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Posts by mephias  

Joined: 14 Nov 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 296 / In This Archive: 181
From: Warsaw, Poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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3 Jan 2010
Love / All Polish women can't be nutters can they? [257]

she is seeing someone now, that

So it is time to search for another girl.

If you like her talk and if she don't want don't insist. There is enough girls already in the world if you keep searching I am sure you will find who is also interested in you.If you show anyone that you so desperately want her usually it means you lost her already.

Polish girls are not aliens and they are not really different (more or less) than girls from any other nationality. So do what a real man should do.
1 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

lets focus on one thing... have a look at those two pictures again. again.

Nonsense it don't has anything to do with the subject. You are so obssessed that you can't see.

still warning them and you come here and you blame me i am criticizing,

Better keep silent, because you are doing it in very ignorant way.

world socialism

Collect your socialists friends hire a village and try to live your socialist life. Let us see how many days you can stand it.

lol. lately, i heard these capitalist societies in usa, europe, dubai, etc are functioning so well that they are farting through their noses to save their

They are still doing very well. You are dreaming that world is collapsing but it is still in a good form .

you need to learn what "life" is first before talking this topic, smart(!)
i brought two pictures about the life for you to learn.

First learn to be respectful. I doubt anyone in this forum have anything to learn from you.

If you really want to know what people think about subject open pols new threads and ask polish people which one do they choose. But you can't you are so obsessed and so afraid to see the reality.
1 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

their fathers were relatively rich and you were poor and yours were a reaction against socialism?

Who said they were rich I was poor. You have good imagination. I just said they were like parrots and you are same.

you were idiot then

Not surprising all is idiots only you are smart.

instead of reactional thoughts

Which reactional thoughts ? It is your theory and don't has anything to do with reality.

those young guys whose fathers were relatively richer were saying to share the wealth of their fathers..

Nonsense. Better don't watch too many movies.

to change my opinion, you should tell me a logical reason on these two pictures:

You are the one who has many claims so you should do it but in detail as I said you are like that funny socialist guys from univercity, You just repeat same things over and over in very shallow way.

i just feel responsibility of saying that

Funny. And you expect people follow an unknown way only because you think it might be better.

You don't have any real solution. You just like criticising, decrying and insults. Luckily People are fed up with this nonsense long ago.
1 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

class, no quality at all. see the picture of today at the same time

You don't even know what you are against or what you support. You just repeat same slogans which are totally empty indeed. It is something I am familiar from my university years, there were so called socialist groups who can only repeat same words without trying to learn or analyze anything. It may be first step in the way of understanding Ask yourself "This shouldn't be that simple ?, I should better make some research and read a little bit ?" rest will come if you only have logic.
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

Mephias, you still bringing russian communism as example

It is what you believe. And it is obvious many don't believe same here. You can't expect people have respect on your opinion if you don't have theirs.

here? i know idiots will win

For example...

Yes you think a system which is never applied to any country we don't know why is better than current one and we should try to change current system because you are a genius and more intelligent than all other people here.

Strange conclusion.

Anyway now nothing can stop me I have to drink my vodka and get drunk before 00:00.
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

i am sure 90% is unhappy

This is I can only call ignorance so you will force them to be socialist without caring what they want. Dictatorship so bad.

Poland has a chance now as they are experienced the both. i guess poland may make a good movement toward the world true socialism.

Oh my God we have a new crow. I suggest you to come here and ask it to Polish People . They will give you the exact answer I believe :).

And don't live in dreams like crow I have been many former soviet countries and almost all people other than some beggers and taxi drivers are happy about collapse of communism.

By the way it is time for me to take some polish medicine (Vodka) before 00:00.

Happy new year for all.
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

science in socialism has always been better than capitalist mentality world that doesnt think anything but their luxury yachts and how to make them better.

I don't think so. Competition brings better service/product. Do you have a proof for this statement. (I don't think you have just things you've heard).

Who votes against democracy, Hands up!

My vote goes for democracy :).
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

there is no democracy in poland.

You mean now ? What you make you think of that ?

there is no democracy in poland. if big majority of people of poland is happy now about their own economy

How you are so sure ? You should make an election to know it.
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

world socialism has never been tried,

Luckily it hasn't. It is not applicable and the world is going into correct direction "more freedom".
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]


Crysis don't effect as much people as you think life still continues. But it would be terrible for me if I don't have chance to change my job for instance so that happily I am not living under communist rule. Other systems may have negative sides but if you compare it with communism you can easily ignore them.
31 Dec 2009
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]


This time I agree with Bratwurst, socialism/communism is not applicable. It looks good in theory level but it is against the human nature. People make choices and they should have right to change their life according to their choices.
26 Dec 2009
Love / Polish boyfriend coming to visit [52]


I think you shouldn't judge a relation this easily. Every relation has its own parameters, money, love, childs, lust it can be anything. And I agree with SzwedwPolsce it is often very complex.

This capitalism obsession is not something good. People have right to choose to live in their own way they have chance to create opportunities at their own risk. I think also nature works in same way.
22 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

Not yet but I put some vodka and herbata to my emergency box for coldest days ;).
21 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

what do you mean?

That was a joke. I forgot smiley ;).

Alcohol is inevitable in that circumstances. It is not a sin as you have to protect your health :)

Yes for me it is more inevitable because I am only able to drink fruit juices with vodka.

Islam is haram.

No Islam is kosher.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing (well except for minus 32, then it is actually too cold :)

Yeah maybe, it's my first winter here and it seems I should buy some clothes for this weather.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

Yeah really, I have been in cold cities before but it is different here (maybe wind). It is so strong and it is not possible to warm yourself up when you are out.

because alcohol is haram? ;)

Yeah it is a sin but it doesn't count if you commit bigger sins with it.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]

Sorry I could not upload second try..

20 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]


I have just shot below photo.
20 Dec 2009
Life / Winter in Poland? [160]


What should be the scale for vodka ? Half herbata/ half vodka ;)

Torq I believe it is true if you drink big amount of alcohol but I don't think a single shot don't make any harm even if you go out. And maybe not for warming up what about parties should we wait for summer going back home ;) ?