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Posts by Crnogorac3  

Joined: 21 Jan 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 27 May 2024
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 668 / In This Archive: 202
From: Cetinje, Crna Gora

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4 Feb 2017
History / Most important Poles and Slavs that ever lived [74]

moved from

The Italians, French and Spanish have given the world more culture, concepts and inventions including culinary delicacies than all the Slavic countries combined.

Have you ever heard of Nikola Tesla?

I find it very surprising if you haven't, considering you reside in the US.

3 Feb 2017
News / Americans try to defame Poland yet again. [93]

So was the Germans responsible for WW2 or not?

The Jewish Declaration of War
on Nazi Germany




1 Feb 2017
News / Americans try to defame Poland yet again. [93]

Americans try to defame Poland yet again.


NTF this is nothing new, there has been an orchestrated campaign against Poland with these false insinuations especially in the media and the press, trying to declare them as Polish Concentration Camps by these manipulators of the human mind - so-called "Americans" for some time now. You can be sure that this is no coincidence.
31 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

According to Virtual Polska the Polish people are disgusted by the behaviour of US troops.




American soldiers causing terror on Polish roads

Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs is asking for an explanation from the Minister of Defense, from where occurred a series of accidents of the brigade of US troops deployed in west Poland.

"I will ask the Minister Antoni Macierewicz if he knew from where happened these accidents. Maybe part of US soldiers did not come prepared, they came from the base where it's warm weather." Someone in the Polish media derisively wrote that they forgot to bring winter tires.
24 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

The Dems will be trying for impeachment next......... just watch and see.


Well, the opponents of Donald Trump this time were not only the members of the Democratic Party, instead it was one wide coalition of people for which is not suitable change of the situation and the return of America to itself - to it's own identity.

We practically since Woodrow Wilson and WWI did not have a president who was that much interested for America to be American and to deal with infrastructure, improving the life of their people, reducing the sensless deaths worldwide and by this intimidation of the world in which America behind all those mild and nice words was becoming some sort of a dictator that is pressuring the whole world and imposing it's will. Meaning alltogether this now has gone in a fade-out just because Trump succeded to do the impossible, as in some miracle practically. 80% of the media were pronouncedly against him, (which does not mean that those 20% were for him), to overcome them, repudiate and deconstruct them, and that for the first time reality won against hyperreality, it was a victory of truth over marketing, and that the silent majority of the American people finally liberated themselves from those constraints that kept them until now in the trap of high politics and all that which was carried with itself by the administration of the previous president and several more before him, even regardless of whether they were Democrats or Republicans.
24 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

When Donald Trump won the US presidential elections it was the first day of a new era... If I would have to say something about this, first and foremost it is not only a political victory of Donald Trump, this is possibly the most significant date for the world since the time when Vladimir Putin took the helm of Russia.

All who attacked and also those who praised Trump always pointed out that he is an opponent of the establishment. Behind this phrase is in fact hidden the whole secret about the importance of his victory. He really won against the establishment - one system that was lying to the American people and to the whole world about it's true intentions. And which behind the story of American peace, Pax-Americana and the Global System in fact behind itself left rivers of blood, worse and worse situation in the world and a hint of a future World War.

It means altogether this now ceases to be actual and we have a position in which America stops being an Evil Empire and becomes a State.
20 Jan 2017
News / What impact will Donald Trump's election have on Poland? [331]

No Nuclear Armageddon yet? I'm disappointed.

Had Hillary been elected and insisted on imposing the No-Fly Zone in Syria no matter that such an insane decision would surely lead to a conflict with Russia who knows what could have happened. I think with the victory of Donald Trump we will see a relaxation in US-Russia relations.

Hollywood will need to project their hatred into a new target

Crow and I can rest assured that at least Hollywood (which is in essence and ideological factory) will no longer portray the Serbs as the bad guys in their film productions.





LOL - It's the Russians turn.
19 Jan 2017
News / The first PiS led government in 2005 lasted just over 2 years in Poland. [129]

Sad that the PiSlamic State see politics as war

As a soldier who fought in the Yugoslav wars we were taught by our general that the war is an extension of politics through armed struggle & violent means. This is the best definition.

I find it also absurd that you compare Poland to the Islamic State where they decapitate people and chop their limbs off. For this anyone should incur at least a fine if not a prison sentence if true rule of law is applied and if law & order exist.
15 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Is done! He supported (financed )BLM and anti-Tump demonstrcions. Lost Billion or Gazillions of $ on his last speculation he is an old man, he is almost done.

I personally enjoyed how he blew billions of dollars for nothing on financing Hillary's campaign. But what you do not know is that he is only an agent for far more wealthy and powerful people who rule from the shadows.



This is what happens when a country has a true leader and not a marionette.

This is one of the reasons why Putin is portrayed as the new Hitler by the controlled mainstream media.
15 Jan 2017
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

Clearly Frau Merkel has been ideologically conditioned to obediently carry out her globalist paymaster's self-serving agenda


Does Soros even live in Europe anymore? Who is he to decide the fate of other nations?

He is only an agent of the Rothschilds because they themselves prefer to be outside of the spotlight. Soros is a financial bloodsucker who made billions on the artificially created oscillations of the US dollar.


It's a very safe bet that he and his family don't live anywhere near a migrant camp and certainly will never have a migrant marry into his clan.

Meanwhile in Israel:

15 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

-Iraq? Totally destroyed country with Baghdad being quite in ruins since Gulf. Whole country polluted with radioactive amunition made of Depleted Uranium.


Without their "spreading of democracy & human rights" there would be no ISIS today. Not to mention the whole thing was a fraud as the WMD's have never been found. Colin Powell was instrumentalized to go in front of the Security Council and provide false info about Iraq being an immediate threat and lie about it allegedly possesing Weapons of Mass Destruction. The real objective was to seize the material resources of all those nations.
15 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Don't be afraid to read the whole article to clear up that Russian propaganda that you are trying to spew here.

It's not Russian propaganda it is a video made in Poland, look at it yourself and there is no more then 50 people.

Puts a tad different spin on what you and NoToForeigners are trying to portray of the U.S. troops arrival dunnit.

You say keep Poland Polish, doesn't this arrival of US globalistic stormtroopers multi-kulti brigades serve the other end? If Poles want an example what happens to a country with US troops look no further then across the border to Germany. They had US bases and American occupation troops there since 1945 and we see now where being a US colony eventually leads to.

They did 75 years ago so why wouldn't we do it again.

LOL America protects other people's rights...



2.bp.blogspot.com/-ckHKJ7ElWys/Vdqsp BklWlI/AAAAAAAA8Sg/fknSQuRAmos/s640/abu-Rghraib.jpg


But for it's own interests...
15 Jan 2017
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

Regarding the cultural marxist stooge Frau Merkel she may have found some loophole so she could invite the entire world to Germany in the hope of getting a Nobel prize in virtue signaling for herself.

15 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Who knows what scenario in Warsaw Victoria Nuland and George Soros have in store for Poland. Maybe a new Maidan?

Americans seem to like to play in other people's backyard. NTF is obviously not delighted with the idea to be placed on the first lines of the battlefield. Everybody knows that if something starts it's usually those who are in the line of fire that get hit first.

All 50 Poles who came to welcome foreign troops on their soil do not know that the bill comes later. They think that the Americans came willing to die for them and that they will still pay for it.

This is perhaps one of the last provocations towards Russia of the outgoing Obama administration which wants to leave a lasting legacy in World history. I hope Trump is more rational when he assumes office.
14 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

I only had hope that this time Poland can avoid this movement.

Poland must find it's own internal strength and rely only on itself. We do not need a Poland as America's trojan horse in Europe. This is the Poland whole Europe needs and we believe in! I hope true Polish patriots come to power one day and awaken it.
14 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

Are they mad? Russians would eat them. Literally.


What people don't seem to understand is that Russia after shaking off the chains of communism and returning to it's Orthodox Christian roots is a serious force to be reckoned with, Putin is returning that great country where it belongs - on top of the World.

Let this be as a historic reminder, Napoleon invaded Russia with 600,000 troops, most of the troops were French but also from other countries in Europe, less then 100,000 returned. Hitler invaded Russia with 6 million troops, most of them Germans but also including contigents from other Axis countries, less then 1 million came back, 5 million are still laying there.


One Russian general told me that if this time Russia is attacked again by the West, they will not stop until they reach the Atlantic.

13 Jan 2017
News / American GIs troops finally in Poland and, thank God, there's more to come [480]

to Russia's aggressive activities and bellicose posturing

I really wish I knew what is the cause of your deep delusions & hallucinations...

It seems that the 8 year reign of Obama is the most evident example of the ruling & controlling of the masses in the US by the use of media.

Speaking of Obama...

The man who came to power with a promise: "we will bring the troops home", at the beginning of his mandate, America had been involved in two wars. In the meantime, received the Nobel Prize for Peace and steps down as a president of the country, which currently leads 7 wars around the world.



back on topic please
12 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Some people have to understand that the only thing muslims understand and respect is brutal force.




These were all legitimate counter-terrorist operations of our army. This is like a window into the future when that instinct for self-preservation kicks in what is going to happen in countries like France, England, Germany, Belgium and USA if race wars break out there.
11 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

(Serbians defended themselves and were not attackers)

These were difficult times, our people rose to the challenges we faced, we were all united and breathing as one.
For these reasons I am proud that both of us belong to the Serbian nation. I doubt any Western nation (with the exception of Germans) could have passed these difficult tests that we had to go through in the past 20 years.


The church bells are ringing, many mothers are crying, they lost sons and brothers.


The battle for freedom is fought, a Serb a coward is not,
and that he never was, our mother Posavino.


Days of pride, days of glory, thanks to the heroes.

Brilliant victory of the heroic Army of Republika Srpska.

This decisive victory by our forces and the formation of Republika Srpska crushed any possibility of the rise of an Islamic State in Bosnia where the Muslims could form a central government, impose Sharia law and rule over everyone else.


Mjaceslav Zulinski
Many Polish volunteers fought on the Serbian side during the war in Bosnia against the islamofascists of Naser Orić and Alija Izetbegović. Mjaceslav volunteered and came with a friend Andrej to Republika Srpska and joined the Wolves of the Drina Corps - Special Operations Unit. He was a brave and fearless warrior. He heroically died during the defence of the town of Sanski Most and was buried in Zvornik. Currently there is an initiative to name a street after him in the town of Zvornik.
11 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]


I don't remember Poles had to go through (luckily) a bloody civil war in the recent past with battles that went inch to inch, meter to meter on the front lines, door to door, house to house, neighborhood to neighborhood, town to town, village to village.


Also, I do not recall Poland had to cope with neo-Ustasha paramilitary formations such as the HOS (the equivalent to UPA thugs - the defeated forces from WWII who we see now are once again raising their ugly heads) that started to kidnap and murder prominent Serb civillians who did not agree with them or fit in to their plan for an Independent State of Croatia with borders until the Drina river. They blockaded JNA army barracks in (garrisons that were stationed there since 1945), started to open fire killing our army reservists whose only crime was that they were assigned there in the wrong time and in the wrong place. They received open support by Helmut Kohl the Chancellor of Germany and Genscher the Minister of Foreign Affairs who lobbied on their behalf and supplied them illegaly with weapons accross the Hungarian border. The Vatican bank sent funds for their armaments. They also received recruits from neo-Nazi organizations from all over Western Europe and some members of the pro-Ustasha Croatian diaspora who after WWII emigrated from Argentina to Australia arrived and received prominent positions in the HDZ party of their president dr Franjo Tudjman.

Not to mention the emergence of radicalized Islamic extremists in Bosnia who were ready to carry out atrocities against anyone including the most gruesome ritual murders imaginable against unarmed defensless civilians (including women, children and the elderly that were for them non-believers - whoever opposed their plans) with open support from the USA (the World's only superpower at the time) and Saudi Arabia (the epicenter of Wahhabi ideology) who provided logistical & financial support to create from Bosnia esentially a "Muslimania" a centralized Islamic State with Sharia law where the Muslims as the majority would inevitably be the ruling class and all the other minorities including Serbs (who were a constitutional people with full rights as Bosnia is their historic ancestral land) would be destined to give up all their privledges and become 2nd and 3rd class citizens. We have an opportunity to see the life of minorities in the lands controlled by ISIS. America opened the doors for them to Bosnia and their recruits came from all accross the Islamic world from North Africa, Arabic countries and Afghanistan to wage jihad. We all know that CIA created Al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden was present in Bosnia where he even received the passport from the President Alija Izetbegovic who during communism in Yugoslavia served a 13 year prison sentence for spreading Islamic fundamentalism and being a member of a terrorist group "Mladi Muslimani". His book "Islamic declaration" one of the several precursors of today's global jihad stated that: "there can be no peace or co-existence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic societies and political institutions". He also called for the abolishment of all national borders of Muslim countries from Indonesia, Arab countries, to Turkey and the creation of the Islamic caliphate which we are seeing emerge today.


Such a person was presented by the totally biased and one-sided mainstream media propaganda as a "moderate leader" who is fighting for a "multicultural and multiethnic" Bosnia. He played the "victim" card to perfection. To be fair moderate Muslims of Bosnia did not even elect this man to become their president. Despite losing elections he came to power through some strange post-election machinations meaning - pressure applied from the US.

Serbian people did not want to go to war, we were not preparing for war, we wanted to lead a normal life. War was brought on us and we were the whole time being demonized as the "evil aggressors" by the mass media machinery. It was the illegal and unconstitutional secessions of Croatia and Bosnia that started the war instigated by foreign powers who had their own interests.

And considering everything mentioned above, what did they think will happen when the Yugoslav Army units arrived, that they will bring flowers?

I am a war veteran, I was drafted into the army and sent to the front as an 18 year old, coming from a family with a renowned military tradition. I had no plans to spend some of the best years of my life in the trenches. I saw and witnessed at first hand the horrors of war. It is the worst thing that can happen to any country and I hope I never ever have to go through it again which is what I sincerely wish for each and every one of you and I am appalled how even jokingly some of the members on this forum mention it.

What Aleksandar Vucic said in that clip was for every 1 Serb civilian who dies in NATO bombardments we will kill 100 Islamic terrorists by launching offensive actions. As our traditional ally Russia was in a state of chaos and total disarray during the difficulties they faced during the transitional period from communism to the free market economy, they were in a certain way in a much worse situation then we were, we were left to fight by ourselves, but nevertheless Russian recruits still came and fought side to side with us in the most difficult times for our people and what is also interesting we received several volunteers from Poland.
9 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Many Europeans are fearful of the future after the million man march of refugees/economic migrants into Europe.


Violent Muslim Protest in London


Muslims protest in Luton(UK) - "All non-muslims are destined to the House of Fire"

According to the P/C neoliberal establishment it seems that the English should be delighted with the Sharia police militias that attack women and men in the streets, and Muslim protesters who yell that "Islam will defeat the non-believers" and so.



As should the whole of West Europe:


It seems for some people it is necessary virtually to draw in which direction things are headed.
7 Jan 2017
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

Russia is not a match and will not be a match for the USA.


I do not know who is whose b*&ch now?!

Take a look at this video, then see under whose control is now almost half of Turkey, Israel, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, part of Iraq and the Mediterranean... LOL

Only bumpkins do not understand that the Russians became here absolute winners, but everyone else can only cry me a river...
7 Jan 2017
News / An article: NATO is the American occupation of Poland and Europe, by Mateusz Piskorski [233]

I wonder how much this is costing the U.S.A. to keep Putin out of the EU. :-/


Dear American, you will find out very soon that maintaining a global empire will take a heavy toll, first of all on the American people and costs alot. Let us hope for your sake and ours that Trump can initiate a second American revolution otherwise we are headed for WWIII.

7 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

France is interesting now, of course, we are saying that the center normally is in the United States of America, the center of this establishment which operates, otherwise so-called trans-national capital. France is interesting inasmuch because it implements systematically this Masonic plan (applied in the United States) thus creation from France into some kind of a melting pot.

It is very interesting that there exists one large gap between the French official politics and the mood of the French voters. French voters according to all polls are for controlling if not even stopping the process of migration from Africa into France while the establishment in every way is trying to accelerate this immigration. Officially it is interesting that they do not want immigration, that they will take measures to stop it, that they will expel 150,000 immigrants and in essence everything they are doing, as in the last meetings in Matignon, in essence they are making big campaigns against alleged "racism" of the French (ofcourse there are racist excesses) but they are not in fact speaking about the other kind of racism which is there actually implemented: that is from France to create again some kind of a melting pot.

This is best illustrated by the cultural politics we can say of this French Institute in Warsaw. Tell me when was the last time any of you actually listened to a French chansonnier in the organization of the French institute in Warsaw? I do not remember any, in the last 10 years surely not, however they are bringing to Poland for example rock groups from Uganda, what do I know from Ivory Coast, French rock, French jazz, French box... but a French chanson? Never.
6 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]

Have you even watched the videos you post or do you understand them??

The first attempt to set up an Islamic state which we are seeing now taking shape in the Middle East and North Africa was not in Syria, Libya or Iraq. It was in Bosnia in the heart of Europe. Only fierce resistance of Serbian people prevented such a scenario and we managed to win the war in Bosnia against all the odds with America and your country Turkey as well as Saudis and other Arab states supporting the radical Islamic terrorist fanatics.


Serbian fighters managed to liberate half of Bosnian territory and create the Republika Srpska. They eliminated many terrorists and prevented a Muslim invasion, who had air support from NATO.


Sadly what people until now do not understand is that American liberal interventionist establishment is willing to even settle Arabs in the region as long as it keeps the Russians out and prevents possible cooperation between us. This is what they are doing in the Muslim part of Bosnia which is in essence a US-NATO administered protectorate.

Respect to the Poles for sorting out the kebab shop.

From Serbian rodoljub - patriot.
5 Jan 2017
News / Ethnic tensions erupt in Ełk, Poland [180]


"Europe must accept Diversity or face War": Timmermans in EU Parliament: No more Nation States

Sooner or later there will come a time when Polish government officials will have to face off and take a firm stand against EU cultural Marxsist commisars such as Timmermans who was already in previous times issuing threats to Poland. If Poland refuses to comply with their orders and accept the migrants quota it could face potential EU sanctions.

Then again Poland is not Hungary, it is a nation of 40 million people and is a force to be recogned with.