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Joined: 10 Jul 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 22 Feb 2011
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31 Jan 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]


He considered himself a Lithuanian raised in Polish culture, he never called himself an ethnic Pole.
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

It obvious that the Polish experience was different from the Jewish and Gypsy experience, but it's wrong to say that Poles were just 'war casualties' the same way the British or the French or the Americans were. They were killed in different ways and for different reasons. We could argue about the term 'Holocaust' but this has to be remembered.

Here's something from Hans Frank. It shows that Nazis themselves weren't sure what to do with Poles:

It would be desirable if the Reich ministries, Party agencies, and the territorial authorities could finally decide on a course of action. It simply will not do for some people to say all Poles of whatever sort will be exterminated and for others to say all Poles of whatever kind, if they are fit for work, must be put to work. There is a complete contradiction here.

Should we exterminate or build things up, should the work be created here or in the Reich, should we give up workers or keep them here, should we let the Poles starve or should we feed them?
12 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Did you also know that 7 million Christians suffered and were tortured and murdered?

Does anyone remember those 20 million Russians?
10 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

My grandparents, expelled from Belarus. I apologize if that's a problem.

What is the point of digging up an old post from an old thread just to drag on an old argument resolved long ago?
9 Jan 2010
Language / Polish and Hungarian, how similar? [53]

It's never a good idea to write a book about events that happened in another country a long of time ago without active help from people who possess wide knowledge about those times and places. A lot of research is needed and, unfortunately, quite often people read a book about another nation's culture and think that all customs and traditions mentioned there are the same for people from all parts of the country and from all social backgrouds, which is usually false.

My advice is that you should show your manuscript to someone who specializes in East European studies before you decide to publish it. It's better to recieve help from an expert than risk making a mistake which would be later pointed out by reviewers.

Anyway, I'd love to read your book. Could you say more about the plot and the genre?
4 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

So only ethnic Poles "count" and not Polish citizens in general?

We're talking about pre-WWII Poland, a completely new state which appeared out of nowhere on ethnically mixed lands after more than a century of nonexistence. I'm sure many Russian, German and Austrian citizens didn't wish to suddenly change citizenship, especially if they wanted their own state instead.
4 Jan 2010
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Sorry, I lost track of our discussion, I will have to reread the whole thread again and see where we finished.

It's the same thing as with volksdeutche, Harry - the key-point here is whether these people did what they did as Poles or as Germans/Ruthenians/Whatever else. If someone willingly gives up their national identity and assumes the national identity of an enemy during the times of war just for personal gain then in my mind they lose it forever.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

What do you think of his other books? Is he a respected historian too, or only in the things you agree with him?

He sang a different tune before he decided to make a career out of proving Polish antisemitism. For the record, he stated on Polish TV that he personaly never experienced antisemitism in Poland.

In other words - Gross was right for as long as he said things that you liked to hear. Then he said something you did't like and with that he completely lost credibility.

Well, personally, I wouldn't bring out Gross as an expert on Polish-Jewish relation at all.

PS I still think that Jedwabne and Kielce were shameful incidents and perpetraitors can't be justified by anything.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

A book published by Princeton University Press and titled Revolution from Abroad: the Soviet Conquest of Poland's Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia

Do you know who was the author of this book? Jan T. Gross ;)
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

And that justifies killing of innocents Jewish women and children by Poles?

Please, don't bother using numbers that are unconfirmed and taken from estimates and statistics. Statistically, more Germans died in WWII than Poles and just as many Germans are estimated to have died in post-war expulsions as Poles during the entire war. Also, numbers-wise, the biggest victims of WWII were Russians - and the number of Russian who died freeing Poland from the Nazis was bigger than the number of Poles killed by Soviets.

In addition to that, Chodaczkiewicz, although a great historian, is a Pole and clearly biased towards Poles - he highlights the numbers that are favourable to Poles and lowers the numbers that are unfavourable. ALWAYS.

You are a Valley girl.

Do you even know what this word means?
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Yes, there were Jewish communists and yes, it would be better if there were less. However it's impossible to say that communism was somehow a 'Jewish' thing. Perhaps you're right and Stalin did put Jews in positions of power because he freaking felt like it, but it's not like seats were given to every Jew that Stalin could find. And it's DEFINITELY not like every single Jew just dreamed of becoming a communist. Please remember that there were also many Jews who took part in anty-commie protests and lots of Solidarity members were Jewish. You can't equate communist sympathies with nationality!
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

In that case I suppose you will be happy to know that after 68 security services became exclusively Polish. Polakomuna.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

"I can see now that there were too many Jews in the security services, because we hadn't considered the security services in that light."

Here's your answer. They didn't think in terms of nationality then.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Well, it's the same guy who's bragging about his daddy in communist militia and uses the 'our strets your houses' proverb as if it was positive. Can he get even more stupid?
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Sorry, could you explain your post to me? I don't understand the context, I'm afraid. What house?
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

You missed my point. Jewish communists were acting on orders from Poles with the approval of Poles and for as long as Poles allowed them to. So there's nothing to compare, the only thing which their existance proves is that nationality doesn't make anyone a saint or a murderer.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

They were acting with full approval of their Polish commie collegues and then they were kicked out. I hate them, but I'm far from appying collective guilt.

Fair point.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

The murders committed by these Jews against Poles far outnumber the several hundred Jews who were killed in the after war chaos.

But the author of this blog actually BRAGGING about his communist daddy is just as riddiculous.

Hm, so every source that says that some Poles might be on the wrong side of the track is nonsense? And every source that says they were all on the right side of the track is a good and credible source?

Obviously not. But have YOU actually read this nonsense? The author of that blog is a person who dedicates all of his free time to find as much sh*t on Poles as he can, no matter if it's true or not, just to show 'those nasty Poles' in a bad light. He's the exactly same kind of person as our dear forum antisemites.

Nazi officer: "We need your cart to transport Jews to Sobibor to be gassed!"Poor Polish Peasant: "nay, foul nazi, begone, I will not aid thee in thy anti-semitic ways!"Nazi: "Oh, OK, we'll ask someone else, we respect you views..." (exit nazi).

Dude, it's a Holywood production. There's no place for actual moral complexity there.

How many murders were there?

327 confirmed, 1000/2000 estimated. Out of 180,000–240,000 Jews who survived. And it was 2/3% of total victims of post-war violence. I understand that Jews felt threatened but feeling threatened is a completely different thing from actually being in a mortal danger.

Enough to be a phenomenon and not a freak incident.

Szmalcowniks are described as a Polish phenomenon even though Anne Frank didn't survive a war because she was betrayed by a Dutchman. Also post-war violence is called a Polish phenomenon, not a Romanian, Slovak or Ukrainian phenomenon although pogroms and killings of Jewish returnees happened plenty of times over there too. And yet, nobody cares, because Poland is treated like some sort of symbol of antisemitism.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

In Jedwabne's case a bunch of moronic Poles were definitely perpetraitors. The rest of the town was simply too scared of the Germans' reaction to stop the slaughter. But you can't call them ALL just bystanders.
29 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

And I think you just don't understand my point. Read some of my earlier posts and you'll see that I'm always very much against applying colective guilt to my own nation. I just think that the rare, but definitely true cases of wrongdoings and shameful incidents need to be acknowledged.

I agree completely. So what's the problem?
29 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

What I mean is that a big number of defenceless women and children were killed by people of Polish ethnicity solely because of their nationality. We could argue about the circumstances but the fact still stands.

And by THIS kind of argument I meant the kind of argument that lasts three pages with repeated use of statements which were used in other three-pages-long argument from another thread.
29 Dec 2009
Life / Why do people think that I'm Polish ? [92]

I have asiatic folds too. Apparently it's quite common among Polish people. Epicanthic folds are also known as 'Mongolian eye folds' which kinda explains a lot.

I've yet to encounter a Pole with naturally occurring coarse black hair.

My family from both sides has black hair. I'm being asked if their dyed all the time.
29 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Sigh. No, I don't want to get into THIS kind of argument again so I will just say that I'm absolutely certain that Jedwabne and Kielce did happen and nothing you say can convince me otherwise.
29 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Such incidents did take place and it's very saddening but I don't like the way this subject is usually brought up. People usually make it sound as if postwar murders were a rule, not an exception, carried out by the whole Polish population, not just a handful of degenerates, with the blessing from the rest of the population (maybe even handing out rewards for every Jewish head) and of course limited only to Poland and to Jews.

I agree. The author of this article is spot-on.
28 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Ah, I didn't mean Jews from Central and Eastern Poland. And it's not like I suggested that it was the Jews who dispossessed Poles. Rather the opposite, really, if someone buys a house with their own money then obviously it's theirs, nothing evil or sinister about it. I was just poking fun at the guy who uses a proverb that was born out of resentment for a perceived injustice to battle the exactly same kind of injustice.
20 Dec 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

- edit
Well, with your edit it doesn't matter anymore

BTW I am not tolerant. I am a raging anti-antisemite.