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Posts by JonnyM  

Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
Threads: Total: 11 / In This Archive: 9
Posts: Total: 2607 / In This Archive: 2054
From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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20 Jul 2011
Life / What do Poles think of Indians? [35]

So you'll be familiar with the writings of Kortlandt - and most intriguingly, Krell. Do you favour the diffusionist theory? I find it compelling.
19 Jul 2011
Feedback / PolishForums Motto? :) [149]

How about "Poland: the good, the bad and fucktarded Americans pretending to be Polish"?

Gets my vote!
19 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

That's definitely an illuminati sign, Jon

The eye of God!

The 'Illuminati' were a short-lived anti-monarchist group in Bavaria, over 200 years ago. That sign was not theirs. It is older. It's called the Eye of Providence and was a key part of the iconography of the Eighteenth Century.
19 Jul 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

It has an illuminati sign in the middle

No it doesn't

It looks like a mid to late-Eighteenth Century reliquary.
17 Jul 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish restaurants not successful in the USA? [698]


I was less than impressed by their place in the Starówka.

And stay away from Tandoori Palace

Yes. It isn't a good place to go.

Is Arti still open on al. Jerozolimskie? They were always OK, and I noticed the other day that they've got a new place on ul. Francuska.
17 Jul 2011
Travel / Differences between trains in Poland? [15]

That website also shows the TLK - when you click on a given journey it brings up details of trains, little icons. The key is at the bottom left of the screen.
17 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Childish nonsense again.

So you'd sign an agreement saying you won't disclose details - not unusual in my work, I've done it a dozen times - then break that? Very honourable of you.


So in fact you don't kniow and are just trolling.

Paid your share of the EU subsidies back, as you said you would?
17 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

the usual "I know better"

In this case, yes.

you can read up basically all (except special forces and secret services and even that only partially) the information about army officers (name, rank, position etc.) on the internet, It's not any secret

However when one signs something to say one won't talk about it (normal for any military contract), one should keep that promise.

The most you could have ever done is giving a few English lessons at one of many military institutions in Warsaw (looks like you don't even realize which one was that)

Training people is what I do, and it was for a military contract that I came to PL in the first place. I made no other claims in this thread. With me, what you see is what you get - the plain truth. Just not all of it.

BTW, It wasn't a 'military institution', I know exactly which part of the army it was, and I wasn't only in Warsaw.

It's like a guy delivering potatoes to a restaurant in the Sejm was claiming to be an insider in Polish politics


Pathetic, especially in case of an old prick.

Paid your share of the EU subsidies back, as you said you would?
17 Jul 2011
News / "Shale Gas Revolution" will make Poland a Leading Country in Europe! [202]

But guys, what about Norway? How are they extracting their gas? And I hear they've gotten filthy rich from it.

They have got very rich from gas, but there's is offshore because they've got a huge part of the North Sea because their country has a disproportionally large size compared with its population. They have huge offshore Oil and Gas fields. Their gas isn't Shale Gas - it's easy to extract without the dangerous and toxic fracking process.
16 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Lol. The Liberal mind truly is a childish wasteland.

This from you, llama boy. You'll notice that he hasn't commented yet - he doesn't think diversity is a good idea, but hasn't proposed a way forward.
16 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

Its just that its human nature that people from various groups living among each other for long periods of time, have the best chance of getting along the more they have in common.

Like the Wall Street Journal says, here in the US, the towns with the most diversity are the towns with the most tension and least trust among neighbors.

So you favour some form of apartheid.
16 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

just imagine the problems between people who don't even look like each other

So you're saying people have to look like each other to get along?

Part of Spain wants to break off from the rest of Spain and its along diversity lines

'On diversity lines'. LOL
16 Jul 2011
News / Multi-culti (in Poland) -- roadmap to disaster? [344]

The multi-cultural experiment by Poland a few centuries ago led to the destruction of Poland with all the diverse ethnic groups becoming fifth columns in Poland and siding with Poland's neighbors to destroy Poland.

That is one of the most comical things I've heard in ages.
16 Jul 2011
Travel / From Łódź to Auschwitz - route question. [20]

if you take second class then the students' discount are in force, so there is no big difference in price of tickets

Only a small difference.
16 Jul 2011
Travel / From Łódź to Auschwitz - route question. [20]

Remember the memorial is walking distance from the station - you don't need to get the bus if you don't mind a bit of a walk, but if you go round with a guide (recommended) that will include transport to Birkenau.
16 Jul 2011
Travel / From Łódź to Auschwitz - route question. [20]

As I remember the tram isn't very convenient. But cabs in £ódż are cheap.

Which bus route is best from al. Politechnika to Dw. Widzew?
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

You wouldn`t be able to read their ranks by looking at their uniforms

People do tend to introduce themselves - even as soon as you meet them - and in Poland there is the ubiquitous exchange of business cards. That and the lapel flashes which exist to indicate rank. Oh, and the nameplates on their office doors! And of course the list of course participants plus the assessments that trainers have to write.

What a delusionary comment , who is going to believe in such lies?

A weird thing to say. Par for the course, Moania.
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

a special secret mission in the army

No secret missions, just a training contract.

you know many secrets

No big secrets - but when I sign a non-disclosure agreement, I honour my promise.

you crush us 10 thousand times as we all know s*it

Indeedy doody.

Have you given your share of the EU subsidies back yet, as you said you would, Ziobro fan boy?
16 Jul 2011
Love / Wedding Gift for Polish Father of the Groom [4]

Personally I wouldn't. Maybe the embroidery is a better idea. Maybe (if it isn't too long) with the Bogurodzica, a prayer and the oldest text in Polish:

Bogurodzica dziewica, Bogiem sławiena Maryja,
U twego syna Gospodzina Matko zwolena, Maryja!
Zyszczy nam, spuści nam.
Kyrie elison!

Or if it is too long, Jan Pawel 2's motto: Totus Tuus.
16 Jul 2011
News / Military power (Poland #21 in the world) [97]

Especially that the unit you are talking about don't have any people with these ranks.

Really? Does that mean my students were cardboard cutouts? Or maybe the people under whose command that unit is.


So in fact you don't know what you're talking about, as per usual.

comments are pointless full of hatred for Poland

So you haven't really read many, have you, Moania?