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Joined: 24 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 41
Posts: Total: 420 / In This Archive: 267
From: USA Shelby Township, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: everyhting pertianing to Poland, Polonia, Poles and things Polish

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6 Nov 2012
Life / Why Radosław, not Czesław? [34]

Why do you think Józef (once the most popular of names) and Kazimierz (another top choice at one time) are rarely encountered today. Is it the Józef Stalin or Piłsduski connection?

The worst are the fly-by-night pop culture names such as Violetta or Isaura which soon become passé.
6 Nov 2012
Life / Why Radosław, not Czesław? [34]

Naming patterns go in waves, but are they entriely spontaneous or arbitrary? To what extent is a name's sound and association a factor? What is behind the fact that Polish baby boys nowadays are occasionally named Stanisław, Radosław and Przemysław (very old first names!), but rarely if ever Czesław, Zdzisław, Bolesław, Władysław. Wacław or Zygmunt.

Why did Kasper, the traditional name ascribed to one of the Three Kings, get changed to Kacper? Why are the otehr two (Melchior and Baltazar) rare used today?

Not many Poles realise that Genowefa shares the same root as Jennifer. Genowefa is very rare in Poland nowadays.
Apostolic names continue to be popular in Poland (Jan, Mateusz, Piotr, Paweł, £ukasz, Maciej, Andrzej, Jakub, etc. but Tadeusz (Juda) is not. Of course, Judasz is an obvious no-no.

Baby girls often get New Testament names: Maria, Anna, Magdalena, Elżbieta or those of popular saints -- Katarzyna, Barbara, Teresa, but not Jadwiga. Anyone know why?
5 Nov 2012
Food / How to make a Polish Pepper Vodka? [5]

For purely medicinal purposes this is a good recipe. But for drinking enjoyment, after straining away the peppercorns, you might add 1-2 teaspoons simple syrup. (1 teaspoon sugar dissolved in 2 teaspoons hot water). It will soften the harsh edge.
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

Świadczy to o skuteczności lustracji w III RP, przez którą przepuszczono mnóstwo ubeków i innych PRL-owców. A nawet na tak cherlawą lustrację darli się w niebogłosy różni SLD-owcy i inni michnikowscy, że 'grzebanie w życiorysach' itp. ple-ple-ple...
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

Kaczyński jest biednym, zmęczonym człowiekiem. Herosem na pewno nie jest.
Nie nadaje się do życia w świecie tuskowego cynizmu i obłudy.
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

Do porządnych platformersów należy na pewno Jarosław Gowin.
5 Nov 2012
News / Curb shack-up privileges - black MP John Goodson appealing to the labour minister [21]

The American Public Health Association has released a study showing that unmarried parents reported more mental health and behavioral problems than did married parents, and unmarried parents whose relationships ended before the birth reported more impairment compared with other groups of unmarried parents. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1586128/
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

A gdzie mieli się schroinić byli ormowcy i pzprowcy po walce z układami PiS (IV RP)? Oczywiście mogli do SLD, ale w obecnej koniinkturze ta partia nie ma dużego znaczenia i nie zapwnia tłustych synekur. PO jest zlepkiem wszystkiego po trosze -- liberałów gospodarczych i społecznych, łagodnych antyklerykałówi (ostrzejsi są u Palikota) oraz 'postępowych' katolików, przedsiębiorców i grandziarzy, różnych konserwatystów i centroprawiców, a także przechowalnią wszelkiej maści ex-ubeków i innych niedobitów PRL-u.
5 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Czy ktoś pamięta ORMO? [22]

Czy znacie taki wierszyk polityczny:
Byłem ochotnikiem ORMO, teraz jestem za Platformą.
4 Nov 2012
News / Nergal should rip up Koran - Wałęsa [11]

Headlines are of necessity clipped - a cornerstone of of journalism. What do you think? Should Nergal have been punisehd?
4 Nov 2012
News / Nergal should rip up Koran - Wałęsa [11]

Wprost.pl reported Lech Wałęsa telling an Onet.pl interviewer: "My feelings were hurt. Let him try ripping up the Koran in public and he'll see what happens. It's easy to step all over Catholicism." He was commenting on Satan metal musician Nergal (Adam Darski) who tore up a Bible on stage and slandered the Catholic church. Asked whether Nergal should be punished, Wałęsa said: "I'm not sure about that, but certain steps in that area should be taken, because without values and without the spiritual we won't get very far."

My feelings have been affected . You can not do things like that . You can not tear the Bible, Koran and other books important for believers . Let Nergal try to tear up the Koran, he will see what happens. Easily pushed around Catholicism. - Lech Walesa said in an interview with Onet.pl , commenting on the issue tearing the leader of the Bible into death metal band closed the concert.

Inquired whether Adam " Nergal " Darski for his deed should be punished in court the former president said he is not convinced of that , but you really should take action on this issue , because " without value and without the spirit does not go far ."

4 Nov 2012
News / Curb shack-up privileges - black MP John Goodson appealing to the labour minister [21]

In a free country people are free to live like livestock if they so prefer. There is no law requiring anyone to espouse higher values. Besides, if you diasgree with MP Godson and believe shackers-up should not have their privileges diminished, then take it up with him. You'll find his biuro poselskie somewhere on the net.
4 Nov 2012
News / Curb shack-up privileges - black MP John Goodson appealing to the labour minister [21]

Jesus never rescinded the 6th commandment and did not promote libertine-decadent lifestyle such as fornication, adultery and infidelity or forms of deviant behaviour. He also stiffened the Jews' stand on divorce. Read the New Testament. He did not turn away prostitutes, theives or other sinners, but forgave and admonisehd them to: Go and sin no more!

The godless lecturing Catholics on Christianity!? Laughable to be sure!
4 Nov 2012
News / Curb shack-up privileges - black MP John Goodson appealing to the labour minister [21]

Wprost.pl reported PO Afro-Polish MP John Goodson appealing to the labour minister to cut back on the privileges available to unmarried couples living in concubinage (common law). Goodson, an ordaiend Protestant minister, expressed concern over the fact that there were 4,800 fewer marriages and 2,700 more divorces in Poland than in the same period of 2011.

Experience shows that many people in Poland deliberately avoid marriage to be able to enjoy the privileges for the lonely. Experts suggest that in 2003, when increased significantly allowance for single-parent families , the number of applications for separations increased by over 200 percent . - He stressed.

According to Godson privileges for single parents are justified in cases where the use of them , those who as a result of random events, for example . Spouse's death , fell into trouble. In the opinion Godson because of the privileges in Poland better live in cohabiting than married . People formally lonely can easily enroll your child in nursery school or kindergarten , and can enjoy the benefits. - But no one checks to see if it really is a child raised by a single parent , or on the contrary , the mother and father live together but are not married - emphasizes policies.

3 Nov 2012
Po polsku / Co zrobić z "mądrym inaczej", którego zachowanie przejawia się antypolonizmem? [20]

Opowiedz mu dowcip a raczej zagadkę: Warumn müßen die Deutschen zwei Tabletten Viagra einnehmen?
Weil nach dem ersten nur steht die Hand auf!*

Dlaczego Niemcy muszą zażywać aż dwie tabletki Viagry? - Ponieważ po pierwszej tylko ręka staje! (pokazując w tym miesjcu hitlerowskie pozdrowienie).
2 Nov 2012
Language / What has been the hardest language for you to learn? [81]

Speaking of Chinese, the writing is foreboding indeed, but speaking basic household Chinese (Mandarin) is easy enough to pick up. Once you get past the four intonations that vowels have. In the States I had Chinese flatmates (from Taiwan) at uni and could communicate on a basic level. Haven't used it in years, but remember I used to introduce myself to Chinamen with:

£o sy polan mejgłoren. (I am a Polish American).
Ni ło hy ca? (Fancy some tea?)

(I have used Polish phonetics for the sake of ease.)
1 Nov 2012
News / Polish teenager pregnant after rape - A recent result to an older story [34]

The EU structrures are domianted by decadent European leftists who try to force their hare-brained allegedly 'progressive' utopian view of reality on everyone else. Stalin and Hitler also had law courts, so why should the PC dictatorship be any different?
1 Nov 2012
News / Polish teenager pregnant after rape - A recent result to an older story [34]

Typical skewed and biased PC mentality. The abortion seeker has rights, the doctor whose conscience would be violated is deprived of them.
The precursor of today's PC hypocrisy was George Orwell with his poignant: Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others.
1 Nov 2012
News / Polish teenager pregnant after rape - A recent result to an older story [34]

How can one reconcile the right to an abortion (allowed under Polish law in the case of rape or incest) to a doctor's right to invoke the conscience clause? Doctor's who regard abortion as the murder of an unborn child have the right to refuse to perform them. What happens if no conscience-less doctor can be found in a given hospital?
31 Oct 2012
News / Kaczorowski should be reburied at Wawel [15]

The mortal remains of the last Polish President-in-Exile Ryszard Kaczorowski are due to be reinterred at the Pantheon of Prominent Poles in Wilanów, Polish Televison news said on Wedsneday.
31 Oct 2012

I agree, but not a day goes by that some PFer doesn''t raise the spectre of anti-Semitism. They are the ones who should be told that the topic has already been ridden to death. The a-S word appears on PF 10 maybe 20 times more often than anti-Polonism, Polanophobia or any other anti-Polish formualtion.
31 Oct 2012

Merged: Anti-Polonism, not anti-Semitism?

The Anti-defamtaion League of B'nai B'rith and otehr Jeiwsh forums and websites never concern themselves with anti-Polish discrimination and rightly so. Their sole thrust are the issues, causes, concerns, interests and good name of the Jewish people. They usually also conveniently overlook any wrongs Jews have committed against Poland (from siding with the partitioning powers and KPP subversion in the inter-war period to the persecution of Poles by the Soviet-installed terrorist regime). Since PF deals with Polish issues, concerns and interests, why should it be so precocupeid with some alien -ism?

Of course, anti-Polonism is no better or worse than any other form os discrimiantion. Anti-Kurdism, Anti-Hispanicism and anti-Hungarianism are no different from anti-Semitism in that they all involve a negative bias. And all of them deserve to be discussed and analysed, but not necessarily on PF.
29 Oct 2012
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

Lenin and Stalin cliamed that religion was the opium of the people. Nowadays popculture truly is the opium of the masses. More peeple spend money on the stupid, downdumbing drivel known as popculture -- the celebrity mags, CDs, T-shirts, posters, gadgets, rap-crap concerts, 'recreational' drugs, etc. than on all the Sunday collection baskets combined.
29 Oct 2012
Law / Real wages drop in Poland [28]

Has anyone on PF personally discerned the wage drop or is it still too small to be felt by family budgets?
According to the Central Statistical office (GUS) wages increased in the first three quarters of this year by 3.6 percent, with prices rising by four percent in that period.

The Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily writes that real wages will fall by up to 0.6 percent in 2012, the first time living standards have fallen since 1992, as the economy in Poland was reeling from the effects of free market reforms introduced after the fall of communism.