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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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20 Dec 2010
Travel / Katowice airport situation? [10]

I've connected with the airport, and it wasn't the problem in Pyżowice but at other airports (for instance in Frankfurt planes wheels got iced over and they were unable to take them to the runway). My family is flying to states and they have a change in Frankfurt..
20 Dec 2010
Travel / Katowice airport situation? [10]

Well my aunt was supposed to have a flight form Katowice yesterday. The flight was postponed and she will fly tomorrow "if the weather conditions are good"...
13 Dec 2010
Work / Education in Poland - system and structure [118]

Master dissertation's defense is a joke in some Unis. Especially polytchnics. You get an examining board that consists of random teachers - there's a pretty big chance they won't have a clue what your thesis is about. You have roughly 10 - 15 minutes to talk about your thesis after which they are supposed to ask questions. Some thesis advisers don't read it at all..

Nobody asks any because they are afraid to show that they didn't understand most of it, because it's completely not their cup a tea.

Moreover some people have laughable and easy topics you could do in 2 weeks, others have a giant project which requires 1,5 year of research and hard work.

In the last part which is another set of questions each member asks one or several general knowledge questions ( in line with their scientific background ). Student usually knows what area of knowledge it is or he knows exact questions, all depends on whims of these random board people. It's very unever between different students, good students can get a bad mark because they got randomized a guy who requires reading several of his books, and on the other hand students who get one question with the answer on wikipedia...
2 Dec 2010
Life / MAC GAMES in Warsaw? [4]

Well this polish online shop sells them: here's the link to the Mac games list: gram.pl

Only 7 of them though, world of warcraft, sims and some strange stuff ; o

Other option would be to skim through allegro.pl or amazon, if they send to Poland that is..

Lots of games in this internet shop, I've used this shop earlier and can recommend it ;o

30 Nov 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

why? but why?? it's freaking winter!

Well, it wasn't even cold a few days ago, I even did some freaking jogging.. I though I still have like several weeks, time flies. This heavy snow fall was during one night ; o

its lethal driving without them especially out here in the country.

To be honest here in the city it's not much better, many smaller streets are really dangerous even with those winter tyres. I didn't see many snowplows on the streets but that's probably a normal course of things in here..
26 Nov 2010
Polonia / Going to Paris for 10 days, any hints? [14]

Hehe, a bit too late Lwowska, have been to Paris and had a really great time, probably the best vacation I had for a long time. I might use your hints when I'm visiting it again someday :)

Thanks for all the hints from all the people, really helpful. I still feel that I would need aother ntwo weeks to be satisfied with Paris though ;)
23 Nov 2010
News / How can Poles make a conscious choice about elections? [15]

to know who you would be voting for? Any thoughts on that?

People vote for the ones who they know, or who somebody told them about. From what I know, it generally works like that.

People first look at the party they like and then follow the "this guy is an uncle of a friend, he's a good person - vote for him" path.
20 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Dunno, I've met him while he was in Poland, never had a chance to see his "racism" in action. And the wall mart stories were told to me by my parents who visited him in Florida ;o I know he's a religious devout... and a bit of a novely to me, my family is all polish there's just this one aunt who emigrated to states and married an american guy... very strange..
20 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

To change the vice, I like everyone and everything, have some family in the us ( my aunt is polish and my uncle is american) they live fairly well.. they are not rich and have problems with their current place of living ;o I think my uncle is racists and yells at (other than white) coloured clerks in wallmarts.. peple who have no knowledge of todays world might think about the american dream...
17 Nov 2010
News / 100 days of Komorowski presidency [41]

The reforms can't happen yet, PO are going to really hurt a lot of people in the short term -

Yeah I know but something IS beginning to move with KRUS and early retirements for public service officers (służby mundurowe?) which are imho 2 very important matters. KRUS has always been a hot potato for every gov, amusingly it is supposedly against constitution and was brought to light by a PIS guy some time ago, and now PO will have to do something about it...
17 Nov 2010
News / 100 days of Komorowski presidency [41]

I'm waiting for all the reforms that should be on their way. Sadly, nothing will happen - ever or until PO winning another election. This stagnation is still better than what it could have been under pis..
10 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Typical foreigner who's living in Poland but will never understand Poland becuase he isn't one of us.

You can't comprehend the simple fact that there are people who know and care about all the other people who died in the crash. And you can't look deep enough to notice that it is all about politics and not Lech having or not having his cross. Of course this knowledge does't bereave us of the right to take sights in the shallow "cross, praying and singing" squabble. But those who understand these simple facts are able to notice that PIS is loosing big time focusing on the whole cross battle and showing the angry face to the society. Most people are ashamed about the whole situation about how the church and the gov are not reacting - and as far as I know - that's not siding with Tusk/Kommie. Of course in PIS pseudo communist slogans it is.

It's hard for me to understand how someone who has seen fair bit of the world, lived in a wealthy country comes up with such ideas, siding with radio maryja and pis, world is really falling on its sorry face I guess.

Moreover Seanus you are denying yourself, and it's not the first time you're doing it, first you say load of different stuff about religion about how the cross is there and should be there and why and then you say it's all about Lech and Tusk. Make up your mind.

I'm gonna have a long drive to the mountains now so rethink whatever you wanna post.
10 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Its obvious its to commemorate the former president.

I know - but that's what I meant - it's for "all" victims.. you know ALL of them.. bollocks.

First of all, the cross is property of the scouts, was brought there separately from the crazed group of fanatics who claimed the possesion of it. Beside the gov said to move the cross and them standing against that order is to stand against the democracy.

Of course Seanus for you it's always gonna be Poland focusing on Lech or whatever. I'm not amazed I guess you just can't look deeper.
10 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

Law doesn't work backwards, you should know that, hence there's not gonna be any territory change in any way, be it someone giving back stolen territory to Poland or Poland giving back any territory.

wtf it has to do with this discussion??

agreed, that's Seanus having a derailing stroke from time to time for you

no way they already got Wawel castle. Stio with all thys honors. he doesnt deserve for that.

let's hope they are gonna move the petty politician someday

The cross was there for all the Smolensk victims not only Lech, maybe some of them weren't even catholic, so saying that Lech was catholic and that's why he's gotta cross there is a bit off the track.

There's gonna be a memorial sign.
10 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

and not a single bad dream! ;)

Neither would I, I'd be having a laugh before every good nights sleep. "people actually believe this LULZ"
10 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

I'm gonna put a bloody cross in doorways to your homes so everytime you go to work you gonna stumble upon a praying granny, have fun.
10 Aug 2010
Travel / Tri-city travel (want to see Gdansk and Sopot) [10]

Hi, Gdynia is mostly about walking, and not many museums to see. The one worth checking is the Navy Museum ( Skwe Kościuszki 12) and associated with it is the ORP "Błyskawica" destroyer (supposedly the oldest pre-ww2 destroyer in the world) it is in the marina - port area near the museum. Next to it is one of the big polish sailing ships "Dar Pomorza" and if I remember correctly it is possible to do some on board sightseeing. I doubt you'll have time for walking around Gdynia taking into consideration you wanna see Gdańsk and Sopot too, but the place for strolling around in Gdynia is the "wzgórze Św Wawrzyńca" ( Saint Wawrzyniec Hill ) with many paths and a viewpoint at the top - but don't go there at night, there's a lot drunk youth around at night. As for eating - if you want quality for the buck I'd recommend going to Anker Pizzeria (ul. Piłsudskiego 50) although I wouldn't recommend eating anything beside pizza there. I have no idea about the more pricey restaurants. Most foreigners meet and drink in "The Dockers" pub - it is in the Gemini Shopping and Cinema centre near the marina. It's a quite ok place, and I've noticed that foreigners find it really easy to pick up girls there...

I don't know about Gdańsk and Sopot much though beside the basics - Gdańsk - if you are gonna be in Gdańsk between 31.07-22.08.2010 there's the St. Dominics fair - it has got pros and cons, pros - a lot of nice things to buy, lot of stalls everywhere and a nice mood (if it's not pouring rain), the con is that there's LOADS of people and it really makes strolling around the old city so much more difficult and exasperating - and you need to be careful of pickpocketers. As for the old city, it's basically a huge place and there are many old buildings and museums in it. Probably the old "Żuraw" crane is a must visit place... and many more, but I don't know Gdańsk that well ;o

Sopot is all about the main street and the pier..

If you are gonna be living in Gdynia I'd suggest leaving your car in your place and commuting by the tri-city rail (it's called SKM ) because it might be hard to drive through Gdańsk and park a car there for a first-time visitor. Another positive thing is that you can have a beer or two in a pub in Gdańsk..

Have a nice stay in tri-city
8 Aug 2010
News / New cross war in Warsaw [530]

get the point across.


I like how in some little city students set up a cross in front of the local PIS headquarters just in front of the door, take that shiteheads none shell pass
8 Aug 2010
Food / Polish Eating Habits [87]

All my family members are fat except for me ; o I don't wanna get fat !!!! : (
7 Aug 2010
Food / Polish Eating Habits [87]

I think Hobbits are pretty good with garlic. Polish people do eat them but swan is the main dish.