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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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11 Mar 2011
History / Nowa Huta and other achievments of PRL (People's Republic of Poland) [79]

Funny,every Warsawian I know tells me the same joke...."where do you get the best view of warsaw? from the top of the palace of culture as its the only place you cant see the Palace of culture..."

being a luvvie though I like the idea and qiute like the architecture too :)
10 Mar 2011
Life / Things we enjoyed as kids in Poland [140]

lols,after 25 years and about a dozen house moves I still find myself standing barefoot on some damm miniture grenadier guardsman every now and again :)
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

Im just glad Crow isnt an Irishman :) Sheesh,actually,from now on,Im going to picture Crow as ian paisley, might help me fight the urge to answer his posts with a serious reply :)
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

I'm only glad that things are much better now.

Here Here, God Save Ireland,God Save the queen......and gawd 'elp the rest of us :)

British royal family (that lost all positions among Serbs),

What positions amongst the Serbs you barnpot? Aside from giving the Serbian Royal family safe haven for 70 odd years......
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

No, and maybe there is a misunderstanding, but look again at hague's posts and tell me honestly that it is not simply trolling?

i disagree with most of what he says,but my point is,if he came on and spouted the usuall one sided ill informed crap about all oirish being jolly fiddle playing romantic oppressed revolutionaries and all english as effete devilish imperialist murderors then no one would have called him out.

I understand. I am not locking myself up thinking that things have not improved, because they have, yet, I also might have an idea what it was like in the past.

Do you also have an idea what it was like to run from smoke and dust clouds after a bomb went off in a cinema,shopping centre,pub,thearter etc ad nauseum? Do you have any idea what its like to live in a country,that because of what some Normans did nearlly a thousand years, that has a bunch of thugs are running around murdering civilians? Any clue as to what its like to live in that target country with a name that marks you out as one of the fellow countrymen of the said civilian murdering terrorists,and to sympathise with the cause but deplore the tactics?

The trouble is to a lot of us on here this isnt "History" but basically sh!t we all thought we'd seen the last of in the 1990s,its not abstract or even a case of "our grandparents were...." to too many of us it probably means friends and familiy or in somecases ourselves.
10 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / Penn and all I owe you an explanation... ref to Polish vs. British vs. American [38]

TBH,I couldnt stand pennboy,and dont know half the stuff your all refering too as I dont tend to read things just to get righteously anoyed.....either way, in this I come out on his side,just from the crap im reading in this thread.

Fekkin sins of the father and all that. Grow the fcuk up.
9 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

I think that Ireland cannot complain about UK, didn't she receive some billions pounds aid monies from Britain ?

7 Billion pounds sterling..........and guess what our government needs to save hence tax hikes and service cuts...yup...7 Billion....
Time to let it go.....to be fair,most Irish and British people have,it tends,in my experience,to be Yanks and Poles who blindly eulogies the nasty boyos as some sort of romantic freedom fighters...

isthatu2: I love the way if something doesnt fit into the stereotype of poor oppressed oirish folks and evil nasty englishmen...well,it must be trolling

This, is just mental.

Are you actually serious?

Ok,so if you dont agree you are either a troll or mental...OK, I see the level of debate here......
9 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

Is this thread about Ireland, or the queen going on a jolly no one can afford?

Im sure she can afford it...Im also sure she wont pay a fekkin penny of her (literally) own money.
9 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

I love the way if something doesnt fit into the stereotype of poor oppressed oirish folks and evil nasty englishmen...well,it must be trolling.........I refer to hagueC,not the fekwit pretend paddy.....
8 Mar 2011
Off-Topic / How would Poles react to a visit from Queen Elizabeth? [72]

They don ';t call us the fighting Irish for nothing

lols,yes they do....the taliban,now theres a bunch of big balled boyos....they stand up toe to toe with the British army, they dont blow up women and kids in shopping centres and at war memorials before skulking back down south.

Facts-When Ireland was divided in 1922 the all-island wanted the brits to leave. Therefore the division was undemocratic.

facts,if that was the case,explain all the troubles since then muppet. "all island" my hairy arse......what about the majority in Ulster that didnt want to be a papal backwater?

Why else would have Strongbow invited the English?

lols....dont actually bring real history in to the debate,thats not fair on us wee folk from the isles to cope with.....:)

Just you wait those children are sure going to get it, how brave(:

wow,1867,thats got to be some sort of record,beating even crows usual "news flashes"....

man the way you come across you sound like a plastic paddy in yankville?

Now you mention it.....;) Only people tucked safely a few thousand miles from the bombs talk like that,or knuckle headed chavs on sh!thole derry estates.

and the Rira and the rest are just a shower of drug dealers posing as paras.

thats an idea, catch em,stick em in a para beret and tie em up in the bogside :)

QEII in Poland,yeah,why not,cant see a problem there ,the interested will gawp the rest will moan about closed roads.
8 Mar 2011
Life / Want to watch BBC iplayer in Poland? [59]

Hello....big " ;) " at the end of post..... I spend half my time watching stuff on the net ,Im hardly likely to condem anyone. Why so touchy?

Just to clear something up YOU pay your tv license so YOU can watch tv not so people in Poland can watch it!

So why should YOU get To watch it FOR free then IF Im paying FOR it to BE made her IN the UK and you ARE not paying a PENNY towards IT?
8 Mar 2011
History / When will Russia and Germany return the things they took from the Polish in Poland ? [49]

AMEN! What a great post!

Nail right on the head there!

Crumbs,I shall have to post more during the day,Mr angry tends to come out more at night :)

But at least you can get a decent pint when you're in London....

Aye lad,but has tha seen t'prices, tha cud buy thee sel' a barn full 'finest racin' pidgins this side uv ilkely moor....

I also believe isthatu2 has a good point, that here in the States those further removed from their roots can be the most vocal and yet the most uninformed about current things in the old country.

Thanks,though I claim no first hand experience of the States ( but NYC and,Cajun country are on my destination wish list :) ) but its an impresion I get.

Im Scottish born and proud of it,Im also half irish but in this part of England thats hardly an exception,the same as if Id been part Polish,it just wouldnt mark me out,and didnt so beyond getting a bit rowdy watching Braveheart or an England v Scotland Soccer/Rugby game Im about as "Scots" as Bernie Mac and as "Irish" as Barak O'bama...and would never dream of wearing a Kilt except at a wedding where as Ive seen first hand the north american families walking round edinburgh decked out in full "clan tarten" and talking about "english sasenachs" :)

Its understandable and quite sweet when its innocent affection or even afectation,its only when someone adopts a nationality or "roots" who already has the addition of a rather hatefull personality that problems come up.

re the returning stuff. There has to be a cut off point or where will t all end?
Do I get back a strip of land stolen from one set of ancestors during the aftermath of the 45 and the highland clearances? Maybe another ancestors home in calcuta,sure he was there as part of the emerging empire but he bought the land fair and square so....? Should Dennmark maybe pay reperations for the Vikinger raids? Or the city of Gdansk pay a levy to the descendents of the Hanseatic league? John Paul Jones Bombarded the Yorkshire coast, can I have a tenner in damages please Uncle Sam or does one of his descendents owe me the money? If so,thats handy,I'll ask my Aunt for it next time I visit :)
8 Mar 2011
Life / Want to watch BBC iplayer in Poland? [59]

Your welcome. Us suckers still here pay the license so you can watch Holby City in Poland......oh,wait,you can...its called BBC prime......tw*ts ;)
8 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Criminal gangs luring Polish migrants to UK for benefit fraud [16]

back in the day i remember reading all the adverts in Polish papers from poles advertising work in England for other Poles, of course you had to pay money up front. There were pages and pages of them.

And I remember the first few Poles that turned up in my small town. Shady looking fekkers,middle aged,big 'tasches, black leather jackets and brand new Polish registered BMW's and Audi's........

some of those guys (always guys) boast about what a great success they are, despite sleeping on people's sofas and not having two pennies to rub together,

Lols,met a few of those on my travels too,its like some 1920s sub culture of englishmen wandering round europe living off past real or imagined glories...tragi comic,almost chaplinesque with a dash of Orwell.....
8 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / UK: How to create a perfect scapegoat? [54]

lol, what kind of effed up system is that? Wow, i get 250 for being Polish... I'm scheduling my next VK in London to pick up my money.
BTW what is wrong with your government?

Thank you,someone honest for a change and see's this for what it is,people getting rightly p!ssed off at an over soft touch government...or series of governments. You claim you are joking,but in p!ss take veritas fella

Wow. I'd almost forgotten the Daily Express existed. Much lower profile than it used to have maybe?

It's basically the Mail with the emphasis on neuroses turned down and the pomposity turned up isn't it? It kind of used to be anyway.

Perfect sumation :) Missed out the obsesion with the horse faced hooker princess diana....

show real commitment to the Queen and "britishness" - he would become a British subject.

Which ironically means show a total lack of commitment to or respect for the queen ,thats "britishness" :)

I am sure that when the time will come - the people wraith will be directed at us.
We will pay the price.

nah,your way down the scale mate.......starts at dark brown in shemaghs and slides down the degrees of islam first....
8 Mar 2011
History / When will Russia and Germany return the things they took from the Polish in Poland ? [49]

What "amazes" me is the fact that supposedlly inteligent people still find it "amazing" that "Poles and other nationalities can coexist together here in America whereas their mutual history in Europe was sometimes so violent"....its pretty obvious that people dont give a flying fig where their neighbours ancestors are buried as long as their neighbour is a stand up guy,and frankly Europes centuries of warfare were nothing to do with huge gulfs between people but purely greedy,incompitent or plain evil leaders.......

As to the other theory, my two penneth worth is,the further removed from what you call your roots the more vocal your proclomations of loyalty are. Its the old story of the most tarten clad,haggis eating,bagpipe playing "Scotsmen" tend to be 15th generation Scots Americans/canadians etc rather than some ned in Aberdeen.

When Im in my home area Ive a pretty neutral ,well spoken "northern middle class" accent,when I get near london I sound like,well, eeh bah tat lad,wheres tha going wi tha whippet .....
7 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

There are a few reconstructed villages and manor houses though arnt there?
These cant replace the lost glory but they help to give us an idea.
7 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

back to Poland eh Jonni,lets not thread Hijack....
I think one huge advantage of being on the catholic side of the renaissane is definatly the interior of your churches. My local church is 13th century and looks gorgeous from the outside,inside though it is whitewashed,all the wonderfull art and colour totally destroyed in the 17th C (incidently,at the same time as the roof was striped bare for Cromwells musket balls...)

To some extend that is true, I suppose smaller towns, could have been build in wood!

generally though were not Polish "manor houses" also often built of wood? Ok,hands up,one of my sources for this is Pan tadeusz ...... but I seem to recall wood was never seen as a "second rate" material or a sign of a lack of wealth.
7 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Criminal gangs luring Polish migrants to UK for benefit fraud [16]

I think though,from experience you have to seperate the person who maybe wants a new start and is therefore a bit hazy about their past from those who are out and out crooks. Luckily Ive only really got mixed up with the former and suffered no worse than a bad case of the BS overdose.......
7 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Criminal gangs luring Polish migrants to UK for benefit fraud [16]

I always think that the worst bastards you can meet in a foreign country are your fellow country men

Not just me then......the naive always lower their guard when they meet someone from "home",personaly I raise mine....
7 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

No wonder they are confused: there was not such a thing as an English Renaissance, they went from Middle ages strait to modernity.


During this time Poland had been colonised and at the same time England had expanded its colonial empire, 15th century wealth has nothing to do with the present times.

sorry,could you clarify exactly what colonies england was supposed to have in the 15th century? I dont think Calais really counts as much of an empire does it...

Polands buildings do seem to follow more closely the traditional Italianate style than in western europe,but again,thats down to the difference between the southern and northern renaissance. EG,the Waval could frankly be anywhere in Italy and not stand out....helped I suppose by being designed by an Italian :)
6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

Huge wages until the early 80s. Then huge wages until the 90s, then huge wages until the Poles turned up. The truth may be more prosaic.

Nope,its plain fact jonni. 15 years ago round here when I worked in a warehouse while studying i was on £14.oo an hour,now warehouse wages post 04 are down to minimum wage.....the influx of immigrants has destroyed any progress made around here in the 90s,utterly blown it apart. I dont hate people for coming here,the people I hate are the arrogent bastards that label anyone who doesnt own a bussness as some sub human peasant chav.....come the fekking revoloution i'll be glad to deliver the 21 gramme neck pill to cnuts like them. ;)
6 Mar 2011
Law / Germany and Austria to fully open their labor market to Poles in 2011. Economic growth? [49]

I've never seen any evidence that Poles are claiming benefits in the UK on any large scale.

lols,bless,so turning up and getting free health care without any prior contributions to NI is not counted as a benifit in your eyes....I see Brits in Poland have to pay for medical care,why the fek shouldnt Poles in the UK be made to pay?
6 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

If one stipulates having had the classics in antiquity as necessary as a necessary condition for renaissance then all of Northern Europe is disqualified

Not really, Gaul and Britain were both Latinized Roman provincesand the term "Northern renaissance" is widely accepted for being just that though starting in the low countries.

so stricktly speaking i agree that Poland didnt have a classical renaissance but it certainly enjoyed the benifits and played its part in the wider european renaissance.

You claim that the economic powerhouse was in Italy, but you're wrong. The Polish magnates were richer then some kings in europe and hired the best artist you could find at that time to their courts. The Czartoryski family had a personal court of 375 artist painters teacher etc etc.

P!ssing away your Gold on 375 court painters does not qualify one for the term "Economic Powerhouse" and being stupendously richer than the dirt poor serfs around you does not translate to the thriving middle and trade classes arising in the rest of europe at the time.