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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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2 Feb 2011
News / Polish teenager gives birth live on British TV [15]

What happens if you cant pay in Poland,do they send you home with a large cork?

Good God Almighty Halina.....seriously,what on earth is this problem you seem to see in this clip???
Just what about it is "scandelous",either now or 10 years ago?

Graphic image of childbirth?Really? Bloomin heck,you would not have liked the video we were shown as 12 year olds at school then.....( and yes,that was rather more than 10 years ago:) )

The type of people who come here to breed???? Jesus,they seem like a nice couple....at least Dad is around and so obviously proud as punch.....

Swearing during childbirth....how gosh darn shocking!!! I imagine if the Pope had to p!ss out a Bowling ball his language would be pretty fruity.......
1 Feb 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Theres more examples Im sure,but it ties in with using police equipment,divulging information ,incitement( I didnt see incitment but Im not a money grubbing "rights lawyer".).

Others have got in trouble for posting "jokes" etc too on line.......
But again,pretty irelevent to the topic now its been cleared up.

Lets get back to the original topic now!
1 Feb 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

no,you missunderstand,I can say what the heck I like,no problems,but,for instance when I was in the civil service it was a different case,all sorts of restrictions,part of the official secrets act. the confusion was if M worked for the police she could have got in trouble repeating such views off line in the way they have to have (allegedly ...) higher standards....

there is no neutared free speach for private citizens here....beyond some daft self censorship that goes on

so I'll put it plainly.Please remove this part of the thread
If you want to continue the debate on free speach Im happy to use a different example for debates sake.
1 Feb 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

rightO,sorry . :) Wasnt meant badly,just I know how bonkers some of the "Equality" and "incitment"laws are getting here these days. People who work for the UK Police have been fired or penalised for far less, (possible legal interpretation) racialy inflamitory postings on line. Should have been a pm chat though maybe, will MODS maybe remove these posts then please?
1 Feb 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Sorry,my mistake, I remember your earlier thoughts on this topic where you mentioned being sick of going to police stations in london to translate for roma.....
1 Feb 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Whats with the Protestant Work Ethic infecting a Polish discussion forum?

Love it ! :)

(Observations based on Polish Roma living in London).

made while working for the Met Police,ahem,acording to my mates in the UK police you're verging close to breaking a sh1t load of laws here M'.....(just a warning,I dont agree with half of what you say but you're entitled to your opinions.)

...you could take the mainland ones too...win-win for all! :)

Weve a few of them here now too....colourfull skirts and pretty headscarfes...the women are bit less presentable though ;)

I don't envy them their life of leisure because they seem to be paying quite a heavy price for it, healthwise.

This is fact, Gypsy radio (yes,it exists here in the midlands..) had a programe on this,really terrible levels of health in "our" gypsy and traveller communities(pre arrival of Roms' er,Rom's),very similar to your average Glaswegian...
31 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

whereas duped brits like you just blindly throw money at the

Ive never thrown money at anyone in my life you strange man....

You've probably never been to the rynek in Wroclaw

No,admitedly not had that "pleasure",normally either 30,000 feet above it or fast asleep driving past it....
Have had Roma hassling me for money though ,still,had more white Polish tramps and drop outs hassle me for money in Warsaw and Krakow than you canshake a stick at....One Roma and her daughter (?) did ask for money on a warsaw bus once,I refused,that same bus route later that day a chalky faced Polish kid tried dipping into my pocket....I guess "get the F**K off" when shouted is pretty universal.....

Maybe its simply "our" Romanys havent faced the level of hysterical persecution the mainland european Roma have ,at least in the last couple of hundred years. Some level of persecution yes but it would be like an american jew comparing 40s US anti sematisim to 40s german anti semitism...
31 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

youz Normans are the blow ins compared to the Irish travellers, it's a question of timing :p

Yep,with hindsight and less falling down juice in me I feel a bit of a nob using "pikey"...tho I do save thhe right like Chris Rock does to use the N word when talking about specific F*$%in P!key$........especialy with my accent tha knows lad,eeh bah gum;


[quote=BBman]and don't even have a written language of their own!

Lols,says the man writing in Latin script.......in a language borrowed from dozens of other languages who speaks Polish,a sub language of Slavic,ultimatly leading back to Bulgaria...who genuinly do have a writen and spoken language of their own :)

They dont write stuff down in their own language,wow,maybe its the same reason they dont like teaching any outsiders their language....

I've asked many gypsies in Poland why they don't want to work and/or go to school - not a single one of them wanted to answer my question!

Yeah,sure you have :) Was that with a clip board in hand?[/quote]
30 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Are those travelers you speak of are Irish? Do you have a link to them? I never heard of them...

No,but come visit me in Doncaster,I can introduce you to these so called ethnic minorities...

I know more about Irish travelers and they are not guests, they are as indigenous as I am.

Not in England they're not !

Still host countries as they are still foreign, not assimilating/adapting, not integrating in the end.

Most of the "Romany" people did slide into filling a gap in British culture and many many of them are well integrated in wider British society.


article in Spiegel about a gypsy village in Hungary...still speaking an outlandish language

What, Magyar?

Have any of you actually talked to any Roma?


Visited them at home?


Eaten at their table (not WITH them though, because that would defile them ritually)?

Rubbish. Some just have different ideas of food preparation similar but different to the way observing Jews store and prepare food....

but the main problem is that they don't come over in most European towns as cultured people, living from singing and dancing and circussing or whatever.

Untill Romanias borders opened this was EXACTLY how they were seen in Paris....how do you square dancing singing and performing as not cultered though????If that was your meaning..
30 Jan 2011
Life / Support wanted to stop the sale of live carp in Poland [74]

Doesnt sound very nice,but,Im afraid I pick up on a few things.
If a Pole who came here 13 years ago wanting to ban Morris Dancing,much as I might agree with that Pole Id probably come down on the side of "well,its our tradition mate".

We are far to far removed in this day and age from the realities of where food comes from. If its meat,sorry,but at one time it was probably a cute and fluffy little thing skipping around a field.

For me,it feels far more "honest" to kill the animal you are about to eat yourself,and after all,who knows how many Carp do get under the skin of people at Christmas and end up being snuck back into the Vistula ? ;)
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

In UK our primary schools are more or less

doing their own thing. Maybe your kids primary school has a narrow view,or maybe its more that Anne Frank's story connected with your kids in the same way I still remember a book we read at that age in school about a kid living in the rubble of Warsaw.

My mates daughter has just finished her WW2 "module" and from what she was telling me (and asking endless questions) about was learning of Child evacuees,The Blitz,Rationing,Battle of Britain,Normandy and VE day.

Not sure if she even knows yet that we fought Japan too. But thats the point,you cant claim something in primary school is all a child is going to be exposed to.

Id also add that you could argue that kids for decades here have been "brainwashed" into despise the British Empire...one quick look on say youtube's comments shows how well that worked for the sinnister unnamed "brainwashers" of our youth.

ps,"Brainwashing" Western term for Chi Com "re-education" method used in the Korean war to convert US/UK etc POWs into good little communist turn coats. All post war studies confirmed that " Brainwashing" even in those extreme cases,only lasted with any effect for a maximum of 6 weeks after exposure......

its hardly a liftimes damgage unless the person brainwashed didnt have much up top to begin with.
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

I was sat open mouthed most of the way through that !!!! Either from OMG what is that CHILD wearing/thinking/dancing like......to OMG how can the coppers and bailifs be such twats....

Interesting link,thanks.Though I was a bit puzzled by this "excuse"
"Truth: Just as in any other ethnic minority, some Gypsies are involved in crime. But Gypsies and Travellers say they have been criminalized by laws created to curtail their traditional lifestyle."

Anyone could argue that for cri sake!..
Traditionally my ancestors raided other clans for Cows and Women.....but Id like to see me claiming Ethnic Scots Highland Tradition at my Kidnap,rape and cattle rustling Trial......

or another one
Crime rates can actually go down when Gypsies move into an area.
Yep,because Police Patrols have tripled.......
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

The Roma are ,generally speaking , a very private people. They rarely talk about the Gypsy Holocaust as they see it as a terrible event of the past,and one that many of them feel,or felt untill recently,was a past maybe best kept quiet so as not to give ideas to the peoples/governments of today.

And,please,without it descending into the usual zionist conspiricy b0ll0x ,there are far more Jewish people with access to the various media outlets,be they news,publishing or film making than there are people of Roma descent.
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

ahh good ole' Europe.. alive and well.

Yeah,we can all learn lessons from you guys pete
lesson one;
Police community relations;
(insert Devil grin emoticon here) ;)
Lesson two;
Education/female emancipation;

From people I have spoken to, who were interned on the Isle of Man, they enjoyed their time because it was an opportunity to educate themselves.

My miss reading,sorry warszawski...see ^ . Thats why I pointed out the clear difference :)
Dont know if you saw the David Badiel doc' but didnt he point out the hideous coincidence of the refugee's seeing the Manx symbol on arrival in Douglas harbour?
28 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

So why the sarcasm?

Sorry,wasnt meant to come across as sarcastic,more as you point out,how many people would know dates,especialy with such a date with a more "famous" meaning to most Poles.

"Pikey" is what I highlighted.

Do you know it's considered as bad as "nigger" ?

Well in that case I reserve my right to use it a la Chris Rock then.
Im not going into details but Ive known too many " Irish travelling folk" to get all sentimental about them.
They are not a seperate race but they are a seperate "culture" and sorry to say its as enlightened a culture as Sharia Islam.

Maybe you are not familiar with British history, Jews were interned during WWII.

Lol,nice try Jews were not interned for being Jews,quite the opposite,Jews ended up being interned because the British government rightly or wrongly refused to "discriminate" on religious grounds between a Christain german and a Jewish german.

many being held in the same camps at Knockaloe and Douglas on the Isle of Man. The internees included enemy aliens from the Axis Powers, principally Germany and Italy.

Aye,but maybe instead of just pasting wiki have a look at this "camp" on the isle of man.....hardly a "concentration camp" in the acepted sense....and dont then come back with.."but what about thierasianstadt"....

Only Jews who happened to be from any of the Axis powers nations were interned,no other jews were locked up.......
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

I've heard it suggested the word "lollipop" could be derived from Rom words for "Red Apple" (think toffee apples)

Could be,but it also sounds like old navy slang lolli(from loblolli) pop,(poop) ,but its fascinating anyway.
Lol to the " I Tink so much" only works with a begod and begorrah voice though ;)

I do like the whole...Dont say Poland is in eastern Europe ...thing when "the west" seems a catch all for anywhere across the german border stopping somewhere in California :)
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Yep,theres loads of Romany words in our local dialect,crazy thought that theyd be understood that far east though:)
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Im going back to the days when I was in highschool in the early 90s,back then there was no "sanitised " way to teach the Holocaust.

Doncaster area.
Do they also use Chaver/chaveh in that area?
Its another english romany word for young lad (Basicaly,young,tracksuit and baseball cap types were called chavers or chavy round here years before the whole "Chav" phenomenom)

We had a huge number of"legit" Romany Gypsys here for decades. Lots had settled but lots didnt and still travelled but always came back to the outskirts of my village. As a kid I remember the real old school Horse waggons,gorgeous things they were.(Im mid 30s)

The Gypsys round here,sure,faced a bit of stick from a minority but most people knew them as nice friendly people.
Then last 15 years or so there has been an influx of really nasty irish pikey families into Doncaster and so many minor thugs that Im sure give a bad name to the majority. This influx of people who are in the main "below the radar" legal wise in many ways coincided with labours excesive Equality drive. Irish tinker/crime families suddenly became a "persecuted ethnic minority" and with this came a general blending of tinker/traveller/gypsy/irish thug into one mass...much to the detriment of law abiding(or more discretly law bending) Romanys.

. Paulina,stop trolling :)
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

they just ended up trying to buy pints with fake pound coins.

lol,those lead coins are a larf :) Must cost more to make the fakes :)
Trevak,the irish "travellers" here have knicked so much real gypsy culture over the years that its becoming intermingled....local dialect around here uses Gadjer as young,slightly dodgy lad.

The Travellers still have the same view of so called outsiders though and see non traveller girls as trashy fair game(plainly because non traveller girls havnt been brainwashed into victorian ideas of a womans place).

No,"West" is a rather broad church is it not....sorta like me saying your schools and Georgian schools teach the same....
No,its not "only jews" we are taught about in school....and,BTW, I bought the video when I was 13/14,is it not true that most schools around Europe avoid the holocaust untill age 15?

Re,what am I talking about....shame on you if you are Polish and August the 1st 1944 doesnt mean anything to you :(
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

and then barred them the next day when they had no more money.

or more plausibly barred them the next day after the thousands of pounds damage caused and the constant sexual harassment of non gadjo girls working behind the bar....come on,you lost credibility there with the Irish pikey running out of beer money bit.....:)

Must say I prefer the style and grace of Polska Roma to our versions...
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

I have only recently read about Romani in WWII death camps, unfortunately it has not had the publicity that it should have had in my life.

Ironically,seeing as the way some are taking this,it was only through my buying a cheap video years ago that I learnt about the persecution. Mind you,the Roma were Gassed starting 1st august 44,I guess Poles have other things to remember on that day....BTW,ironic because it was a Polish made film called "And The Violins Stopped Playing" .

advertised as racist, discriminatory and prove that Poles are racists !

No,it simply showed that some Poles ARE rascist....the follow up posts on here just proved they arnt the only Poles/"others" who are rascist,seemples.
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

Teffle,they are Irish,what else do I call them? They are not Roma,or Sinti etc,not even Gypsies.
The racialy Roma people I know have nothing to do with them.
So no,when white irish tinkers are responsible for dispraportianatly so much crime its hardly rascist for one (part) irish white man to call another white irish man anything is it.
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

It's a pretty vicious circle of discrimination and reaction, just depends on what part of the circle that you start at when looking at the problem.

Questions answered,one sentence.
Edit after reading Harrys link to the artical....
So,the Roma have no "form"? It seems there isnt the excuse that Roma are known to start huge fights or smash windows or generally run riot like the (non Roma) irish pikeys that we get then...Have to agree,smacks of pure rascism...."they leave tables untidy and are dirty..." How pathetic an excuse. Maybe a helpfull sign like " Nur fur Polen" might be handy...
27 Jan 2011
News / Pubs in Poznan kick out Roma? [256]

There was no "Devouring" over here but Pikeys are still a nightmare in bars and pubs any that arnt flea pits tend to have "polite" No Travellers signs in the windows.....Work behind a bar during a Pikey wedding and then try to still stay all liberal and happy clappy on the subject.
27 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / How Poles and other Slavs celebrate and participate in USA everyday life. Chicago as Polish province? [47]

This depends on local ordinances..

Thanks Pete.

I don't think they were literally firing at the church. The same thing is done in Mexico on Christmas I believe.

Again,thanks,thats where I was coming from,the mediteranian countries like Spain and Italy that Ive spent Christmas times in seem "noisy" too in their celebrations unlike boring old UK...that was all :)

yep the little bugger snores way too loud

LMAO,yes,did come across a bit twee,I guess coz a little part of me was worried it might be something like southerns answer lol The Spanish have some rather "grim" ways of celebrating the expulsion of the Moors and I wondered if this was a similar idea..
26 Jan 2011
Real Estate / Where to live, where to avoid in Krakow [28]

if it can be compared to Glasgow i am not afraid to move to Nowa Huta. ;)

Edinburgh felt very welcoming.

Thats coz its not Glasgow..... }:O