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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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21 Mar 2011
Love / Polish girls figure [7]

first, your Polish has to be fluent

lols, I spoke "russish" ,that didnt seem a problem :)

you have to cook and clean

she'd have killed me ! :)

you have to love her mum...

hhmmm,depends on definition and her mum.....;)

the international language of love doesn't count!

hey baby,you aint met me yet....lols :)
21 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

They have joined all the political parties and in the north there is a Polish National in the Police, a small start but a start none the less.

Thats a pretty huge start,without spelling out the obvious. :)
By the way,once and for all britain really really is very sorry for everything,can you please take back "Mrs browns boys",honest,we wernt that bad were we,no one deserves this.......

Yes, Hiberno-English is indeed a mongrel language par excellence.

lols, par excellence, verdamnt recht...sorry,damned right it is ! ;)
21 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

"kasha", "pirogies",

i think,unfortunatly a lot of what Poles presume to be Polish is actually Russian or, plain "generic" slavic,so it will be very hard to pin down just where some of these words came from,but again,most of those words listed so far may be known to english speakers but they never replace english words as such.
21 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

ShortHairThug: uhlan (ułan)From Turkish via French

Well this brings up the question are we talking Polish words that are well known in English or Polish words used daily in the English languages because,like I said,we may describe French uhlans as Uhlans but our own have never been called uhlans,always plain ,english,lancers.

Some people may have heard of kielbasa but no one this side of the atlantic would use it as short hand for bangers etc
20 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

well played mods ;)

JChrist, you got to go there and admire! Now!

Ok,I promise,if you promise,if in the UK to visit York and its Minster.
20 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

I didn't even know all these names, impressed

Nope,Ive been a few times,but that was a cut and paste from the Official site Im afraid :)

But the Alter in Kościół Mariacki was sculpted by Wit Stwosz!

Ive still not got in there yet....maybe its my Methodist childhood or agnostic adulthood,but I always fear a sudden bolt of lightning around catholic churches ;).....nah,actually,it always seems to be either shut or a service going on when Ive been,but,being a bit closer to the low countries a bit of flemmish woodwork is not a main pulling point in Krakow for me....the girl behind the Bar in bar Szara a few meters away back in 04,now she was a reason to hang round the rynek :)
20 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

He's got some great tunes though apparently ;0

Around 1504, King Alexander Jagiello commissioned a German architect Eberhard and an Italian sculptor and architect Francesco the Florentine to rebuild the Gothic residence in a Renaissance fashion. The King’s brother Sigismund I (the Old) continued this enterprise from 1507. Master Francesco, the creator of the decorative stone bay window in the western wing, had erected the eastern wing of the castle, and begun the construction of the arcaded galleries before his death in 1516. Further work was conducted by Master Benedict and then by the famous Bartholomeo Berrecci (the creator of Sigismund’s Chapel in the Cathedral). After his death in 1537 the work was continued by Niccolo Castiglione and Mateo the Italian. The interior decorations were created by sculptors, wood carvers – Sebastian Tauerbach and Hans the Wood-Carver, who built the wooden ceilings, and painters who decorated the walls with friezes and painted royal portraits. The Castle’s halls and chambers gained much splendour after Sigismund I Augustus acquired magnificent Flemish tapestries.

from official site
20 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

The question one could ask is,there are Italianate buildings all over Poland,where are the Polenate buildings?
But only when playing Devils Advocate ...
20 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

nah ,just someone who has waited since the dawn of the internet for an excuse to quote the best film ever :)
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

Well... how peaceful was Italy during the Renaissance?

In Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

No, he was an idealist who had lived in the colonies prior to the independence,he chose right over wrong......faced with the same choices I would hope Id do the same.

Not even during ww2.

never said it was Bizi....but ah well, you try dont you. No,the Jews were forced over the river,as I said in my earlier post,into podgorze in early 42........but,sorry, K' was a ghetto.Thats why it was built.
19 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

At least one of them did,he's called John Paul Jones.....maybe google him..............oh,sorry,were you hoping I was a Jew,sorry to disapoint love,you'll need to find another excuse......


18 Mar 2011


Well,it explains the german fascination with the nudist kulture I suppose,the running about naked bit,very Celtic warrior....on second thoughts,if you guys will cover up your wobbly bits you are more than welcome to the Kilt :)
18 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

exactly,that part of leeds,you know the one, bagel shops every 3 shop fronts and M n S mini markets everywhere ...or North london.....not exactlly ghettos :)..........Distinct districts outside of city jurisdiction where people are forced to live rather than choose to live,well,they're ghettos.....I mean,theres got to be a reason why every tour guide calls K' the "old ghetto" as opposed to the nazi version over the river and not,the place where jewish people chose to live just by complete chance.....sure, by the 20th century no one was forcing anyone to live anywhere till the nazis came along but that changes nothing. Poland had plenty of genuine Ghettos prior to 1939/40
18 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

You are a storry teller man , we did`t have any ghettos in Poland before Hitler . Sorry you feed yourself upon hatred

Lols,whats kazimierz then you loon?

Tell me in what other cities in Europe jews where alowed to live and make a living? besides in Poland.

Any city ,town or village in Britain for over 300 hundred years.....
18 Mar 2011

They just recently made an astounishing discovery in Saxony....it was actually more crowded with Celts way back then than today with Germans. Villages beside villages...

please,just leave the kilts to us though yeah..:)
17 Mar 2011
History / Poland during the Renaissance [146]

so now you don`t know who you are , you go to extreme deniial of everything what`s polish ,

Erm.ahem,um,one problem with that.............Im not Jewish,you strange man.
17 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

Such as?

I'm not being funny, but very few spring to mind

" I dont hate the English,the English are just wankers....." ;)
apart from that,cant see any one getting to het up about being called" Roast Beef"..............always thought that was a lame insult...

"limey" often used on here by keyboard warrior septic tanks who seem stuck in the 1940s and completely forget its not actually an insult but a complement to british ingenuity :)
17 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Bath City offers 80% discount to Polish people [18]

Makes me really fired up and beat the living $hit out of the first Brit I will encounter in Poland.

well thats a bit silly considering the people posting pro Polish or at least anti hate stuff,or worries that this will create hate are all British too,apart from one loony Pole banging on about 303 sqdrn winning the battle of britain all on its own...............
16 Mar 2011
Language / Polish word "Dom" and its similarities in different languages [46]

You are a clever guy so explain why you are going up such a blind alley with this? You cant simply stop at a point in history you like and discount anything prior.....if you do,you turn into crow,ya know,doesnt get that the first humans did not spring from the soil of serbia like some ray harryhausen film....

2nd Dom is my little Boy Dom or Dom Dom (short for Dominik),Love them both,if that helps :-)

Probably not,but it was sweet to read mate :)

Wot e said ;)