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Posts by nunczka  

Joined: 13 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Feb 2013
Threads: Total: 8 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 457 / In This Archive: 192
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Honky style
Interests: loafing

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6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Because Poles come to the UK and work illegally under the table undercutting local workers, they leech off of benefits, they're criminals, and they have a strange backwards culture that is unwanted. They refuse to speak the language, they're taking over neighborhoods, they live four to a room, they steal, are unambitious, sit around drunk all the time...

Why is it that here in the states, I never witnessed that.? During my whole long life, all of my recolections were that poles were hard workers. Along with other European immigrants.. Is there an explanation for this.?[ quote=convex]Wait, that all sounds very familiar... Are you right about blacks? Are a handful of bigoted Brits right about Poles? Maybe you're right and they're wrong? Oh, it's all so confusing. Are Poles hard working immigrants that reach the tops of the social hierarchy in their host countries, or are they lazy slobs who just leech off of welfare?[/quote]

You said it I didnt ( Grin)
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Zeti, you cant believe everything you see on here. I dont know why Poles are treated like they are in England.. But America is a good country.. We poles are at the top of the scale.. The joke about Dumb Pollacks is stupid.. it might be just jealousy. Maybe its because of people like me.. I was raised during the great depression.. I only have an 8th grade education. This was because we had to quit school at an early age to get a job so we could help our parents out.. But after WW2. Life changed. I worked until 1965, and have no need to work since then.

It seemed that everything that I did was right. for the past 45 years i lived the life of luxury.. I have berated for my sucess by many people.. But my answer to them is screw you.
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Would you also tell him that he doesn't belong to European culture and have no place in Poland?

No, i think that i mentionerd that there great black in this world also.

Which, speaking as an idiot who has never been there, I suppose is true.

But arent you the same/ you have never been to the states. But yet you critisize Jarnowa for doing exactly as you are doing.
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Now, maybe it wasn't those specific views but if you aren't clear why is that our fault?

I fault no one.. We are all entitled to our own views. But when I choose to agree with someone elses view, i am refered to as a racist..The word racist does not bother me..Even the states we who prefer to associate with our own are considered racist, rednecks, white supremecist .

When I speak of culture, Its like i prefer Easy listening or classical music over rap or hip hop.

I prefer a Polka or a waltz to dance to instead of dirty dancing

i prefer to call Christmas by that name instead of Kawanza

There are people over here who deny our right to celebrate Christmas.

These are but a few cilture clashes that are happening.. Maybe it is because of my age.. but I will resist to the end
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

However, to use your right and preference as the basis to advise others how to accept incomers is not really on, is it?

Again..Go over this whole thread, and show me where i advised anyone as to who they should associate with. I merely stated my preference as to who I wish to mingle with. you all are free to what ever you want. When I responded to this thread, i only expressed my view,And i think that i am entitiled to that.
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

You have right not to make any friendship with blacks but it doesn't mean you can persecute them. All those nice people of different race you've met don't deserve for your hate even if their fellows are cause of increasing crime rates.

Zeti.. Go over this whole thread, and point out where at any time that i said that I hate blacks.. I only claimed that I reserve my right not to associate with them for cultural reasons.

I hate violence. iIhate drugs. I hate crime.. all that I ask is to allow me to live amongst the people of my choice
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

ok Mr.Frank, but tell us have you never met any decent black man/woman in your 85-years long life?

Ziti.. I never got to go fishing yesterday a weather front was moving in.. And since we fish far offshore, it was not wise to venture out.

As far as good blacks go.. yes, there are great blacks out there.. i came across many.. But my preference is not to mingle with them.. The cultures are too different
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

What I'm objecting to in many of the posts here is an idea that equality is fine as long as you aren't Black. it's OK for Poles to go somewhere and be immigrants and make successes of themselves... but not Blacks.

My, My, You sure are ripe this morning. As for your above post.. Does it not mattar that we have a black man for our President? I know what you are thinking.. No, I did not vote for him.. as a matter of fact, the majority of white people who did vote for him, now have second thoughts. He is a one term President.

Our Congress is loaded with blacks. Did you ever hear of the black caucus..No. I am sure that you have no idea what i am talking about..

Did you ever hear of affirmative action. well for your information, it is an act that grants preferance to nlacks over whotes in job placements.

Black farmers were just granted $50,000.00 for some kind of injustice that they claimed.
The list is endless..
The white man keeps getting it up the Kista.. That should make you happy. But 2012 is coming and we will put things back the way thst they were.

i have no desire to pick a fight with you European liberals.. But I do reserve my right to speak my piece
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Zeti, You Europeans are too serious about life. We Americans have a broader sense of humor.. This is normaL for Americans to make fun of each other. Bohemians are called Bohunks, Italians (Wops) Jews (Kikes) Irish (Spicks) Germans ( Kraut heads ) Greeks ( Grease balls) Arabs (Rag Heads) french (Frogs) Mexicans (Chicanos) Koreans ( Gooks)

This is normal in the states.. right or wrong.. We live with it.
6 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I'm not saying your a racist in that you like to wear pillow cases and burn crosses, I'm just suggesting you haven't considered a few social aspects of things.

For your information, I have never worn a klan uniform.As a matter of fact, I have never seen a so called Klansman. I was under the impression that the klan was disbanded over 50 yrs ago.

It's idiots like you, who have never lived in the US, seem to know what we endure better that we Yanks do.

As for the Poles in England, I would gladly give you three blacks for every Pole that wanted to come to America. Poles in the states do not have to clean toilets or do menial labor. Our labor force is full of Poles. You would be surprised how many Polish millionairs there are over here. In Florida ,where I live. Look into a phone book and see the polish names. These people worked, saved their money and retired in the land of pleasant living.

5 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Geeze1 I thought that i was finished with this thread. But I see not much has changed since i was here earlier in the day. There are questions being asked that I feel should be answered as best as i can. But mine is not the final word. I am not anathority on this issue.. I merely express my views. This is not only a Americam versus Europe thing.. Here in America it is an everyday battle. We have about the same amount of liberals as conservatives. (bigots)

Ziti! I cant answer your question about Poles on England. But I can tell you that poles are still immigrating to America, and none of them want to leave,once they are here. America with all of its problems is still a land of oppertunity. they are welcomed and not discriminated against. They are hard working and (civilized) they are just like the early immigrants.. I dont know what the problem is in England.

It is said on here that America was built on the backs of blacks.. BULL SHIDT. America was built on the Backs of European immigrants. Our cities were once all white and just about crime free. Our neighborhoods werepretty well ethnic.. Because when the immigrants came over they soight compatibility with their own countrymen.. there were language barriers.. But they all co-existed.. After WW2. The Blacks arrived frpm the south and brought their crime and drug problems with them.. Then came white flight.. As the blacks moved on the whites moved out to the countryside.

Ok i could go on and on but my eyes are giving out. It will be interesting to watch and see where this thread goes..I could put events on here that you wouldnt believe anyhow.

In the meantime i remain your racist, biggoted nunczka

5 Dec 2010
Food / Eating Kielbasa - how do you cook yours? [119]

Merged:Christmas is coming. Need a good fresh Polish kielbasa recipe

I no longer live in a Polish community where good kielbasa was available. I now live in Florida, and have not been able to find a good polish butcher. This xmas I am going to try to make my own. Here is what I know now as far as spices go.

Course black pepper
kosher salt
mustard seed,
touch of marjorim
Lots of garlic.

Anybody have any other suggestions?
5 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]


I am not going to sit here and debate with you as to what is right and what is wrong.
This is after all a forum

Ok Jonni, Again, I repeat. I will not debate this subject anymore.. i am living on borrowed time and I have no desire to get involved in this discussion.

America is a big country. I have accumilated enough of wealth to reside in any state that i want. I now live in Florida far removed from any minorities. So like ,who in the hell cares what Europe does. SOOO, In the mean time Nunczka is going out into the Gulf Of Mexico fishing.. TA TA you losers
5 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I am not going to sit here and debate with you as to what is right and what is wrong. You certainally are entitled as to what you believe., as for me.. just call me a racist.. For this is what I experienced in my life.

I still recall the England that I knew in 1944 as an American GI.. The grass thatched homes and countryside stand out in my mind. I was billeted in a small town called Bridport, in Dorset.The people gave up their homes to us.. I recall the Saturday farmers mkt, where farmer drove their sheep and cattle to sell. This is how I want to remember England.. And not for where it is headed today.. The same goes for all of Europe.
5 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

wow. I didn't know that is possible for a octogenarian to know how to use the Internet...

LOL! I see that some do not believe me on my age.. Tak Nunczka jest stary Dziadek.

As a rule I never advertise this.. But read my Web page: franek.webs.com

Then come back and lock horns with me if ya;ll have any balls at all.

5 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks.
You were around in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries?

All that the European immigrants built.
With the profits from whose labour?

I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks.
You were around in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Look you fool. I am 85 years old. My Parents landed in America with $14.00 dollars in their pockets. They left Poland to seek a new life along with scores of other Immigrants from all over Europe. And the did one hell of a job. With their sacrifices the built America into a super power.

I was in England iduring WW2.. I marveled at the beauty of that country. look what Multicultureism is doing to your country.. it is begining to look like America today.

British Troops returning from combat in Afghanastasn are spat upon,by yorr Muslim guests
5 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

You might as well include me as a racist, for I agree with Jarnowa. Europeans just dont realize the trouble that they are heading for. As a Polish American (1st Generation) I saw what happened to America with the influx of blacks. They are reproducing at the rate of 75% illigitimacy. The State has to carry the burden of feeding them

Our streets have become killing zones. All that the European immigrants built. The blacks destroyed.. White people are fleeing the cities for safety in the country side.

Call me what ever you want.. i stand by my statement.

21 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

The question was asked. ( Why did so many people come to America) Actually, they were hungry and looked for a better life. I included a song from that time translated to english, for those that do not speak Polish


Rough Translation
Highlander, don't you feel sad
To leave your native lands,
From the green forests and meadows
And the silvery streams?

Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!
Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!

And the highlander gazes at the mountains
And wipes away a tear with his sleeve,
Because he must leave the mountains
For bread, Sir, for bread.

Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!
Highlander, don't you feel sad?
Highlander, return to the meadows!
18 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Look at Wroclaw Boy. The odds might seem impossible. A lone wolf with a drive and he seems to have made it. And then look at millions upon millions of Americans (born in the USA) and yet scraping by from food stamp to food stamp? What's up with that?

I think that you will find that the average American is not on food stamps. It is the minorities that abuse this program. Three out of every four American Blacks are born out of wedlock. They are the abusers. Our problem in America is children bearing children that they cannot afford.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Congratulations £ódka. Western men (or most of men in general?)seem to like Asian girls...what are they doing better?

I disagree with you Eurola.. Look around and see just how many men go for Asian women. YUCK! Give me a good Caucasian woman anytime.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Go on - explain it, what does it "mean to be American" as opposed to being any other nationality?

AAh! It is not up to me to explain it, i was born here. You might ask some of your Irish countrymen why they left Ireland for America, and never returned.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Wroclaw Boy:
I see youve been nicely brainwashed too.Quote]

You Europeans just cant understand what it is to be an American. My Father who was a Polish Immigrant took pride to be an American citizen.

He came to America in the early 1900, He worked hard and served in the US Army during WW1. He is dead now, but he left my Brother and I with 4 homes two in Florida, and a business employing 32 people.. TRY THAT IN POLAND.
8 Nov 2010
News / America's Tea Party like Poland's Solidarnosc? [59]

tea party is not like a solidarnosc is the opposite of it.

Bull Shidt Marek. The Tea Party is a grass roots group of people that got fed up with our corrupt government. They figured out that in unity there is strength.. And they proved it last week. I am not a member. i am an independent, but I love what the Tea Party is doing. You can only push people so far. There are still a lot of crooks left.. But in time they too will be gone.
7 Sep 2010
Love / Do African or Afro- American women find Polish men attractive? [179]

(It is not only the Poles that are guilty of this perversion. America and The British Isles are just as guilty.. You see very little of American men mixing with black women, but the white girls are out of control.. Not all of them but there more than enough.Most of it is drug related..
7 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Mixed-Blood Poles in America (Do we count?) [118]

Did you make that up? I've never heard it used anywhere in the USA.

No! This word is used to describe babies born in the US under the 14th amendfment.
