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Posts by RubasznyRumcajs  

Joined: 29 Mar 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 28 Oct 2023
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 495 / In This Archive: 265
From: United Kingdom, Cumbria
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: computers, IT

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4 Jan 2016
Life / Polish and Slavic Art [48]

Merged: Polish folklore t-shirt


Nice photos, great job of the person who's done that!
7 Dec 2015
Life / Is it common for Polish people to speak English in Poland? [122]

:D really? I would have thought FCE was a fair bit harder than that. Still it does depend on grade..:)

1. aye, it should be "should of" not "off" as I've written above (my mistake)- yeah, it's common for "should've" etc.

2. having studied for both I must admit they are... different. Sure, both marks ones knowledge (or proficiency) of English (and, therefore, they are a bit similar) but they do it in a vastly different way, their approach differs. And, apparently (according to NQF) FCE equals (roughly) D-F in GCSE, CAE equals A*-C and CPE is an equivalent to A-levels... But it's really hard to compare those two exams- one is made for people for who English is a foreign language, the other one is made for its native speakers.
7 Dec 2015
Life / Is it common for Polish people to speak English in Poland? [122]

I haven't come across a single Pole who thinks their English is better than that of a native speaker!

oh, you don't know a lot of Poles then!
I had a "pleasure" of working with one- he bloody loved to correct everyones "should off" to "should have" etc, he passed FCE and was full of an extrementum (to put it mildly). He shut up when I've told him I've passed the English GCSE.
18 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Yes, I know that. But I don't want the bureaucracy that it brings. For example, I still drive on a UK licence, and would have to give that up.

you forgot to provide the source for that information (about driving license).
and well... if you are put off by the bureaucracy than it clearly shows how much do you desire polish citizenship. I see no problem in that, but you shouldn't complain about the lack of voting rights (in general elections).
18 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Of course I could have taken Polish citizenship, but in the past that involved giving up my British citizenship.

you know- you can have 2 citizenships for quite a long time now...
10 Sep 2015
News / Poles v Tusk's school 'reform' [58]

yes, Polish kids are great in memorising the knowledge. ZZZZ* reminds you something? How does the Poland stay in the field of innovation? Is it still between Romania and Bulgaria?

*for those unfamiliar it means: Zakuć, Zdać, Zapić, Zapomnieć
15 Jul 2015
News / Boom for food exports from Poland [17]

Yes but a horrible news for the world which is going to come back to cause a lot of death including in Poland.


By supporting shia muslims sunnis are getting weaker. I'd rather prefer them to fight with each other :)

Monsanto has poisoned the food in most of the world which makes Polands crops much more valuable.

You have little knowledge about biology, don't you?

People soon will catch on when they find out we are being used as "experiments" to the effects from this.

People, as a specie, would get nowhere without modifying it's food. All what you eat now (even that idiotic "organic" food) is genetically modified one way or another. remember- selective breeding is also a kind of modification. Every plant we eat now, every animal we keep- all of them have been modified on a genetic level. Sure, during a rather costy, long and not-very effective process, but still.

btw, do you like seedless grapes, watermelons or red grapefruits?

We all know that Iran (Muslims) have one goal in mind and will do, say, lie, cheat, steal, kill, to obtain it.
Just hang on and you will see that Polish food exports to Iran will not out weigh the consequences in the
long run.

yeah yeah yeah. Sure *wink* *wink*
15 Jul 2015
UK, Ireland / Polish community in the UK: are you happy? [46]

I am completing my MA dissertation about the positive role of the Polish community in the UK.

Well... I'm, in general, happy. Although, to be honest, without explaining one's definition of happiness it's really hard to say anything. But yeah, I've got most of the things I wish to have, I'm still better off than most humanity ever was.

2. Since being in the UK have you experienced racism/stigma/hate crime because of your nationality?

Well... Once (and only once) I have been told (directly in face) that I came here to steal jobs and that Polish food is crap. It was strange, because it took place in so called "Polish Shop" o.O

3. Do you regularly meet, socialise or communicate with other Poles? Why or why not?

I work in a food factory, on some shifts Poles account for 50% of people there, so it would be almost impossible not to communicate/meet/socialize with them. After work, however, I hardly see much point. Most people my age are either married, or works 12 hours shifts so there is little time (not to mention that I am not a very sociable person ;)).

4. Do you regularly meet, socialise or communicate with non-Polish people? If so, what nationality are they? If not, why not?

Currently I live with a naturalized Ukrainian-born British citizen, a Bulgarian one and a (lovely) Scottish chick.
But as I've stated- I'm not really sociable person, I'm fine in my own company. However, to be honest, I sometimes do go out with workmates for a pint or two- than I don't care about their nationality.

5. Do you feel that you belong and are made welcome in this country?

Yes, usually- yes.
I sometimes feel a bit awkward when someone asks me "Are you going home for holidays?". WTF, if man chooses to live in a country for over a decade, it becomes his home. Also, some people (not too many) clearly have some problems with immigrants (truth to be said- some of those problems are valid, others are just whinging).

But yeah, I do consider Britain (or to be more specific: The North) to be my (new) home (that, altogether with higher-than-my-polish-workmates knowledge of local customs and history, and altogether with the fact that I've took the oath to the Queenie means that for many I'm not a "true Pole" anymore, some idiots even used term Volksdeutsche /Folkenglish ;)?/)

Have any of you gained or applied for British citizenship ? .

yes, I did. Couple of years ago.
I've passed test (really easy... and out-of-date /it wasn't updated with data from the last census yet/), filled all documents, provided HO with all data and information it needed (damn... I've even took detailed bank account history /with all transaction, going back over 6 years, on it/ got it stamped and dated by bank and I've sent it to HO), took the Oath and got papers. With me there was 4 people (two arabic-speaking guys, one gurkha and one indian woman).

If anything will go as I've planned, I'll apply to join TA soon (I wish to be a local pig in dpm, also known as RMP- but even normal infantryman would be fine)
15 Jul 2015
News / Boom for food exports from Poland [17]

inbreeding in the Scottish aristocracy usually takes the form of receding chins and buck teeth whereas inbreeding in Bison manifests itself
by infertility, still birth and early death

clearly, the first sign of inbreeding is loss of hearing and lowering cognitive skill (amongst humans I mean), right?
31 May 2015
History / Chance of Lwów once again became coming part of Poland [344]

They are no chances of Lviv "going back to Poland".
Poland already has problems with its economy; getting eastern Ukraine lands would bring even more problems (economical and social).
20 May 2015
Life / Foreigners in Poland: migrants, immigrants and expats [13]

migrant- either immigrant or emigrant or a member of internal migration (i.e. within the same country).
expat = emigrant (like: British expat living in PL= emigrant from Britain living in Poland).

it certainly doesn't sound that hard, does it?
12 May 2015
UK, Ireland / Are Poles in UK really that big of a deal? [112]

LOL indeed.
First- people would have to vote for UK leaving UE. Sure, more Daily Mail and Sun articles about "evil EU" and it may happen. or may not.

Beside- even if there would be a "yes" vote, it will take years to actually leave EU. It's not a matter of weeks.

Thirdly- even if aforementioned conditions will be met- nobody will be able to (legally) sent legal immigrants to their countries of origin.

And on the end: yes, it would be an awesome thing. maybe all those bloody British oaps would be sent back home from Spain. I'm sure UK will be able to accommodate them ;)
24 Mar 2015
Genealogy / How to legally change your name in Poland? [15]


I once saw that you can change your name in Poland if its not Polish enough, does anyone know how its done?

You can change the surname if it doesn't sound Polish to it's Polish equivalent (like: from Schwarz into Szwarc or Kubitz into Kubic(ki)). You need to go to UPC, they will tell you what to do. When I've changed mine (to the name and surname I'm using, I have got 2 citizenships) I had to get a "proper" translation of my deed poll (40 pln), fill the application out (including a short novel about "why do you wan't to change your name")- that cost me about 34 pln, before submitting the form I had also to get a full copy of my birth certificate (odpis pelny aktu urodzenia)- which cost me about 35 pln, than I got my (foreign) passport photocopied as well as my driving licence, all the forms were submitted and within the couple of weeks I got a decision that my name was changed, that they've send papers to amend my (original) birth certificate.
17 Mar 2015
Language / "-ska" Polish last name different from "-ski"? [15]

It costs about £30 and then you can use this document to send to the Passport office, DVLA, Bank, etc... this way you won't have to get your marriage certificate translated and send multiple copies to all the companies, then spend time explaining why your name is slightly different to your husbands!

actually, a deed poll costs nothing. you can write one for yourself on any bit of paper- as long as you cease to use your old name and start using the new one and you will have witness' signature on it.


Surnames of Polish names ending with an "a"

I have seen the meaning of a few of the suffixs in the surnames. I was wondering if an "a" at the end of a surname has any meaning. I have known a few poles with an "a" including my family.

Surnames ending with an "a" suggest that they are being referred to a female. So when you say:

Mr. Kowalski - it is referred to a male Kowalski
Ms. Kowalska - it refers to female Kowalska

Other than that it doesn't have any special meaning.
7 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

haha, it would be hard to find more ignorant people than Brits (with some exceptions, naturally). And it wouldn't hurt you to learn a foreign language (not necessary Polish, as you are clearly too limited for that).

And about integration: you can complain about Poles "not integrating well enough" when Brits living in Spain (how many of your kind flooded Spain) and other countries. yeah, Brits are integrating well my arse
6 Mar 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

You all stay in your little cliques and make no effort whatsoever to blend into our society.

I'm in relationship with Scottish lady; I've changed, after naturalization, my name and surname to something easier for Anglophones (because half of them are unable to even rewrite it properly from one piece of paper to another).
26 Jan 2015
Life / Whats with going to sauna naked in Poland? [41]

My clothes were sneakers,shorts and a tanktop as I always like to go to sauna for 10 minutes for a warmup up before work out.Is that something strange to do?

you are aware that when your gym instructor said that you have to warm up he didn't mean like that? you need to use your muscles, as many as possible.

yeah a problem???????????????
same back...whats with wearing speedos in pool and on beaches??heard of swimming trunks?

although i haven't seem anyone in speedos for quite a long time (God thanks!) I hate swimming trunks (the "USA Style"). sorry, but swimming in defacto shorts isn't nice. I prefer something that resemble boxers.

and about clothing: if you are in men's only sauna, you can either be naked (the best thing to do) or have a towel on top of your laps. Wearing any kind of underwear highly limits the air circulation.