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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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4 Mar 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

No,I know,we'd do our bit,its just how much that bit would be is what gets me. Do you know the RAF just sacked 100 trainee Pilots halfway through training? We are short of CH 47 s yet we sell them to libya......the RN Frigate that helped exacuate non libyans from bhenghazi sailed home with refugees straight to decommisioning...
4 Mar 2011
News / US air base to be in Poland [193]

The Guardian reported that under the plan, reportedly approved by Clinton, the United States, Britain, Germany and Poland would deploy troops in the region in case of a military aggression against the Baltic States or Poland itself.

LOLS LMAO,yeah,and we all know THATS gonna happen......after deploying the catering corps and the civil war re enactors to libya next week the only armed men left in Britain;

  • Britains Baltic Task Force
4 Mar 2011
News / Irena Kwiatkowska died on March 3, 2011 [14]

Oh good god,you could have warned me about the green paint!! Never ceased to amaze me visiting people in really nice flats and appartments in Warsaw that the corridors all looked like old style prisons :)

she showed this English-style comedy performance:

This woman would have slipped right into Coronation Street :)
Bless her.
3 Mar 2011
Law / I was fined for not having a tram ticket in Poland. How does this affect me? [68]

By looking at it, of course. He would need to show a Dowod Osobista or a Karta Pobytu. Neither of them easy to fake.

and,its about here I began to whistle the theme to The Great Escape......" Gutt Luck." " Oh,Thank You,.....bugger...." :)

Is Poland raciest country?

Nah,Id say Holland,those red striped windows 'l have yer eye out :)
2 Mar 2011
History / "I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski [130]

Hmm ... I wish I could say that. The Dutch railwayworkers refused to take part in the April/May-strike of 1943. They striked from September 1944 until the liberation, when of course, "the damage had already been done"

Oh,it must be the Trams Im thinking of in half remembered old footage then , yes,striking when you presume your country will be liberated in a matter of days (mad tuesday etc) is probably not in the same league as the earlier ones.

"Fortunately" the Dutch (even back then) grew tulip bulbs ...

As "neutrally " british I'll post a link to show again it wasnt only Poles and jews suffering terribly at the hands of the nazis that winter.

2 Mar 2011
History / "I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski [130]

Most notably, the Dutch Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) collaborated as well,

yes,but only after going on strike and risking their lives surely?
I know that there were a lot of Dutch "nazis" but on the flip side the Dutch who opposed the nazi edicts did tend to do so rather more loudly than their neighbours.
2 Mar 2011
History / "I was more afraid of fellow Poles than Nazi German Officers", says Bartoszewski [130]

How does he know these people were from surrounding villages and not former Warsaw residents?
A lady I spoke to who had served in the AK in the Mokotow district during the Uprising,but who managed to slip out as a civilian after the surrender told me that when she returned to Warsaw people just collected what they could in a sort of,"we have all lost everything,lets make the best of things now "spirit. I dont know if Im explaining this adequetly.....It wasnt seen as looting as such,as in most cases no one one be returning to collect anything. If you want to call a heroine of the AK a "looter" then I suppose technically the sheet music she picked up would count.....though maybe not the chunk of shrapnel,the only possesions she had at the time and still owns.

This frankly looks like either an interviewee butt kissing the paper he is talking to or a bit of creative editing on die welts part.

Though I will say,it sort of ties in with another thing she told me,that at least with the Germans you knew where you stood,they hated you,you hated them,and they always told you if they were going to shoot you,as opposessed to the soviets and polish communists who loudly proclaimed slavic fraternity ,clasped you on the back and led you to the execution pits.
2 Mar 2011

George Orwell had so many things right in 1984 (and yes I have actually read it)...but even he couldn't have dreamed this up....

Aye,and just look at the crap fed to the Prols' in the name of "entertainment" these days......one of which is even called Big Brother..........

Greatings from landing strip one :(
2 Mar 2011

You Brits just don't get this idea

Fcuk off,Im from Yorkshire,we invented this idea,you buggers are playing catch up when it comes to cheap nights out :) Ever worn shirt sleeves just baggy enough to slip a pint glass up? If not,your still an amature ;)
2 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / A Mexican-Polish citizen is moving to UK by summer 2011 [38]

hey,what I said had nowt to do with any anti immigration stuff,just me trying to stop a family pitching up ,presumably in search of a better life and finding that life is no longer available in the UK.

trust me,you dont want to be stuck in some Northern former pit town without any work and a heavy accent,even minus the accent Id say it would be mad for a Brit with a job in Poland to come back here and expect to just find a job without any prior contract.

(oh,and I live in a small market town,pop' less than 10,ooo,and Polish food is in all the little shops and I hear Polish everyday still and that goes back to early 04 too. So yes,the Poles did seem to skip a couple of generations as far as immigration movement go's)
1 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / A Mexican-Polish citizen is moving to UK by summer 2011 [38]

Jobs are tight at the minute Mr Wilson.....
Id try and have one lined up before you get here otherwise I just wouldnt bother if I were you,especialy not with a family in tow. You dont want to get here and end up on unemployment benifits and living in the grottiest part of town.

(oh,and take no notice of "top gear" theres muppets in every country.)
27 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Interesting Job Ideas For Intelligent Polish People To Do In The UK? I've given 2 here :) [7]

Does anyone have any other suggestions of work that is rewarding or at least better than service industry jobs?

How about,and despite how it seems, join the frikkin queue of British born graduates who cant find work in this down turn to suit their usually real world useless paper qualifications,this isnt a Pole go home post but a Pole get a grip and face reality post,your G/F is lucky to have a job washing pots in a BnB at the minute.
27 Feb 2011
Language / Polish words that sound funny? [224]

The Polish for Breasts and First sound almost the same,one little letter difference :)
27 Feb 2011
Language / Polish words that sound funny? [224]

ALWAYS brought up

for me its asking to see an old geezers breasts !!!!! ( "First" p.p diw badge :) )
27 Feb 2011
Language / Polish words that sound funny? [224]

I always thought "chciałbym" sounded funny

got to agree now I think about it.....does sound like a vocalisation of the after effects of drinking too much fizzy soda then vurping a little....
27 Feb 2011
Language / Polish words that sound funny? [224]

For some reason when I pronounced the word Wino above a booze shop the english way(which I thought was a funny name for an offy...) my friend nearly pee'd herself laughing......still baffled,something to do with a sore belly was all i got from her mime.....
26 Feb 2011
Travel / Krakow or Warsaw for a 25yr old? [12]

Krakow is more compact,you will see the places you want to go that night as you wander around in the day in the old town.

But both have equal merit,I like both and I first went to them in my mid 20s.
26 Feb 2011
History / Help identify medals for a Polish soldiers Grandson please [7]

Thanks,just found out the others are for the Polish Soviet war and the Siliesian Uprising.
The one on the right:
Medal pamiatkowy za wojnę 1918-21 (Commemorative Medal for 1918-21 War). For Polish-Soviet War, established in 1921

The one in the middle:
Odznaka Krzyż na śląskiej wstędze waleczności i zasługi (Badge Crosss on Silesian ribbon of Valor and Merit) for Silesian uprising 1919-21 (established in 1921)
26 Feb 2011
History / Help identify medals for a Polish soldiers Grandson please [7]

The great grandson of a Polish soldier who served with 2 corps is seeking all sorts of info regarding how his great grandad could have travelled from krakow to palestine ,pointed him in the right directions there,but Im afraid I know very little about medals and other "bling",Im more the history than the awards.

Thanks in advance even if its just links to websites.

24 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Dont ever dare say Black people are not British. They have fought and died for Britain as full free volunteers since the mid 1700s.


  • first Black proffesional footballer and Black officer to lead white troops in ww one.

  • There were 18 nationalities on board HMS Victory, including nine West Indians and one Afri

  • RAF Pilot Officer Vincent Bunting (left) of No 611 Squadron at Biggin Hill, 1943
22 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish community in Northampton (any success stories / bad experiences?) [20]

I think it's ridiculous to form Polish communities in a country that is not Poland

Why? If its to the total exclusion of all non Poles from your life,yes,that would be silly,but,here in my town there have been Polish and Ukrainian clubs since the 1940s. People went to these clubs maybe one evening a week or in the early days to communual English lessons on the weekend but for the rest of the week these people were just British people with "funny" accents. Their kids might hold their wedding receptions in the clubs but they all speak with broad Yorkshire accents and by todays generation its completly intergrated.

i find the english smile very confusing - never know when it is for real and when it's backstabbing.

Thats a shame you felt that way. To be fair ,I think "backstabbing" may be a touch of paranoia on your part(i dont mean that in a funny way,but I know the Dutch too are a little taken aback by the english habit of smiling at strangers :) ) maybe you lived "dahn sarfff" amongst the heathen mockneys but come up north and a smile is a smile,a frown is a frown and a "get the fook out of here "is as much a term of endearment as "flower" :)

Of course I cant speak for everywhere in england,its a hiding to nothing if you think the "english" all have much in commen charector wise;

i've read the book "watching the english"

Ive not read this,I'll have to keep an eye out for it as,being proudly Scottish and irish but having lived amongst the english for 30 out of 35 years it will be interesting. I take it though it has sections on, "watching the brummies" ,"watching the scousers" ,"watching Yorkshire folk",watching lancastrians","southeners","northerners","geordies", "west country",Essex",........................................
21 Feb 2011
Life / Young Poles' manners? [10]

Told this story before,but,when I was about 20 I met a Polish lad about my age in the middle of Arnhem bridge,when he introduced himself he heel clicked,nodded his head and thrust out his hand for a handshake........I was gobbsmacked,I had presumed this was pre war behaviour as no one is that formal with contempories in britain.

Of course not all Polish kids are that OTT well mannered but I did still come across a few like that in Warsaw a couple of years ago,but,they were Scouts,maybe just the sort of kids who no matter their nationality are more likely to be a little more polite anyway.