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Posts by Szalawa  

Joined: 12 Apr 2014 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Aug 2016
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 239 / In This Archive: 158
From: Emigrantski republik
Speaks Polish?: basic Polish
Interests: Politics, Geography, Science, Music, History

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24 Jun 2014
Polonia / Poland is set to get Vilnius back via its fifth column in the city. [4]

Kick you out of Vilnius? who said you have to leave. probably should of not suppressed them for so long and realize this is just as much there land as it is yours. They make approximately 7% of the population at least

authorities made a huge error when they granted Lithuanian citizenship to all the locals ignoring their ethnic status. They shouldn't have done it! Those Poles should have been kicked out into their Poland in 90s and now they may well kick us out of Vilnius!

Ok , I know "Bad Poles" always trying to cause trouble. That's how it is in Lithuania right?
29 May 2014
Life / Why are Polish so conservative and religious? [240]

I'd say the most underprivileged/conservative areas today are in the south, in the mountains...

It's true, South is very religious. Especially in small cities, towns etc. but I wouldn't use the word underprivileged. I like it, It's the only part of Poland I know (near the mountains) :)
29 May 2014
Life / Anti establishment Polish artist Pawel Kuczynski [20]

What I think it is - Grass patch is on one candidate to lure the sheep (to represent sheeple) with a herdsman (media propaganda etc) to re-enforce the establishment, the rest is left empty. perhaps to indicate the exclusion for people voting based on policies and third parties etc.
23 May 2014
Genealogy / Do you think all Slavs are white? [178]

Simple, if they have white skin, then they are white. if they have brown skin, then they are brown etc. But they all belong to the same ethnic/linguistic/cultural group.
23 May 2014
History / Poland provoked Germany to start WW2 by mobilising first [94]

Wow this is pure propaganda "Poland provoked Germany to start WW2" but coming from Germans that think of themselves as liberators of Europe from the Russians I am not surprised.

19 May 2014
History / The good deeds of other Nations to the Pole's [3]

As time go's on historical event's get forgotten by the public, often we have to remind ourselves of the good deeds others have done for Poles / Poland and work on the Positives to build good relations with other countries

Here is the forgotten Polish exodus, where Pole's escaped the Gulags to Persia. feel free to discuss and share other useful Information

19 May 2014
History / What does it mean to be "Polish"? Why does Poland exist? [13]

what differentiates Poles from the other nations of the world? Why does Poland exist? What is its mission/purpose, if any?

Poles have own language and culture similar to other west Slavs and other Slavic people in general
Poland exist's because of the Soviet union defeating Germany in WW2, without that Poland would be occupied and colonized by the Germans and would not exist

My Mission for Poland is for it to look out for it's own interests and build strong relationships with other Slavic countries, It exists so Poles have a place to call home
30 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

I never stated that, you are malicious aren't you? I only stated people had the fear of Nationalistic elements, not that any ethnic cleansing was taking place. Who knows maybe without Russia there would have been? but again this is just speculation.
30 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

You are very simply lying, son

I don't know about Putin, but this is the opinion of Russian people in Crimea who where worried about the nationalistic elements which you will just deny.
30 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Again even by your logic, 1. The president was removed prematurely only 1 year from elections with many of his supporters who are from eastern Ukraine (which you will refuse to see or simply deny) and many of his opponents from Western Ukraine..What if this happened between Rep and Dem in America? you can pull the corruption card on anyone of those politicians.

I'd say that it's a basic human duty to prevent genocide. Maybe when you grow up you'll think that too.

Russia claimed the same thing in Crimea, so why the double standards?

Statements of fact, although I do understand you have difficulties telling the difference between facts and lies.

Many people do, especially because you got so good at doing it over the years
29 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Rome was not built in a day...give it time and more and more people will consider going on board with the Eurasian Union as the European Union continues to sink.
29 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Poland has no interest in joining any such union. Poles have no interest in joining any such union

Poland joined the European Union did it not?
29 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Russia has Plans for a Eurasian Union, all Poland and E.U has to do is join it. No more problem of war. No more war mongers.
29 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

I'm assuming that was directed at me?
Poles that know their History know that both Germans (Germany/Prussia/Teutonic order/Austria) and Russians exploited Poland for their own benefits and can see that both sides(east and west) are playing a game. Tell me why is it that America is hated wherever they stick their nose in someone else's business? Because there is a hidden catch to everything, they want something in return (just as they used Poland for CIA-torture-Black sites). Tell me why U.S.A released Ukrainian terrorist Bandera to cause destabilization in Poland and Ukraine after WW2? Is their really a good vs evil cold war mentality? Is U.S.A really Poland's friend? or is this a game where Poland is getting played like a pawn?
28 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Yes, I know Poles always wan't to be part of the west to impress them, but their are those with a little more sense and actually understand whats going on.
28 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Hungary stated neutrality for the Ukrainian crisis and they are a N.A.T.O member

You should watch the movie Rwanda Hotel :)

Genocide that was provoked by Western occupation and turned the two against each other even though their was no real ethnic divide between the tutsis and hutu

N.A.T.O terrorist organization in my opinion has done more bad then good
25 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]


Those are foreign soldiers on Polish ground and Poles always and regularly had bad luck with foreign army on their lands

The U.S has over a 1000 military bases worldwide and spends ridiculous amount of money on the military(I think more then all the next leading nations put together) they are clearly war mongers. I wish for the end of the vassalage of Poland but I don't know if it can be done. :(
25 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

Even if they had, ports are no good when one doesn't have access to the oceans.

Look on a map, Russia has access to the Oceans
25 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

What civilization are you talking about? As for Poland we don't have any separate civilization from Europe.

Europe is a continent( and not a very well defined one either), all it is and all it ever will be, not a civilization but many civilizations within a continent.
24 Apr 2014
News / The US sends troops to Poland for drills [83]

The U.S has its reputation (as the country that invades other countries that oppose its policies) to consider. However this wont scare Russia and the U.S is not that brainless to try anything yet. But if the title was U.S sends missiles they promised Poland years ago... then we might have something
24 Apr 2014
News / Little statistics about immigrants in Poland. Employment and job prospects. [25]

Sorry, I am a biology student so I see things from a biological prospective. This is what I learned in university and to be frank the world is going to be way too overpopulated (places like India, Philippines and other third world countries with high birth rates contribute significantly to this)

Poland is predicted to go into a steep decline that will last at least until the end of this century

in the next century(If we manage not to collapse from lack of energy sources to provide for this population), a higher population also means more strain on resources and a smaller one means that less resources will be required. A smaller population is economically sustainable, a large rapid growing population isn't, low birth rates and low death rates are a usual sign that a country is developed (and are ideal conditions). Immigration inst bad, but keep in mind that 1) I live in Canada and I can tell you, not all immigrant's will assimilate(and they shouldn't be forced too either) 2)

and it means that a lot of those higher wages are going to be spent supporting the elderly rather than being free for investment in the future

what do you have in mind then, Infinite growth? unreasonable. I think old people deserve to be taking care of considering that they built the economy and supported people like you. In the future I wouldn't worry about too little people, I'd worry about the opposite 3) Less people is easier to manage to ensure maximum productivity. 4) again Immigrants are not bad, but from a biological prospective they will significantly alter the genetic material (especially long prolonged immigration) from the native area.

I can go on but honestly..no one will read it.

Demographic winter is going to be a real problem for European countries, including Poland

Keep in mind Global warming, the world is changing and not static as you may think