Food /
Polish food in Pictures. [277]
Believe it or not I do use a deep dish and I pour water into the bottom before covering with foil. When I made those ones in my second lot of pictures I didn't add any further water.
I made them again today and added more water at the beginning so when I checked them 1/2 way and then 3/4 way through they didn't require any addtional water as there was still adequate left in the bottom of the dish and they weren't burnt at all. (Now I wish I had taken a picture of these ones. ;)
I read your tip about the sauce and decided against it, most of the people who are eating them here prefer them only with ketchup. I prefer them with mushroom sauce so I just add that when serving. Perhaps in the future I'll try your way. I'll be giving the gołąbki a rest for a while though as I have a new dish to try! ;)
Thanks for the tips ;)
(Currently I am making cabbage soup ;)