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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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28 Mar 2011
News / Polish people mocked and humiliated in Season 7 of House MD [60]

Do you think I generalise people as some do ?

Well,yes,considering a quick peek at the House info will show maybe 2 out of about 10 executive producers may be of jewish descent...........

Hmmmm, I don't watch

Or read either...Im no expert but "Karolina Wydra " don't sound like a PolAm name but rather a

polish actress


Im just glad you all didnt see Holby city the other week. A Polish girl who had married a balding older englishman just to get to stay in the UK.......er............eh?????? uhmm....er,what can you say to that? Oh,the best bit,the Ukrainian nurse who could suddenly...well obviously duh,also speak fluent Polish,as the poor Polish girl could barely speak english after a few years here .......ah well..:)
28 Mar 2011
Work / I'm curious, how much do Polish actors really make? [8]

A hell of a lot more than they will ever admit....or not a whole lot....at 15 I was working in a theatre as an ASM and couldnt get over the Dahlings moaning about being on minimum wage......it was something around 6/7 hundred quid a week for 4 hours "work" a day.......
27 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish people in the UK using the English version of their name? [56]

We are rarely given the opportunity though, if you already know that "margaret" is likely to be Malgorzata and call her that,well,thats great,but you cant expect every english person to know these things.

Ive even had a malgorzata insist I call her margaret even after she realised I could pronounce her real name like a native,had explained that "margarets" are either 80 + or from Zimbabwe and I can sing most of the old uprising song ;)
27 Mar 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

lalala blah blah blah,bizib!tch at it again.....go drink your milk love....if you cant see how on topic i was you are blind as well as just plain nasty.

What right does a US leader have to tell any other nation to compensate dispossed people when its very foundation was based on disposesing and genocide?

The US got its money in 1960,get over it, if they want more money go bug the swiss again.
27 Mar 2011
History / Poland paid off American Jewry in 1960 [162]

He could ask Obama when the US plans to give the Black Hills back to the Lakota?

Again with the obsession,djengi,does rather turn the bellies of the rest of us...mwah,I want my families hovel in Ireland back,and the farm in the Scots highlands,ooh,and the merchants mansion in Calcutta now I think about it...;

26 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

I can't think of any right now...

the ones Id thought of,after hunting down various examples seem to more often be the Dya or dzh sound ,so,your probably right,I learnt a lot of my Russian from people from the sticks north of Petes so.....god knows ,maybe they have a funny accent?
26 Mar 2011
News / 9 year old Polish girl and 10 year old brother killed by World War II bomb [46]

warning left on the bomb

er...Bombs,unlike in cartoons rarely have the word BOMB written in big white letters on them.

and I hope that these few fools don't influence others into thinking that killing innocent people for what their ancestors did is the right way to do things.

and lets hope no generation german american is cheering now and saying "yay,thats for stealing Silesia,Danzig,east prussia,expelling 2 million people etc etc etc ".... not cool.

Who's from Indiana?

James Dean

I am sorry for the pain you family suffered.

Lodz,nice sentiments man,but,lets get real here. Every family in Europe lost people in the last war,everysingle one,why do the ones living in the States think they have a monopoly on sob stories?
26 Mar 2011
History / Polish contribution to World War II (movie) [4]

British campaign in Norway (Battle of Narvik)

Actualy,Franco British operation,the Poles served with the French.

Operation Jubilee (Battle of Dieppe)

Interesting as this is considered a Canadian operation with British support and US observers. Were the Poles part of the Navy effort?

Battle of Arnhem (part of Operation Market Garden)

technicaly the Battle of driel and Oosterbeek for Polish involvement.

Some truelly heroic acheivments highlighted there mate,but a bit vague,mind you,it is wikipedia..:)
25 Mar 2011
Study / The worst of Polish education. No wonder Polish universities are bottom of the list. [142]

IMHO, Poles put far too much emphasis on and obsese over having the right bit of paper from the right place where as in the UK the emphasis is very much on experience and life skills.Hence the silly debate on another thread where all the Poles claimed a Princeton proffesor of History couldnt be any good or indead shouldnt call himself a historian because he origionaly studied sociolagy...FFS.

Ah well, lets just look at our two countries eh. If a million Brits had been forced to move to Poland for work in 04 maybe Id buy the whole "Poland as paradise on Earth" stuff....
24 Mar 2011
Life / The term: "camp aesthetic." Popular in Poland yet? [27]

do you think that camp is trap in general? For art for example?

Aha, now we are getting too deep for me TBH, not being "in the club" only being a friend of friends of Dot' I cant rightly say specifically. But generally,I find ALL labels as being a trap for true Art.

As soon as something is defined something is lost.
24 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Oxford Polish bride 'heartbroken' over arrest - accusations of sham marriage [126]

blah blah i hate the british blah blah blah yankee superiority blah blah Poles rock blah blah nast brits blah blah bla...

Mate,your a Polack living in stolen lands . Stolen once from the natives then again from the Mexicans.....people in glass houses and all that....
24 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

There are a few places in Poland called 'Rędziny' Wiki, and there's a surname Rędziński.

Thanks for info. Still,I stick by my dismisal of gummi bear saying Russian doesnt have the dz sound....I would HOPE people realise thats just wrong...;)
24 Mar 2011
Life / The term: "camp aesthetic." Popular in Poland yet? [27]

If there is "no need" why did my best mate suddenly turn into a lisping queen the minute he came out to me?

He went from average monosylibic former soldier straight to high camp mincing in the bat of a bejewelled eyelash.......he certainly felt a need to show the world and this came out in camp. Thats why I say,is it a trap now. After a day or two I said to him,"look mate is this really who you are ?" when he said "no,not really" i told him to stop being a ****** then and act normally,and by that,be himself,not in a hetro normative way. He felt he had to act in a pretty ridiculas pantomime of femmininity ,the worst, pms ing b!tchy type. To me this isnt much of a sign of progress.

Flip side of that,there was a little boy in the street I grew up in who was as camp as a row of tents from the minute he was a toddler and he has stayed that way all through his life,so for him its obviously a natural expresion of who he is.
24 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

I thunk wrong then

prob not because russian does have those sounds...........not quite as harsh as in Polish but they are there.
23 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Polish women in the UK are having babies at a faster rate than those in Poland [13]

Shes quite a confident girl, dont you think?

She's something,thats for sure. I always find these types funny,she didnt succed in making a life in her own country, had to come here to a backwoods country full of lazy people who have never done anything in a country that the world knows has not contributed anywhere near what Poland has to the world .....daft cow.

Can there be some version of Godwins law,where rather than mention of nazis or hitler is lame but instead Poles banging on about 303 sqdrn as though it saved the day for Britain in 1940........and as though we should bend over and open arse cheeks because of it....
23 Mar 2011
Life / The term: "camp aesthetic." Popular in Poland yet? [27]

when he was creating his objects connected to kitsch and Catholic religion said that he still feel uncomfortable by doing such works because of his Catholic upbringing.

What could be more camp but the Catholic Church for gawds sake? sorry,that argument always falls flat with me..

Is camp now a trap for gay people rather than the liberation it once was? Ive had this debate before as an outsider it seems to me that if I was gay about now id be getting sick of the "aceptable face of homosexuality" as seen in the media,which is safely "other",often b!tchy,queenie and overly sexualised.
22 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / Poles in Ireland by Peadar de Burca. They "turned their backs on a country that gave them" [195]

the party of De Valera

That Yank?

So, basically they are helping to enforce British rule in Ireland?

yes,thats right,one Pole = 12 Black n Tans....after all,Brits are all too lazy and workshy to actually oppress the paddies themselves,we now sub contract to quisling papists........

the idea was just to ignore the drug pushing idiot!

Yeah,but its fun taking the p!ss ;)
21 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

same goes for "ogorki". nobody knows it.

Most people dont even know what they are without a translation on the clear jar......Ive seen stickers over the label saying ghurkin........no,really.....frankly most Britons prior knowladge of ghurkins was that they were that orrible bitter cucumber slice thingy you always throw out your 1/4 pounder with cheese.......seriously, Sunday mornings and britains streets used to be carpeted with ghurkin slices :)
21 Mar 2011
UK, Ireland / How ENGLISH has been affected by POLISH [73]

or English authors with Polish roots like Joseph Conrad etc.

Yep,good excuse to play a few clips from apocolypse now too ;)Sajgon, cholera, jeszcze tylko w Sajgonie,Uwielbiam zapach napalmu o poranku,

so I’ll leave at generic Slavic. Are we all happy now :)

certainly :), I should have """" russian :)