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Need information about Czestochowa! Hostels / Hotels? [24]
and do you know something about the university?
I would say that it must definatelly be true. I was unaware that there was a university in Czestochowa, though there was the Polytechnic of Czestochowa, I presume that it is the same thing under a new name? Czestochowa was never anything special but it is even more of a less important sort of a place now as it has lost its province capital status-it is now just a part of Slask. They do say that the petrol is now the most expensive in all of Poland now. There are, or were two railway stations, so when you buy train tickets to Warsaw, make sue that you go to the right one! The main university, returning to the subject of study was always Wroclaw but it costs money to stay away from home, hence people would agree to study close to home. The state swimming pool was quite nice from what I remember-in fact there may be more than one of course now. The main thorough fair, A.S.M, I think it is called for short is nice in summer and you can walk up to the Black Madona of Czestochowa though God only knows how many times you would want to repeat the experience. If you are young and like a little night life you can try a night club called Rura (the Tube), I know the people who run it. It is located just off the main thorough fair on the right as you walk up towards the Madona-just ask. You can register for a state dentist but the fillings just keep falling out. I got so sick of going back I just left the hole in the end and waited to get back to England. England's dentistry costs twice the price of Poland but what is the point of buying cheap rubbish!?
As a P.S., and without a car, I do not know how to get there but there is a little place called Olsztyn-not much there except the ruins of an old castle but it would certainly be fresh air after Czestochowa!