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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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8 Jul 2011
Off-Topic / Countries and your associations in 5 words/descriptions. [56]

That's really interesting! But why the government is interested in keeping the desert? For those military purposes or there are some unique fauna populates the area?

Because it's a unique ecosystem.
8 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

No. It was about 1938, staged by the Polish Army and filmed (I think) by Pathe News - it was the last true cavalry charge in Europe, with ceremonial uniforms, sabres etc. Worth watching - it must be on the internet somewhere.
8 Jul 2011
Off-Topic / Countries and your associations in 5 words/descriptions. [56]

In Poland? I didn't know that.

The only true desert in Europe, near Będzin and caused by excessive tree-felling centuries ago. It looks like a desert too, though it's slowly starting to undesertify (is that a word?) and the government are considering steps to preserve it.

It's probably not worth a special visit, but the main road goes quite near, and it's interesting to see.
8 Jul 2011
History / Sabaton 40-1. Poland WW2 (updated with: Uprising) [39]

And so the historical slur
was created - spread by Russians.

Not especially a slur. And a lot to do with some (famous at the time) newsreel footage of a Polish cavalry charge.
7 Jul 2011
News / EU presidency to cost Poland 110 million euro [33]

I'm surprised Tusk just kept his head down and let him make a dummy out of him

He didn't - he avoided the issue for very good reason. Tusk, in his speech for the start of the presidency made a huge impression - his political credibility has never been higher. It would have been a bad decision to get drawn into an argument with a member of some right wing fringe party.
7 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Brits or Poles more eager to try new foods? [17]

Many Brits are turned off by sour milk, head cheese, tripe, jellied pig trotters and black pudding (kaszanka) a to mention but a few.

Pigs' trotters and black pudding are part of standard British cuisine and tripe and brawn (head cheese) are regional specialities in parts of the UK. Sour milk is rightly ignored.
7 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

Like I said, Piłsudski was a rough man, who didn't write books.

Actually quite educated and very, very cultured.

That would mean that hatred towards Dmowski is a hobby of a small group of Polish leftists and foreigners, while the most of society recognizes him as a great patriot.

Here in Poland he's largely a footnote in history, whereas Marshal Pilsudski is regarded as the father of the modern nation.

Only a bunch of Polish leftists (surprisingly often gay) and foreigners loath him -

A weird thing to say.

Most of his ideas are of course no longer suitable for modern-day Poland, but so is the politics of Piłsudski, unless you want somebody to organize a coup d'etat, killing several hundred Poles and establishing authoritarian rule. But it doesn't mean the two weren't Polish patriots back in their time.

One issue is that Pilsudski was quite realistic about his role and its pragnatic place in history whereas Dmowski the demagogue, ever sniping at Poland's leadership from the sidelines and organising boycotts when he didn't agree with election results had rather less humility.

I don't even know why he brought that up. Perhaps he thinks that a person's attitude towards Jews is the most important factor, by which we should judge whether or not somebody was a Polish patriot

At that time and place in history, when many people were both Poes and Jews, it is significant. And again, the great Pilsudski is to be admired for his actions.
7 Jul 2011
Genealogy / LOOKING FOR "RIGHTEOUS CHRISTIANS" IN POLAND - BEDZIN, BRZOZOW / Cyganek, Gruszczynski, Chura [17]

The Polish Association of Righteous anong the Nations should have up to date contact details if they are still living.

The organisation is called: Polskie Towarzystwo Sprawiedliwych Wśród Narodów Świata

Here's a link to their website with contact details. Remember that most of them are very old so a reply to a query in English might not come back immediately - their office isn't open every day: sprawiedliwi.org
6 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

What is written on the board?

Plastic horse - only give him plastic straws.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

How a Polish patriot from the first half of the 20th century could not be "racist" when Poles were opressed or threathened by other nationalities?

Quite easily, many including Pilsudski were not.

Whether or not that Dmowski statement was sincere to Russians is debatable

His own writings and actions at the time leave no room for debate about his views. Pilsudski strongly (and wisely) opposed him tooth and nail on this matter. If he had not, the history of Europe may well have been very different.

especially given the fact that the Russians were somehow less successful at russification of Poles, than the Germans were at germanization.

Lifted pretty well word for word from Wikipedia. So you really are talking about matters you don't understand.

all those despised Christians

Read what he actually wrote about Christianity - he detested its values. He also detested the concepts of tolerance, diversity and liberalism - which may well have contributed to his failure and Pilsudski's success.

Piłsudski, despite his disagreements with Dmowski, was a big enough Pole to appreciate what Dmowski did for Poland. You are not.

This from someone a continent away who has contributed nothing to Poland and only likes the idea of Dmowski because of his openly racist views.

Pilsudski, on the other hand (who loathed Dmowski and his ilk) was a true Polish patriot, liberal, tolerant and at the same timke both idealistic and pragmatic. What by the way is your take on Pilsudski's contemporary and ally, President Narutowicz?
6 Jul 2011
Life / Questions about Poland (traffic / fines, school year, talking about past, minimum wage) [21]

I would further this and say if it is a homeless old person, getting out the car after running him down and shouting abuse at him( as well as giving him a few kicks) is also promoted by the police;)

I saw something like this a few days ago in Warsaw. Except the police breathalysed the (sober) driver immediately and didn't breathalyse the (drunk) tramp who was hit probably because they were waiting for his alcohol levels to decrease to make an easier case for the prosecutor.
6 Jul 2011
History / Forgotten great Polish writers [4]

It's the anniversary of Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński's death this week (he was murdered during the war). His writings are as fresh today as they ever were and he was one of the most interesting and dynamic figures of pre-war Polish life.

To celebrate his life, there's a walk round Warsaw, conducted by a PTTK guide among others, visiting the places he lived, worked and performed in. It starts outside Miodowa 3, at 11am on 9 July and should last about 2 hours.


Worth adding that the guide and talk is in the Polish language.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

to put labels on Dmowski NOW

Because certain labels fit. Fascist is one - it was a label that fit at the time and still fits aptly. In his writings (I assume you've read Dmowski and aren't just shooting your mouth off) he openly admired Mussolini and Dollfuss, and espoused the fascist cause. Racist, certainly, from his first book, Thoughts of a young Pole, throught the least pleasant passages of Polityka Polska i odbudowanie państwa right through to organising boycotts of businesses based on their ownership.

words "patriot" and "nation".

Describing Dmowski as a patriot is interesting, especially as he initially(and strongly) supported the idea of Poland as an autonomous region of Russia. To talk about 'nation' too is odd - among the shared cultural values that make the Polish nation, both Christianity and tolerance play a large part - Dmowski despised both.

He was not fit to lick the boots of Pilsudski and Narutowicz.
6 Jul 2011
Real Estate / WOODEN HUNTERS TOWERS ON MY LAND in POLAND.....is it legal....? [59]

Do i have to keep it intact in case they want it back

Quite possibly.

or can i drive my Jeep over it and use it for firewood....?

Personally I'd do just that and deny all knowledge. Or just chuck petrol on it and watch it go up in flames, with a drink in hand.
6 Jul 2011
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

I actually believe his political adversary Roman Dmowski had a better vision for Poland

Perhaps you believe that because he was an outspoken racist and fascist, which the great Pilsudski, a true hero, was most certainly not.
4 Jul 2011
History / Why is the Battle of Grunwald celebrated more than the Battle of Lubiszewo? [29]

a much higher of Germans being slaughtered

1. Do you think that's good?
2. Do you realise it was more a civil conflict than a war between 'Poland' aad 'Germany' which existed in very different forms than we would recognise now?

3. Have you visited the site of either battle? Or Poland at all?
3 Jul 2011
Real Estate / How to find a flat in Warsaw [9]

Try Gumtree Warszawa - that's usually the best source. Avoid small ads in the newspaper, they're often put in by agents pretending to be the flat's owner.
3 Jul 2011
News / Citizen-led Initiative on Abortion Law in Poland [50]


Why 'we'? You aren't a Pole and have never even been to Poland.

BThere it is generally a good thing because alot of the trash get abortions.

What a dreadful thing to say.