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Joined: 19 Sep 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 May 2015
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From: Chicago

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31 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Taste of Polonia - Chicago, IL [40]

Me either... My neighbor(the restaurant) is going to be there selling smoked fish in this converted Uhaul truck.
Hes been working on it for months,it looks really cool says smakowic ryb (sp) on the side.
31 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Taste of Polonia - Chicago, IL [40]

I missed my triplets!!!

I hope they show up here:)

Polish Farts

Youre really into Farts huh?? lol
31 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Taste of Polonia - Chicago, IL [40]

Its that time of the year again!!


If you happen to be in Chicago this weekend, its a lot of fun!
31 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

what do you know about Mississippi?

Drove through it a few times, Ive been to Gulfport once. They had a beautiful beach community until Katrina destroyed most of it.

I used to live in Florida, thats my favorite place!

I really dont like the southern states, having them calling me yankee, getting pulled over by the Cops and being harassed because I have Illinois license plates.

They hate Abraham Lincoln and most of them think the civil war is still going on??

I usually just stop for gas in those states, until I make it into FL and it gets normal again:)
31 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

The most Polish state in the US is New Jersey. Second, New York. Third, Pennsylvania.
Then, you got Illinois and maybe Michigan. Wisconsin follows after all those.

Where did you find this or are you making things up again???

Chicago has more Poles than any other city in the world (besides Warsaw)

Most Poles have left Wisconsin years ago, just re-read the beginning of the thread.


Limey alert!!!
25 Aug 2010
Feedback / The image of Poland according to PolishForums [90]

sledz, you are not often on PF anymore, so you don't know what's going on.

Actually, I have better things to do with my time, unlike you

I live around more Polish ppl than you do, thats a fact!

Why did you move to USA,,let me guess, it sucked in Poland and you didnt have any money?

Give me a break with the self-righteous BS

but it's kinda accurate. :)

The truth really bothers some people,,lol

As opposed to everyone else who constantly trolls this site? :)

You hit it on the head Sean, the place never changes, same ol crap,,different day
24 Aug 2010
Feedback / The image of Poland according to PolishForums [90]

Does it create good or bad image of Poland and polish people?

It sounds like a real Hell Hole from what gets written on this forum.

Everybody wants to move away from there, why is that?

How many Poles left for the UK or overstay their Visa`s in the US,,,too many!

Poles only care about money and will abandon their county at first chance, thats what I learned on PF

Not a very good Image of Poland from this forum, thats for sure!
24 Jul 2010
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

I would rather say that they took a tremendous burden away from Germany. If our countries would share a common border, now that would be a different story... We Poles loved Ameryka back in 2004.

Sorry, Im being too harsh,,my problem is with the Illegal Mexicans and Im letting it spill over and blaming all immigrants.

I get aggravated by what is happening to my country and it sucks!

Im sorry for venting out my frustrations and obviously Im taking it out on the wrong people.

It has it's problems, but I wouldn't call it a szithole.

Even Aramillo,,,lol
24 Jul 2010
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

Thats not what I meant, they took a tremendous burden away from us:)

Look how the UK suffers now from joining the EE,, I have friends there besides PF and Its not so peachy and colorful as you try to make me believe.

The UK is a $hithole,,just admit it already,, Its like Texas we own it but dont really want it...lol
24 Jul 2010
Life / Who's Leaving Poland? [138]

is planning to leave the country, because of "its inadequacies"?

Its now an Invasion upon the UK, until the benefits eventually run dry

The EU did America a huge favor on that deal,,thank you:)
24 Jul 2010
Food / Diet 7UP or 7UP Lite - not available in Poland? [7]

Do you seriously think we need it?

Hell no! get rid of that American poison!!

Take back your can openers, microwaves and dryers also!!

Id rather do my laundry by a river, any day!!!
20 Jul 2010

Supermarkets here in the UK sell more and more of these big sacks of ice which are just ideal for parties etc.

Same here, we fill our coolers up and hit the beach,camping,fishing etc.....
Nothing worse that a warm beer! I didnt encounter that at all in Europe, just when I wanted a soda or something else.

I will admit that the best Beer I ever had was in Europe,,thats for sure!!

If you went into a US pub you would have to tell the bartender (easy ice) or they will fill it to the top, which I dont mind.

Nothing more refreshing than a big glass of Ice Water when its 95F/ 35C and the humidity dew points are in the 60`s,,,its hot and sweaty over here now:)
20 Jul 2010

If anything people complain because of too much ice

I think thats where the culture clash is? If you go to any bar or restaurant in the US, they fill your glass up with Ice first, especially cocktails.

Do people in Europe have Ice chests, that they fill with Beer and Ice then go to the beach or do they just drink it warm???

Over here everybody has a cooler of some sort or another for these hot summers we have.

I guess we yanks love our ICE:)
20 Jul 2010

Ice - available by the truck load in most of Europe

Except in restaurants and at airports???

I was in Ireland, England and Holland, same situation in each country. I had to practically beg to get it, then it was the old 1 cube trick!

Maybe times changed then?

ledz, give up on all the "Brits have bad teeth"

Well we have Rednecks and they wont even touch a tooth brush, if that makes you feel any better:)
19 Jul 2010
Polonia / What similarities would you say there are between Poles and Mexicans? [132]

I can tell you the difference, thats easy:)

When a Pole buys a new sofa he`ll take the old one (if still good cond) and place it buy the curb in front of his house, so maybe somebody that needs one can help themselves to it.

Not if one of the 1000`s of Mexicans in their Illegal 1988 Ford P/U`s with the 10 ft. high plywood walls attached to it happens to find it first. Then thell chop and cut it all up to get at the springs, back support, anything metal so the can go take to the scrapyard.

Leaving behind on your front lawn a big heap of busted up wood and cushions:)

If we had the Arizona laws in place, the cops could stop them!
19 Jul 2010

If you have healthy teeth then Ice cold drinks are not a problem, Otherwise I hear its an extremely painful experience. Perhaps thats why they wont give Ice cubes in Heathrow?

Well they gave me one,,,,,,,how cold and refreshing that was!!!
19 Jul 2010

yeah there plenty of the 3 world mentality in slums !

The worst of Americans slums is a step up from Poland:)

I think you mean trash food or fast food

That keep popping up all across Europe with large lines of fools dying to get into them?
OR is it because of the free toilet paper that you dont have to pay a zolty for...lol

well maybe because it uses electricity.

or maybe they are too cheap and dont care about their personal appearance. I noticed some of these immigrant Poles have never heard of deodorant either,,,phew!!!!!


Food is cheap in America,,Canadians pay a lot higher taxes than we do in America.
19 Jul 2010

clothes dryers

I know this guy from Poland and he refuses to use his dryer because he says its a "no good" American invention. He has clotheslines stretched across his bathroom and kitchen.

His clothes look so stiff like cardboard,,lol He also refuses to use a can opener, a Buck Knife works much better, so he says?

I wonder why he even came here?? A lot of Poles emigrate here and never let their 3 world mentality go.

most of the time the mass production makes it a second category and lacks taste,

Its the same in Canada isnt Miranda?
How much of a growing season do you have compared to the USA?

unless you spend lots of bucks on better quality food-

Thats a lie,,,good food is cheap in the USA and not everybody eats at McDonalds.

We dont pay inflated taxes for everything, like North of the Border. And when are you going to stop pretending to be a man??
16 Jul 2010

Uk dental problems ? riiight.. that would be because dentists in the UK allow natural variation instead of fake and ridiculous plastic smiles certain Americans seem to prefer.

I have all my teeth, all it takes is a few minutes to brush and floss.
Why is it then that the majority of British refuse to go to the dentist and have such a terrible reputation for crooked rotten teeth?

I didnt make this up, the whole world knows it!

The appalling health of Americans is largely down to the terrible diet,

Ive lived here for decades and dont have any health problems, Ill be willing to bet that Im in a lot better shape than most people that point their fingers and criticize America.

Oh thats right,,we all eat at McDonalds everyday,,thats all we have,,,lol
16 Jul 2010

The American diet is un-healthy as is possible, mass processed tasteless crap, loaded with sugar and salt

Compared to the bland UK cuisine? I never heard of anybody boiling a roast until I went to England. Is it because of dental problems that you have to overcook everything?

and yes, I've been there many times.

Yeah we know Bubba and maybe next time people wont be so nice to you:)


Its not just Poland ,,its all of Europe
I had to practically beg and then offer to pay for Ice at Heathrow, Then the snaggletooth suka pulled out a pair of tongs and plopped 1 cube into my glass,,,,oohhhh how refreshing!!

I suppose getting some beer and a cooler filled with ICE then going to the Beach is beyond your comprehension or is beyond you budget?
11 Jul 2010
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

Hey, how about impressing a polish bartender? :)

You know I know enough already to do that,,,hehehe

If I had the time, sure it would be great to learn the whole language. Although theres not many people here that really speak it, and its not a necessity. So I take my time and that way its not so frustrating!!!!!! lol

If I were going to live in PL, you better believe Id be hitting the books!

Living in the USA a person would be better off learning Spanish
11 Jul 2010
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

Its a complete waste of time unless youre planning on moving to Poland.

Most Poles living in America speak English or theyll never find a decent job.

11 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / Polish bar the best in the USA [16]

I could think of dozens of Polish bars in Chicago, most are little family owned/operated without websites...
