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Joined: 2 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Jul 2011
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3 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / The more subtle differences: Ireland/Britain v Poland [310]

It means..i think you are telling me porkies...!

I am not sure if this is a true originin of that gesture, but I remember Gustlik form Czterej Pancerni doing it and asking 'jedzie mi tu czolg?', after somebody said something unbelievable to him. That was the first time I saw it.

jedzie mi tu czołg? = can you see a tank here?
3 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

Find another explanation for this recurrent idiocy of Harry. I am at a loss.

nott: You were referring to Polish camps.

So you wish to claim that the camps run by Poles in Poland after the war were not Polish concentration camps because they were officially referred to as 'labour camps'?

I claim you have attention span like a dead golden fish. No contemporary media, Harry moron, referred to camps, as you claimed, because there was only one contemporarily referred to in the media, that in Bereza. The post-war camps were not referred to, it was illegal to do so in Poland under Soviet rule, and the West didn't give a damn.

Your claim was another wild harryism, exactly as your claim about Polish concentration camps after the war. They were Soviet camps, exactly as Auschwitz was a German camp. Poland was an occuped country, under Soviet rule, run by a Soviet clique of Soviet citizens, and everybody who heard about PRL knows perfectly well about that. Except you, that is. This needs another couple of braincells, sorry.

Which means, coming back to topic at last, that 'Polish concentration camps' as referred to by the Western media are about German camps in the occupied Poland, and the phrase is a slander exploiting Western ignorance about the European history.

Well, what else can we expect from a liar like you? Remind me, what was it you said would happen if I called you a liar one more time?

Quote me, you so good at invoking sources.

nott: Sawoniuk was Belorussian, born in Russia,

Sawoniuk was born on 7 March 1921 in Domaczewo, Poland and born to a Polish mother and an unknown father. Under Polish law of the time (and now), that makes him Polish.

His 'Polish mother' as according to 'some newspapers', Westerners ignorant of Polish realities just like you. He was using oteczestwo, as any Belorussian, and as no Pole would, and he was commonly known as a Belorussian. He joined a Belorussian Police under German control and prosecuted Poles.

Under Polish law he was a Polish citizen, just like other Belorussians, Ukrainians, Jews, Germans and whatever. So long in Poland, and still not unable to grasp this difference, you must be really stupid.

None of your sources claims that Sawoniuk or Obodzinski were Poles. Place of birth does not define a nationality, Harry, especially not in the pre-war Poland.

How unfortunate that you can not remove that fact from history in the same way that you remove inconvenient facts from wikipedia.

Looses argument, reverts to slander, Harry in full glory.

nott: Old tricks, Harry, blatant lies in hope nobody will check? None of these sources says he was a Pole.

The sources say that he was born in Poland and went to Canada as part of a program for Polish servicemen. But you still have to lie about what the sources say.

Right. Born in Poland. That's all they say. None of them says he was a Pole. No courts quoted by you have ever claimed that. No sources claim that.

Speaking of Gorale, how about the Goralisher Waffen SS Legion? No Poles in there according to you!

Who was speaking of Gorale, Harry? I said Germans did not recruit Poles to SS, nor to Hiwis, Harry the confused. Gorale were not Poles to them.

And then we have the Polnische Wehrmacht,

ROTFL!! :)) The what??? I say Germans never recruited Poles to the SS, and you call me a liar because there was a formation of Poles in the German army in the war of 1914? Everybody bloody knows that, Harry the Revelator. Loads of Poles were the citizens of Germany then. You heard about WW1? Try to google it.

Seems we need a thread for the most stupid argument on the day.

And of course Schuma-Bataillon 202, which was officially defined by the Nazis as a Polish battalion (although I guess that to you those boys were OK as they mainly fought communist partisans).

To me those boys were Ukrainians. Schuma Batallion 202 was formed by joining two Ukrainian formations which took part in the German invasion of the USSR. Whatever some drunk Nazi called them is hardly relevant.

And then there are the 151 Poles who fought with the SS and were recruited in Britain to join the post-war 'British Army on the Rhine'. The records that prove that are available for in UK War Department (now Min of Defence) files at the UK Public Records Office. Where do those men fit into your lies?

Germans did not recruit Poles to the SS, Harry, that's a historical fact. Polish citizen is not necessarily a Pole, Harry, that's a fact of life. Kebab is no good for brains, that's the conclusion.

Speaks volumes about the Admin that he tolerates you here.
2 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

: "Jewish Pole" simply refers to a Jewish citizen of Poland.

No. Jewish Pole is an oxymoron. Jewish citizen of Poland is a Polish Jew. Pole is nationality, Jew is ethnicity and religion, and citizenship is just formal allegiance to a specific government. You can't be of two ethnicities at once, nor you can't become a Jew if not born from a Jewish mother, neither ethnically nor in terms of religion. A Jew can convert to Christianity, and be Jewish still, ethnically, but christianity doesn't define Polishness. A Jew can polonise, then he is a Pole with Jewish ancestry, not a Jewish Pole, nor a Polish Jew.

I made a mistake while quoting, hence the repetition.

I was referring to Bereza Kartuska

You were referring to Polish camps. How many camps were there in Bereza, Harry?

No doubt word of the Polish camps post-war was also reported by media but I can't be bothered

Oh really. No doubt it was, but you can't be bothered. But you can be bothered to claim again that Sawoniuk was a Pole.

wikipedia article on Morel: it says he was the son of a Jewish baker and by your definition that means he isn't Jewish and so is just a plain Pole.

Harry logic, 2+2=22. Who was his mother, Harry, care to divulge? If you do not know, then be informed, that the Israeli immigration law only grants citizenship to Jews, which is people born from Jewish mother, which is in accordance with traditional Jewish law.

Sawoniuk was most certainly Polish, being born in Poland to a Polish mother

Sawoniuk was Belorussian, born in Russia, and this was proved in these forums already, which doesn't stop you from making an bigoted moron of yourself again.

"The author was born on 7 May 1919 in Turez, a Polish village

Old tricks, Harry, blatant lies in hope nobody will check? None of these sources says he was a Pole.

Pity that the courts of Britain, Canada and the USA have all found that Poles most certainly were recruited into the SS and as Hiwis. Try harder with your lies next time please.

None of those courts claim anything about their nationality, Harry. Lying and accusing others of lying doesn't change the facts, boy.
2 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

"Jewish Pole" simply refers to a Jewish citizen of Poland.

Exactly. British Muslim exactly as Polish Jew. Not the other way around.

There is Jewish American, though, because American 'nationality' includes any applying ethnicity. In Europe not so easy.
1 Dec 2010
News / Victory in 'anti-Polish camps' campaign in US [170]

Which is why contemporary media referred to them as "concentration camps".

Contemporary media did not refer to them, oh mighty historian you. There was no such thing like Lambinowice in media those times. People who survived those camps were threatened with imprisonment if they dared to speak about them.

some were Jewish Poles (like Morel)

There's no such thing as a Jewish Pole, Harry. Jewishness is by birth from a Jewish mother. Check Jewish sources.

such as Bronislaw Hajda, Walter Obodzinsky etc.

No more Sawoniuk then, Harry the Revisionist?

I bet you have plenty of links claiming that Obodzinski was a Pole. Obliged for posting. You may not know this little detail, but Germans never recruited Poles to the SS nor to Hiwi.
19 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

I will not admit to anything, because my sentence was correct.

Your sentence introduced a non-existent subject. The original subject was 'tourist', who 'appears to equate', and the sentence if perfectly valid, regardless of interruptions.

And I'm right about the subtle difference between comparing to and comparing with.

Thing is, there was no comparison in this sentence, there was equating. Equating of sprinkling with speaking, by a tourist. All legit.
18 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

Last time I looked,


sorry... :)

thing is, that this spelling hurts my eyes, that's why I cared to point it out at all in this chat on correctness.

And no, the Brits don't spell it 'to day', unless as in 'day to day'. The current day is 'today'.

You missed my point, though. Even if I don't agree with AJ's bitching about equating, the proper ending of that sentence should be 'no(person) is'. Unless it was a joke beyond the reach of my sense of humour...


Is that too bloody much to expect?

I think so. People just don't care, in their majority, and they are fully entitled to this attitude. Don't expect everybody to be a zealot.

And, mind it, I don't condemn your zeal. Exceptionally, as this one doesn't show any tendency to kill people. Or heaven't shown yet.

In fact, I am with you in this. I back you up. There should be more people preaching the love of language. Verily.
18 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

All too often however, foreigners think they know English so well, that they don't need to practice it.

Rubbish. I mean, what they say is rubbish, if they say it.

Let's face it though - few people actually care about the quality of their language, provided they're understood most of the time. And it doesn't matter if they speak their native language or a foreign one, for them it's just a tool. And just as there are craftsmen who love their tools, most of them just have them and use them. No actual reason to get overexcited.
18 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

AJ, you're just being difficult :)

Just admit the lust of result beclouded your usual whatever, and it's settled. Your imaginary subject has nothing to do with this sentence.

I don't pretend to be a prodigy in every language I speak - noone does.

Nobody pretends? :)

Or no one pretends....

18 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

You are no slouch either

Appreciated :) although you'd change your opinion if you heard me speaking...

shouldn't mix the past tense with the present tense in the same sentence

Ah, now I see what you mean. But it's a complex sentence. 'People I've met will remain in my memory', no problem.

I'm actually looking forward to some more nit-picking in this thread

And I am with you in this expectation. But then we'll end up in you know what..

Regardless: 'the Dutch equate sprinkling with speaking' seems Ok to me. I had to check:
17 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

Answer: Infact, there are a few things wrong


:) sorry, AJ, your English looks impressive, regardless. IMO, from my POV.

Although I don't really get that bitching about tenses...

I was not 'whining' (I never do!), I was rather bemoaning the decline of standards

Nobody is ever 'whining', innit :) I'd happily join you in the bemoaning thing, same goes for Polish, standards are falling. Or changing...

What makes you a whiner, though, is blaming the foreigners rather, than your own ilk. The foreigners attack you with besmirched English, you counter them with English pure and resounding, and see the jaws dropping low, knees bending themselves on their own, and eyes begging for more in mute appeal. That's the way.

After some practice, you may grow balls big enough to speak that English to your countrymen... :)

Thing is, that perfect English of yours is an extremely elusive beast. It happens to me to listen to some English speaker with utter awe and admiration, but this reaction is based on my foreigner's subjective conjecture only. How do I know that I admire the really worthy ones?
17 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

If a person pairs down their tenses to three or four, then people will generally understand them but I'd hesitate to call that correct.

And so would I. What I'd call basic English retains Perfect and Continuous tenses. It's not much of a problem, though, the concepts are fairly easy to grasp, and the construction is not really difficult either.
17 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

Am I correct so far?

yy... yes....

Therefore, we I may conclude that you are equating relative ease of expression with satisfactory communication, yes?

yyy... wotcha got on yer mind, Lyzko?

Odd that the French, Germans and also the Poles tend to stick up for the correctness of their own languages while so uncaringly misspeaking ours. It's this darned double-standard thinking which irks me-:))

Well, that's in the job description, man :) you want your language to rule the waves, you got to adjust it to different weathers.

I do believe that for a non-native speaker to fully master all the intricacies and hidden flavours of any language is a task for life. Which eventually makes him a native speaker, for all intents and purposes. You can't achieve the level of consummate proficiency you hereby express such a burning desire for without living the language on a daily basis, innit.

So, first thing, this is not a task for foreigners, and, second thing, you should point your accusing finger at your fellow countrymen, first of all, with their flippant attitude to the Sonority. From the foreigners' point of view it's fcking annoying when they want to learn proper super-duper high class impeccable shining English, so they ask who's the virtuoso, and the answer is 'well, actually...' Unless you know the answer, then I'll bark it off from under the bench. Although I strongly suspect that this knowledge is for the initiates of the Seventh Inner Circle only.

On a side note, this very sonority you cherish so much is the main reason for English floating so freely all over the articulation space. Vowels are whimsical like a basketful of kittens, while consonants hold fast to their assigned positions.

To get closer to the actual gist of your complaint... if the language is so easy to simplify without actually loosing much of its correctness, then it's not the fault of non-native speakers, is it.

Oh well. Just between us, I'd appreciate it muchly if you pointed out my errors in the above... just don't tell me that 'flavour' is to be spelled without the 'u' :)

Eh, Lyzko, you are just whining for the sake of it, aren't you? :)


Yes.....yes Poland......your language is heinous.

16 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

There is no border whatsoever separating the "basic" English from the "more advanced" English.

That's the whole point. Basic English is a subset of English, basic Polish is impossible.

You guys don't have so much imagination,

Imagination is the main problem here. Language is about communicating information, and not creating opportunities for fantastic interpretations. If a sentence gives you a full palette of possible interpretations, it's not a language, it misses the point entirely. It's not valid, simply speaking, doesn't belong to the language.

And don't tell me again that communication is possible anyway. You can communicate with gestures, grunts and pictures, but this is not a language.
16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

So your outragous claim remains exactly that.

Not my problem.

nott:The car was a wreck,

Oh! You didn't mention in the first post that you were driving so fast that you completely lost control and wrote your car off on this....."safe bend".... in fact, you suggested the opposite...

Jesus Christ, I didn't mention whole a lot of things, HB, I didn't take much effort to be precise in descriptions neitherl, although 'no speeding' was there, if you care to check. You choose to treat it as a fantasy, it's your choice. Reality is what you're able to see, suit yourself.


26 years of driving experience and can't believe in skidding on sand. Tell you what, there was no sand, in fact. There was no bend, and no bus stop. The road was straight, and I hit a mother with a toddler on a pedestrian crossing while jumping through on red light, and I left them dying. I was too drunk to even call the ambulance. Happy now? Seems a believable story from a Pole, innit?
16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

Care to provide a credible link (as I did) to back up this wild claim?

No, I don't care. Educating you is not my priority.

Well, actually sun shine, as a professional driver with 26 years experience, I'm afraid I do know what I'm talking about.

And you never complained about Polish roads for all those 26 years. You drive a forklift, or what?

It never occurred to you to clear the sand yourself?

No, I happened to have left the broom at home this time, exceptionally. The car was a wreck, I didn't care to carry the broom 3 kilometers to do somebody else's job. Just like I didn't care to remove that ice with a toothpick.

Further more, I reckon

Furthermore, you have no idea what the situation was, so try to avoid suggesting that I am lying.

Black ice wasn't a factor in the 90 deaths over the weekend,

Right. Let it be noted that I never said that.

alcohol was.

Oh really. And you base your claim on what, exactly?

and you should adjust your driving accordingly

So what speed would you advise then?

So it was BS after all?

No, hairball, all is true. I drive while drunk, I carry a Beretta and a Glock, and I have a shotgun on the back seat. Do be a good citizen, you know the number.

Did he ride on the back of a great big pink elephant?

He was an authority, Taylor. By the name of Religa. And I happened to meet him, so 'knowing' was not much of a stretch, actually.
16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

Next he (nott) will be telling us that if he ever needs a heart operation, that he will request the surgeon to have a half few before the op ;):D

Actually I knew a surgeon who benefited from a shot before the operation... He took 50 to 100g, depending on the day.

That's anecdotal, but if you have no other arguments, Taylor...
16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

It's the societies ability to recognise what is wrong or right with it's responsibilities. Therefore Germany

Therefore a Pole who is driving with 0.4 g/l is considered a drunk driver, while a German is not. Simplistic comparisons are misleading.
16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

Ireland 7.8 .... 11 .... 5.7
Poland 14.7 .... 28 .... 23.5

Estonia 15.2 .... 38.9 ... 17.5
Romania 12.7 ... 71.1 ...39.8
Slovakia 15.1 ... 43.9 ... 21.5

the three last countries have zero tolerance for drunk driving

16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

Ireland 7.8 ..................................11........................5.7
Poland 14.7.................................28 ......................23.5

Poland's legal limit 0.2g/l
Ireland's legal limit 0.8 g/l

16 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

A bit like Crack cocaine. Which you are clearly smoking.

Make some research before making a clown of yourself. Not that I insist.

I think we all know now nott is a drink driver. Wonder what his excuse is....?

Well, I don't drive. I am not sure this is good enough excuse to you.

You should report me, you know? And I am for private gun ownership, so you can tell them I carry illegal gun as well. Two, actually, why restrict yourself so severely.
15 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

After drinking, the brain works inefficiently, (...)

Except that small amounts of alcohol can actually increase both your sensory processing and reaction time. This is not widely propagated, as it is a dangerous information and goes against the general policy.

Yet I am not arguing that, I am for a reasonable legislation strictly enforced, which is not the case in Poland.

've got news for you, the state of the poorly maintaned roads should only slow drivers down.

And it does, after you end up against a tree. You don't know what you're talking about. On a bright summer day I was driving to work as usual, not speeding, and I skidded on a safe bend, because some idiot spilled sand on the tarmac and nobody cared to sweep it off. I just managed to turn the wheels sideways, so I didn't jump over the kerb onto the bus stop full of people. I called them maintenance pricks, yet the sand was still there until heavy rain two days later.

On a 'clear black road' I saw the traffic light some 150 meters ahead, so I slowed down, not being sure if I will get the proper timing. Only the car didn't listen, I slid through on the red, because this particular stretch of the whole 400km was covered with thin ice. Now tell me I should've driven this distance at 20km per hour.

Would you like to argue that alchohol wasn't a factor in the 130% increase in deaths from the previous year?

Would you like to argue that Poles suddenly drank 130% more vodka than the previous year?
15 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

Any language can withstand massive breaches of core integrity and still be understandable.

From the context. This short sentence of yours is just gibberish, and needs lots of effort and additional information to start guessing at the meaning:

Ja był slychać często kiedy kupię od ludzi wietnamski

I was (there to) [can be heard] often when I will have bought from people the Vietnamese.

You call it understandable?
15 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

The article doesn't say that 90 people are dead, and 652 injured due to drunk drivers.

Yet it strongly suggests it by association, and this is bad propaganda. Counter-productive, because people can easily see through it.
15 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

Increasing the legal alcohol level??? Are you mad or just insane?

That's the point. Too low legal levels make it all less serious, and the whole thing is rather sneered at in consequence.

So you think its ok to get in a car while drunk and have a 50% chance of killing someone?

What 50% chance? They were the drivers caught by the police, they didn't harm anybody. The huge numbers come from the police being specially mobilised for the Action Long Weekend.
15 Nov 2010
Language / The Future of Polish Language [179]

f you're referring to the old project Basic English, it was in fact Basic Fraud from a linguistic point of view.

The very fact that it could've been pulled off speaks for itself, no such thing is possible with Polish.

I know the English speak different English than the foreigners, yet the usage differences are not basic things. Especially that the native English speakers differ in this as well.
15 Nov 2010
News / Independence Blood Bath on Polish roads over the long weekend. [69]

90 dead
652 injured
By 1,880 drunk drivers.

Well, drunk driving is bad, but if 1880 drivers kill, Ok, harm 742 people, then it's less than half a victim per one driver. What I mean, that sort of propaganda only makes things worse. The main reason for the body count is that during the long weekends there's much more Sunday drivers on the badly maintained roads than usual.

What Poland needs is a slight increase in legal alcohol level, comparable to Germany, and brutal policing of excesses. Then we have the problem of corruption...