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Posts by SigSauer  

Joined: 2 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - T
Last Post: 13 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 377 / In This Archive: 223

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11 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]


Disingenuous, dishonest, and just --- wrong. Denmark, Sweden, and Finland, when was the last time they invaded a Middle Eastern country? So far as I can tell, all they did was open their country to people who are in need, the people you're all advocating they take, and in return for their hospitality and very generous social welfare benefits, they are experiencing terror. Finland, a country who is neutral and bothers NO ONE. You took one pretty shameful remark, and decided to double down........Brilliant.
11 Dec 2017
News / EU confirms it will take action against Poland over court reforms [554]


I have heard some very distasteful things on this board. However, you giving cover to Islamic terrorists who target and kill innocent people in the West, based on the foreign policy interests of those respective governments, is honestly stomach turning. You literally just spouted the SAME justification that the Islamists do for carrying out their attacks on European streets. Atch, you should be ashamed of yourself for what you just said.
9 Dec 2017
Work / Master's degree and job opportunities in Poland [7]

Do you have any family connections? My fiance's mom went to law school, and she was unable to find a job as the industry is entirely controlled by nepotism and cronyism. I don't think many people are going to be lining up to visit a Turkish lawyer of all people, can't see the incentive, it really sounds like a hair brained idea honestly. My advice would be to go to Germany, where there is a sizable Turkish diaspora and where the social situation is more amenable to someone from your country.
8 Dec 2017
Life / Fees for Polish person to receive international call from USA to Poland [5]

Ok well, you can use Skype to call land lines. I've had a Skype number for years because I do a lot of international calling all over Europe, the Middle East, and to America, and it's very inexpensive. I've got an international mobile plan now which only costs about $100/month, but the fees are still $0.20/minute if the phone isn't connected to Wifi. That 'Magic Jack' thing is another example. Also, a lot of people in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus use something called "Davidson Card,' I used this for quite a while when I lived in Ukraine also. Here is the link - call-o-call.com/davidzoncard. You call it using a regular Skype account, then using the dialpad once you're connected, you call the desired number, and it's just like a phone call.
8 Dec 2017
Love / I dont get why you guys think are too young for sex even though aoc in Poland is ok [40]


A few things here. First off, don't ever private message me again. Second, the US justice system is not this exploitative thing looking to do you damage. You damaged yourself, by attempting to lure a CHILD for your sick and nefarious purposes, and you were rightly sent to prison for that crime, not long enough unfortunately. Third, you said it yourself, whats the difference between 16 and 18. If you don't think there is a difference, then why are you more obsessed with one over the other? Im 29, and to be honest, the times I've dated girls who were 20&21, I really struggled to have anything at all in common with them. You are simply at different points in life and those differences are too vast, on a personal and intellectual level.

More to the point, none of those girls give you any attention because you give off an extremely creepy vibe that sets off alarm bells in their stranger danger nerve center. You are a self admitted predator, and you should not be walking around with the rest of us in free and polite society.

You're a freelance writer? In what freaking language? Certainly not the English language as you are barely literate, and incoherent to the point that I wonder if you are havin manic bipolar episodes when you write the disgusting **** that you do.

Go play in traffic, and alternatively, I hear drowning is like a big hug from God.
4 Dec 2017
Feedback / Is the Administrator of the P.F. a Native Pole ? [80]

It is a privately owned forum, they can be what they want, do what they want, and set any rules they want. This is a private business, you have NO rights here. You sound absolutely ridiculous. This is not the government, you have no right to demand, well anything.
4 Dec 2017
News / Confessions of a paid hater / troll in Poland [42]


Concentrate on things he knows about? Why? We let you opine on world affairs and international relations and you don't know a god damn thing about that. If we have a question about the present perfect we'll come to you. Aside from that, when it comes to matters of politics and in particular security, you're just a blowhard with absolutely no idea what you're talking about, who has never been put in situations of real danger every day.
3 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]

Yes, please think about visiting. I will arrange a very nice tour of the city for you, have a few friends in Azov battalion I think they'd love to hear about your business idea. Have you ever been to the bottom of the Dnipro river before?
3 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]


No, I'm from the United States. Yes, all one would need to do is let Praviy Sektor know what that organization was doing and they would pray to God to be arrested by the Politsia. It's unfortunate there aren't similar groups in Warsaw to deal with a piece of human garbage like you.
3 Dec 2017
News / Roman Polanski accused of unlawful sex with a minor [403]


Dude, would you just crawl back into your hole already? Seriously, I thought this insane stuff you were saying was legit trolling, however it seems you're serious. I'll be in Warsaw in 3 weeks, please let me find out where you're going to be....you ******* scumbag
3 Dec 2017
Law / Citizenship of baby born in Poland - Foreign Parents [17]


Sounds like a question easily answered by an immigration lawyer. But your previous question said "whats the faith of the baby?" I imagine the faith of the baby is whatever religion the parents happen to be.
3 Dec 2017
Law / Citizenship of baby born in Poland - Foreign Parents [17]


Did you not read the aforementioned posts? Poland does not have birthright citizenship, that the U.S. does is an egregious error of law, allowing foreigners to land in America and plop their babies out on our soil. We call these 'anchor babies.' Have some freakin dignity and go about acquiring citizenship through the proper channels.
1 Dec 2017
Language / How to properly ask for girlfriend's hand in marriage to Polish speaking parents? [6]

eks and am planning to ask her parents for permission first (I've seen arguments on whether or not you should, however I am, so please no discussion of that). The

I asked my fiances mom, since her father died when she was young. However, her mom is a lawyer and speaks better English than I do, so didn't have to bridge the language barrier as well. I think even if you have someone translate it, its the gesture which is most important!
23 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]


We are celebrating Thanksgiving here on the base, because we are proud of our European ancestors, that they took a leap into the unknown, and that they conquered and built a country from nothing. 0 guilt here for something I had nothing to do with.
23 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]

I'm really trying to wrap my head around cheering on the destruction of a nations national identity in favor of appearing altruistic. These countries that people are coming from are all homogeneous societies and no one is asking them to destroy their own national identities with unfettered immigration. Somehow this becomes acceptable when we are talking about European countries or countries which were founded by people of European ancestry. No one is beating the war drum for Japan to accept hoards of economic migrants and to adapt their culture to their new guests, and in fact they take active measures to protect their national identity. There is a blatant double standard with one unchanging variable as to who is targeted for cultural enrichment.
20 Nov 2017
Law / How to apply for Poland and Ukraine visa? [7]

Ask your question on Kiev Expats facebook group. There are a lot of Indian nationals residing in Ukraine.

13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]

@Dirk diggler

All cultures are deserving of respect.............unless you are a white cis-normative christian male. In that case, shut the F up, bend over, and take your cultural enrichment.

It seems to really really chap the ass of a lot of western expats in here that Poland is a sovereign country charting its own path in contravention to prevailing social justice warrior progressive dogma. Unreal how disrespectful people can be regarding the wishes of the Polish constituency.
13 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]


In fairness, if thats true, I also describe myself as a social liberal and fiscal conservative, so time would be better spent trying to find some common ground than just jumping down one anothers throats. I'd like to hear some rational discourse, instead of falling back on hyperbole, which I often use just to try and take the **** or for a wind up.

Please focus on the topic, everyone
12 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]


Lol yea fair enough Lyzko....I actually remembered one guy I had been asked by a mutual expat friend to intervene on his behalf because he was getting deported, as these guys never seem to get proper visas for some reason. Anyway, it was right before I was leaving the country, and someone had sent me a YouTube video of this mouth breather doing one of his amazing 'english lessons,' suffice to say that after I saw the first 1 minute and 30 seconds, I was for one pissing myself laughing, and for two not using any of my contacts with the ministry for this neck beard. It was so memorable, I was able to find the clip for you Lyzko, at least watch the first 2 minutes.

12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]

I find it to be perfectly acceptable since Pakistan means Paki - Land. The same way I'd call someone from Afghanistan an Afghani. Just because Brits want to white knight and pretend to be offended at every turn, and police language, does not mean that I have to get on board with it. I'll rank that somewhere in the neighborhood of thinking that I'm ever going to use someones preferred gender pronoun and participate in their mental illness.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]


Yes, as much as I would like to disagree with you CMS, my experience working with Brits during my time in Europe made it pretty clear that they've all drunk the kool-aid. My first work function around Christmas time ended with a heated debate over healthcare being a 'right,' and my use of the word 'Paki' sent one British woman into a meltdown.
12 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]


Well, thats known as code switching and I wouldn't immediately attribute intelligence to how someone talks in a rather informal setting like that. Certainly in the environment I live in, on a military base, there is a lot of F-words in every single sentence, and sometimes every 3rd word. Outside of work I tend to speak with a New Jersey accent. At work and in other professional settings, my accent is completely sanitized, as I think any heavy regional accent tends to sound low brow. Indeed, I am admittedly part of the "bro" culture of lifting weights and shooting guns. However, I'm highly educated and am in the top percentage of earners, so I feel rather entitled to relax my speech outside of work. I wouldn't draw too many conclusions from a conversation you had on a train with some people who were vacationing, after all the point of vacation is to relax. I can certainly draw conclusions from the expats who I spoke with and told me their 'life situation,' or their educational background where it became apparent they were not at all qualified to do what they were doing. As my very close friends who work in the international school scene described them, people with degrees in sociology, photography, or some other nonsense field with some 4-week ESL certification whose name escapes me right now, which in their estimation hardly makes those people qualified to teach origami, let alone a language.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]


Ohhh boy. The arrogance of assuming that all top income earners subscribe to your version of left wing progressive social justice radicalism. It's precisely the dismissive attitude to the concerns of the working class that is pushing so many rational centrists like myself to the right, and so many already right wingers to the far right in Europe. This attitude, and open borders policies is directly responsible. Thousands of people did not suddenly wake up one day and decide to be xenophobes as you describe them, I mention as you describe them because their fears are far from irrational.

How high does the death toll need to get for you to admit there is a problem? I mean, how many innocent Europeans need to be run down in the street like dogs? To their families, to the peoples lives who have been irrevocably changed by the policies that have been enacted by the left in Europe, they care. Certainly to the 1,400 children who were groomed and exploited in Rotherham by Pakistanis, and whose abuse was virtually ignored for years at the risk of the police appearing racist, they certainly care. And most recently, to the 16 year old girl who was charged with a hate crime for using a racial slur against her 29 year old Turkish rapist, she certainly cares. You however, don't seem to give a **** about them.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]


Yes, I am a "real" American, as I've only visited Portugal twice, I don't speak the language, and I've never visited Ireland. I'm writing this right this very moment, in harms way, to advance the foreign policy interests of this country. I believe in preserving American hegemony.

Yes, you as a foreigner have no right to an opinion on domestic US affairs. You emigrated to my country knowing full well the country, and if you agree with our positions you are more than welcome to participate in discourse, but how dare you openly mock with disdain our culture, how dare you. I would never presume to emigrate to Australia, and mock you people for requiring a white board be called a "presentation board," or that you call black coffe as "regular coffe," as my Australian friends have told me you do (and correct me if I'm wrong). As absolutely absurd and cucked as I think you'd have to be to change the name in common usage for something so as not to offend .1% of people who might take offense to it, Australia is a sovereign nation, and I ever chose to try to emigrate there, I'd do so knowing what their cultural norms are, and I would RESPECT them.

You are very welcome to go back to that country from whence you came if you don't like how we do things in America. You may be naturalized, but your opinion is most unwelcome. You have nerve.
12 Nov 2017
Life / Why are Muslims seen as a deterrent to Poland? [564]


Big Macs are already in Poland. People who want to destroy the culture, kill gays, and subjugate women are not. Ergo, Poland can put its own citizens first, and not add new potential dangers to the country. I previously did not support Trump's travel ban, and my position has since changed. No one has a right to emigrate or seek refuge in America, and if even 1 in 20,000 of them are radicals who will harm Americans, then I don't give two flying F's about the other 19,999 American dream, tough ****, American's first.
12 Nov 2017
Work / Native English looking for a teaching job in Poland [135]


I see......I guess my perception is based on the ESL teachers I've met at various expat events, and to be quite honest, they either struck me as 20 something backpackers (which is totally cool and legit), or middle aged LBH's (losers back home) in Europe looking to perv on young girls and negate being old, fat, ugly as sin, and broke, with their American/British/Australian passports alone. I even spoke with one guy at an expat event who was hiding out from friggin child support. I guess there is a lack of professional standards in the entire industry, because those people I met, as opposed to a few teachers from the international schools there who remain to this day some of my best friends in the world, were extremely well educated professionals, earning western salaries and benefits.