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Joined: 27 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Mar 2011
Threads: Total: 16 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 2475 / In This Archive: 1607
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: tak

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1 Feb 2010
Food / Do Polish restaurants use dead dogs fat as a delicacy for you to eat? [41]

I heard it's quite expensive and only eaten by people who really like it as a special treat.

There's a place near Poznań that reputedly do it, but only for the cognoscenti. So you'd probably have to be Korean and certainly known to them before they'd sell it to you.
1 Feb 2010
News / GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7mil [70]

no Polish territory during WW1.

You are right in that it wasn't Poland as a legal entity, but they were preparing for independence, and it was Poland as a geographical and national description.

The invsion of £ódż and Warsaw during WWI was, as i understand it, fairly well received, since the Russians had been ruthless with conscription.
1 Feb 2010
Travel / Are there any African or Carribean restaurants in Warsaw? [15]

A friend of mine from the Carribean has talked about opening a Carribean restaurant, but his business model seems a little adventurous. Something to do with a buffet and dancing.

There used to be a Cuban place near pl. Zbawicela, not sure if there are any others.
1 Feb 2010
Travel / Are there any African or Carribean restaurants in Warsaw? [15]

There's a Brazilian restaurant on ul. Próżna, and there used to be an Ethiopian Cafe next to Aurora on ul. Dobra. May still be there.

I don't suppose Tam Tam counts as authentic African. Last time I went there they'd even given up pretending.
1 Feb 2010
News / GDP of Poland.. 338 billion pop-38.5mil Cali GDP 1.7 Trillion pop-37.7mil [70]

Only one world war was fought on Polish territory - WW2. During WW1 Poland did not exist. Clearer?

There was a lot of fighting during WWI on what is now Polish territory. There are at least two Commonwealth war cemeteries from WWI in Poland. And Polish people were fighting in WWI, albeit on both sides.
1 Feb 2010
Work / Working in Poland in a Non-Polish Speaking Job? - How? What? (no teachers!) [16]

Poland has the highest proportion of male prostitutes, at 15 per cent.( europe )
And if you get to pick your clientele, what a lovely job it could be.
I would be curious to find out what the rates are though.

From 200zl a go for the classier ones (agency charges 300 and keeps 100) down to 10zl for the dregs. Ones working bars get between 50 and 100 depending on all sorts of factors, but the ones in saunas etc generally charge 20zl for a few minutes.

And people desperate enough to do it don't usually have much choice about who they do.
1 Feb 2010
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

absolutly nothing wrong with stealing from foraigners.

Stealing is stealing. And most Poles who steal, steal from other Poles.

before they even the scores

What score, why 'even' anything.?

y do westerners make such a big deal of dirt poor polish person

Why do you use "y" and not 'why'? And provide a source for your nonsense that "westerners" make a "big deal" about anything.


Keep ur textspeak 2 urself, u chav.

so wonderfull and wealthy

Not all are "wonderful" and wealthy. And Poland isn't a particularly poor country. People steal anywhere. Most who steal, do it from greed, a few from necessity. Very few to "even the score".
30 Jan 2010
Life / Can foreigners really understand Poles? [136]

That's what I thought.

In general I agree. With the one rider that England is a very diverse country, and the people in the suburbs of Dorking are a whole different kettle of fish to the people in, say, the North York Moors.
30 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

As I understand it, in Poland it is against the law to have non-factory-fitted modifications to a car where they can affect road safety, or tints over a certain level.

People, generally ********, boy racers and low level mafia do such things, but at their own risk, and liable to be fined if caught.

It's also illegal to have furry dice or rosaries.
29 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

I'm sure you're a good safe driver, who doesn't chat on the cellphone or drink beer while at the wheel.

But should you change your mind, if you darkened your windows beyond the legal limit, who would know?
29 Jan 2010
Law / Polish Cop Took My Car Registration :S [143]

As for seeing the outside- us with tinted windows can do just fine thanks.

So why do so many countries including the UK, US and Poland strictly regulate it?

We just don't care for everyone else to see us in our private space.

Private space? Or a public road, driving a ton of metal with an engine.

A driver with tinted windows could be doing all sorts of things while driving and the police, whose job it is to protect the public from harm, would not be able to see.

But then again you probably don't own a car

In that case he probably doesn't want to get run over by a vodka swilling, blowjob getting, pot smoking, sandwich eating, lipstick applying, cellphone using driver, hidden behind darkened glass.

& wouldn't understand.

Fortunately lawmakers, judges and the police do.
29 Jan 2010
Travel / Fish and Chips in Warsaw [53]

Mushy peas?

Apparently yes, but I didn't notice them.

that Polish fish & chips shop at Koszykowa is quite pricey. What is the relation of the price of McDonald's to your average fish & chips place in Britain?

There's a huge difference between price and value. A medium fish and chips on ul. Koszykowa is a couple of zloty more than a 'big mac meal'. I know which I'd prefer!
29 Jan 2010
News / The Internet totally uncontrolled in Poland? [19]

If this gambling is allowed, then why shouldn't one be able to purchase, say, synthetic morphine and other drugs freely on the net?.

Because you can't just pop down to the cheist and buy synthetic morphine, but you can go to the bookmaker's shop on the High Street and gamble. No reason that there should be a specific restriction relating to the internet.
28 Jan 2010
Law / Company bank account in Poland - can a company use a personal bank account? [11]


Naughty of them. That's perhaps because customers would usually go to the bank of someone they had to pay if they were paying something at the last minute and didn't have any other option!

I use Nordea who don't do that (as far as I know).

But then again, surely most clients would be paying you by transfer?
28 Jan 2010
Law / Company bank account in Poland - can a company use a personal bank account? [11]

but you must have a corporate account (i.e. you can not close the one you gave the details for when setting up your company unless you open another business account). Makes perfect sense, eh?

Perfect logic :-)

Though on advice from the tax office on ul. Lindley'a, I just gave the number of my personal a/c and they were happy with that. At least until they change their mind...

but if a customer goes to my bank to pay money into a business account they will have to pay about 6zł (I think this is the norm in Poland with business accounts?)

This isn't the norm. Which bank do you use?

can anyone confirm if I can keep using my personal account for this?

Yes. This is fine. As long as you keep proper accounts of course.....
28 Jan 2010
Law / Company bank account in Poland - can a company use a personal bank account? [11]

They can have one mandatory official business bank account

Not exactly.

I was told this by the window monkeys when I registered a business for the first couple of times.

The last time, when I checked with her boss, I found out that a Społka needs a dedicated bank account, but a Działaność does not.

So for my main activity that I do through the Spółka, I use the company a/c, for the other thing that I do as a sole trader I use only my personal account. The requirements differ according to the method by which you submit your accounts.
28 Jan 2010
Food / Where can I buy chickpeas in Poland? [10]

And butter beans? is it common in Polish food stores?

Very, but generally dried rather than tinned. The smaller kind are more popular, but you can also get the larger ones in good grocery shops.
27 Jan 2010
Work / Polish translation Masters in Europe [27]

London borough of Redbridge

A friend worked in Primary for Redbridge and had to leave after having a breakdown. She absolutely hated it.

There have been problems surrounding London schools for years, even before the William Tyndale School scandal, and it seems things aren't getting any better.
27 Jan 2010
News / Poland - Third World Country?? [300]

You will see that Poland is actually a 2nd world country

Actually it's (according to the World Bank) an upper-middle-income country.
27 Jan 2010
Work / Polish translation Masters in Europe [27]

She was fascinated by the fact that he was "linking letters" and had "a steady hand" at his age. The boy was about 9.

My God, what sort of school did you work at?

We were taught formal handwriting at seven, and rapped on the knuckles with a ruler (or worse) for making mistakes.

That was about 1974, not so long ago, in a very working class industrial area with huge social problems and on the front page of all UK newspapers this week because of maladjusted children.
27 Jan 2010
Work / Polish translation Masters in Europe [27]

It would be good if they also knew Latin declensions, French conjugation, econometrics and quantum physics.

At five years-old? That would be ambitious even for kids at a good British primary. Latin and French don't need to start until seven or eight, though some schools start languages earlier.

but today I read, speak & write in 3 languages

I have six, one started at school before the age of 8 and another two in secondary school. And not at all a good school to say the least.
27 Jan 2010
Work / Polish translation Masters in Europe [27]

How many British kids actually *read* by age 5?

Many can read simple childrens books before that. A lot depends on the type (and location) of the school and the family background.