live, in N.Ireland?

No,UK mainland,Yorkshire....those bombs didnt only go off in Belfast you know,so you'll excuse some of us over here who didnt shed too many tears for Ted Kenedy last year.....

Thankfully no one died in the bombing I got caught up in,there hadnt been a warning though so that was pure luck, but you see my point,the only people who set out to blow up me and the young baby I had with me at the time were Catholics,so I tend to feel the same way re the whole muslim thing. Why tar everyone with the same brush,kinda like calling all GIs baby killers just because of My Lai.
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Of course i do given that there were no police or civilian hunters that "helped"

We could split hairs here for ages,I say there were,you say there were not,ok,fine,but Im with you I think in your main point,the orrganised army did the bulk of the fighting.

And again,no underground force in history has ever overthrown anything without the outside help of a third party nation and its armed forces.
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

I openly admit that I despise Muslims for being religious fanatics and for killing innocent people all around the world in the name of Allah.

Surely you mean " I despise THE muslims who are religious fanatics"....dont know how many muslims you've met but all the ones I know are about as fanatical as ,well,Ive drunk pints with plenty of them....and,cant Remember Cassius Clay or Cat stevens murdering anyone,not literaly anyway :)

If I applied your rules Id hate all Catholics because Ive been in an IRA bombing......
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

(btw. do you say mate even to the females in the UK?)

yes,if you are freindly with each other...actually,around where I am we tend to call everyone of the opposite gender "love" (ie,men to women,women to men) and the slightly older generation still call people flower or petel,regardless of gender :) I think its quite sweet but I know even people from a hundred miles away,women,can take offence at being called "love",silly,but,hey,so its easier to say mate :)
16 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

What finnish paramilitaries you liar?

So I guess you discount all the Police and civilian hunters that helped fight the soviets then.
Why so hatefull all the time,relax man,take a few deep breaths,you'll live longer.
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

"An average Chinese wage of $0.57 per hour -- or $104 per month -- is about 3 percent of the average U.S."

Yes,but whats the cost of living in China compared to the US,thats the important question,not how much is being made. and,$104,really 3% of avarage us wage,really?

No country that treats its own people like China has a chance to survive in the long run.

Lol,dont you believe it mate,China has treated its "people" like trash for thousands of years,untill the communists there was no history of the people rising up.....I hate to say it,but as a people they do seem on the whole a servile bunch.

A country that still has concentration camps for its political opponents

er,gitmo....maybe best as an American if you didnt bring up extra judicial imprisonment....
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

I dont know,Im no fan of red china but it seems those who can find work are paid enough to get by and help other family members in rural areas,mind you,the state probably picks up the tab on a lot of things too.

But in general "working class" "blue collar" jobs are being realy badly hit these days,wages are so bad that in the UK for instance in most low paid jobs people still need state benifits to get by,or social housing at the least.

On my more "red" days I do see the way things are as little better than indentured labour for a lot of people and at the bottom of the heap,a mass of people only usefull as consumers,feeding back state money into buisness which then hands it back to the state....
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Isthatu, isn't syndication some kind of worldwide conquest thing ;)

lol,Charles de gaule and the knights templer,funny stuff in the vatican and paris landmarks,that stuff? ;),aye,no,I meant the good guys in the spannish civil war type syndicalists :)

I don't agree with communist manifesto and totally negate the need for any sort of dictatorship.

Like I said,like the good,non comunist spannish republicans. The spirit of Orwel lives on. No passeran,Viva POUM! ;)
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Of course technology should be shared but countries produce their own goods by their own people.

i think they should definatly produce enough goods to sustain their own people,damm straight,as some one who lives in a part of england thats lost almost all its manufacturing and industrial jobs to "outsourcing",were in a huge coal field but import our coal from siliesia!!!Like I say,"we" practicaly invented modern manufacturing and most of the stuff manufactured but we dont make it here anymore its all imported and yet we have huge unemployment....the previous govmnt promised a loan of a few million £ to a local company to gain a new top rate contract ,high end steel plant stuff,the new govt,seemingly out of spite took the loan away,company loses contract,800 potential jobs and a prestigious contract down the swany....
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

No one you can trust or learn from, sad.

rofl, I guess in my case it stems from 30 odd years of holywood using Brits as baddies,and a l'il bit of white house burning in '12 for you guys over the big water,and 40 odd years of communist propaganda,and meeting so many british fcukwits on here,for you guys its simply you are the great satan,the bringer of all things bad in the world,you know what I say,the world divides its hate in two,Us brits for everything that happened upto WW2 then you lot for everything bad after :)

I don't see why countries cannot produce their own technology and have only a few trading partners nearby and generate their economies in this manner.

coz china nicks it,thats why.
Mind,I dont think you'd have held the same view about countries keeping their tech to themselves had you lived in the mid 19th century,not being nationalistic but Britain would be about the only fully developed nation on the planet now if that had been the case.

We have to trade ideas,thats just simple logic. The cure for cancer may well come from an indian university in the next few years,you surely wouldnt want them to keep it to themselves would you?
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

I like that south sea island

I wonder if there's any Slavs over there too, like Brits or Americans etc..

Well,its not Pitcairn( HMS Bounty,mutiny on...),I know that,so,nope,probably no slavs,just well fed tanned people in grass skirts...
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Amen to that. That kind of follows the German/Polish business mindset of careful expansion and paying your own way. The consumer mindset on the other hand....

exactly,maybe it was the combination of their generation and the national stereotype,heck,theres even a phrase in Polish about being as mean as a Scot isnt there :)

Its funny though because Im the first to admit im rubbish with money,I dont save as much as I should and though I can seem tight sometimes I can just as easily blow all I have on silly extravagances. But I think thats the difference,When its gone its gone,I dont expect anyone to give me any more till Ive earned it and its cash in the bank so to speak.

It helps that I dont have a family to support,thats a whole different ball game,been there (in a "step" way) and know the games different then,but our parents or grandparents did it. They basically started with nothing but their wedding presents and took years to fully furnish their houses,it was only in the 50s for the US and 60s for the UK that it all got turned into the got to have it right now mindset.

If somethings worth havng its worth waiting for.

Yes and that's what makes me so sad. I just hope that when we'll go down, we won't be left alone and our Slavic brothers from the UK and Germany will go down with us.

Crikey,thats a bit Gotterdamerrung,sure your not a German? Oh wait,germans are Slavs,silly me.....
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Just incase you misunderstood me,I dont want to "lash out" so to speak and cause any offence here(god,that must sound so english to you pete)but;

Glad you said some europeans,I for one would much rather have a strong and stable US than an unchallenged China,or even say Brazil,sure I often disagree with the policies your leaders implement just as I do with my own countries but when I cant stand Tony bLiar it hardly stands to say I cant stand all my neighbours...

presented by the Nostradamus

crikey,must be true then!!!!!

Sad.. but whatever gets you through the night.

I find posting meaningless drivel on here does that,yep.

Those living in debt however, well, dumb decisions bring about the pain. It will probably suck pretty hard for those people that decided to live off of borrowed money

True enough here too,Im just glad my grandparents had such an influence in my childhood,they were of the generation that the word Credit was worse than the F word. Proud to say Ive made it 34 years without a credit card,Im by no means rolling in money but I own my home outright so although I do worry a bit about this down turn Im able to ride it out,even being out of work temporarily.

Sorry,but the western world just went mad for credit ,literaly bonkers,cant live on the never never for ever.
16 Jan 2011
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

The dilemma of the 21st century do-gooder!

The other being." I know historicaly and culturaly you black guys have had it a bit tough around these parts but....jeez, maybe if you stopped dressing like five year olds/clowns,pulled your bloody trousers up above your ar se,talking like bloomin slaves on the plantation...I mean,"Arsk" and "Axs" (for ASK ) were words used by the scots american slave overseers you muppets not some black power speak!!! and maybe stopped acting like the white wold owed you something,sorry Brutha,but when your ancestors were being freed by british warships mine were being carried by them as indentured workers kicked out of their highlands home,Ive more right to be peed off here than you!!!! ARGHHHHHH

rant over..

Anyway, we all know and accept that the US will always have a high murder rate - you are all mad and you all have guns - simple ; )

When mad people get guns it doesnt matter where they live,USA,Finland,Germany,UK,all have had tragic school massacres, here in the uk we had two armed rampages last year too....mind you,as I write that i think "2,and I cant remember any before that untill the late 90s" so maybe.....
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

Recently, I started having my suicidal thoughts since I've found out here that "The end of America" is coming soon.

lol,dont panic too much, the end of the british empire happened 50 odd years ago,since then we had the Beatles,invented the mini skirt,gave David Bowie to the world,had one of the first female leaders,produced me,defended 12 inbreds and 15milion penguins and sheep from a south american dictatorship,won a strange game called cricket (and a small tub of wood ash)that goes on for weeks a couple of times from a country with 1/8th our population and gone bonkers over it,given HBO most of its lead actors,.......

The closing of one door leads to the opening of another :)
16 Jan 2011
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

Too true,I mean,most of the victims are women so,well,they just dont count as much except as property....god,I hate saying this,so yes,I admit there maybe is a smidge of liberal brainwashing,but then again,no,its just that I fear by pointing out that a non white non christian country feeds into the hands of the nutters of both extremes,the loony strand of liberals(trust me,i grew up surrounded by them,my mum was a Psych grad) can be just as bad sometimes as the loony rightwing types.

If I say I cant stand the idea of positive discrimination/affermative action, I get lumped in with the loony right;
if on the other hand I say most crime is situational and not genetic I get lumped in with the loony liberal(tho to me calling them liberal is an oxymoron as this strand seem the most iliberal of all) side.

Ah well,win/win...lose/lose...
16 Jan 2011
News / Die Welt-Poland and Germany are the economic driving force of Europe [239]

We've been misled. That's not nice. I don't understand why they constantly do it to us.

Its a conspiricy,must be true though as every time Ive been to Poland everyone Ive met presumes Im of Polish heritage(same thing happens when I meet russians ...) coming back to visit "my roots". Ok,I maybe understood the time I visited when I was sporting a huge 'tasch,or the time when I was dressed in full uprising gear for a memorial event,but the others were a puzzle to someone who can trace their family back 12 hundred years to an area of england 60 miles from my house. Maybe this whole thing about a "Slavic look" is either all part of the conspiricy,or completly true,I look Slavic because my celtic and viking ancestors were really Slavs,wow! ;)

ps,I wish Id known this when Peter Weir was casting for Master and Commander,maybe he's in on the conspiricy too(remember,he's an aussia,and rupert murdoch shows you cant trust them), maybe I could have joined the 20+ Polish actors he cast because they looked like 18th century english peasantry/rough tough sailors.... :)
16 Jan 2011
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

Homocide does not = war. Very different statistic.

Im not even counting "war" deaths,I mean "honour Killings" bandit attacks,kiddnapings that go wrong all that sort of stuff,its not "rascist" to state the bleedin obvious that afganistan is and always was a very violant place,with a code of blood feuds .