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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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2 Jul 2011
History / Polabia back to Slavs? [113]

Most Germans cry because they lost Prussia.

What would you know about "most Germans"? Ever been to Germany? Or Poland?

Some German

So "most Germans" has now become "some Germans". I see. :-D
You still haven't answered the question, very relevant since we're discussing the Poland/German hinterland, have you ever been to either country?
1 Jul 2011
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

They would gain much more If there was free market instead of CAP.

More likely lose out badly since farming here isn't exactly efficient.

Building that with external money will only slow down development of Poland.

One of the sillier things I've read here - without EU money (not external - Poland is a full member as you well know) there is nothing to suggest that anything more than a few minor projects would go ahead, and those badly.

Butt, you've been totally brainwashed by EUnuchs. You suck it up as easily as your grandpas did with those bul*shiites of moustache gay.

A very strange thing to say.

Paid your share of the EU subsidy back yet, as you promised to?
1 Jul 2011
Law / Thinking of opening up a Greek restaurant in Poland, bad idea or good? Jenkei [45]

there is expectation that noticable numbers of Greeks will disperse through EU countries. The market for Greek items demanded by ex-pat Greeks is going to expand greatly.

That's an interesting thought, and presumably Greek products will be cheap due to their need to export as much as possible.

My feeling though is that Warsaw or Poznan are more likely bets for a dedicated Greek shop, since Podkarpackie is more a place of emigration than immigration.
1 Jul 2011
Law / Thinking of opening up a Greek restaurant in Poland, bad idea or good? Jenkei [45]

the ubiquitous sweetened cabbage

What possessed anyone to create that muck?

I remember reading a Polish recipe for something particularly bland, even by the standards of '90s Poland which ended with the sentence "If you want to make it spicy, add a tomato"!

The OP's idea for a Greek shop in Podkarpackie is in teresting but ambitious - better make a decent Greek cafe and have a product range of retail stuff for sale - thereby having 2 income streams.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

Do, Tell me the latest & most reliable theories?'

Just take your OCD meds and look at the latest studies, instead of sitting up at all hours (what time is it on your continent?) quoting from discredited studies posted on the internet by cranks. And quit saying that Poland existed 11000 yearsa ago.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

I have studied alot on Anthropology & Over the years I have found multiple arcticles

Says a lot.

Fine, Proto Poles

That phrase isn't widely or respectably used.

If you had "studied alot on Anthropology", whatever that means, you would be aware of the latest and most reliable hypotheses.

You seem to think you know it all. Give me a direct refute.

What, in the name of the English language, is a "direct refute", OCD Boy?
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

Lithuanian still retains many of the original features of the nominal morphology found in the common ancestors of the Indo-European languages like Sanskrit and Latin, and has therefore been the focus of much study in the area of Indo-European linguistics.

Again, nonsense from wikipedia.

Studies in the field of comparative linguistics have shown it to be the most conservative

Disputed and refuted studies.

They were from Poland & they had R1a haplogroup like Poles.

What else can you call them?

Certainly not Poles. No respected historian uses that term for the people who lived on the present RP territory in that period. Being a nation isn't about DNA, it is about shared cultural values and experiences. Not descent. You, for example, are not part of the nation.

Would you like it to be called Pre Polish Poland?

That would be more accurate.

Essentially for 11,000 + years Poles have been genetically the same R1a haplogroup people as they are today

There were no Poles 11000 years ago.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

Why exactly that folk out of all other European nations has preserved the ancient language roots?

They haven't and Meillet (born 1866) and largely a scholar of the Greek oral tradition, was proved wrong on this point decades ago. Stop cutting and pasting from dodgy and inaccurate internet sites.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

The same is shown with the oldest R1a in Europe being in Poland.

Again, you don't really understand what you're posting about - migration patterns in those days can't be determined solely by DNA records, nor can you describe anything in that period as being 'in Poland'.

Overall the Lithuanian language seems to be the closest language to Sanskrit.

But, Lithuanian & Slavic languages are distant relatives.

Balto-Slavic languages are thought to have split off from the same source.

There is not one word of truth here.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

It shows that the oldest evidence of a Wagon is in Poland of the Broncice pot & then 200 years later it is found in the Ukraine & then 800 years after the Bronocice pot in Central Russian Androno culture.

I don't know how someting of that period can be "in Poland" in the sense that Poland didn't exist in any recognisable form until over 3000 years later.

That gives evidence of

That gives no evidence whatsoever.

The Haplogroup evidenc

Haplogroups are 'evidence' for nothing.

Balto Slavic languages are considered the closest to Pre Indo-European languages.

No they aren't.

As they share similarities to Sanskrit & Also Western Indo-European languages as well.

All languages of the Indo-European family share those 'similarities'.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

Central Asians used Kurgan Burial mounds in their culture.

The Oldest Kurgan is found in Poland.

There are multiple links.

Pure speculation and bad history as well as bad science. To relate something that happened "by 4,600 years ago" to Poland is bizarre, misleading and untruthful. "Ther (sic) are multiple links" between all cultures in that period,not just the two you pluck from thin air. Nothing to do with Poland, and to make some wild claim that" Central Asian culture spread from Poland" on the basis of some unreliable hypothesis about the Kurgans (who were not Polish) is sheer comedy.

Stick to writing about your Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - it's something you obviously actually know about.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

The earliest expansion time for R-M458 is found in Poland (10.7ky), but since the paper uses the effective mutation rate that I criticized elsewhere, this date should be divided by a factor of 3 giving an age of 3.6ky. This matches quite well the age for the Balto-Slavic split according to Gray and Atkinson. As with the recent paper on J-P58, adopting the germline rate makes excellent sense.

Which is both pointless and bad science. There is no evidence that Central Asian culture (or people) 'spread from' Poland, which didn't exist in any form whatsoever in the time frame you are trying to talk about.
1 Jul 2011
Genealogy / Are Scandanavians a mix between Polish & Iberian stock? [70]

Central Asians have direct roots in Poland actually.

No they don't.

The genetic evidence shows the R1a haplogroup in Poland directly spread from Poland into Central Asia a few thousand years ago.
These people were thought to be Indo-Europeans who likely bought the Indo-European language to India.

Pointless and untrue.

This topic concerning the cross-pollination, so to speak, of cultures throughout Europe (and beyond), like all such endeavors, is fraught with misinformation and often plain nonsense!

Very much so - it's dangerous to assume cultural (and cultic) practices and innovations are inseparable from genetic descent.

this is @PolskiMocz we are dealing with here. Pearls before swine, sadly.


PolskiMoc spends his days masturbating

Looks that way.
30 Jun 2011
News / Poland's Kaczynski blames Russia for brother's death [30]

For letting them have a spacious flat in Żolibórz during commie time ?

A spacious house even - it's actually quite nice despite being on a main road.

That said, the translation of private grief into political crusade is demeaning, opportunistic ... inappropriate. Both Gordon Brown and David Cameron lost children during the last government and NEITHER made political capital out of it.

And the public didn't even get to hear about Tony Blair's serious family problem until well after he left office and the story was no longer 'hot' - no politician tried to use it against him either.

In short - yesterday's man.

Very much - even when he had some political support he was disastrous - in defeat he is a walking windbag of paranoia.
30 Jun 2011
News / €80 billion for Poland new EU budget [166]

In practice It will be no more than 70, we will take no more than 60 out of it paying no less than 35 into it directly, add abandoned tariffs, additional burocracy, CO2 penalties and other bullsites they are going to invent soon and we will hardly make a penny out of it. It should be free trade area, nothing more.

That's quite a chunk per capita and plenty for you to personally pay back your share, as you promised to. You can send the check to me.
30 Jun 2011
News / Citizen-led Initiative on Abortion Law in Poland [50]

I know of a woman who was preganant with a foetus that wasn't even a foetus - it wasn't alive nor ever would be and didn't resemble a person. She lives in south-east Poland where no hospital in the region would terminate the pregnancy despite it being legal in her situation - she had to borrow money from a rich relative and have it done privately in Warsaw - the alternative would have been to continue for nine months knowing she had to give birth to something that wasn't a baby.
30 Jun 2011
Work / The Goal: 3000pln a month, Lets make it happen! [13]

you just need to find some school that got some kinda tour guide program or smth

Not exactly concrete advice.

Just what Poland needs....Some dope growing dope who doesn't want to contribute to the good and betterment of Poland.

Exactly. He should try somewhere else, like Bangkok to bum around in.
30 Jun 2011
News / Citizen-led Initiative on Abortion Law in Poland [50]

think when a woman screws around and gets pregnant, she should be responsible for her actions.

And when the baby's father is its grandfather or uncle? Or when the foetus isn't viable or is so profoundly disabled that it will have a short and joyless life?

there are millions of people who will adopt it

Not even thousands, and for the most profoundly handicapped, not even dozens.

Abortion is easily available in every large town in Poland - doctors advertise in the nespapers. What this 'citizen-led initiative' is about is religious obsessives and extremists wanting to impose their views on others. There was a small group of them in Warsaw today holding up pictures of foetuses. A weird looking bunch - they were being ignored.
30 Jun 2011
News / Insulting Catholics in Poland can get you 2 years in jail? [67]

I wonder what would happen if we send Richard Dawkins to Poland.

As far as I know he's been here at least twice. And the Polish Society of Atheists and Humanists seems to be thriving.

in most cases a fine is imposed

In 'most cases'? How many successful and unappealed convictions do you know of?
29 Jun 2011
Study / Summer camp for English speaking kids in Poland? [30]

Sorry JonnyM and warszawski but I'm not connected with any company and I'm sorry if my post sounded like advertising.

Actually you are very connected with a company. In the other thread where you have a house to let you post a link to the advert. It has your phone number - exactly the same number on your 'city tennis club' website.

So you are lying. This tennis place is evidently something to avoid.

I don't worry about the camp.

Given the flagrant advertising and the proprietor pretending to be a customer, perhaps people should worry and certainly think twice before entrusting their kids to you.
28 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

All the deviates who are constantly flaunting their dissolute promiscuity in people's faces and forcing their skewed anti-values on others seem to be the prime target of those remarks.

How would you know?
28 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

Jesus, Jesus and Jesus.


St Paul if anything. There's no record of Jesus ever expressing an opinion on the matter.
28 Jun 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish Lawyers in UK [6]

they have a Polish speaking solicitor

There are many such companies. You can find adverts in any of the Polish language newspapers or websites for Poles in the UK.

they helped me with my claim

All solicitors in the UK operate to the same guidlines.

Here's a link to The Law Society, which all solicitors are members of - you can use the site to find a Polish speaking solicitor nearest to where you live.

Another option is The Citizens' Advice Bureau. It is free and independent and offers Polish language services. I recommend them.
26 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

the fact remains that closted homosexuals

A subject that you have demonstrated time and time again that you know an awful lot about.

Don't believe it? Do some research.

No, I don't believe it. There is no research on the health and life expectancy of people who choose to keep their sexuality a secret. The moment they revealed their sexuality to a researcher (and how would a researcher find someone 'closeted'? By knocking on the presbytery door?), they would no longer be 'closeted'.

Here in Poland, where it is not neccessary to lie about such an important part of ones life, the gay people I know are usually in rude health, thank you very much.
26 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

There is homosexual behaviour, not homosexuality

In some cultures yes. In Europe however, including Poland, there is homosexual identity. A culturally rich and important part of the nation.
25 Jun 2011
Life / Homosexuality in Polish Culture [231]

I notice you didn't whine at your gay buddy up there for posting about gay activities in Chicago.

Read again, carefully. Maybe get an adult to explain it to you:

For gay Polish guys in Chicago, here's a link to a gay Polish group: www meetup.com/Polscy-Geje-w-Chicago-Polish-and-Gay-in-Chicago/

So again, what do you know about homosexuality in Polish culture?
